Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 535 Confucius is also Brother Tian’s eldest brother

Chapter 535 Confucius is also Brother Tian’s eldest brother
So, what can be concluded from these historical lessons?

First of all, the most important factor is definitely the ability to fight. Europe is different from the East. There is no limit to how many people can be killed here. Xiaobo can only be regarded as an ordinary tyrant in this place. In China, few successful people are kind, but most of them are relatively normal people. Even the Sima family is more normal to the people than the Cao family.

But here in Europe, from the French dealing with the Cleansers, to the Teutonic Knights annihilating the Prussians, to these things in Bohemia... it is commonplace to solve problems by killing everyone. In this environment, if you can't fight, it's really useless. The other side has enough patience and determination to spend several generations killing people. In this case, no matter how popular the doctrine is, it is completely useless if it cannot be defeated.

The good thing for now, though, is that the Hussites don't have to worry about that much. Although there are few people, they can often achieve incredible results when fighting Shinra. In some battles, the disadvantage was so great that Jessica himself wanted to surrender, but the opponent refused to accept it, so he could only keep fighting, but in the end he won inexplicably. Thanks to this, this most serious problem can be put aside for the time being, and the next considerations are much simpler.

"The corruption of the church is inevitable. This may be the nature of mortals." Guo Kang concluded: "And the sages of the past generations, from the priests in ancient times to the Saint Francis just mentioned, actually all have the same idea: That That is, the clergy should be kept away from secular power and the source of corruption. The clergy only study scriptures and pray, while the laity are responsible for running the country and maintaining the functioning of society. This is the so-called separation of church and state, and it seems to have been the most pursued by European philosophers. The ideal state.”

"But I think they are all wrong. This idea is completely opposite."

"Huh?" Captain Jessica had just finished telling the saint's deeds and was still a little emotional. When he suddenly heard what he said, he didn't react for a moment.

"Have you ever thought that some of the ideas of the sages are actually contradictory?" Guo Kang continued to ask.

"Which places are you referring to?" Captain Jessica asked quickly.

"For example, what I just mentioned is the ideal of Saint Francis. On the one hand, he hopes to reduce the distinction between priests and laity and make everyone more equal. On the other hand, he needs priests to stay away from the world and live an ascetic life. These two are not Is there a contradiction?" Guo Kang asked.

"The same is true for real-life problems. The church itself is a secular organization that spreads knowledge. Many of the problems it has arisen are not only problems of doctrine and ideology, but also largely organizational problems. If this aspect can be improved, then Many subsequent problems can be solved naturally.”

This time, everyone nodded.

"Some of us there also think that we should attach importance to the organization and management in the mortal world." Captain Jessica said: "But you have also seen that under such circumstances, if we want to keep our religious organizations from being corrupted, it is really difficult. It is very difficult. In fact, I myself have some doubts - our role as an example and appeal are far inferior to that of St. Francis. Can we really accomplish what he was unable to accomplish?"

"We mortals should be self-aware and not always think that we are great and can accomplish everything in one battle. This is also a sin of arrogance. And once our pride is exposed, we often fall into inferiority. I often feel in private, This is not the right way of thinking.”

"I see that many monasteries are too eager for quick success. They always rush into practice, as if by doing so, they can save everyone at once like Brother Tian. But the reality is that things are not that simple. So these people , and none of them succeeded." He shook his head: "At this time, many people have turned pessimistic and made bottomless concessions in all aspects, leading to the complete corruption of the rules."

"If this is the case, you should bring everyone with you to practice together. You can't give up just because they can't do it." Guo Kang said: "Even if they can't complete all the requirements, they can still educate lay believers so that they can partially achieve their goals. . On the contrary, it would be wrong to just recite sutras by yourself and ignore other church members. Because education is the most important part."

"If you are still the same as him, you will definitely be inferior to him." Guo Kang said bluntly: "That's why I suggested a different approach."

