Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 483 Big Explosion in Wu Factory

Chapter 483 Big Explosion in Wu Factory (End)

"It's ironic to say that it has always been the nobles who deceived us. Today, we actually want to deceive them in turn..."

Behind the half-collapsed wall, a middle-aged man muttered.

"We are all descendants of Adam and Eve, no one is nobler than the other." Another young man lay down behind the charred wood pile and set up his musket.

"That's right. You can read, tell me, does it say anything in the scriptures?" the middle-aged man asked.

"I don't know. I don't know much about it. I don't think there are any." The young man said.

"Did the priests say that?"

"When the bishop was preaching on the circuit, he said that nobles and common people were appointed by God. But Brother Zelik said that this sentence did not exist in the scriptures, and he was just talking nonsense."

"Really or not?" the middle-aged man said in surprise: "You Bohemians are exaggerated enough, you can say this casually."

"He is just talking nonsense. I didn't believe it at first..." The young man lowered his voice: "We feel that although the bishop is greedy, he is at least the most authoritative clergy here and cannot doubt others casually. Brother Zelik After all, you are young and your words may not be reliable.”

"So, while I was escorting the caravan, I went to the University of Prague and asked the learned people there. Father Hus was the principal there, and I thought he should be the most learned person, so I took advantage of him to go out. I ran to ask. He also told me that there was no such thing in either the scriptures or the formal church traditions. He also lamented that the bishops had become like tax collectors, talking freely about doctrines and only wanted money. That’s when I started Follow them."

"However, this question was indeed said by a priest. I heard them say that it was said by a priest named John Paul when he was preaching to the believers during the rebellion in England."

"I've never heard of this person." The middle-aged man admitted.

"I had never heard of it before. Later, the priests complained that if we continued to search like this, we would have to rebel like their leader, Watt Taylor. That's when I found out about this man." The young man replied.

"Then have they achieved anything?" the middle-aged man asked.

"No. The noble lord said he wanted to negotiate with everyone, so Walter Taylor acted foolishly. When he got there, he was stabbed to death. Without a leader, everyone else dispersed," the young man said.

"Oh my god. I thought the noble master just liked to cheat money and delay wages." The middle-aged man said in surprise: "If you didn't tell me, I might be fooled in the future. But they are not afraid of continuing like this. No one believes them. Is it done?"

"People do this every day and don't care at all. If you don't believe them, what can you do?" The young man shook his head and said, "Moreover, if we really ask the priests to ask questions, they will blame the matter on their subordinates and say it's all down to them. Knights, or mercenaries recruited temporarily, are unruly and act without permission, which is none of their business. Others can't do anything about it."

"I know that shameless people can easily get rich, but I never thought that they could be so shameless." The middle-aged man whispered: "This is to bully you plain people into being honest. If he were in our forest village over there, he would be so shameless in the future. It's best to be careful. As long as there is a gap when he is alone when traveling or hunting, we have to kill him."

"But you're not bad, boy. If you ask people in universities, you can actually find them - you are also a learned person." The middle-aged man glanced at him and praised: "If we can run out, I will Bring my daughter..."

"Forget it, I can't do it either. My father wanted me to be an apprentice to a shoemaker, so although I can count and write, I can only understand a few trademarks and accounting terms in Latin, and I can't read any scriptures. I don’t understand.” The young man complained: “Otherwise, I wouldn’t be talking nonsense, and I wouldn’t even know.”

"Then you are indeed very knowledgeable." The middle-aged man looked outside and replied: "With your level of intelligence, as long as you have a teacher and study for a period of time, it won't be a problem for you to be able to understand the scriptures."

"No, it's not even close." The young man shook his head: "And it's not just about the scriptures. If you only understand the scriptures, you still may not be able to understand it. Because besides the scriptures, there are also sacred traditions and the like, and the church It is said that those documents are equally sacred and important, and in order to interpret the teachings, one must also learn and understand them."

"There are too many of these things, and church scholars can often only specialize in some of them. When it is necessary to debate the Bible, a group of theologians must even form a team. What do we ordinary people do?"

"So, some people think that those sacred traditions are too mixed and probably not very credible, so they should be abandoned. In this way, religious education will be much simpler, and everyone will not have to be fooled by some people with ulterior motives in the church. .”

