Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 547 Monster Hunter and the “Black Angel” Group

Chapter 547 Monster Hunter and the “Black Angel” Group

"Where did those two people go?"

In the corridor, Wu Han held several documents and looked around for someone.

He looked back and forth, and finally saw Guo Kang and Theodora in the corner opposite the conference room.

At this moment, Theodora pushed Guo Kangdu against the wall, held his head with her arms, and pressed against him tightly with her chest. For some reason, Wu Han's mind was filled with what Guo Kang just said about the ancient Slavic stone grinding...

"Stop fighting, stop fighting!" He shouted quickly: "Your Highness, the Queen is looking for you!"

"Why is it you again?" Theodora turned around and said strangely when she saw it was still him this time.

However, Wu Han himself didn't really want to come, so he could only mutter, "I'm just an errand boy..."

"Okay, okay, you go quickly." Guo Kang also struggled out and repeatedly advised: "I have a lot of business today, how can I have time to play."

With that said, he was about to leave, but Theodora was unwilling to let him go, so she took him and went to find the queen together.

"But, on their side, there was no infrastructure at all in the past. Most of their place was covered by forests, and the forests were divided by rivers and lakes. Most of the Russians did not have the ability to clean up Large tracts of forest can only be found along the river, and after a little cultivation, crops can be grown there, and many of their settlements may be formed in this way.”

"Why is this? Can't you just go to work?" the queen asked strangely.

"So-so. Most people still want to wait and see, but Javanese businessmen are very enthusiastic and want to participate in investment." Theodora said.

"Yes." Guo Kang shrugged: "Didn't Pronsky introduce some of them last time? They are just like this...hardworking and hardworking."

"Oats, isn't that what horses eat?" Theodora was a little surprised: "They even do this to their trusted soldiers?"

"Yes." Theodora nodded.

"How is it?" asked the Queen.

"Of course, another advantage is that the living situation of the Rus' people is so bad, so a little more help can greatly improve their lives. I heard that even in the Grand Duke's army, they can only eat Some oatmeal porridge or buckwheat porridge, or simply throwing in all kinds of random grains we can find and stew them together. Therefore, we don't need to spend money to buy them serious rations. It can fill their stomachs, which is enough for now. ”

"The minerals we hope to mine are one aspect. The local agriculture itself can also be greatly improved. For example, the water conservancy facilities we planned, normally, during the construction period, this kind of project has no direct output. It will take several years to achieve results. The main goal of planning these projects is to transform the conditions of the entire region, not direct benefits.”

"Father in heaven..." the queen sighed with emotion.

After arriving at the place, they discovered that the activities here were about to end. I went to Theodora to complete the last rites and say goodbye to everyone.

"This is not the same." Guo Kang added: "According to our plan, we must first lend them money to buy food. It is best to distribute it before winter, so that they can eat for free for a few months, lie down and recuperate, and then Only then can we work. Therefore, the money obtained from land reclamation cannot be distributed and must be used to pay back the money.”

"They didn't even have these before..." The queen really didn't understand the local situation and said in surprise: "But that's right. At least this is an income. For particularly poor people, even if they can see a few copper coins fall into their hands, These are very encouraging things. We have encountered this kind of thing before when we were doing charity.”

"This, in the short term, will actually bring significant benefits." Guo Kang had to take the initiative to explain: "It's not because we have any magical means, it's just because the foundation there is really bad. Do something a little bit , will be greatly improved and benefit everyone.”

"I think the people in the Cao family are very enthusiastic. Does this plan really have such big benefits?" She still seemed to have some doubts: "I don't doubt the long-term effects, but we need to let a large number of ordinary people do things. Most ordinary people have neither the will nor the ability to pay attention to such long-term results. The long-term interests of Rome must also have short-term results in order for them to be willing to continue working hard.”

After hearing this, Theodora turned to Guo Kang and winked, asking him to speak.

