Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 482 Big Explosion in Wu Factory

Chapter 482 Big Explosion in Wu Factory (Part )

After the explanation, Princess Ma went to call Captain Jessica to the stove and whispered a few words. The heroine Jeanne hid her mailbox and prepared to talk to Zhu Wenkui brother and sister.

However, Zhu Wenkui came over first and asked her to wait.

"What's the matter?" Heroine Jeanna didn't seem to want to talk to him now, and glanced at him: "Why don't you go to help?"

"Solved." Zhu Wenkui said: "I changed the explosive device."


Heroine Jeanne was still surprised. Zhu Wenkui saw Captain Jessica coming over with a worried look on his face, and waved to greet him.

Captain Jessica looked back and found that Princess Ma had gone to deal with the account documents. She was taking her only maid, piling the things on wooden boards and setting them on fire. While she was distracted, Captain Jessica quickly strode over, pulled Zhu Wenkui aside, and reminded her in a low voice: "Her Majesty the Queen asked me to listen to Miss Jeanne, saying that she would command the evacuation. I don't feel much. Pretty good, this..."

"I know, are you still hinting that when necessary, give up on her first, then my sister, and finally me?" Zhu Wenkui didn't look surprised: "I guess that's what she mainly wanted to say."

"Uh..." Captain Jessica said awkwardly, "She didn't let me tell you..."

"That's my biological mother. I don't know what she wants to say." Zhu Wenkui was speechless: "But it doesn't matter - just listen to me later."

"When I am appointed by you, I will definitely listen to your family, but to be honest, I really don't know who to listen to at this time." Captain Jieska said honestly: "When I accepted the employment, that Mr. Huang gave me I said that according to their etiquette, when His Majesty the King is not present, as the eldest son, you should take over the command. But when I was about to leave, they changed their words and said that according to the etiquette, you should be loyal to Her Majesty the Queen, because She is your mother."

"I told them that when it comes to command, it is most taboo to give orders to many people. It is best to let me decide and tell me who to listen to. Otherwise, your etiquette is always fighting with each other. Who should I listen to? "

"Then what did they tell you in the end?" Jeanne asked.

"I don't know." Captain Jessica spread her hands: "They talked to me for a long time, but I didn't understand it in the end..."

"...Then don't worry about it." Heroine Jean said directly.

"But this may be my last battle." Captain Jessica became unusually stubborn and explained: "I was originally an ordinary old mercenary, the kind that is everywhere in the street, and I have never achieved anything worthy of success in my life. I haven’t even won a few battles. It would be too tragic if in the end, I didn’t even have a good reputation.”

"So, this time I am going to follow their rules and do something serious. As a result, I can't even figure out what their rules are..."

"Why are you studying this?" The heroine Jeana was a little surprised.

"Just now, when Karl and the others left the rear, Brother Zelik and I asked them if there was anything they wanted. He told me that since he was doing this, he would have been prepared to die in battle." The captain told her: "The priest also told us that as long as we keep our faith and die for righteous deeds, everyone will meet in heaven. We all thought before that this was enough."

"But later, I heard what King Wu said and followed his words. As long as they have the ability to establish merit, a generation can become a general and marshal. If people with positions die in their posts, future generations will commemorate them. Those outstanding people will Have your own monument and enjoy a fixed position in the church. Over there, this is the treatment that only the king and a few big nobles have..."

"So, he hopes that a monument can be built for him and his comrades who died in the line of duty according to their current positions."

"If we can survive, the monument is not too difficult. But those positions... To be honest, it was all my father who fooled you." At this time, Zhu Wenkui could not cover up for him, so he simply said: " He is wandering around Europe, looking for support at best, and living a life of begging for food at worst. Can’t you see how valuable the promise in this situation is?”

"This thing is just an empty name, and the inscription on it probably has no meaning. Even if my descendants take this and cross the ocean to go to the Ming Dynasty, I guess it is unlikely that they can actually redeem it for a hereditary officer position." He himself first expressed his pessimism. .

"We actually know the empty name. But how to say this thing... what we lack is actually this empty name." Captain Jessica thought for a while and said to him: "Father Hus and I, and Pu Brother Lokop, we have talked about this topic several times. The doctrinal differences between us and the Roman Church may not be very big. If you think about it carefully, in many places, the reason why we have to fight is actually to use this excuse to give Everyone is just arguing."