"I don't think this is right." The middle-aged man shook his head: "It's like having a disease in your foot. If you don't treat it, you'll cut it off instead. The sacred biography is too complicated, so it should be sorted out; if everyone doesn't know it, it should be sorted out. Education. Otherwise, wouldn’t we be waiting for many heretics to come in and take advantage of the loopholes?”

"I came earlier than you. A few months ago, I took my wife and daughter to Rome. After that, my daughter studied in the local monastery. She told me that the current teachings and laws of the Romans are Vastly simplified.”

"What's going on?" the young man asked curiously.

"When this dynasty was established, the rules were not yet complete. Later they prepared to formally establish a code of law, but at this time, Roman laws were already too complicated." The middle-aged man told him: "It is said that although the Roman Empire has declined, its territory has become more and more The smaller the number, but the legal provisions continue to increase. Ordinary people have no energy to study these laws. Therefore, lawyers hired by the upper class can find excuses from various obscure places and easily deal with them. As time goes by, the people We are all very tired of these laws."

"So, the emperor at that time made an agreement with the citizens that murderers would be sentenced to death, other crimes causing various losses would be dealt with according to military law, and all remaining Roman laws would be abolished."

"Is this okay?" the young man asked in surprise.

"Their dynasty was actually built from scratch. It is almost a society composed of military camps. Simple and clear military law is the basic order of society. Under the leadership of the centurion, everyone recites and memorizes, and has to conduct regular spot checks. ." The middle-aged man told him: "So, their laws are very clear. Even if the country becomes larger and larger, and other parts of the law are added, on the whole, it is still much less than before. I think, their teachings, This is also the idea."

"Then you also said that there will be more and more other parts. In the end, won't there still be more and more parts?" the young man asked.

"Then they will start the next round, establish a new dynasty, and clean up again." The middle-aged man pointed to Zhu Wenkui on the other side, who was setting up at the entrance of the cellar: "Our prince, his family has grown from farmers like this. rise in the midst of it.”

"Hey, what a good idea." The young man also looked back at Zhu Wenkui and said frankly: "It's just...their teachings are very different from what I know. Brother Zelik is a relatively radical reformer." Pai, he told me several times before, saying that the Romans are now starting to mess with the doctrine again..."

"But their management is really good, and their taxes are low." The middle-aged man said.

"Something's wrong, isn't it? How do you get rich when you have confused beliefs? Some people in my hometown believe that people who get rich for no reason have some witchcraft. I don't know if they are some kind of mysterious thing from the East. Power." The young man muttered quietly.

"You are still young and have seen too little. That's just the reason for being extinct." The middle-aged man disagreed: "If you ask me to care about those things, it is better to care about where the taxes are lower - I think you can prosper with lower taxes. There is no need to consider such high-end issues as theology.”

"Why are you just focusing on taxes?"

"Their education is also good. My daughter now has a place to go to school."

"Now that I've moved here, I don't know how to find a piece of land to farm or do something else to make a living? What can I learn in school?"

"Learn Chinese characters."

"Ah?" The young man was a little surprised: "A man can go to school to work as a priest in the church, as an apprentice to a businessman, or as a clerk. What is the use of a woman going to school? Can she support herself? Aren't the Chinese characters all about the church and the army? Use it?"

"Yes, you can teach." The middle-aged man said, "It's not a problem to support yourself."

"Ah? Teach other women?"

"There are both men and women. Many places here only became peaceful within two or three generations, and the time in the border areas was even shorter. Among these people, there are only a handful of people who can read and write, and they will definitely not be able to compete with those in the metropolis. This kind of place may not be as good as Prague. So as long as you know how to read, you won't have to worry about finding a job."

"Can they afford it?"

"You can afford it. After the general environment stabilized and Eastern technology became available, many villages and towns became a lot richer. When people have a little money, they want to make progress even more, so as long as someone is willing to teach, they are willing to provide food and support. She When I'm not in class, I can help her mother do some textiles. Over the course of a year, my income will probably be more than what I've been doing - after all, we can't win every time."

"Then why don't you learn Greek?"

"There are many Chinese schools, but few Greek schools - the Greeks don't seem to have the tradition of opening schools everywhere. And they are all foreign languages ​​anyway, so learning Greek is not as good as learning it. If you really want to learn it, wait until you have mastered Chinese. . Anyway, my daughter learns these things very quickly. By the way, if you can go out later, I will take you to meet her..."

"Ah? That's okay..."

The topic of the two gradually drifted away, and while they were chatting wordlessly, they saw Captain Jessica and Zhu Wenkui trotting over.

