Chapter 512 The Flag Never Lost

After communicating with Lama Wang, the door of the reception hall was still closed. My parents were probably busy at the moment, so after thinking about it, they didn't go in. He called the attendants at the door and told them that if they were asked, just say that he was awake and go out to find out the situation. Then, he walked out of the corridor and looked out from the balcony.

The sky was getting brighter, but the flames burning all over the city were still very bright. Tuohuan sighed, rubbed his head, thought for a moment, and then looked closer.

Only then did he realize that a group of ragged people had gathered in the square ahead, carrying crosses and several flags, sitting on the ground to rest. Guo Ponu was also there, talking to the leaders.

Tuohuan decided to ask about the situation, so he went downstairs and walked over there.

Guo Ponu's sharp eyes saw him from afar in the flow of people coming in and out, and waved to greet him. Others did not recognize him at all. It was obvious that even though he was the heir to the country, many people even in the capital had nothing to do with him.

Guo Ponu introduced those people first, and then they reacted and bowed to him awkwardly to greet him. However, some people couldn't help but be curious and kept looking at him secretly.

"I missed a big deal this time." Tuohuan did not dwell on these trivial matters and first said to Guo Ponu: "I heard that you and Guo Kang'anda have experienced a lot of dangers. I'm really sorry that I couldn't help you at this time. Excuse me."

"Hey, it doesn't matter. We didn't expect this kind of thing to happen." Guo Ponu shook his head: "At the beginning, I was just showing off my temper. I thought I was just going with him for fun, so I insisted on going together. Who? I know there will be such a big fuss in the end. By the way, is Xiaokang awake?"

"It wasn't there when I came here, but everyone said it's not a problem." Tuo Huan said, "What about you? It's not a big problem, right?"

"I'm fine. After I came back, everyone asked me how I was doing. I said I was fine, but the Queen Mother still didn't believe me, so she insisted on letting me take a shower and took the opportunity to see how injured I was." Guo Ponu Answer: "But my condition is much better than that of my brother. I was only beaten twice and nothing serious happened. The palace has nothing to do with me now, so I changed my clothes and ran out."

"That's good." Tuohuan nodded, looked at the people next to him, and asked, "You all came together too?"

"Yes, we followed the Constantine brothers and fought all the way!" The leader, a big man, held a cross and said excitedly in Greek with a strange accent: "We even lost the All the signs have been found!”

"Oh? Then what is this?" Tuohuan pointed to a wooden lump hanging on the cross.

"That is the idol of the evil god that we destroyed." The big man introduced; "Brother Constantine chopped off its head, hung it on the cross, and let us hold it up to distinguish it from other ordinary crosses in the parish. .”

"Originally, there are still several heads of cult leaders here!" A tall young man next to him added: "But just now, the Patriarch hurried over and said that he wanted to quickly count the thieves killed by us. If there is any physical evidence, Give him physical evidence, and if you don’t have any physical evidence, go to the cathedral with him and take a confession.”

"He called Father Sergei and Brother Alexander away. He also took away those heads. Now there is only one left." He pointed to the crossbar of the cross, making it appear that He looked a little pity: "Actually, he wanted to take all of them away, but none of us were happy, so he left us this one."

"Actually, this is enough. After all, it just needs a symbolic meaning." The big man holding the cross did not object: "Those leaders are too low-level and are not worthy of being the enemies of the Constantine brothers. There is a symbol that can represent the evil god. I think that’s enough.”

Others whispered among themselves, and most of them supported this. The young man thought about it and felt it made sense, so he no longer objected.

"I just don't know why the Patriarch needs so many things when writing materials." Next to him, an old man with a gray beard carrying a flag said: "He also took away several flags from Brother Constantine, and only the remaining We did this ourselves temporarily."

"You're stupid, Dad, those flags don't belong to us in the first place." A young man from behind corrected: "The small flag belongs to the War Commander, and the big flag belongs to the Ministry of War. The smaller one is authorized by him. , the one who asked him to issue emergency orders; the big one was asked by the imperial court to recruit troops and form a team here. Both of them are the flags of the government, isn't it normal for people to want to go back."

"That's it..." The old man suddenly realized.

"Then give me that flag. I am the captain of ten." The young man urged: "Why do you have to take it..."

"I'm your father, can't you just take it?" The old man puffed his beard and said with a glare: "This flag will definitely be a sacred object from now on. Don't try to monopolize it, let your father hold it for a while first, so he can take advantage of it."

"But this is something belonging to the army. Doesn't it mean that things belonging to the army cannot be given away to others casually?" the young man questioned.

"It's okay, I'm also a member of the army. And I didn't ask you to 'give', I just 'take' for now." This obviously illiterate old man actually thought about the words: "Besides, I am your father, you If you can, I can too."

"Oh, Taiji is right over here."

"Taiji is here, and I am your father too!"

"Okay, okay." Tuohuan quickly interrupted them.

He found that these people may live in a simple and violent environment and have no idea of ​​high-level authority. Even the awe of him seemed to come from the description of their temporary leader Guo Ponu, rather than a real fear of him. Fortunately, the Russians who have persisted all the way till now are probably strong-willed and relatively flexible-minded. Seeing him speaking out on his own initiative, he stopped making trouble.

"The flag is indeed very precious to the legion, but why is it said to be a sacred object?" Seeing them quiet down, Tuo Huan looked at the flag again and asked, "This should be the flag of your team, right?"

Guo Ponu and others also followed him and looked up.

This so-called flag is actually just a piece of rag. Its shape is not the usual rectangle, but a right-angled trapezoid with a long tail on the short side. Anyone who has ever seen a tailor shop can tell at a glance that this is just the leftover material left over from tailoring clothes.

