Chapter 504 Theodora’s Support

Outside the wall, Guo Kang and others also set up a stage. He climbed up and tried to observe the situation on the other side of the courtyard.

The fighting there seemed to be far more intense than here. The small alley beyond the back door leads to the nearby square. If you look carefully, you can see someone retreating from that side and hiding in the yard.

He took a closer look and found that several people rushed in from the alley. The leader was holding a long sword and chopped down the servant at the back in a few blows. But the other servants turned around and shot at him, so the man had to retreat hastily. In the distance, there were constant shouts of killing, and it seemed that the scale was quite large.

He wanted to continue to see what was going on over there. People in the yard noticed them and started shooting here. Guo Kang had no choice but to quickly withdraw his head and jump off the stage again.

"Did you see it?" Guo Ponu asked.

"There must be at least dozens of reinforcements coming from the enemy, but there don't seem to be many who can fight." Guo Kang replied: "It is estimated that the Wang family will not be able to gather enough people at the moment, and everyone will be sent to make up the number. I think this support The soldiers were all being chased away. But there might be people coming from further away. I saw there were fights in the distance."

"What about the people who resisted them? Do you see clearly?" Guo Ponu asked again.

"They moved to the back of the street, and the crosses were gone. I don't know whether they were blocking the enemies on the other side, or simply not ready to attack the courtyard." Guo Kang said: "I didn't see many people, but there were some inside. A few of them are pretty good at fighting. I don’t know if it’s Captain Lucas and the others, or if someone else is here to help.”

"If there are reinforcements, it should be more than this." Guo Ponu thought for a moment and said, "Are you sure you only saw a few leaders?"

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded.

"It's really hard to say..." Guo Ponu couldn't explain clearly: "Maybe it's the forwards who came to support, or maybe there are a few experts who couldn't stand it anymore and came out to help us. We understand the current situation. There are still too few.”

"However, since the situation there has changed, more support may be coming." She judged: "Everyone will start to take sides and choose one side to help. In order to show their role, some people will definitely let their own Force to get in as early as possible.”

"On our side, we have to quickly find a way to block the road and prevent them from running away. Our reinforcements should also be coming, and the pressure on them will be increasing. If the enemy cannot defeat them, they will definitely find soft persimmons to pinch them. , broke out from here."

"Then what if the people who stand in line side with them?" Guo Kang asked curiously.

"Then just keep hiding and wait for your parents to come and beat him to death." Guo Ponu rolled his eyes.


Guo Kang thought for a while and felt that what she said made sense, so he turned back and prepared to gather people.

"We will definitely not be able to defeat them. We even struggled to delay them just now." Guo Ponu warned again: "Just set a fire over there in the alley, this side is the most difficult to support. Push the car over quickly and block it. At the intersection."

As she spoke, she also helped to shout, asking everyone to throw all the debris they could pick up on the road, hoping to temporarily hinder the enemy's cavalry. The road in front of the gate was very wide and there was no way to set up defenses here, so she directed everyone to set fire on the roadside, and then found a good location at the corner of the street. Here, they used a collapsed house to build obstacles, and then pushed the carriage over to block the middle of the road. At the original starting position, I asked Shi Huizhen to help look at it to see if the enemy could be blocked.

Immediately, Guo Kang and others began to retreat gradually, gathering the scattered people along the way, and preparing to defend. The enemy seemed to have more important things to do. They thought they had just retreated normally, so they did not pursue them closely. However, for Guo Kang and his group, the normal formation is similar to that of a collapse, so it may be difficult to tell the difference.

During this period, the other side of the yard was also quieter, and it seemed that they couldn't move anymore. However, the enemy was also exhausted. With a rare chance to breathe, they retreated back into the courtyard wall, not knowing whether to prepare to defend or to shrink their troops and prepare to break out. Guo Kang made some calculations and felt that together with the Wang family's reinforcements who had just retreated into the courtyard, the number of troops might be greater than during the first attack. Therefore, he did not dare to go out rashly and could only direct his men to continue to pile up roadblocks.

After a while, the shouts of killing were heard again from the other side of the yard, and several explosions were heard. Guo Kang carefully ran out of the alley again, but he still couldn't see the specific situation, but he could hear continuous gunshots from that direction.

"What happened? Someone is here again?" Guo Ponu shouted.

Guo Kang nodded, ran back and jumped behind the carriage.

"There are more people this time. I guess the Wang family will soon be unable to bear it any longer and will come here to break out." Guo Kang said, "Let's get ready quickly."

