Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 506 The Second Ming Empire in Haixi

Chapter 506 The Second Ming Empire in Haixi

Guo Ponu chatted with several other people, and Theodora also rushed over. She had the prince dragged out, who had been beaten half to death, and then gathered the team.

The battle was actually over long ago. While they dispersed this group of people, reinforcements from the other side also rushed into the compound. At this moment, a group of captured prisoners came to join them.

At the front of the team, Guo Kang indeed saw Captain Lucas. Next to him, there was a tall man whom he had met before and was not sure whether he was an acquaintance.

"Oh, you are... Mr. Qiao Feng." Guo Kang immediately remembered his distinctive Chinese name and took the initiative to say hello: "It's quite dangerous here, why are you here too?"

"That's why we decided to come and take a look because it was dangerous." Qiao Feng said with a smile: "We got news that there was a fight here, and someone said that you were here, so I decided to quickly call a few friends to come and take a look. ”

"How many people?" Guo Kang was a little surprised: "You are really... I don't know whether to say you are reckless or brave."

"Isn't Mr. You the bravest?" Qiao Feng shook his head and said modestly: "As for me, I'm just a street gangster who happened to be here to help."

"When I was in Florence, I often fought with people from other families in the streets, so I have some experience in this area. Although I can only bring a few people, sometimes the difference between the outcome of the two sides may be just a few points. A swordsman. So I ran over first before my sister could gather her men."

"Sir, you are welcome. You should be the first one to come here to provide support." Guo Ponu also said: "Your experience has been of great help to us. In any case, our Guo family will keep this help in mind."

"Hey, it's because of my inferior experience that I lost the courage to fight for justice." Qiao Feng sighed: "If it were me, I would definitely not dare to continue fighting in the city with such a small number of people. But it seems that Mr. Guo is really popular. I think the whole city is moving for you."

"Is there any?" Guo Kang himself didn't realize this situation.

"There must be." Qiao Feng nodded: "We followed the traces of the battle and found this way. We first met Captain Lucas and several of his men. He said that you should be nearby, but we asked While searching here, we encountered many enemies who came to reinforce us and blocked the road. We had to split up."

"When I was trying to take a detour, I met the nuns over there. They were fighting with people from a rival family. We quickly contacted them. They said that the Queen Mother asked them to come to rescue you, so I will take them Come this way together." He pointed in the direction he was coming from:

"On the way, we found Captain Lucas and Father Sergey again. They managed to gather a large group of Russians, and together we intercepted several groups of enemies coming for reinforcements from behind. Later, when we saw you here, we We also mobilized manpower to cooperate with the attack on this manor. They seemed unable to hold on and chose to break out. After that, it will be your side's battle."

"I heard that the Queen Mother here usually doesn't care much about national affairs, but this time she suddenly sent out all her guards. It must have caused a big fuss, and everyone attaches great importance to you. Later, I really saw this Reinforcements sent from many different places." He said to Guo Kang: "We all knew that more reinforcements would come, but to be honest, I really didn't expect that there would be so many people coming to help. My sister and the others, it seems It’s still too late.”

"Hey, it doesn't matter, as long as you have this intention." Guo Kang comforted and asked curiously: "By the way, you have been talking about your sister. Who is she?"


Qiao Feng showed a complicated expression, hesitated for a moment, and said: "My sister's name is Joanna. She should have met you before. She also invested in you when you raised funds before."

"Oh oh oh, it's her." Guo Kang then remembered: "But it's okay, your names are easy to remember. If there is anything you want to help with in the future, just let me know. I won't treat you badly. From the Qiao family.”

As he said this, he smiled humorously.

"I don't really want anything." Qiao Feng thought for a while and said, "My sister...she has always admired you, but she didn't have a chance to express it. I can't tell what she needs. You can ask her directly. "

"Is that so?" Guo Kang was quite surprised.

Qiao Feng nodded and wanted to continue explaining. But Theodora came over and said: "Mr. Qiao, we still have important matters that need to be dealt with temporarily. I will tell my father about the reward and let the court award it to you. You have made great contributions along the way, and you can also Please take a rest first.”

