Chapter 505 Vichy Vietnam Regime

The battle ended quickly after Theodora arrived with a large group of people.

Finally, the group of Wang family servants retreated to the corner of the street, and someone dragged their young master over there, preparing to continue to resist. Theodora's team was very mixed. After discovering that the enemy was the royal guard, many people were hesitant. But there are some people with oriental faces in her team who are very active.

Their leader was a little girl whom Guo Kang had never seen before. She commanded a group of big men and rushed forward when they saw the enemy. However, one of them, a small man, ran the fastest. Seeing a roadblock in front of him, the man jumped up in a few steps, climbed onto the house on the roadside, pulled out the javelin from behind, and threw it down. The second shot hit the leader of the servants who was trying to take command. Others finally lost faith and fled in all directions.

Guo Kang and Guo Ponu followed over to see what was going on over there. When I walked to the corner of the street, I found the young master of the Wang family huddled under the corner, surrounded by a few strong men.

"You, please don't touch me." He bravely said, "I may seem like a stranger to you, but everyone who hangs around here must recognize me!"

However, those few people couldn't understand the Greek he spoke, so they just discussed it in Central Plains dialect and said to the leading girl: "This guy looks like a big shot, tie him up and ask the princess to exchange for some money."

Young Master Wang understood their conversation and quickly said in Chinese: "You rebels, do you know who I am? My grandfather is the Prime Minister of Rome!"

"Don't tell me, we are really rebels." A strong man said disdainfully: "But I didn't expect that even if I go to Taixi, I will encounter the bastards of the Gou Guan family who come out to harm people. The whole world is in trouble for you. Got it!"

"We have been fighting for so long and have beaten a lot of princes and generals. Who knows how old you are as Prime Minister." The little girl was also very dissatisfied: "I see you have nothing wrong with you, just an itchy skin. Everyone, come here, Teach this guy a lesson!"

Young Master Wang probably said this kind of thing frequently on weekdays, using his identity to blackmail others. But this group of people seemed to be very unhappy about this. They surrounded him and beat him until he screamed and begged for mercy. Guo Ponu looked at it and ignored them, letting them go.

The man who threw the javelin just now also jumped down and picked up his weapon. Guo Ponu was somewhat interested in this and asked: "This strong man, you were the first to defeat the enemy just now. But I don't think you are like a local. Are you the same as them? Did you come from it?"

"Oh, I don't really count." The man turned back and cupped his hands: "Miss, you may not know that people like us actually come from everywhere."

"Our boss, Tang Sanxiangu, is from SD Province in the Ming Dynasty. Those elder brothers are also from Shandong. They rebelled against the Ming Dynasty and were suppressed by the court. They had no choice but to escape and hide." He pointed to the front, The cheerful little girl said: "Those other people all took refuge with the third girl along the way."

"As for me, my name is Li Li. I am from the Lanshan Mountains in Thanh Hoa, Vietnam. I am not from the same hometown as them." He introduced himself in Central Plains dialect with a strange accent.

"Then how did you find refuge with her?" Guo Ponu asked curiously: "These two places are not close to each other."

"I followed the Yuan army. This is a long story." Li Li thought for a while and said: "In the early years, the Yuan and Ming Dynasties were constantly at war with each other, and both wanted to annex our place as a front line. In our country, the lord and nobles are in constant civil strife."

"The leader of the Chen Dynasty saw the Ming army's momentum and thought that they would definitely attack, so he joined forces with the Yuan army. When the Chen Dynasty was founded, the banner he set was to resist the Yuan army's southern invasion. For this reason, he even took in those who fled from the Southern Song Dynasty. , offended the Yuan Dynasty. After winning this battle, the prestige accumulated was the foundation of their fortune. Now, they want to unite with the Yuan army, causing an uproar in the government and the public. The elders and heroes in my hometown are also talking about it, I feel that if Taizu and Taizong of the Chen Dynasty knew about this, I don’t know what they would think.”

"There is nothing unacceptable about this." Guo Ponu thought it was nothing. "Back then, we united the weak side to fight against the strong side, and it is the same now. This is the way to survive for a small country. If his ancestors knew about it, they would only praise him. "

"That's what I said..." Li Li scratched his head: "But many people still can't accept it. After all, it's only been a few years? No matter how you look at it, it's against morality."

"The existence of a small country is inherently against morality." Guo Ponu said without hesitation, as if he was not surprising, "The right way is to unite the world. All forces must either take the initiative to unify, or be defeated." When people are united, how can there be any reason to favor one side for a long time? It is ultimately against the will of heaven to keep shrinking and being a self-defeating thief."

"Uh..." Li Li seemed to have never thought about this question and couldn't answer it for a while.

"You continue talking." Guo Ponu did not continue to struggle.