"Is there any movement on the other side?" Jessica asked bluntly.

"No." The young man said, "I have been watching them. They were walking around in the distance. There seemed to be some people quarreling, but no one came close."

"They didn't continue digging. I listened here from time to time and saw no movement." The middle-aged man patted a wooden basin that was upside down on the ground next to him. "Could it be that the explosion was too powerful before? Did you scare them?"

"Maybe something happened behind them." Captain Jessica said: "Under normal circumstances, we should fill up all the people we can at this time and rush down at once. We can't stop it. But Ivo I said that when no one was paying attention, he looked out from the ruins on the wall and found that the southeast side was also burning."


"That place is the home of the Italians. I don't know if they got into a fight with someone else, so they didn't continue to provide them with more mercenary support." Jessica analyzed: "They are probably also afraid of fraud, no Dare to go deep directly. Because the remaining people are all brought by the princess herself, they are her last trump card, so she will definitely be worried."

"These are the only people we have." The young man sighed: "I don't know if we can succeed this time..."

"You are also members of the family that my father personally brought in one by one. You are no different from them." Zhu Wenkui comforted: "We dare to fight hard, but they don't dare, so we must win. Don't worry, everyone."

"As for now... I don't know who started the fight with the Italians. But no matter what, it bought us a little more time." He shook his head: "Forget it, no matter who it is, we have to thank them this time. ”

"Then what should we do now? Are we still aiming?" the young man asked: "I have shouted twice that I want to surrender. I feel like they will not be fooled."

"It's okay, this is expected. It would be abnormal if they were easily fooled." Zhu Wenkui told him: "But now, they should have expectations. This time I will show my face and lure their leader out."

"Hey." Captain Jessica sighed: "I always feel that our etiquette has ceased to exist before it even started..."

"What does this mean?" the middle-aged man asked doubtfully.

"That is, according to Eastern rules, it is best not for a son and his mother to have serious conflicts or even attack each other. Otherwise, it will be more troublesome than fighting with his father. Even if it is a nominal mother, it is best not to do this." Jie Captain Shikar told them: "Of course, I'm not sure who Princess Jeanne is..."

"Don't tell me anything about Zhou Li." Zhu Wenkui interrupted him: "I don't even know what this crazy woman is going to do. Return the favor..."

"I guess she originally wanted to hold you hostage. I remember that our count had dealt with his nephew like this before." The young man said, "But I'm not sure whether Rome or the Ming Dynasty can do this. .”

"At this point, it doesn't matter what you originally thought about." The middle-aged man disagreed: "That reckless French woman may not be able to think so far."

"It's hard to say, but they may also cheat." The young man reminded: "We didn't expect these people to be so cunning before. Can we deduce their reaction?"

"Yes, you showed your head, why did they shoot you first?" the young man also asked.

"Then I'll pretend to be dead and fall down." Zhu Wenkui lifted the cloth burqa on his chest to reveal an iron plate inside: "I added an extra layer of protective gear so that I wouldn't be shot to death if my head was exposed. . But you don’t need to worry about me. After I fall, Captain Jessica and the others will yell as planned and drag me back with hooks. Just don’t panic then, because the enemy leader will definitely come to check. At this time, we aimed and fired, and the three groups shot together, do you understand?"

"Your armor is not fully protected." The middle-aged man quickly reminded: "How about you give me your armor, and I will pretend to be you to negotiate for surrender..."

"She knows me, you can't pretend to be different." Zhu Wenkui said directly: "Don't worry, I will try my best to prepare. Who wants to die if there is a chance? There is no way."

"Wherever I can protect it, I can rely on the armor I made myself." He tapped his breastplate: "Wherever I can't protect it, I can rely on Heavenly Father, Bodhisattva, and my ancestors. Anyway, whoever can protect it will be the one who can protect it." Just come and protect me. This is a battlefield, there is no such thing as complete safety."

"You have two guns here. When the first round is fired, the wall in the backyard will be blown open and they will rush out. At this time, shoot another round against the enemies who come to rescue. The leader alone will be ambushed. , there will still be people who are willing to rush forward. But the rescuers have also been shot, and others will hesitate subconsciously, thinking that we still have more firepower." He explained: "Don't ask for these things, follow them and run from behind. " I estimate that when they hear the explosion and see you running away, even those who hesitate will rush in in a hurry. When most of them rush in, Brother Zelik will detonate gunpowder on the other side of the wall," he pointed out. Pointing to the other side: "Everyone in the yard has to go to heaven, so remember to run fast."

