Chapter 536 Guan Gong kills Satan

Guo Kang didn't hear what they said anymore and looked back curiously, but the two people stopped talking. This situation reminded him of when he was in school, when students would secretly chat while their husband was giving lectures. I don’t know why they are still acting like children...

He decisively ignored the two people and continued to explain: "Let me give you an example. You all know about the church buying and selling priesthoods."

"That's so clear." A monk said helplessly: "We protest against this behavior all day long, but to be honest, in the near future, we are even... the beneficiaries, right? I am speechless."

"What's going on?" Tuo Huan asked.

"The archbishop Zaic of our diocese is a villain who only wants to please his superiors. He bought his priesthood with his own money." The monk told him: "This man has no opinions of his own at all, and his level of theological knowledge is very low. Oops. He can only sway back and forth according to the wind between the king and the pope. But on the other hand, it is precisely because he is too ignorant that he cannot control everyone's preaching. Our theory is here It spread over time.”

"Father Hus's theory was inspired by the English theologian Wycliffe. So after the church discovered the situation in Bohemia, its first reaction was to ask the local bishop to take action and ban Wycliffe's works. However, Za Bishop Iggy doesn't even know who Wycliffe is, and his close clergymen are all greedy and foolish men."

"So, even though they banned it several times, they couldn't tell which books were considered heretical according to the church. They could only find some random books and burn them to deal with the problem. Our missionary work was basically not affected much."

"It sounds outrageous enough." Zhu Wenkui commented.

"Yes, I have this idea because it is too exaggerated." Guo Kang said: "The problem in Europe now is that no matter what organization, it is very imperfect. Normally, an organization as long and large as the church, There would certainly be the ability to monitor and self-cleanse. But the reality is, it just doesn't..."

"And even if we do take action, we can just take it ourselves. Don't we in Rome still lack legitimacy? On the contrary, if we hang out with people with such a bad reputation, everyone will resist us. This will not be worth the gain."

"We don't want to pay attention to him at all." Tuohuan said bluntly without giving anyone any face: "From a military point of view, Naples is already within our grasp. If we wanted to occupy it, my grandfather would have taken it directly. It’s just that we still have many more important things to do, and we don’t want to waste manpower and time there, so we haven’t done anything yet.”

"As I just said, it's still the same as under the enfeoffment system." Zhu Wenkui said: "If you can't even implement the central government's orders, even if you have a good system, what's the use?"

"Italy is the heart of Europe. The era of ancient Rome has passed. Now it is not a place where it can rise, but it is still a quagmire. No matter who enters, they will be jointly attacked by others, so we don't have to worry. Let others not control it. There, that’s enough.”

"They are attacking the Pope of Avignon." The monk replied: "The Popes are also at odds with each other and are sending each other crusaders - unfortunately, in the end we have to pay for it."

"We believe that the only legal leader of the Catholic Church is the Patriarch of Dadu. The divisions and chaos in the Roman Catholic Church just prove their failure. I estimate that in the end, we will still have to clean up the mess. Until then, just let them make trouble." He waved his hand and finally said.

"No wonder he's so anxious..." Zhu Wenkui understood: "If there is no progress, his seat will be gone, right?"

"Moreover, there are recent rumors that among the three current Catholic archbishops, the one in Rome has the worst reputation. Sigismund went to mediate last time, but the more people got involved, the more people got involved, and it became a farce, which made him very unhappy. No face. So this time, he has to depose at least one person no matter what, so that he can explain to everyone. Roma is the first to bear the brunt. "

"Are the Crusaders coming again? I didn't even know." Zhu Wenkui said in surprise.

"The Crusades are not all aimed at us." Tuo Huan said speechlessly.

"They have also called us." Tuohuan also said: "The city-states in Northern Italy have now been persuaded by the Bishop of Rome and decided to support him. But the royal families of Naples and Aragon have close relations with France and have always stood by Aveni. Bishop Weng’s side.”