It was originally supposed to be dyed red, but the craftsmanship of the private workshop that made it was not high, or the profiteers were trying to save money, so the color was not bright and the color faded in a few places. Tuo Huan wondered if they wanted to imitate the iconic red flag of the legion, but they couldn't find one with the right color, so they had to use this thing instead, and they didn't even have time to cut it slightly. The colors of normal team flags are actually not uniform. Because unlike the habits here in Europe, in the military tradition of Seris, the importance of flags is quite high. Different teams have different flags, through which commanders can quickly pass simple orders to specific subordinate units.

Therefore, not only cannot the flags of different teams be unified, but they must be as clearly distinguished as possible. In the Siris-style command system, the number of units at the same level is relatively larger, and the command levels are also more detailed, which makes the flag itself a complex system.

In actual combat, a single color is definitely not enough. It often needs to be matched with special patterns or with various additional signs, such as a circle with a tooth flag or something. At the grassroots level, there is a more complex set of rules, specific to the ribbons on soldiers and the colored logos on their backs. Since these flags are distributed to very low-level units, the flag density is very high. When viewed from a distance, the entire army actually looks a bit colorful.

Of course, for these Russians, this requirement is too high. How to identify flags is a very important part of military training, and these people know nothing about it. It's pretty good if there's a flag.

And there are indeed no complicated patterns on this flag. The only mark is a horizontal bar and four vertical bars drawn on it with carbon.

"This is……"

"This is 'Five'." The young man finally snatched the flag back from his father's hand: "We are the fifth team."

"Ah..." Tuo Huan thought for a while and realized that these people probably don't understand Chinese numerals, nor do they understand Latin numerals or Greek. Even the simplest Arabic numerals, popularized by businessmen and churches, are probably not recognized by many people. Guo Kang deliberately drew five lines like a plan, probably because he was concerned about this matter.

"Brother Constantine sent us ten flags. The other nine were lost or damaged, and the ones in our hands were replaced later. Only ours has always followed him and never fell." On the other side, his father also said very proudly.

"That's really not easy." This comparison of numbers made Tuo Huan sigh with emotion: "You must have made a lot of sacrifices."

"Yes, Vasily is the fifth captain recommended by everyone." Although the old man looked very optimistic, he was still a little sad when he said this: "It was in the last battle that he took over from the fourth captain. Wan. What a pity..."

"No, no, you made a mistake by joining in halfway, Father Vladimir." Another person corrected: "Dmitri Semyonovich is the fifth, and his nephew I Wan is the fourth term. Your son is already the sixth term!"

"How do you know?" The old man was not convinced: "I did come in halfway. I don't know much about the previous situation, but I heard it with my own ears. But you, didn't you just come in halfway?"

"Of course I am. There are no people from the first batch in the fifth team!" The man said loudly: "But Ivan is the fifth, and he told us himself! The first, Congkang The one who took over the flag from the Standing brothers was the blacksmith at the intersection, Ivan the Bear, but when he went to the manor with the altar to save the child, he was shot to death."

"After him, the second one was his assistant Anton. But later, when attacking the bad nobleman's manor, Anton climbed up the wall with the flag and was stoned to death by the enemies above. The flag fell He came down and was picked up by 'Cripple' Yefim. Yefim managed to climb up, but was hacked to death in the yard. After that, everyone temporarily let little Ivan take over - because he can do arithmetic and should be able to Observe and direct better."

"When we were being beaten and running around at the gate of the manor, little Ivan gathered everyone together, hoping to fight back and stop the enemy's pursuit. I don't know if this is feasible, but he said he had considered it, Everyone can just follow him. I can do this, so I followed him."

"However, we are still too weak. The enemy had a large group of armored soldiers. Little Ivan was unable to defeat them and was killed at the front. His uncle Dmitry snatched the flag back, so we recognized him as captain . Later, the enemy retreated, and we followed the Constantine brothers to fight for a while. But when the enemy rushed into the alley and we tried to defend, Dmitri was also killed by the enemy who climbed over the obstacle."

"Your son Vasily reacted the fastest. Before the murderer was ready to deal with the enemy, he chopped him to death with an axe. So everyone quickly let him take over." The man did not forget to tease Old Vladimir in the end. Dad: "I don't know how to be a father, but I don't know about your son!"

"How can you talk!" Vladimir was obviously unwilling.

"Okay, okay." The new captain Vasily said quickly: "Uncle Igor, how did you know."

"These are what old Dmitri told me personally." Igor replied: "He specifically told me and Oleg to remember these things and tell others when the enemy is defeated. But Oleg Lege also died in the battle while blocking the enemy's attack, and I am the only one left."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier!" Vasily was shocked: "Just now when the Patriarch came, you didn't tell anyone. I had a quarrel with my father, but you started talking incessantly! If you hadn't written it down earlier, Looking back...what should I do if I lose it?"

"Isn't this the end of the fight? There is no problem at all." Igor disagreed.

"Who knows if the fight is really over." Vladimir Lai's father reminded: "Don't forget, even if we entered the manor and ended the battle successfully, we encountered several groups of enemies who came to reinforce them. Who knows , is it really stable now?"

"Then find someone who can write and write it down." Igor spread his hands, indicating that he was letting himself go.

Everyone looked at each other and found that no one could write. Father Vladimir thought for a while and didn't know how to refute. He could only scratch his head angrily and accept it tentatively.

"Oh my God. How many people have you lost?" Tuohuan frowned and said with some surprise.

"I don't know." Vasily could only shake his head: "You have also seen that everyone is coming and going. I guess no one can tell clearly."

"Don't worry, Taiji." Igor comforted him instead: "There are some things that Heavenly Father pays attention to, just like our flag. These things will definitely not be left behind."

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