"Oh...but this time the situation of the Chen Dynasty was not as good as before. Some local powerful people were not willing to listen, and the powerful minister Hu also took the opportunity to attack. I heard from my grandfather that the Hu family originally had contacts with the Yuan people, but this time, seeing the country The Lord chose to recruit the Yuan army, so he went out of his way and went to contact the Ming people." Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh: "These people really only think about the family plan."

"But this time, he made the right bet. Previously, the Chen Dynasty defeated the Yuan army with the help of the exiled Song people. But this time, the exiled Yuan people joined forces with them, but they were still defeated by the Ming army. . The clan members and others could only flee one after another, and large areas were occupied by the Ming army."

"Their experience is correct, but their understanding is wrong." Guo Ponu pointed out: "The Song Dynasty had officials to control the army and the people. Without the officials in charge, the exiled Song people would definitely be able to fight more than before; but the great Khan of the Yuan Dynasty was originally It’s almost as if they don’t exist. Without the Khan in charge, the exiled Yuan people are no different from before. They couldn’t defeat the Ming army originally, but they still can’t defeat it now. This result can be considered normal. "

"That's it..." Li Li suddenly understood and said in surprise after hearing her explanation.

"What happens after that?" Guo Ponu urged.

"After that, there was great chaos in the country. The vassal kings, powerful ministers, and powerful men all tried to take advantage of the chaos and rely on the contradiction between the two forces to compete for the power of the country. The country was in chaos. In the end, not only was it unable to resist the two Big countries, even Ailao and Champa, came to seize the opportunity to erode territory and plunder prefectures and counties.”

"In the end, the Ming army occupied most of the country under the banner of wiping out the remnants of the Yuan people. The Yuan people were not willing to fail, and took the Chen Dynasty clan and others hostage and retreated to the sea. My grandfather was a local marshal. If he didn't want to leave, he He followed the others to join the Ming Dynasty. But my father was only his second son, and even if he stayed, he didn't have much chance, so he took his men and went to sea with the Chen family. It was at that time that I left my hometown. "

"Then why did you go to Miss Tang and the others?" Guo Ponu asked curiously: "Are you from the Yuan people? Can't you get ahead? Then you should also go to the Ming Dynasty. They fight every day in Nanyang , we definitely need to recruit people." "Not even in the Ming Dynasty. In fact, they also look down on us - I still have contacts with my uncle and the others. They said that the Ming Dynasty has not allowed us to participate in the imperial examination, so we can only Become a small official in the government office. This obviously means you don’t regard us as your own." Li Li complained:

"My uncle and local heroes have protested to the government many times, asking them to change the policy and allow us to take the exam. But every time they used various excuses and talked about the differences between Chinese and foreigners and the rules of etiquette all day long. Such clichés and excuses are not allowed."

"Everyone finally decided that this was obviously because they regarded us as barbarians and looked down upon us. It was really bullying. If this continues, there will probably be no future for hanging out with them."

"That's true." Guo Ponu nodded in agreement, but then asked casually: "What about the Yuan Dynasty? I heard that they have been recruiting local tycoons and giving them official titles, and they don't care much about their origins. Where are you? , you should be doing okay, right?"

"No. The Yuan people are not much better in this aspect. If you follow them, you won't be able to get ahead either." Li Li shook his head and said: "When the Yuan people recruit their subordinates, they can't tell who they are, but they are actually fake. They are just Using other methods to treat people with different identities differently is not as straightforward as Akito."

"There are generally two ways to be promoted under Yuan Ren, either by entering their official government and running the directly-administered areas. Or as a franchisee, managing the existing jurisdictions. These two paths themselves... are indeed very broad. But My family is not in it."

"When recruiting people directly under the government, they like to appoint 'one of their own', that is, the gentry from all over the south of the Yangtze River. Nanyang people who can speak Chinese, know how to manage, and can complete government tasks can also be regarded as this type. Such people can be found in He was promoted in the Yuan people’s system, and even reached the position of governing all the way.”

"The Tu kings who are allied with them can also get help from the Yuan army, as long as they fulfill their basic obligations. The Tu kings cannot serve as civil servants in the Yuan people's own government, but they can join the army as generals, and the Yuan people will give corresponding instructions. Hire them for the benefits. Some earth kings who are good at fighting can achieve high military positions and help their court fight in various battles and deal with other disobedient barbarians. This road is also more attractive. "

"But my family happens to be neither qualified. My ancestors were also from the Central Plains and moved to the south a long time ago. My children are also educated and can pass the Yuan people's assessment. But the Yuan people think that my family's fields, There are many servants, and the power has exceeded the category of a squire and belongs to a prince. Moreover, under the rule of the Ming Dynasty, the master's family is not considered one of his own. At most, it can only be regarded as a chief who followed the earth king of the Chen Dynasty to seek refuge. I will not be allowed to enter the government."