"I think we should correct our mentality. Since Heavenly Father allows us to live in this world, we need to understand the grand order He created, respect and follow these basic rules. Mortal souls also originate from Heavenly Father, so Of course, we cannot indulge ourselves, but we cannot deny all human nature because of this. Otherwise, we will be almost like those heretics who are extremely pessimistic about the human soul and even deny the glory of the Heavenly Father.”

"Look, we're going back here again." Guo Kang spread his hands and said to Captain Jessica: "In order to better promote the righteous faith and allow more people to live a pure life, we need to organize and invest. Secular. In this way, the closer you are to the secular, the further you are from the secular. Isn’t there another problem here?”

"Then, you cannot study scriptures by yourself; educating lay believers cannot be completed by one person. Therefore, there must be sufficient organization, and with an organization, there will be managers and distribution of power." Guo Kang continued: "In this way, whether you like it or not, there will definitely be a difference in power and status. This is actually the conclusion that Francis' case tells us. So, is it correct?"

"People should do what people should do." Guo Kang said: "Since we are in the mortal world, we should use the rules of the mortal world to realize our ideals. Heavenly Father likes people who can help Him, and He has not directly destroyed them. Those corrupt priests did not use oracles to directly urge us to do anything, which means that these problems should be solved by mortals themselves."

"Then what should we do specifically?" The monks were obviously interested.

"Many of our current problems arose after the church split." Captain Jessica said with emotion: "It seems that it has indeed had a great impact."

"That's true." The monks thought for a while and agreed: "Our experience is the same. Printing and education are indeed our most powerful weapons."

Captain Jashka thought for a moment and couldn't answer for a moment, so he quickly turned back to look at the two monks. But they were obviously not prepared for this question. After thinking about it, they could only say: "It should be that he hopes that everyone can live this kind of spiritual life, but most people do not have this ability and cannot force it. So we can only ask some priests to do it first."

"After the decline of Rome, the impact on Europe was not just political and military. The organizational regression would also hinder many aspects such as education and thought." Guo Kang said: "I say it is ugly, the current situation in Europe, I think It is even theoretically impossible to unify our thoughts and make everyone be kind."

"Everyone knows what the current situation is in the entire Mediterranean world. After Rome withdrew from most areas, these places have greatly regressed and returned to the feudal system. Whether it is a king or a sultan, even if they have an army and power, they can only In this way a very limited administration of a loose country can be carried out.”

"The church is not as powerful as them and can only survive in the cracks of power. As a result, the two sides cannot cooperate for a win-win situation, but can only hold each other back. The church believes that the barbarian kings are uneducated and like to mess around, while the kings and nobles I hate the church's dictation. Both sides believe that the other is interfering with their own rights, and what's more terrible is that they are indeed deliberately causing harm to each other. There are too many examples of this in the past thousand years, and I don't even want to list them." "Then why do you say that the idea of ​​withdrawing from the secular world is also wrong?" A monk asked: "Can't we avoid this problem by simply giving up the power of the secular world and not competing with the rulers?"

"Because we cannot withdraw from the secular world." Guo Kang said bluntly: "This idea sounds wonderful, but it ignores a basic question: How are people organized?"

"We Romans fight every day, so we often study military management issues. We find that there are very few people that a leader can directly manage. We often promote some veterans who are good at fighting to serve as grassroots leaders, but even if they themselves He is very good at fighting, but he can often only lead a team of five people. A better one can only lead a team of ten people. If there are more, even if the veteran has excellent abilities, he will often be unable to take care of him. So until now, the most basic The organization is still the size of Shiwu; the most basic sergeant is still the captain of ten."

"And in this kind of organization, the most basic authority is mostly based on violence or force. I see some captains training new recruits, just to fight with everyone one by one and beat everyone up. Lie down. In this way, even those recruits who like to cause trouble will be much more honest. It will be a lot easier to train later." Guo Kang talked about his experience:

"Before, I invited some experienced officers to help me train the newly recruited Russians. They told me that training Romans from legionary estates is the easiest, as long as they emphasize the disciplines that need special attention in the army. , usually it’s fine. But those Russians must be beaten, otherwise they are really disobedient. Even if these people actually voluntarily join the army, they just can’t adapt to the discipline of the army for a while.”