"Really? So fast!" Although he always seemed very calm, Guo Ponu was visibly relieved when he heard that a large number of reinforcements were arriving.

"This cannot be fake. In other cases, I may not have enough battlefield experience to draw conclusions. But I tinker with muskets every day and am very familiar with this thing." Guo Kang said confidently: "This density must be at least good. Dozens of shots are being fired. It can’t be from some small force.”

"The Wang family has been fighting with us for a long time just now, and they don't have the firepower. And the people we dispersed before...if they had this level, they wouldn't be dispersed." He shook his head and said, "That's why I It is estimated that a large number of foreign aid has arrived."

"This is a good thing, but we have to guard the last period of time." Guo Ponu reminded: "Let others gather here quickly."

Guo Kang turned back to call someone. His voice was a little hoarse from the roar, and he felt that there was nothing more he wanted to say, so he waved his hand and called everyone over.

"Our support is here, and this is the last time." He said briefly: "However, they must be working the hardest to survive. Everyone, please bear with it."

A few people cheered, but most others were silent. They didn't have any weapons to prepare, so they found a lot of rocks and piled them next to them. Guo Kang himself had no weapons, so his men helped him find a butcher's knife, but Guo Kang felt that he might not be able to use it well in his current state.

His left arm had been injured before, and even if it wasn't broken, it probably wouldn't be much better. Just now, in order to intercept the enemy's cavalry, he was knocked away and his right arm was twisted. He was so nervous just now that he didn't feel anything. Now that no enemy was coming, the sprained area began to hurt, making him unable to exert any strength.

He had seen before that the sword in Guo Ponu's hand was badly damaged, and the previous one had already been broken. After thinking about it, he handed her the butcher's knife.

"This knife is good, you take it." He said, "I'll change to another weapon."

"Not bad..." Guo Ponu glanced at it and seemed to have reservations about this. But she still looked at Guo Kang and asked, "What should you do yourself?"

"I can just grab whatever I want - I can't use this thing anyway." Guo Kang said, "Besides, my arm hurts a little and I can hardly lift it. I guess I'll have to leave it to you guys to cut people."

"Then you go back to the back." Guo Ponu looked speechless: "I told you, don't show off."

"I also said, I am the commander." Guo Kang pointed out. "Okay, okay, you are right." Guo Ponu had no choice but to deal with it: "Okay, you go behind me and rest with the flag. I will help you guard here."

"Hey, when I was a child, I envied my mother very much. I thought she was very strong and dashing. She could travel around with a sword and make her enemies tremble. Even those aunts who didn't have a good relationship with her, some were cold and arrogant, some were gentle and kind. They look very different, but the way they hold swords and carry troops is also very desirable."

"I'm probably the first female hero in the metropolis to wield a pig-killing knife." She picked up the knife and patted Guo Kang: "Go behind - you owe me this! I'll find you later. .”

Although at this time, there shouldn't be any emphasis on weapons, Guo Kang couldn't help laughing, nodded, and agreed.

After a while, the gunshots became more frequent, and the shouts of death also sounded from far to near. At the end of the street, several riders rushed out and walked around the ruins. However, Shi Huizhen, who had been watching over there, immediately asked everyone to set fire to it. The piles of debris blocking the street burst into flames, and the war horses were unwilling to approach at all, so they had to give up this direction and rush towards Guo Kang and the others.

Everyone stretched out their bamboo poles and long sticks to stop them. Several riders stopped and did not dare to rush or jump over. Instead, they slashed with their swords, trying to cut off these long weapons. Some people turned around to say hello, and soon a group of foot servants trotted over.

"Look over there." Guo Ponu pointed to the back of the rider, a young man wearing ill-fitting armor and also riding a tall horse: "That seems to be their young master. No wonder there are so many guards in this manor. He worked so hard when he got up..."

"Which one is it?" Guo Kang thought for a while and found that he couldn't remember: "There are many young people in the Wang family, but I seem to know few of them."

"Uh... forget it." Guo Ponu gave up decisively: "It won't be needed soon anyway. Just let the people behind you hit that thing."

Guo Kang immediately went to give orders to everyone. The people behind didn't have any long-range weapons, so they could only help throw stones. Although the damage is limited, it can at least cause them some trouble. After receiving his order, everyone adjusted their direction and aimed specifically at Young Master Wang.