"But in the end, we completely fell out with the church, and it was also caused by the Pope. He wanted to organize a crusade, so he distributed indulgences in Bohemia. It was difficult for everyone to accept this approach. Father Hus said this He is also very dissatisfied and even questions the church’s ability to lead believers. But the Pope has done whatever it takes to win.”

"Then are your country ready to support him?" Captain Jessica asked.

"Now there is more than one central government." Guo Kang spread his hands: "The low organizational ability will definitely affect the other functions of the church. With such chaos, let alone reforming the church, I am afraid it will not be able to even maintain the existing order. Do it.”

"Who was he hitting?" Zhu Wenkui asked.

"Then your advantages include what Mr. Guo said?" Captain Jessica seemed to understand.

"In the Central Plains, the phenomenon of selling official positions and titles has also appeared frequently, but everyone knows that this is a bad phenomenon. Even if the court has to start selling official positions and titles, it will impose restrictions on the positions sold, hoping to minimize the impact. But in Europe, These ideas and measures do not exist, so they cannot limit and weaken such bad consequences. I think this is a mortal organization without good results."

"That's true. I feel that the control of the local area by the Holy See in Rome has been relaxed to the point where we all feel that something is wrong." Another monk said: "Even though he was banned, Father Hus still insisted on specializing in I went to Rome, hoping that the Pope would accept his suggestion. The Pope did not listen, but surprisingly, he did not ban him from preaching - because for the Roman Pope, the biggest enemy is the Pope of Avignon. In fact, We no longer have the energy to offend us. Now, the divisions and hostility between all parties are so exaggerated."

"Yes. This is not difficult to understand." Guo Kang explained: "If you want to suppress corruption and reduce its destructive power, you need a more complete organization, rather than just chanting sutras. But once the organization is improved, Back to the previous question: In such a complex organization, there must be power within it.”

"Moreover, belief is a necessity for any human country. People need something sacred to maintain the organization and persuade members to obey management. If this belief is not sacred enough and the reasons explained are not convincing enough, then management The cost will increase significantly, and even the country will collapse."

"So, this part of the organization in charge of faith actually holds the most important power in the country. With such great power in their hands, how could they not use it? The sages asked the priests to live a secular life, but in fact, as long as the priests do not stay away from Faith, whether it is ascetic practice, whether it is far away from money and state offices, is actually irrelevant - the most critical function is still there. As long as the constraints are slightly relaxed, the situation encountered by St. Francis will occur." "If a priest If you are far away from your faith, can you still be called a priest?" Captain Jessica was a little dizzy.

"Of course not. That's why I said that their thinking is completely reversed." Guo Kang said: "Obviously we should do the opposite and actively pursue joining the world. In this way, the church's corruption will be slowed down and the ability to educate will be reduced. improve."

"When the world reaches its limit, there is no difference between the church and the secular government. The head of state must concurrently function as a high priest, and officials must concurrently function as a bishop and priest. We in Rome have always had this trend. In the East, people have already done this. .Since there are ready-made examples, just learn from them.”

"But you also said that it only slows down the corruption and reduces its destructive power. It cannot be eliminated." The monk said, "Mortals may not be able to achieve such perfection. So what should we do?"

"When the corruption is over, we will automatically overthrow it and start over again." Guo Kang said without hesitation: "Every time we start over, we will learn a lot of experience and let society move forward. In this way, it will become more and more consistent with our ultimate goal. It’s getting closer. This kind of development is real, and it’s much more practical than hard work. I think this is the right way.”

"These are a bit beyond our understanding." The monks looked at each other and admitted: "However, these discussions are indeed very interesting. We will write them down and tell everyone."

"Okay, we have been chatting for too long. It's time, don't go to the cathedral, just eat here." The heroine Jeanne, who had been silent, suggested.

"Okay, let's eat here." Tuohuan didn't care at all, nodded, and said to the two monks: "By the way, let's go pay homage to the saint here first and say a prayer. Just in time, they It’s time to cook the meal.”

Everyone was very happy and followed him to the side of the small square. Under a makeshift shed, there is a statue.

I saw this saint, wearing a turban, heavy armor, phoenix eyes and a long beard, with a solemn and majestic expression. When the monks saw this saint for the first time, they were all curious and asked, "Who is this?"