"Isn't the monk also very dangerous?" the young man asked quickly.

"We have thought about it. The risk is definitely high, but there is still a way." Captain Jessica said: "The young master has installed the ignition mechanism. The explosive barrel is under the cellar door. Pull the rope. You can shoot and detonate, and then explode with the entire cellar. Therefore, people don’t have to be nearby. The diagonal back of the ancestral hall was dug up by the enemy, wasn’t it? We left a long enough rope and jumped out from there. , and then detonate it. It might be better if there is a wall between them."

He rambled on for a while, and the young man was doubtful. The middle-aged man made the sign of the cross and said, "I hope Heavenly Father will bless him." Then he patted his partner and got ready to go again.

Zhu Wenkui put on his burqa and left with Captain Jessica.

"I said I was fine, but they didn't seem to believe me." Zhu Wenkui whispered, "I don't know if this will affect the morale of the military."

"We are all veterans, and we know something about it. Just comfort them and give them an excuse to soothe their spirits." Captain Jessica replied: "Look, I actually really don't want you to go, but What can be done? This is probably war."

"Yes." Zhu Wenkui also shook his head and thought of something else: "So, Brother Zelik's plan is also to comfort us? To be honest, that plan is too ideal. I don't think it will really work by then. What a hope of escape.”

"Isn't this the same as you?" Captain Jessica said bluntly: "Let everyone know that there is a slight chance of survival, and a lot of efforts have been made to this end. Even if the final outcome is actually the same, it is better than directly saying that you will die. Of course, These are for people who don't have very strong beliefs. If everyone has very strong beliefs, it doesn't matter if they omit this step."

"That's are still great, you understand this. I have learned it."

"Hey, if I was so powerful, how could I fight like this and let others risk their lives for opportunities." Captain Jessica underestimated: "Oh, I just found an extra piece of chain armor and gave it to Mr. Boar Tie it up. If you can't run away, tie the little princess up too, and rush wherever you can. Anyway, as long as someone sends the news out, our death will not be in vain."

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if no one runs out." Zhu Wenkui looked at it openly: "This crazy woman thinks she can take advantage of the rules, but doesn't she think that others can do it too? If I die, my brothers will definitely They will take revenge on me. No matter how clean she is, they will still find an opportunity to kill her."

Captain Jessica nodded, looking relieved.

The two of them bent over and walked behind the wall. Zhu Wenkui pressed on the face of his helmet and shouted twice, but there was still only a whisper of discussion from the other side and no response. He turned around and spread his hands.

"Then, let's take this." Captain Jessica picked up a wooden stick tied with white cloth and handed it to him: "This thing is used by Italian mercenaries to express surrender. Many of the people over there should be there. Italy has fought in the war, so he will probably know about it.”

"There really is such a convenient mark..."

Zhu Wenkui nodded, took it, shook it out, and when he saw no response from the other party, he leaned out half of his body and shouted: "I am Zhu Wenkui, stop fighting, we admit defeat!"

"Come out and see if it's true!" The other party finally responded this time.

Zhu Wenkui raised his hand, planted the flag on the collapsed ruins, and walked out completely: "Some of you should recognize me. If you don't, the princess should also recognize me."

From behind the corner across the street, someone cautiously poked his head out. It was obvious that they were also shocked by the firepower here, and they did not even dare to assemble directly in the open space at the door. After glancing twice and seeing that there was no abnormal reaction from him, the man shrank back again.

Zhu Wenkui pulled off his armor, put one hand behind his back, and signaled to Captain Jashka.

Soon, a group of people appeared at the street corner and confronted him. Zhu Wenkui took the initiative this time and shouted: "Where is your leader? Give me a reply!"

"We are afraid that you are cheating and cannot let you see the princess." someone replied.

"Then whoever of you can make the decision is fine, just give me a confirmation." Zhu Wenkui immediately gave in: "As long as we can negotiate."

Those people looked at each other and started discussing. Some people turned around and sent messages in French to the back. But soon, they seemed to have an argument. After a while, someone shouted: "Then come over here and talk over here."

"I'm not talking to you myself, I'm talking on behalf of everyone." Zhu Wenkui insisted: "You must ensure the safety of all of us and negotiate it here. Otherwise, we will die anyway, and we would rather die in this yard , take a few more with you. You know what the fight was like just now. If you are not afraid of exchanging one life for another, then come over!"