"I felt that treating the new recruits in this way was too violent and might arouse everyone's dissatisfaction, so I asked a Ross noble I knew if he had any tips. As a result, he thought we were beating too lightly..."

"What's the principle? The Russians deserve a beating?" Zhu Wenkui said doubtfully.

"I think this kind of character is actually a reflection of the organizational level." Guo Kang said: "Among other creations of Heavenly Father, this kind of violent rule is more common. Many animals choose leaders based on who is the strongest. ."

"The most basic rules of human beings are also based on direct violence. In a simple and primitive organization, people with stronger bodies, stronger wills, and stronger fighting capabilities will naturally become the leaders. Even the higher-level rules are Violence is needed as the most basic support.”

"So, the lower the level of organization and the more primitive the social culture, the more dependent it is on violence. Those Russians are all from the wild land. If you want to change their thinking direction and get them used to a higher level of organization, it is indispensable. Use violent means."

"This is understandable." Zhu Wenkui agreed: "This process of improving organizational standards should be education."

"Yes." Guo Kang said: "After the education reaches a certain level and the organization becomes complex to a certain extent, it will naturally break away from pure violence and rely on 'civilization'. Therefore, it seems that it is not so violent. "

"Because when there are more people, it is necessary to set up a multi-layered management organization. But in this way, the senior leaders will not be able to contact all the people being managed. If you manage a team of ten people, you can beat the new recruits one by one. But It’s impossible to manage a legion like this.”

"Back then, Caligula, the head of state in Rome, went crazy and went to flog the sea and claimed that he had conquered the ocean. But even so, he couldn't go from house to house and beat all the citizens to make them obey - Although he is crazy, he is not stupid to this extent."

"When violence fails, other methods are needed to make everyone recognize the management of this organization. Otherwise, this organization will surely fall into chaos and collapse due to insufficient cohesion. In reality, the common methods adopted by all civilizations It’s faith.”

"I read church historical materials and said that the heads of ancient Rome and the kings of Persia liked to compare themselves to gods." The monk thought for a while and said, "It seems that they are trying to use this arrogant way to gain control of their faith." control, to simply hold state power.”

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded: "Everyone uses different beliefs. Some are close to the right way, and some are so ridiculous that people at the time couldn't stand it. But no matter what, their ideas are the same."

"The more complex human organizations are and the more people there are, the more distant the top managers are to ordinary people; the more abstract the image of the highest power becomes. To a certain extent, there may be only one concept left. ." He discussed: "So, if we want to establish an idealized, most extensive and universal political power, then its highest power must also be the purest and most original concept. In other words, this power is From the Father Himself – you see, doesn’t this go back to doctrine.”

"I see. No wonder you said before that Rome in its complete form is one with the Heavenly Father." The monk seemed to understand and said happily: "I thought this idea was a bit heretical at first, but now I see that it is truly It’s in line with faith.”

"So, the ones who best fit the concept of ideal leaders are not kings, but Brother Tian?" Captain Jashka pondered.

"You can say that. In Seris, there has been a similar discussion for a long time." Guo Kang nodded: "Scholars over there believe that the great sage Confucius was more intelligent than the wise Chang Hong and more brave than the warrior Meng Ben. Although he has never been the ruler of a country, he still possesses this supreme divinity, which is the so-called 'imperial virtue'."

"But after all, he has never been a king, and he has no land or people of his own, so everyone calls him 'King Su', which means a king without a throne. This term is also suitable to describe Brother Tian. It can be seen that Heavenly Father has already made arrangements Everything, even this attempt, was arranged in advance by Confucius to help."

"That's it...I seem to understand." Everyone suddenly realized.

"Last time I heard a rumor that Brother Tian's eldest brother was Zhuge Kongming. But according to what he meant, Kong Fuzi and Brother Tian were equal, and they were a lot earlier. It seems that they are also brothers, right?" Tang Saier asked in a low voice. Zhu Wenkui: "Are there so many people in his family?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Zhu Wenkui quickly stopped her.

(End of this chapter)

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