Chapter 448 Joanna’s plan

On the street, a carriage hurriedly passed by.In the carriage, Joanna was leaning against the carriage and thinking.

After a while, she sat up straight and sighed.

"I originally hoped to prepare for one more month. By then Princess Jeanne will be fully prepared, and Constantine's plan can be carried out. It's a pity that now we can only deal with it hastily."

"It is impossible to be fully prepared for everything, miss." Eudocia comforted: "It is already very good to be able to reach this level. You already have a lot more chips than others."

Joanna seemed to be in a slightly better mood and nodded: "When the matter is completed, I will support your mother in showing off her cards to others. At that time, the entire troupe, including the right to use the two theaters, will be yours." ”

Eudocia was silent for a moment.

"Actually, I have no nostalgia for the troupe." She said: "My father has been gone for a long time, and Mr. Mankanis also passed away last year. I don't have many relatives there, so there is no need to continue to stay in the troupe."

"That's what you said." Joanna nodded: "Don't worry, I also know about your mother looking for a lover. But as long as I'm here, they don't dare to do anything."

"Although she helped me several times and introduced you, the most critical work and the most effective suggestions were all made by you. I know very well who has the greatest credit. Now this period is just a matter of time. Transition, when everything settles down, this troupe will definitely be for you. Even if she has other sons and daughters, you don't have to worry about someone snatching it from you."

"The most important thing now is to do the things in front of us well." She regained her energy and gave instructions: "Although I can't count on the Chamber of Commerce, the strength I have accumulated during this period is still somewhat useful."

"Now Constantine is fighting with those noble families. Although it seems that there are few others, I am sure that he will win in the end. I have also contacted the Wang family's group, and none of them can succeed. This time They probably have to tie themselves in. We have to take advantage of this opportunity."

"I'm afraid the Li family really didn't participate at all, and we can't come up with anything. But..." She thought about it halfway, then looked at Eudocia: "After this, what are you going to do? What should we do? Can you still maintain your current relationship with the Li family? "

"I'm afraid it will become more and more difficult." Eudocia shook her head: "I asked Li Lang to find Mr. Guo to help him come up with ideas, but I didn't expect that it would be self-defeating. Mr. Guo had no choice but to start doubting me. The eldest sister of the Shi family suddenly appeared today, and I suspect that it was him who arranged it - although she is in dire straits now, she is not something that ordinary people can control."

"So I can't think about the theater group's problems anymore. This matter is too big. Although it has nothing to do with me directly, after the incident, each company will definitely conduct a comprehensive investigation on the relevant people and industries to prevent them from being implicated again. "

"It has been very difficult for Li Lang and I to get along until now. It is impossible to hide these two things. By then, let alone inheriting the theater company and running it in the city blatantly, I am afraid that the whole of Rome will not be able to tolerate it. Go down."

"In that case..." Joanna thought for a while: "Then you go to Italy and hide away for a while." "When we go to do business around the world, we will arrange an escape route, and this is no exception. You go to the dock, Match the code and they will take you away. After you go to Italy, I will also give you enough funds to allow you to maintain a decent life." She promised.

"Although I am just a businessman, and the initial cooperation was just a transaction, I still understand what is valuable. I must try my best to protect the people who work for me, otherwise who will be willing to cooperate with me in the future?" She said He explained and reassured the other person: "Besides, we can still continue after that."

"The elder of the Li family is young and vigorous. If you continue to get along with him, he may get tired of playing with you, put some pressure on the family, and give up on you. But if you leave voluntarily, it will make him itchy. "Joanna talked eloquently: "Besides, you have been in the aristocratic circle for a long time. You should know that people like them have no shortage of women. Girls who come to their door on their own initiative or are arranged by their families are enough to dazzle them. If you insist on competing with them head-on, not only may you not win, but you may also make people think you are too competitive and jealous."

"Noble men don't like such women. Some people may have this hobby and like to watch women fight for fun, but only if his women are fighting for him, otherwise this happiness will be greatly reduced, because nobles The most important thing, the pleasure of controlling people, has disappeared.”

"But actually, how is that possible?" She shrugged: "Even if we fight for him, the goal is something he can provide, such as interpersonal resources and wealth. Even if this male noble has an advantage in the relationship , the weak still have their own wishes, needs and skills. This relationship is still a process of game between the two parties - except for the almighty Heavenly Father, who dares to say that he can control a person?"

"Although nobles generally lack cultural knowledge, they generally have a lot of knowledge in the romantic field. If the fight is too fierce, they will be aware of this problem. If you exclude a few competitors, it will not affect them. The resources of women at his disposal - he has plenty of people who can be replaced. But breaking this sense of control - even if it is essentially false and disguised, may be a more serious matter."

"But what about the other side? If you don't compete, it won't work either, because others can't help but take the initiative first. My father has been in various palaces all year round, and my mother was once the owner of a palace. They have seen a lot. This is an example." She shook her head: "In the end, conflicts and contradictions among people will escalate rapidly, and many people will end up breaking up and even causing disgraceful things. This is also inevitable."

"It is true that some people have enough charm and wisdom to take care of both, but this requirement is too high and there are too few people who can do it. I'm afraid we ordinary people can't learn it. Since In this case, it’s better to change your mind.”

"You have been his friend since he was a child. This kind of affection accumulated over time cannot be quickly realized and surpassed by others. In this case, sometimes retreat is also a choice. Moreover, these young nobles generally He likes to be unconventional and go against the orders of his elders. If you are driven away, it will strengthen his determination and make him think that you are his lover."

"Miss, you know so much." Eudocia flattered her and asked, "Where did you learn this? Are people like Mr. Guo the same in the Roman court?"

"Well, my contact here is relatively limited. These principles are basically what other ladies told me." Joanna was a little embarrassed and explained: "Of course, men in the world are all the same. This principle should be applicable everywhere.”

"No wonder you and Mr. Guo seem to be separated from each other." Odosia nodded.

"Ah, yes." Joanna said quickly: "Although everyone likes to swear like this, love does not correspond to the concept of eternity. It is just short-term passion. A perfect lover, and It is not someone who stays with you all year round, but someone who appears when necessary and leaves when necessary - you see, this is a very simple truth."

Eudocia glanced at her and said nothing further.

(End of this chapter)

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