Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 511 The Church’s Requirements

Chapter 511 The Church’s Requirements

"Unfamiliar ceiling..."

Tuohuan woke up with a headache. But what caught his eye was not the top of the tent, but clearly a room. He subconsciously touched the knife at his waist and wanted to take a look at his surroundings.

A hand with thick calluses grabbed his cheek and squeezed it hard.

"Don't sleep, get up quickly!" The Queen Mother's loud voice came: "Do you know how many things happened this night? You are still sleeping!"


"It's not easy to learn well, but when you learn something bad, you'll slip away!" The Queen Mother said angrily: "I haven't learned much before I learned how to drink! Drink, and I will drink you to death sooner or later!"

After that, she threw her hand away and walked to the door angrily: "Come here quickly!"

"Hey, what's wrong?" Tuohuan sat up in confusion and looked out the window. Only then did he realize that he had been sent back to the palace. He could only mutter: "I don't even feel anything..."

"Your father woke up half an hour ago. Your mother told him what happened at night. He was so panicked that he hurried to the city and asked someone to wake you up and bring you over to help." The Queen Mother told him: "The result , you slept worse than him, and your mother and the others couldn’t shout at all, so they had to find a donkey cart to pull you over first.”

"Ah..." Tu Huan was very embarrassed and asked quickly: "What happened?"

The Queen Mother had no choice but to briefly explain to him what she knew about the situation.

"Theodora took people to settle the situation in the city and hasn't come back yet. Guo Kanganda was injured all over and is still lying in the palace." She finally said: "You can ask him yourself for the specific situation. .”

"Is he still in stable condition?" Tuo Huan asked.

"He can't die, don't worry, this kid is very tough." The Queen Mother said with a bitter smile: "He said he was fine because his armor was good and the enemy couldn't cause any damage. But everyone insisted on stripping him naked for inspection, and found that The armor pieces under his clothes were completely deformed, and there were bruises all over his body. The biggest damage was caused by cannon fire."

"Moreover, several arrows had actually penetrated the armor and pierced the flesh. The blood that flowed out was stained red, but he didn't know it, so he pulled out the arrows and continued to fight. When we checked, those wounds had already been The bleeding stopped, but the imperial doctor said that the wound still had to be treated. As a result, he fainted from the pain during the treatment."

"Oh my God." Tuohuan opened his eyes wide and muttered: "This guy is really crazy..."

"I didn't expect it to end up like this." The Queen Mother said helplessly in a low voice: "While we were preparing the team, your mother specifically asked the servants of his family, as well as several people in the church who often interacted with him and helped him set up institutions. A priest. They said they have never seen any conflict between Kang Xiaozi and the Wang family. They may have never had much contact with each other before. "

"Your mother told me just now that she felt strange because even if the Wang family fell, he wouldn't be able to take advantage of it. I don't know why he works so hard."

"I told you before, he is actually a very pious person. However, the object of his piety is a bit different from ordinary believers. I wonder if he is aware of some deeper aspect of Heavenly Father? However, This religious knowledge is not something I understand." Tuohuan shook his head and analyzed:

"Although it's quite surprising, I don't think there are many people more pious than him even in church monasteries. It's really scary for people like this to have an attack when they encounter something that they can't stand for a while."

"I used to think that he was far-sighted, calm and down-to-earth, and willing to work seriously. He was a talented person who could run the country just like his grandfather and great ancestor." The Queen Mother said: "When people first told me about this matter, I thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't figure out how he planned it. I just thought that there might be some bigger strategy, or that he already knew the evidence of the other party's rebellion. According to what you said, maybe he really didn't think about it himself? "

"The specific reasons still need to be investigated, but I think that things like rebellion will not really excite him. Because things like rebellion are too secular. What really makes him excited is probably something else." Huan said.

"The church here has a strong pagan overtone. Although nominally they all regard Changshengtian as the highest god and Brother Tian as the prophet, in many places everyone has different understandings. In this environment, some people follow the It is easy to understand why religious sects form groups to strive for political or commercial interests."

"I heard that in the Central Plains, different industries have different industry gods; in Europe, different industries also have their own saints. Worshiping these gods to unite the forces within the industry and strengthen the cohesion of the guild is universal. It’s a choice that everyone can see. Logically speaking, as long as things like this don’t go too far, you generally don’t have to worry about it. Moreover, Guo Kanganda usually takes a very open view of these things. I never I've never seen him struggle with this issue before." Tuo Huan scratched his head: "I don't know what happened this time. I was so impulsive..."