"There are many people over there who are dissatisfied with the current situation. However, although everyone is angry and wants to do something, they really have no experience in this area and don't know what to do. Father Hus's sermon gave us An inspiration, so many supporters suddenly appeared - because everyone felt that his analysis of the current bad situation was reasonable, and the solutions he proposed were also promising."

He said, waving and calling others around him to come over.

"Although His Majesty the King has no soldiers or generals, we don't actually worry about this - we can pull people out ourselves. Everyone knows that the promises he made are all empty checks, but he did provide us with a better A realistic plan. He has described to us the Ming Dynasty's management institutions and state organization methods. These alone are enough to attract us." He pointed at the crowd and gestured: "This is what we are actually here for."

"Then you only... need this?" Zhu Wenkui was very surprised and seemed to have never thought about this issue.

"We actually have no requirements. The knowledge and experience your family has provided us, as well as the picture of this ideal country you helped create, are enough as our reward." Next to him, Brother Zelik said with a smile: "Don't worry , although what King Wu told us is indeed very empty in your opinion, it is much more practical and indeed more feasible than the popular theory of heaven on earth in our place. And it is originally for religious ideals. People who have some differences can unite under this short-term goal. I am very optimistic about its future."

"We have no shortage of good men there. Although the position of captain of thousands you gave me is just a name, if I go back from Dadu with this name and experience, I can really recruit a thousand men." Another person Also agreed.

"Yes, when I came, there was already someone in my hometown in Bavaria who claimed to be the lost son of King Wu and led the local farmers to rebel." A young man next to him also said: "Everyone really needs such a reason - of course, The orthodox ones like us are definitely the most advantageous.”

"Huh?" Zhu Wenkui was greatly confused when he learned that he suddenly had a cheap brother.

"We didn't care much about these things before, but now that I think about it, this is not only a comfort to their spirits in heaven, but also a hope for the living." Captain Jessica didn't pay attention to him and continued: "If people later know , those who died for justice can be commemorated, which is also a great encouragement to everyone.

"Then what does this have to do with etiquette?" Heroine Jeanne couldn't help but ask.

"Isn't this the etiquette system?" Captain Jashka said: "I heard those gentlemen say that even when there is no king to maintain the etiquette system, the order of Seris is still higher than that of the barbarians with kings. What about now? We don’t even have a monarch there.”

"The monarchs in the East have the responsibilities of both divine power and royal power. But here, both of them are a mess!" He no longer held back and directly accused him. "After the French captured the Pope, the collapse of the church order has continued for more than a hundred years. Later, His Majesty Gregory wanted to return to Rome. As a result, more than thirty years later, the Holy See not only failed to move from Avignon Instead, in Rome and Avignon, two curia and two popes were created, excommunicating each other, vying to amass money, appointing corrupt officials, and issuing indulgences indiscriminately, hoping to obtain more Great wealth, so as to overwhelm the other party.”

"A few years ago, Sigismund contacted the Parisians and said that he wanted to heal the schism in the church and elect a real pope. As a result, a new pope was elected, but the previous two popes each had their own supporters. Unwilling to abdicate - this has bridged a circle, and the Pope has bridged the gap even more!"

"Do you think these people are fooling around? Can we still count on these losers?" He spread his hands and turned back to everyone.

"As for the emperor, it's even worse. No one takes the plaque of the Holy Roman Empire seriously now. The princes attack each other and compete for the throne, but for so many years, no one has established an effective order. They are just for the family. He only treats this emperor as a tool for his own interests. What kind of monarch can he be?"

"So, if you ask me, we should learn from others and see how they establish order." He asserted: "Only ethics can save Europe now!"

"Then this is the purpose of your monument?" Heroine Jeanne asked strangely.

"Yes, I heard that those who behave upright, are loyal and ethical, do not suffer humiliation for the sake of dignity, do not violate the order of etiquette, and dare to sacrifice their lives. If they die unfortunately, people in Seris will give They built a monument in the shape of a gate to commemorate them." Captain Jessica gestured to the shape of the gate and replied: "This kind of warrior character is called 'Zhen' in the East, and that's how the little princess got her name. After the young master and the others escape, we just hope that we can also build a monument like this for our dead brothers, and everyone will be satisfied."

"Well, I understand how you feel, but..." Seeing their high-spirited looks, the heroine Jeanna hesitated for a moment and reminded: "I heard that this thing is called the 'Zhenlie Archway', which is specially designed for Women. You guys, why are you joining in the fun..."

"Ah? No way." Some people didn't believe it.