"This is Guan Yu, the patron saint of the army, contracts, and non-blood family members. Everyone generally calls him 'Guan Gong', or according to the ranking among the sworn brothers, call him Guan Erye." Tuo Huan told them this Chinese name: "In our side, many people worship him."

"Isn't this ranking also the ranking of Brother Tian's family?" The monks were almost used to it, so they first guessed.

"This is really not true." Tuohuan said quickly: "Their eldest brother is the First Master Liu of the Shu Han Dynasty, and the third brother is the general Zhang Fei. Didn't they become sworn brothers with Brother Tian..."

"Then since he is a saint, does he have any miracles?" A monk asked curiously.

"There are quite a few." Tuo Huan said: "Guan Gong is very popular in Seris. Moreover, here, there are also records of spiritual apparitions."

"Back then, when we were fighting the Polish and Hungarian armies, the Polish church found some cultists and wizards, cast spells, and summoned the great demon Satan. For a time, sand and rocks flew on the battlefield, and the sky suddenly became dark and unclear. Our soldiers were all They couldn't open their eyes and couldn't raise their heads. The Poles were so high in morale that they clamored to charge."

"At the critical moment, Patriarch Yin led the priests to pray to Heavenly Father and all the saints. Saint Guan Yi Bo Yuntian was the first to respond. Everyone saw that a golden light suddenly appeared in the sky. The saint rode a heavenly horse and led a hundred thousand swords Angel, galloping down. Satan hurriedly drove the big crocodile on his crotch, danced the three-pointed spear, and shouted at the ghosts to fight."

"The two sides were fighting, the golden light in the sky became brighter, and the black air gradually dissipated; on the ground, the prayers of the Roman Church became louder and louder, while on the Polish Church's side, the priests became more and more guilty and almost wanted to leave first. Dozens of rounds Later, I saw Guan Gong swinging his sword and slaying Satan under the crocodile. All the ghosts and monsters collapsed, and the black energy dissipated immediately. Our army defeated the enemy. After cleaning the battlefield, we found the corpses of dozens of Polish priests, all with black faces. , the seven orifices were bleeding, it was probably at that time that he was shocked to death by the righteousness."

"This story is so exciting." The monks said in surprise: "It is more detailed than the story of Emperor Constantine."

"After all, the time is so close." Tuo Huan said: "Where we were fighting at that time, there was a bare hilltop with no vegetation on it. Instead, there were many black and red stones. According to the local old man, it was Guan Gong who was The devil's blood burst out when he killed Satan."

"That is also the holy place where we worship Guan Gong, and there is still a church dedicated to the saint. My father Khan went to visit Banshi some time ago. He also took Guo Kanganda's new stained glass and donated it to them. See you next time If you go, you can probably see the mosaic stained glass window that tells the story of Guan Gong’s deeds.”

"Then we must visit it when we have time." The monks said eagerly.

"Of course, they welcome all those who pursue righteousness." Tuohuan nodded: "There are many other places of worship. Worship of this saint is very popular in our army."

"Moreover, the story is not over yet." He added: "Satan is a big devil and is not so easy to get rid of. It is said that at that time, Guan Gong swung his sword and cut him out of his prototype - it turned out to be a huge snake."

"The snake was also broken into two parts. The first half struggled and flew back to Poland; the second half was blown out and landed on the border of Alemany, where it was hidden by local people with ulterior motives. So, to this day, , the bad guys in these two places hate us very much, and they will insist on fighting us even if they lose money. They especially like to slander Guan Gong and slander our beliefs. The original origin is said to be this."

"This sounds more... exciting." The monk didn't know what to say, and sighed: "So there is still such a saying."

"There are many stories of the Three Kingdoms, from Seris to Rome, there are many different legends. I heard that recently, a new version has become popular. You can go back and listen to it." Tuohuan suggested: "I won't say so much today, otherwise I won't be able to finish it. Let's go and pay our respects first."

Everyone had no objection and soon followed him to pray together.

(End of this chapter)

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