"I have taken care of so many children, but I still look down on this kid." The Queen Mother sighed: "I thought he was smart, honest, and didn't have any bad habits. He was very caring to his family and friends, regardless of gender. Being kind is probably the best choice for a grandson-in-law. But...if Theodora gets married, she won't be bullied."

"What are you thinking about?" Tuohuan obviously didn't believe it: "Who can bully her? It's better if she doesn't bully others."

"None of the princesses of our Liu family are efficient. Last time I chatted with Javanese businessmen, they told me anecdotes from the East, including how the princesses of the Yuan Dynasty bullied the King of Goryeo. Such things There are too many, and I haven’t heard of anyone suffering a loss. I’m worried that Guo Kang’s temper will spoil her even worse..."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it for now." The Queen Mother had to give in: "It's dawn, and a lot of people will come to ask about the situation. You should hurry up and help your parents to deal with it."

Tuo Huan nodded, straightened his clothes, and walked out. In the corridor, many people were busy coming and going, and it seemed that there was indeed a lot going on. He walked to the waiting room outside the reception room on the first floor. Qie Xue, who was standing guard outside, opened the door for him. He happened to see Lama Wang inside, gesticulating fiercely with several senior officials from the Ministry of Punishment.

Seeing him walking in, several people hurriedly stopped arguing and saluted him.

Tuo Huan also greeted them one by one, and finally asked specifically: "Master Wang, I see you are very angry, what's wrong?"

"Hey!" Wang Da Lama breathed out forcefully: "I just went to see the Khan and stated the situation, but some people insisted that this was an ordinary gathering of pagan culture enthusiasts - what enthusiast would come up and criticize the church for censorship Guan Yipao? Isn’t this nonsense?” “What?” Tuhuan hadn’t heard about this detail before, so she quickly asked: “How many people did the church send?”

"The core is a regular law enforcement team, led by a professional reviewer." Wang Dalai Lama said: "In addition, when we received the report, considering that the crime occurred in a slum area with poor security, we also specially A group of church knights were dispatched to escort us. Father Mikhail and others from the Kiev church, because they were familiar with the situation there, also volunteered to go with them and act as guides. Guo Kang went with them as our consultant. In addition, There are a few people he led, but those are not our side, they are a matter for the Ministry of War."

"What about the final casualties?" Tuohuan asked again.

"The examiner and two attendants were martyred in the bombardment, and only the accompanying clerk survived. There are only three church knights left, and they withdrew not long ago. Mr. Guo and Father Mikhail were both injured and are now lying He's here." Lama Wang counted him one by one: "Nearly twenty people sent by the church, as well as priests and monks in the parish church, were killed in the battle, and a few more have not been found yet, and they may still be there. It has to be increased.”

"Oh my God……"

"I have been the Patriarch for ten years, and I have never encountered such a bad crime." Lama Wang said in a stern tone: "It is true that there have always been vicious incidents against church censors and clergy, but they are basically in remote areas. Areas, especially places where heretics and heretics are active. Now this kind of thing can happen even in the capital? "

"If I remember correctly, the last time more than 20 clergy were killed in the line of duty was 18 years ago. At that time, Polish heretics penetrated into the rear and attacked a nunnery, killing more than 30 nuns." He recalled. He paused and said: "That time, Patriarch Yin ordered that all the churches of the church should ring bells after morning prayer until revenge. Later, we fought two battles and burned more than fifty heretics to death. This is the end of it.”

"Let's tell you what to do if something like this happens." He spread his hands and simply stopped talking.

"Old Wang, calm down first. It's because this matter is so big that everyone has doubts. No matter how much you shout now, you won't be able to convince people. Everyone else has their own reasons." Someone came here to break up the fight. Gao Liyan, the Minister of Criminal Affairs, said: "First collect and organize the evidence, and then distribute the materials to everyone. If it is really this serious, then we will not just watch."

"We definitely have evidence." Wang Dalai Lama said confidently: "Although it is an investigation and law enforcement operation and will not be publicized, their business started from the Empress Temple. All the formalities and documents are complete, and they are in our office. Woolen cloth."