The servants in front were not afraid, so they either avoided it or used a small shield to block it. These Russians were somewhat weak and failed to cause much damage. But that Young Master Wang is obviously not an experienced person, and he relies heavily on the protection of his subordinates. Inadvertently, he was hit several times.

Even though he was wearing armor, he still groaned and complained. The few riders had no choice but to urge the infantry to come over quickly.

Soon, more people came to the roadblock and began to attack.

Of course, they dare not follow suit and burn down these obstacles. Otherwise, theoretically, they can burn all the combustible debris, but everyone will not leave tonight. Therefore, we can only attack directly.

However, the guards here are indeed very weak. In their opinion, they have been defeated many times and there is really nothing to say. In such a narrow alley, a person's martial arts and armor are more important than in open places and military formations. In this environment, they should progress faster.

But Guo Ponu almost single-handedly broke their illusions.

She stood behind the car at first, and when she saw someone breaking through the obstruction of the long weapon, she immediately rushed forward. The left hand is holding half of the door panel, and the right hand is holding the butcher's knife. When it is pushed up, it cuts. The enemies not only had to guard against others, but also had to climb over obstacles. They were very passive, and she killed several of them in a row. Finally, for the sake of convenience, she simply jumped onto the collapsed barricades and attacked the three enemies alone.

"Hey? Miss Guo?" Someone recognized her and shouted, "Why are you here?"

"Let us go, Aunt Guo!" That young master Wang also shouted: "Stop following Shi Zetian's nonsense! I will definitely pay you more when you turn around!"

Even he was saying that it was Shi Huizhen who took the lead in the rebellion, which surprised the Guo brothers and sisters. However, they really didn't have time to explain.

"Stop talking nonsense! Your scandal has been exposed a long time ago, and now the court has sent people!" Guo Kang said loudly: "You surrender quickly, there is still a way to survive!"

However, the enemy seemed to know that they could not be persuaded, and the attack never stopped. More people climbed onto the pile of obstacles, preparing to rush over. Guo Ponu also kept attacking and shouted: "None of you can pass through here!" He waved his sword and faced him.

Her advantage was also obvious here. The enemy's momentum was frustrated, and she was temporarily unable to continue the attack. But they also discovered a new loophole. Some people rushed up and started pushing the carriage in the middle of the road, trying to open a breakthrough.

After all, this vehicle is not a specialized chariot, and there is no place on the ground where the wheels can be buried and fixed. Several enemies crowded in front of the car, lowered their heads, and prepared to push hard.

Guo Kang and several of his men rushed over and blocked the carriage.

"Can you hold on?" Next to him, Guo Ponu jumped down to avoid the opponent's shooting, and took this opportunity to ask hastily.

"No problem. Don't use your arms, I'll just put my shoulders against the car." Guo Kang said, really bending down and wrestling with the enemy.

Guo Ponu knew that he would not be able to persuade him, so he had to warn him again to be careful. He jumped back into the car and drove away the servant who was closest and wanted to attack Guo Kang and others.

The enemy also continued to exert force. This time, they may have all come out in one direction, and they are probably determined to send their young master out. Even surrender is unacceptable.

Although they suffered a loss in the fight, they had more strength and strength, and soon began to squeeze the people behind the car. Guo Kang and others also tried their best to prevent them from succeeding.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, and Guo Kang felt that even so, his arms were so painful that he couldn't lift them up. But he couldn't care about so much now, so he could only close his eyes and hold on.

I don't know how long it took, but the surrounding Russians all pushed forward, and Guo Ponu also attacked again and again, even stepping on his carriage. But there were still too many enemies. Even in the winter, the sweat on Guo Kang's head flowed into his eyes, making him sting. He felt his strength was draining away, and he didn't know how long he could hold on.

At this time, someone reached out and pressed down on the car body, and the enemy's pushing force suddenly stopped. For a moment, Guo Kang felt that he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

He raised his head, wiped the sweat from his eyes, and saw Theodora smiling, leaning down, and looking at him.

Guo Kang quickly wiped his eyes again, but Theodora didn't say anything. She put her other hand on the car body, taking Guo Kang's place, and then let out a light drink, expressing her luck.

The carriage slid out with a dozen enemies climbing and pushing behind it. The boxes and barrels on the carriage smashed forward, almost knocking down all those people. Here, a group of Russians who were helping to support the car suddenly lost their support and fell to the ground. Guo Ponu, who was on the roof of the car, was fighting with two people. He quickly jumped to the side to avoid being thrown out.

"What are you doing? Hey? Are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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