Qiao Feng glanced at her in surprise. Theodora still stood upright and stared at everyone calmly, showing no emotion. After hesitating for a moment, Qiao Feng took off his helmet, bowed to her, and stepped away.

After that, Theodora walked over to Li Li and asked: "I saw that you were heroic and killed the enemy leader just now. You were the first in this operation. Do you want any reward?"

Li Li was obviously a little nervous and said quickly: "I have no other ideas. I just ask the princess to seal that place in France to us as promised before."

"How can I be sealed now? Besides, it's not something I can seal." Theodora said: "I mean, you follow your leader, Miss Tang, and do your best. The church is not planning to introduce you to help King Wu. What? I think the two Jeannes in their family are very ambitious. They will probably make some trouble in their hometown in France in the future. If you follow them, you will definitely have a chance. Anyway, what they lack most is various organizational titles. Whatever Whatever you want is fine.”

"The two of them?" Guo Kang didn't seem to understand: "What can they cause trouble?"

"I don't know, but neither of these two people will settle down. I know those ambitious women very well, and the energy in them cannot be concealed." Theodora told him confidently.

"How can this be seen..." Guo Kang still didn't quite understand, but he didn't continue to struggle. He turned around and continued to say to Li Li: "But what the princess said is indeed a good idea. You can give it a try."

"That's a good relationship. Thank you both for your advice." Li Li responded quickly: "Then I will petition them later, hoping to leave a piece of land for us. When the time comes, I will also be given the title of prince of Dai Viet."

"Although you are close to China, you don't seem to study well. Your patron is the King of Wu, but you call yourself Yue?" Theodora couldn't help laughing and said: "I'm afraid this is not intentional. In the future you If I want a title, do I have to conquer the country of Wu?"

"Ah?" Li Li was confused for a moment, and quickly explained: "This was not my intention. Some people said before that although the king of the country was captured and Dai Viet was gone, judging from the current situation, no matter Yuan or Ming, neither of us is ours. It can be fought. But we can rebuild this country in France. Therefore, I just mentioned it casually." "I am not talking nonsense about this name. For hundreds of years, everyone has called themselves this." He thought for a while and told Theodora: "If you have to say it, the concept of Yue is indeed too broad. We and the Yue country in the Spring and Autumn Period are probably only distant relatives at most. In fact, the people closest to us are, It should be South Vietnam.”

"South Vietnam is a state that was separated from the Qin Dynasty after the collapse of the Qin Dynasty. It has nothing to do with the natives. If it is called Nanyue, the location is wrong." Theodora corrected: "The core area over there is better than Guangzhou in the center of South Vietnam. Want the south. I don’t know if you are Baiyue, but even if you have to put it together, it is the south of South Vietnam. At most, it can only be called Vietnam."

"You can use this banner and ask King Wu to give you a title. With this, you might be able to recruit a group of people."

"I guess I can't do it myself." Li Li said: "This is not for me to ask for a title. Over here, the Chen royal family still has ancestral virtues, and everyone is willing to obey them. We can continue to respect Chen. I am the lord of the country, as for myself, I can just deal with it casually."

"That's okay. Europeans have long been accustomed to various exiled nobles, fallen heirs and pretenders to the throne." Guo Kang also suggested: "You can set up a Vietnam restoration organization. I think, just call it 'Free Vietnam' Can."

"Is that so?" Li Li didn't seem to understand this concept.

"Hey, what is the name? It just needs to attract people." Guo Kang said: "As for yourself... you don't need to take the title of the leader of the country, just appoint yourself to a military position."

"When Chen She and Wu Guang started the uprising, they initially called themselves generals. Until the end of the Tang Dynasty, Huang Chao also called himself the same. If ordinary people want to raise an army, they don't necessarily have to directly claim the highest position. They can learn from the Ming Dynasty's experience and slowly become the king. It's best. At the beginning, just keep a military position like them." He even made specific suggestions: "In your case, just call yourself Grand Sima to attract the fleeing tribesmen. I also You can help me by telling King Wu and let him seal it."

"Does Taixi also have such a title?" Li Li asked curiously.