The dispute between the other party became more intense. Some people looked angry, but the person shouting seemed helpless. Finally, he loudly replied: "Okay, our princess agreed. You can come out."

"You must at least guarantee it, right? You must swear to Heavenly Father first." Zhu Wenkui reminded.

"Okay, I promise that in the name of Heavenly Father, we will protect your safety. Now you all put down your weapons and come out." The man shouted.

"If you can't do it, let the princess come!" Zhu Wenkui said.

The other side started arguing again. Soon, the man replied: "Then wait a moment, I will go and invite the princess."

Zhu Wenkui responded. After the man turned around and retreated into the alley, the person next to him also immediately retreated to the other side. Behind them, two shooters holding crossbows emerged. There were two whooshes, and Zhu Wenkui fell down in response.

Next to him, Captain Jessica immediately shouted. Several people nearby also shouted loudly, and some people took short bows for hunting rabbits and shot several arrows at the opposite side. Seeing someone fighting back, those people were slightly surprised. Several people who were about to rush over subconsciously tried to avoid it. But the bow and arrow are very weak, and there is no damage even if they hit the armor. After reacting, the enemy burst into laughter.

However, taking advantage of this moment, several other people had already dragged Zhu Wenkui back. On the other side, someone stopped them. Someone also brought Princess Jeanne over and pointed it out to her.

It seems that they feel that there is no heavy firepower in the palace, so their actions are much bolder. Zhu Wenkui was dragged behind the wall, with only his two legs exposed. He could not see whether he was alive or dead for a while. Princess Jeanne and the people next to her hesitated for a moment, said something fiercely, and stopped outside the corner.

Captain Jessica waved immediately, and a moment later, two musket shots were fired, and Princess Jeanne immediately froze. The third musketeer, feeling that the angle was not good, simply ignored the order, ran to the wall, and shot her again. Princess Jeanne leaned back and fell to the ground. The people around him immediately went crazy.

"Withdraw, withdraw!" Captain Jessica shouted immediately.

Opposite the foot of the wall, several veterans had already untied their burqas and taken out the iron plate on Zhu Wenkui's chest. A crossbow arrow hit his chest and penetrated the thick iron plate. The lower nail plate has also been deformed, and the leather rope holding the nail plate is almost completely broken, and the innermost leather pad can barely block it.

Another arrow struck him in the abdomen. He was lucky. The belly swallow on his belt just blocked the arrow, causing the arrow that was shot diagonally to deflect even more. The crossbow arrow tore off the hook and belt, blew away a bunch of armor pieces along the way, and plowed a bloody groove on his waist. Fortunately, it didn't hit any vital points. But there was no iron support here, and the huge impact almost caused him to faint from the pain. The retainers didn't care so much, so they threw away the broken pieces of armor, picked up half a bottle of cold wine, poured him a lot of cold wine, and then ran away with him.

Almost as soon as they started moving, there was a loud noise in the backyard. However, the enemy didn't seem too surprised by this. Some people had already reacted and started rushing towards here.

The last three musketeers also opened fire immediately, knocking down the two fastest runners. But the enemies behind him didn't pay attention at all. Instead, they immediately shouted to each other and swarmed forward.

Their reaction was somewhat beyond the expectations of the guards. Everyone ran back immediately, but those people seemed to have forgotten the danger and kept chasing after them. Zhu Wenkui was originally worried that the enemy would not come in, so he focused on how to lure the enemy. In order to facilitate the withdrawal, not many people were left to block the attack. As a result, the enemy rushed in immediately and ran around the yard.

Captain Jessica and others have left through the back wall. There were several enemies there, but the people in the yard rushed out and cut down one enemy. Others hurriedly retreated, shouting for help. People who entered the yard heard their shouts and took a shortcut to chase them, trying to reinforce them.

The middle-aged mercenary looked back, pulled out his long sword, and shouted to the people next to him: "It's too late, you guys leave quickly, I'll stop him."

"Then you..." The young man next to him quickly turned around.

"Get out of here." The middle-aged mercenary pushed him away. He had no time to talk and turned back to face the enemy. The visitor was also wearing full-body armor, with colorful patterns painted on some of the ripped armor. The two soon got into a fight, and the enemies behind them also tried to help, temporarily blocking the narrow alleyway. The others left here immediately.

