Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 49 Can the Dayuan Kobold Defeat the Wild Boar 4 Prince?

Chapter 49 Can the Great Yuan Kobold Defeat the Fourth Wild Boar Prince? (Leader "Chaos Sea Drying Fish" added more)
After Cao Jian's question was raised, everyone started discussing it.Lama Wang and Zhao Liang could only stop temporarily, waiting for the results of their discussion.

This problem is not only about the difficulty of military affairs, but also the feasibility of building commercial routes.The most troublesome thing is that it is related to the long-standing and sensitive factional issues within the Purple Horde.

At that time, Boyan Timur, the ancestor of the Khan court, had a long talk with Guo Gai, the ancestor of the Guo family, for several days.This meeting determined the Khanate's early state-building strategy.

Guo Gai believes that under the prosperity of the Golden Horde, the decline has already appeared, so we should take advantage of the situation and make early plans.He believes that we should find an opportunity to go to Bulgaria and establish a stable base.

In the various materials of the Purple Horde, there are detailed records of the situation at that time, and Guo Kang is also clear about the background of this incident: At that time, the powerful Golden Horde Khan was trying to reconquer Bulgaria.

Yue Jibie was a very capable monarch. He managed the trade routes in an orderly manner, and the Khanate prospered.However, during the management process, Yue Jibu discovered that the group of people under him could do business well, but the production level was not so good.The Khan court has to purchase a large amount of materials from merchants every year, even food has to be imported. If this continues, it will not only lose a lot of hard-won income, but it is also not safe enough.

Yuejibehan initially hoped to use the closest Ross people.However, the level of civilization of the Ross people is too backward to be managed effectively.

Since the time of Batu, the Golden Horde has tried to transplant Mongolia's ten thousand household system and register household registration for the Rus, but it was forced to abolish it not long after, and it could not go on at all-this may not be their fault, after all, it was not until Guo Kang at the moment, the Ross people also failed to set up a household registration system.

And the level of farming of these people... To be honest, it is not as good as the Mongols themselves.

Yue Jibeihan had no chance to read the historical materials of later generations, and could not predict what the level of agriculture and organization of the Ross people was.According to Guo Kang's historical records, serfdom did not begin in the Russian countryside until the 17th century.And until the 19th century, there were still many collective farms full of primitive social style on this land.

The Mongol system was too advanced for them.In other places, almost all Mongols are assimilated by the locals, but here, it is the Rus who are Mongolized—and because the civilization foundation is too weak, the Mongolization is not yet comprehensive.

Not to mention their generation, even the family of the Grand Duke of Moscow, did not wait until the end—the area of ​​the lower reaches of the Volga River was reclaimed in the 18th century by the German fellows brought by Ekaterina.

The Russians could not count on it at all, and the Golden Horde had no choice but to change their minds and focus on the Greeks in the south.Yuejibehan then invaded south many times and captured the Greeks to return to farming.The Paleolio dynasty was completely powerless against the Mongols. Greek scholars reported that they had captured all the farmers and cattle in the Thrace area.

Boyan Timur took the opportunity to propose to the Great Khan that he could take people to farm.

Boyan Timur was only a petty official in the Golden Account.Their family is said to be the descendants of Batu, who fled to the Ilkhanate because of the civil strife caused by the succession.Later, the Il Khanate also became chaotic, and Boyan Timur's family could only wait with their friend Guo Gai, and then fled to the Golden Tent.

But even if this is true, his family is too far away from Khan Ting's direct line.So usually in Khan Ting, he has always been inconspicuous.

However, he also has a very valuable skill - it may be because of the ups and downs he has experienced, or his close contacts with Guo Gai and others. In short, Boyan Timur knows a lot about farming and production.Among all the princes who are far or near, he is the best at farming.

In this case, he is the best candidate.Yuejibehan agreed to Boyan Timur's application, and asked him to take a thousand accountants to manage farming matters.

From a professional point of view, Boyan Timur discussed who and where is the most suitable place to farm. After hearing what he said, he was very happy. He also divided a lot of the Greek farmers he had robbed before and handed them over to him. manage.They set aside a piece of land in Bulgaria, and with the help of these Greeks and Bulgarian farmers recruited locally, they began to grow food for the Great Khan.

In order to help his old friend farm, Guo Gai used his contacts to recruit many technical talents to come here to help.

Guo Gai, formerly known as Guo Yuanting, was a well-known hero in Persia before.Many people in the Il Khanate and the Golden Horde know him as the "Hero of the World".Many Persians couldn't pronounce such a long Chinese nickname, so they called him "Guo Gai". After a long time, everyone knew it, so they simply took it as a nickname.

The news of Guo Gai's recruitment came out, and many people ran to join him.For example, Li Xuanying's ancestors were engineers who repaired water conservancy at that time; Cao Jian's ancestors were a little richer and worked as accountants... These people formed the first generation team of Zizhang.

Of course, there are also less positive ones.For example, the ancestor of Shi Ke's family, Shi Shoudao, was a down-and-out mercenary at that time, working as a guard for merchants for a living, pulling things from Tabriz to Salai to sell.

When passing through a Caucasian town, Shi Shoudao went out to drink and brag, and was overheard by some Turkmens.Seeing that he claimed that his ancestors were Turkic people, several Turkmen people laughed, saying how could Turkic people look like this.From what he saw, it was the Zahu tribal people from the east who pretended to be Turkic people to deceive, but they happened to be exposed by their orthodox Turkic people.

Shi Shoudao got drunk, quarreled with them, and finally touched the guy.In a fit of rage, Shi Shoudao chopped down those Turkmens.The drinkers fled one after another and spread the news that the Turkmen tribe outside the city rushed into the town to avenge him by killing him.Shi Shoudao fled over the wall in a hurry, and didn't dare to go back, so he could only go west, and was recruited by Guo Gai.

At that time, they probably didn't know what career they would accomplish in the future.

Li Xuanying said that his ancestor later recalled that he never expected that he would lead the troops to fight and become a famous general. It was agreed at the time that Guo Gai, Shi Shoudao and others were the person in charge of the construction site security. God knows how it ended up like this for the construction of the ditches...

However, although the division of labor has been adjusted later, from this time on, two groups have emerged: these farmers, and Boyan Timur's one thousand ledgers, formed two groups that have continued to this day. Political forces, that is, the later Nan Ya and Bei Ya.

It can be said that the Purple Horde Khanate was full of two elements from the time when the ancestors went through hardships and built their homes.Later, on the issue of how the Khanate developed, it also inherited this contradiction.

 Another lord comes, and one more time.

  Another one tonight.

  ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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