"Yes. Marshal of France, this word comes from the king's horse breeder, and its meaning has evolved almost the same as Sima. It is estimated that no matter where in the world, those who are in charge of horses will also be in charge of the military." Theodora nodded. : "This Sima has roughly the same title as their marshal. If you're afraid that Europeans won't recognize him, you can just call yourself marshal."

"That's right." Guo Kang agreed: "When the time comes, you will call yourself the Generalissimo of Free Vietnam and be stationed in Vichy City. Because your homeland is occupied, you are temporarily accumulating troops overseas. Those homeless Vietnamese know that you are on your side. Once we have a firm foothold, everyone will definitely come to seek refuge."

"Even if we can't fight back by then, it is still very promising to manage a world in France." He pointed out: "The Liao Kingdom is gone, and Yelu Dashi can establish Western Liao in the distance. There was a Li Dynasty in Vietnam, right? , you are also a person of some ability, why don't you learn from Yelu Dashi and build a 'Xili'? You are so similar to the French, you must be able to manage them easily."

"Young Master, you think highly of me." Li Li was not so confident and sighed, but he still bowed his hands and expressed his gratitude.

After he also retreated, he followed Tang Saier and others to inspect the distance.

"I'm afraid this person is quite ambitious." Guo Kang reminded.

"Ambitious people are everywhere, it just depends on the environment and who the boss is." Theodora didn't care: "Yang Hu was a scourge to the country in Lu State. He could control the government and wait for opportunities to cause chaos many times. But when he arrived at the Zhao family, he was unable to make trouble, but instead worked honestly and became a loyal minister and good general of the Zhao family."

"It can be seen that people themselves are changeable, and you cannot judge a person's desires and good or bad by feelings. Even if you have experience, it may not be accurate. What's more, most talented people are originally ambitious people . Only with this thought can you have enough motivation to do things. You can’t stop eating because of choking.”

"As for what this person will do in the end and what he can do, it all depends on the Zhu family." She shrugged: "We can ask again when this is over."

"That's it..." Guo Kang barely followed her train of thought, but he didn't know how to answer the question, so he could only respond simply.

"Okay, don't talk so much. You are still injured. You have finally solved this problem, so you should hurry back to a safe place." Guo Ponu came over and interrupted: "It's such a big fuss, it's so big Han and Tuhuan haven’t seen anyone yet, so the entire celebration venue must have been drunk. But since the Queen Mother has sent someone out, she will definitely take care of it. What we need to do is considered over. "

"Hey, it's a pity that I'm still too weak." Guo Kang thought about his experience tonight and blamed himself: "You are right, I am indeed not suitable to be a war commander. In this aspect, you are indeed better than me."

"What are you talking about!" Theodora next to her was unwilling: "You can pull out a group of followers so quickly and fight to the death with you. If you study more, have more training time and logistical support, God knows to what extent.”

"Wars between big powers have long ceased to be about fighting bravely. Even the tactical level of generals is not necessarily the most important. The Romans did not have many famous generals, and their level was not the highest in the Mediterranean world, but they were always The final victory depends on strong organizational skills. The position of war commander is responsible for military strategy, and of course we should pay more attention to this."

"I think you are doing very well in this area, not inferior to your parents and ancestors at all. It is well-deserved to inherit your father's position." She glanced at Guo Ponu: "You can't, follow After a fierce fight with the street thugs, they feel that they are the material to be the commander of the war, so they want to rob them."

"You..." Guo Ponu was furious for a moment.

"Hey, it's like I always feel that I can be in power, but everyone can't accept it." Theodora also complained softly: "In the eyes of many people, we may not be the traditional image. , Someone who is suitable for this position. From this point of view, we are more similar to each other."

She said, holding Guo Kang's hand: "Sometimes I feel that we can just fight out and develop on our own."

"It just so happens that King Wu is in a similar situation. We can work together to establish a second Ming Dynasty in Haixi and set up a banner. When the time comes, he will be the emperor. If he doesn't want to take care of it, I will be the regent and you will be the regent. Warmaster. This way, you won’t always be hampered by some villains.”

"What are you talking about?" Guo Ponu also grabbed Guo Kang and tried to separate them: "Xiao Kang, follow your sister, don't listen to this guy's nonsense. Let's go home and rest first!"

(End of this chapter)

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