On the other side, Brother Zelik stood at the entrance of the cellar, picked up his pistol, and fired a shot at the enemy. It was discovered that he was resisting here, and someone chased him. The monk crouched down and retracted into the cellar entrance to avoid the crossbows they fired, and then picked up a long-handled musket. The enemy over there hesitated for a moment, and the leading group began to look for cover, while more people rushed over from behind.

Brother Zelik did not take the opportunity to evacuate, but looked around. Estimating that it was almost time, he did not hesitate, crossed himself on his chest, and pulled the rope suddenly.

However, I don’t know whether there was something wrong with the trigger or the rope. After pulling it, there was no reaction below. However, Brother Zelik was not surprised by the misfire. He grabbed the musket, pointed it at the powder pile, and without hesitation stabbed the match rope directly into the powder pool.

There was a gunshot, and before anyone around him could react, the entire cellar exploded.

A huge shock wave caused the entire ground to rise violently, and flames shot straight into the sky. The people and debris in the yard were instantly torn into pieces by the violent airflow, and billowing smoke and dust rose straight up with blazing red firelight.

Zhu Wenkui and his party deliberately ran around the house. They had already run half a block, but they were still shaken and fell down. Behind them, a group of enemies had just used halberds and axes to chop down the middle-aged mercenaries who were blocking the road, and they immediately chased after them, forming a long queue.

The people at the back were engulfed by tongues of flames before they could leave the yard. Those further away were also lifted up by the air waves, and the strong men wearing heavy armor were thrown out like rag dolls.

In the team, Zhu Wenkui also fell to the ground. I stood up and turned around, only to see red and black smoke pillars rising into the sky, shaped like Ganoderma lucidum. I even saw armor and cotton-padded clothes on some people being blown away by the air current, and their bodies flew out naked, hitting the wall across the street before falling off. Although the fastest running pursuer was not directly affected, he fell to the ground and looked around in shock, unable to realize what was going on.

Zhu Wenkui shook his head and felt his ears hurt. But before he could get up, he saw Captain Jessica jumping up and shouting to the people next to him: "Horn! Take out the horn!"

Hearing his request, the people next to him came to their senses, grabbed their horns and started blowing. When several retainers around heard the sound, they jumped up and followed the captain towards the enemy.

Zhu Wenkui understood the meaning immediately, ran to the intersection quickly, and started making pretentious gestures.

"Wait a minute - don't run around, hurry up!" Heroine Jeanna shouted quickly: "Didn't you agree to my command..."

However, everyone ignored her. Captain Jessica and others took this opportunity to quickly kill the two leading pursuers and continued to fight back. The enemy behind looked around and found Zhu Wenkui standing in the middle of the street, seemingly greeting someone, and immediately realized that the situation was not good. Someone shouted "We've been fooled!" Others also reacted and immediately started to retreat.

Heroine Jeanna sighed, supported Princess Ma and left first. After a while, after seeing that the remaining enemies had retreated to the corner of the street, Captain Jashka also turned a corner, pulled Zhu Wenkui, and went around the other way to join them.

Zhu Wenkui turned around, looked at the billowing smoke rising from the former site of Prince Wu's Mansion, and sighed with emotion.

"Now I'm homeless again." He clutched his stomach and complained: "But speaking of which, did you shoot me? I was in so much pain that I didn't even know what happened next, so I was dragged away. ”

"It seems like she was hit. I saw her fall directly to the ground. She probably died on the spot." Someone said.

"No, she didn't fall down in the first two shots. I went over and fired another shot, but the enemy came up directly. I just ran away without looking carefully."

"I was at the back and saw her fall to the ground, and then she was lifted up by those French people and carried over here." Another person told him.

"What does it mean?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's an emergency situation and they want to confirm the outcome of the battle? After all, they have to care about whether the young master is still alive. But he's not dead, life is too hard..."

"No matter how hard you try, it's useless. The explosion was so powerful, I was scared to death just now." Someone lamented: "The fire is so big, they will definitely not be able to escape if they run into the yard. That Princess Jeanne, I guess He should also be burned to death in the yard."

"It should be like this." Everyone agreed: "Look, it's still burning. I'm afraid this house is completely gone."

"How much gunpowder has the young master saved? This..."

"Maybe people in the Ming Dynasty like these."

Everyone talked about it and quickly escorted Zhu Wenkui's family away.

(End of this chapter)

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