"Yes, women have them, why don't they give them to men."

"I think there must be some misunderstanding..."

No one else took her words seriously. Heroine Jeanne couldn't tangle with them at this moment, so she could only ignore them for the time being and said to Captain Jessica: "Don't say so much that you have everything but nothing. Just listen to me as the queen said."

"Then what am I - no, this is not in line with the rules, my military position is higher than yours, I am the commander-in-chief or something..." Captain Jessica was a little strange.

"Okay, okay." Zhu Wenkui didn't have time to lecture, so he said directly: "Captain Yang, follow me first. Find the two who are the best in marksmanship, bring their weapons and follow them. Others, follow Miss Jeanne's command first. ."

"I will set a trap later to see if I can lure the other party into taking the bait. You go and protect my sister and mother, and take them to run away first." After he finished speaking to Miss Jeanne, he then said to Captain Jessica: " Everyone should focus on protecting them, so it’s okay for you to give her priority in the future.”

Captain Jessica thought for a moment and tentatively accepted it. But the heroine Jeanne was unwilling.

"What are you talking about? Are you going to the rear?" She opened her eyes wide, glared at Zhu Wenkui, and scolded mercilessly: "Who do you think you are? With your fighting ability, you can beat them? No one is with you now. Playing house, we are working our butts off.”

"You have to know that we have spent so much effort and died so many people just to save a few of you. If you die, what will happen to those people in front of you? If you see them on your way to see the Heavenly Father, you will not be saved. Would you feel ashamed?"

"You are really mistaken." Zhu Wenkui shook his head: "What you want to protect is not me, but the entire Prince Wu's Mansion. And it's not just you, I am also working hard for this goal. Protecting me is also because of me I happen to be the heir to the palace, not that I have any other special noble qualities. In the final analysis, it is just a means. Therefore, if the entire palace is in danger of destruction, then leaving me alone to save the situation can be regarded as contributing to the ultimate goal. , of course it is reasonable.”

"But..." Heroine Jeanne was still not happy.

"Oh, okay, I will try my best to save my life, and I don't mean to die on purpose." Zhu Wenkui quickly excused himself: "Just tell my mother that I will arrange the workshop."

"What workshop, are you talking about that pile of gunpowder?" Heroine Jean asked.

"Yes. If we run away now, the enemy will definitely pursue them in an organized way. They are better prepared than us. How can we run away at this rate? Even if someone can run away, the losses will be heavy." Zhu Wenkui explained to her again: " I thought of a way to see if I could deceive them and disrupt their command."

"You're not trying to do something crazy again, are you?" Heroine Jeanne asked suspiciously.

"What else can we do now? You don't understand the command matters, so I can just discuss it with Captain Yang." Zhu Wenkui dismissed casually.

"You think I'm stupid, you just want to use the gunpowder you tinkered with." Heroine Jeanna said bluntly: "Those things can blow up the entire palace, how are you going to use them?"

"Don't worry, there are still us." Next to him, Brother Zelik interjected: "I also know about gunpowder. Your Highness the Prince and Captain Jeshka can deal with the enemy with peace of mind, just leave it to me."

"Don't you understand what it means? If you want to detonate it immediately after the enemy rushes in, the operator himself will not be able to escape in time!" Heroine Jeanne said: "This plan is too crazy!"

"Someone has to do it. Many of my brothers have died in the battle. As a clergyman, I can't just tell everyone the truth and let others fight for their lives." Brother Zelik shook his head and said: "This This matter should be done by me."

"Brothers from afar." He turned to look at Zhu Wenkui: "At first, I felt that we, the Romans, and you did not believe in the same religion. But I came here from Bohemia and after entering Rome , walking and stopping, I didn’t encounter a group of thieves setting up a camp on the roadside for ten days before and after; the surrounding villages are also densely populated, and the fields are connected, and there is no free space. "

"The scriptures say that the people favored by God will multiply and multiply, making them as numerous as the dust of the earth. Today, there are few places in the world where the people are diligent and upright, the cities are prosperous, and the population is prosperous, and this is one of them. 1. I don’t believe that these places have not received God’s favor and protection. Obviously, there is something wrong with our understanding.”

"My knowledge is too shallow and I can't make much sense, but I hope that we can find a better future. For this, I am willing to work hard. You don't need to say anything more." He told Jeanne. He said to everyone who was trying to persuade him.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and finally Captain Jessica interrupted them.

"I hope everyone remembers that this is war." He whispered: "Okay, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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