"But according to the views of the local kings and princes, the power that my family can provide is too small. The thousands of slaves in the master's family have nothing to do with my branch..." He shook his head and said helplessly: "The people of the Yuan Dynasty are very snobbish, and their attitude towards the Tuwang depends entirely on how much help he can provide. If there are many Tuwang, they will be treated favorably; if there are not enough people, they will be looked down upon and looked down upon. Because my family does not bring many people to seek refuge, we are not treated favorably. value."

"In the beginning, they were kind to the followers of the Chen Dynasty, but then they gradually became less and less strict. They only kept the leader of the country and sent the others to do odd jobs. We, the people, were all thrown into the army of local soldiers to do the work. Little boss."

"The Yuan people also said that we and the Zhan people are geographically close and have a lot of contact with each other. It is more convenient to command together, so they were organized together. As for their system, the status of generals and colonels in the native soldiers army can be seen. How many people? If there are more people, the leader will become a general, and we will be commanded by them."

"You may not know. The Cham people are a branch of barbarians in the south, and they seem to be of the same race as the Khmer. Their territory was first established in Xianglin County in Rinan County of the Han Dynasty. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, they took advantage of the decline of the imperial court and rebelled. The imperial court cannot conquer him, and he will make himself king from now on."

"The Zhan people have always been arrogant and fond of looting. Not long after the founding of the country, they began to invade the north. At that time, the Eastern Han Dynasty had collapsed and Jiangdong belonged to Sun Wu. King Zhan believed that China was weak, so he became more emboldened and frequently went north to invade Wu's territory. . Since then, the fighting in this place has never stopped."

"These people are all surly and untrustworthy barbarians, but we are allowed to lead us. Is there any difference between Chinese and barbarians?" Li Li said displeasedly: "The Javanese Yuan people even went to please the people of Zhan, and even ignored the etiquette. . We think this is the most unreasonable!"

"Uh..." This time it was Guo Ponu's turn to react. She was confused for a moment and had to ask first: "So you ran away?"

"Not yet at that time. Later, the Yuan army took us on a long voyage north to attack Shandong. Although we didn't win the battle and the local soldiers suffered heavy losses, I still got to know many heroes." Li Li said: "Tang San The girl is a leader recommended by the locals. She is brave and resourceful. Even when she is defeated, she does not panic. She can seize the opportunity and lead people to fight back. I think she is someone who can achieve great things, so I agree to listen to her. "

"I didn't have many people under me to begin with, and at that time, none of them were gone. But the third girl didn't care, and just let me keep up. She only took more than a hundred people with her, so she set off decisively and set up an ambush on the road. As expected, she intercepted I killed a high-ranking official of the Ming army, so I took advantage of the chaos and stabbed him to death. The third girl was also very happy, and told General Yuan that she wanted me to leave. After that, I kept following her, running around. , all the way to here.”

"Just now, we went to see a senior official from the Rites Department of the Great Qin State. He told us that today we will follow the princess to quell the rebellion. Later, we may follow Miss Tang San to help another prince. I asked around on the way, and it seems that Is it in France or something?" He thought for a while and said: "I didn't make it clear at the time, but I just heard that I wanted to help their little princess Joan of Arc recover from the country. They also promised that if it comes to fruition, Just give us a place, and we can take over the leader of the Chen Dynasty and restore the country. What's the name of that place... It's called Vichy, it seems like it's a duke's seat, it's pretty good."

"Didn't you say before that you were a Dai Viet? But you turned out to be Chinese? Are you still following her?" Guo Ponu still didn't quite understand, and became even more curious: "She is a foreigner to your Dai Viet country. Okay. How is this calculated?"

"Uh, they should all be... I don't know." Le Li didn't seem to understand the problem: "However, foreign countries don't calculate it like this. Almost all the royal courts of Dai Viet came from the north: the ancestors of the Wu Dynasty migrated from Hebei Come, the Ding Dynasty is from Guangzhou, the Li Dynasty is from Shu, and the Li Dynasty and Chen Dynasty are all from Fujian. If you really think about it this way, aren’t all the leaders foreigners?”

"That's it." Guo Ponu had never heard of this before, and nodded half-understanding: "That's fine. Having said that, the Greeks here are completely unacceptable for a woman to be the leader. Over there, , at least I can accept it, which is considered relatively open-minded.”

"This is not new. It is said that those who raised armies in the early years to fight against the tyranny of the Central Plains court were all women." Li Li told her: "Isn't it just to help the female leader restore the country? Everyone has long been used to it."

"...That's pretty good." Guo Ponu had no choice but to deal with it casually.

 I forgot, as a note, Vietnam in the classical era had a very strange way of identifying the Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty. For example, later generations' evaluation of Le Li is "legendary and can succeed Henkel"

  I don’t quite understand how they came up with this order. After all, they still miss the Second Expedition against the Eastern Han Dynasty. But anyway, Li Li is also one of the "Winds of the Great Ancestor"...



(End of this chapter)

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