"The whole process is very simple. There is a believer, and his whole family was robbed by an organization suspected of being a cult. They are protected by gangs, and believers dare not mess with them, so they can only report secretly - the records of their reports, our church The priest also sorted it out at that time and gave it to us."

"We also discovered that some of the people who were reported also joined the newly formed Ross Brigade. We also told the Ministry of War about this news, so they sent people to support and even sent the War Commander's flag. I I don’t know what’s going on over there now, but they must have kept a record of this kind of transfer. The officials over there should also know about it.”

"As for what happened after the fight, is there any evidence?" Tuohuan also continued to ask.

"We can find evidence for several key things." Wang Dalai Lama thought for a while and said: "Our law enforcement team initially just wanted to rush to rescue and rescue those innocent people. The other party was not willing to hand over People, this is how the two sides started fighting. Although no physical evidence could be left behind, there were many witnesses. At that time, the entire neighborhood was watching, and some of the thugs who resisted law enforcement found that they could not be beaten and quickly surrendered. This place The conflict broke out relatively early, and it was also far away from the place where the fighting was fiercest. There are relevant people on both sides who survived and can be questioned."

"The same is true for the use of artillery that I just mentioned. At that time, the cultists directly operated military artillery to attack our team, and our prosecutor died in the line of duty at that time. There were many other injured people. You can check and ask them directly. Know the situation. As for the people who saw and heard this incident, there must be at least several hundred people around, and it cannot be concealed no matter what."

"After the battle was won, we searched the place where they used to worship and found the remains of the victims, the informant's children. The informant and his wife were too sad to participate in the follow-up actions. Father Mikhail commissioned several A kind believer transported the remains of them and their children to a church far away from the slums, so they were not affected by the fighting. I have sent people to protect them. If you need confessions and evidence, you can ask me for them. .”

"That's all I can think of for the time being. As I said before, there are too many people involved in this matter, so there is no possibility of hiding it." Lama Wang said categorically: "If an investigation is needed, the church will definitely cooperate with it." .But we also have to get answers."

"Most of the nearly twenty priests and monks lost this time came all the way from the Ross area. They are the most pious, outstanding and promising people in the local diocese. They carry us, especially The ardent hope of the Kiev Church. Originally, they should have returned to their hometown after proper training to spread the gospel and the teachings of Rome. We, General Cao and others have drafted new proposals to further develop the Rus region. People are the most important pillars among them. Their martyrdom is certainly a glory for themselves, but it is still an irreparable loss to the missionary cause of the church and the grand goal of Rome."

"The Church of Kiev is also very shocked by this incident. Bishop Gregory, the permanent representative in Dadu, has submitted a formal petition to me, asking the Roman Church to give them an explanation. This is where we fight against the enemies in the north and open up new territories. At the forefront, we must not let them feel cold under any circumstances." Lama Wang looked at Tuo Huan, then cupped his hand to Gao Liyan, and said:

"Taiji, and Lao Gao, I know that everyone has difficulties, but other things are easy to discuss. Only on this issue, the church will never make concessions. If this kind of behavior is lightly exposed, the church will have nothing Is there any prestige and sanctity at all? We simply can’t give an explanation to the many believers and clergy!”

"Okay, okay, I understand. I'm going to write an official document right now. Lao Wang, could you please sort out the materials quickly and give me a copy." Gao Liyan patted him on the shoulder: "Just don't do it here There is a lot of trouble and a lot of things going on."

Lama Wang sighed and nodded.

"I was short of breath for a moment - hey, it makes me feel bad to think about so many casualties." He frowned and pursed his lips, looking like he was really hurting: "Forget it, let me take a breath first, old man. …I’ll go back first and deliver the materials in the afternoon.”

When Gao Liyan saw what he said, he had no other objections. Tuo Huan first comforted Lama Wang with some kind words, and then praised Gao Liyan, praising him for his diligence in state affairs and his ability to put justice first. They both thanked him and took their leave.

Tuo Huan thought for a while and followed Lama Wang for a few steps.

"Taiji?" Lama Wang obviously realized that he still had something to say, so he turned around and waited.

"Master Wang, have you met General Cao before?" Tuohuan stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

"I've seen it." Lama Wang nodded.

Tuo Huan pointed in the direction where Guo Kang was resting.

"Well, he was framed by thieves and injured like this because of the things we arranged. We will support him to the end." Wang Dalai Lama said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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