Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 50 Can the Dayuan Kobold Defeat the Wild Boar 4 Prince?

Chapter 50 Can the Great Yuan Kobold Defeat the Fourth Wild Boar Prince?
At the time of Boyan Timur and Guo Gai, everyone thought of the simplest method: learn from the Liao Dynasty and directly implement two systems.

Boyan Timur needs to be responsible for coping with the superiors, and also recruits the grassland fellows to protect the security of the territory, and fights with the hostile lords around.As the big brother, he also became the leader here.Guo Gai and others were responsible for appeasing and recruiting local farmers, and organizing people to farm, so as to complete the work arranged by the Great Khan.

But in practice, the work of Guo Gai and others goes beyond farming.Due to the war, various local infrastructures were greatly damaged and had to be repaired.Moreover, Bulgaria has been fighting for decades. The large-scale water conservancy facilities are not considered advanced, and they are almost abandoned now.This alone cannot be ignored.

Therefore, on the one hand, Guo Gai asked Boyan Timur to keep as many Greeks as possible, and at the same time went around to recruit technical talents from the East.These two groups of people were the best at technical work, and they also became the foundation of various institutions in Nanya.

The management of Boyan Timur and others by the Golden Horde Khanate is quite extensive. As long as they pay the Great Khan some grain every year, the work will be completed.

Guo Gai suggested that if this is the case, don’t learn from these Hellenistic countries and charge such high taxes.In this way, the local people's resistance to these "outsiders" can be reduced, and even the people around them can be attracted to take the initiative to join them.This has also become a basic idea for the Purple Horde to stabilize itself and expand its strength.

Guo Gai was also a novice at the time, and he himself did not expect that a few principles borrowed from books would be so useful.Of course, it is also possible that he underestimated the degree to which the Greek and Bulgarian countries with long civil wars have squeezed the people.There was an endless stream of people coming to seek refuge, and the land rewarded by Yue Jibehan was not even enough.At the same time, such a large-scale population loss also aroused the dissatisfaction of the local nobles.

Several Bulgarian nobles are going to join forces to attack them.There are many relatives of these nobles, and a lot of people were brought in to help.

Boyan Timur's nomads didn't have enough this time, so Guo Gai and others urgently asked Cao's accountant ancestor Cao Meng to buy some ordnance from the Venetians, and then sent Li Tianying, who was still digging ditches, Brother Li Tiance pulled them over and told them that you two are the leaders of the militia.

Guo Gai believes that other people are scattered all over the place, busy cleaning up the fields, but the engineering team of the Li brothers stay together all the time, get to know each other well, and have a lot of free time when there is no project.These people were originally the strongest and most obedient people on the territory, and they were specially drawn out to do heavy physical work, so they were more reliable than the hurriedly assembled farmers.

Guo Gai showed Cao Meng's account to everyone, saying that all the villagers bought these equipment together.Several households are organized into a group, and the equipment money and wages of each militiaman are shared equally among everyone, and they will be paid together at that time.Whoever is timid can quit and be replaced by other volunteers who were not selected before.

Everyone expressed their support for this, and this construction team was the earliest Nanya Army.The "regular army" who were selected at that time also became the first batch of military households of the Purple Horde Khanate.Even though this system has been revised many times, many of these families still keep the tokens given to them by Guo Gai at that time.

It's a pity that the Nanya Army's first battle had no bright spots, and future generations couldn't even brag about it.Facing the mercenaries of the nobles, the militiamen were afraid, and almost all relied on the two Li brothers who had trained in martial arts to give everyone courage.Fortunately, the cheap mercenary on the opposite side probably also had the mentality of "poking the spear twice before the battle is worthy of the lord". He was paddling from beginning to end, trying to find an opportunity to rob the farm, and did not want to confront the militia head-on.

During the confrontation, Boyan Timur led dozens of rabbits from the tribe and attacked the headquarters of the noble army at night.The Bulgarian nobleman who served as the chief general was lingering with the prostitutes accompanying the army at this time, but the two were hacked to death on the bed together by Boyan Timur.The aristocratic army that lost its command immediately dispersed.

When the mercenaries returned, they took the opportunity to plunder the unprotected territory of their employers, and the war ended happily.

Later, there were still noble lords who came to trouble them, but Boyan Timur, Guo Gai and others had already figured out the way of thinking of these nobles.

The temperament of the Bulgarians always likes to reconcile and compromise.For example, if you say that this serf escaped, he will be under my protection, and everyone will definitely not allow it.But if you claim to report to the Great Khan and ask him to send troops to kill everyone, they will come to mediate, saying that it is just a few escaped serfs, and it is not the case.

When Boyan Timur had nothing to do, he took his men, some of the most vicious and frightening, to visit the nobles in various places, bragging that he had fought with the Great Khan in Persia in the early years, how many people he had killed, and how many cities he had slaughtered.Although he probably spent the first half of his life farming, the nobles were afraid of the Golden Tent and felt that what he said should be true, so they didn't dare to provoke him unless they had to, which kept the territory peaceful for a long time.

The only problem is that until he said his sweat, the Bulgarians were still rumoring that only the ugliest ones could be chosen to be the purple curtain.As a result, many young people would rather pay less than work there.

In the early years, the military capabilities of the Beiya were so indispensable to the Khan court.

However, later, when the strength of the Nanya army snowballed and it seemed that it would not be reversed, the conflict between the two sides finally broke out, which almost destroyed the Beiya system at that time.

Guo Kang feels that this is actually a historical necessity and the result of irreconcilable contradictions.But at that time, many people could not accept it, thinking that this must be a tragedy of brothers fighting against each other for their own self-interest.

After the war, middle and lower-level officers of the Nanya Army even signed a joint letter requesting that the imperial court pardon the rebel officers and soldiers who did not lead the rebellion, and only punish the Rus and vassal tribes.There is also Shihou who believes that the title of Grand Master should be restored and let his other descendants inherit it.

As for the reason, everyone basically believed that it was caused by the corrupt Boyan and other nobles colluding with the Polish scoundrels.Most of the Beiya brothers are just too simple, and they are still good people.

Thinking about it carefully, it is really not easy for Guo Kang's generation to understand their emotions.

This troublesome relationship of confrontation and cooperation has also continued to this day.

These two directions are two ruling groups, and at the same time, they are also two kinds of thinking inside the Purple Tent—in simple terms, it is the choice between Rome and Mongolia.

Some people believe that the old land of the Golden Horde should be recovered, the glory of the year should be restored, and the grassland passage should be opened.Others believe that the Mediterranean coast should be operated to restore the situation of the prosperous period of Eastern Rome, so as to go further south and open up the Indian Ocean sea channel.

Neither of these two factions can convince the other, but the power of the Khan court is limited, and they often have to fight the enemy, so everyone needs to help each other.As a result, the current situation was formed.

What Cao Jian put forward is the most basic request: I can support you to go north, but you need to give an expectation of the cost and effect.If the effect is too bad, it's better to continue going south, and everyone can't say anything.

Regarding his question, Lama Wang thought for a while, and it seemed that he wanted to seriously answer this key question.

After a while, he shook his whisk again, and spoke with a serious face.What he said almost made Guo Kang unable to hold back.

Only Lama Wang said in a deep voice: "Young Master Cao, do you know the legend of the Kobold?"

(End of this chapter)

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