"We have to start from a place like this in the beginning, but we will do more than them. Therefore, the construction of water conservancy projects itself requires cutting down trees, draining swamps, and surrounding shoals. Those big trees are all excellent Some people will buy wood at a high price; peat can be dug out of the swamp for their own winter use. For the locals, this is already much better than their usual life. It can be said that they can get it in the first year. Improvement of living standards.”

"On the day of the turmoil, I recruited many Russians in the city to participate in the battle. Afterwards, the church sent many monks to collect the victims. In order to deal with the aftermath, they also investigated the battlefield, visited the survivors, and counted their names. , cause of death and place of sacrifice. "Guo Kang introduced: "As a result, the church found that some people did not die from swords, but they worked too hard when fighting, running and waving weapons too violently, so their bodies were supported afterwards. I’m so exhausted if I can’t stop.”

"I have never understood this plan carefully before, but I didn't expect that it would suddenly be implemented." The queen said with emotion: "A lot of the relevant information was told to me by your grandma two days ago."

"Most Russians are probably in better shape. Those in their hometown, I suspect, are even worse than these people." Guo Kang said: "The very beginning is when credit is established. We can't just do it right away. From the beginning, we will exhaust so many people who have taken refuge with us.”

After finishing all this work, the queen was finally free and asked Theodora casually: "Did you go to talk about fundraising just now?"

In fact, according to Guo Kang's knowledge, this oatmeal paste was the ration of the Russian army until World War I. In this day and age, I'm afraid it's even rarer than it was back then.

In the eyes of the Romans, oats were fed to horses. If the legionnaires were allowed to eat these, they would have to rebel. However, for the Russians, this is indeed not bad.

"We don't need to pay too much money in advance. When we first pilot it, we don't need to do it on such a large scale. Moreover, I estimate that at the beginning, there won't be too many people willing to actively participate." Theodora also explained :
"Many people there have been abused by various nobles and gangs all year round. They basically do not trust anyone except their neighbors in the village. Brother Kang had seized a rare opportunity before and achieved such obvious results. Under normal circumstances , It's hard for people to believe it easily. We can only take it as long as we can." "Yes. We need to conduct more detailed investigations." Guo Kang also nodded.

He has no idea how much needs to be added yet. In his world, people's understanding and detailed investigation of the Ross area generally date from the late 19th century and may not necessarily represent the current situation.

According to calculations by later generations, by the end of the 19th century, the average Russian farmer's daily energy intake was about 2600 calories, which can be said to be very... slimming down. But these people must engage in heavy manual labor.

Therefore, on weekdays, farmers will literally lie down and do whatever they can every day, minimizing any additional caloric expenditure. Only at critical times will he go to work hard in the fields. Only in this way can the probability of death from exhaustion be minimized.

With this kind of working model, it is natural not to expect any efficient output. Oats, rye and the like that are suitable for "free range" have become the first choice. In addition, locals also plant crops that are more convenient and minimize the amount of movement required to care for the fields. For example, they have long been popular in growing crabgrass.

This thing is also called crabgrass, which is somewhat similar to dogtail grass. They are both close relatives of cereals. In Seris, this thing is considered a field weed, but in the land of Rus, it is really a crop.

Crabgrass is relatively hardy and does not require much care - it is a weed after all. Its output is similar to that of the undomesticated ancestors of grass crops thousands of years ago, and is roughly at the level of weeds. Because no matter how much staple food is planted, it will be harvested at the same level, so there is not much difference. And there is no shortage of space in the land of Ross. Therefore, this kind of grass that is completely effortless but somewhat productive can still bring in some extra income. And this is already pretty good.

Local people will collect their grass seeds and use ancient tools to process this ancient crop. Their agriculture has therefore been in this weird state for a long time.

Although she didn't have direct knowledge about it, after Guo Kang explained it, the queen felt it made sense and had no objection. She thought for a moment and asked, "In that case, is there anything else I need help with?"

"That's basically it." Guo Kang said: "We must change the customs of the local people and let them truly 'Romanize'. And this kind of thing cannot be done overnight. Therefore, the rest can only be left to It’s time.”

"We have to support him all the time in order to do this well." Theodora also took the opportunity to say to her mother: "This kind of plan depends on whether the implementation can ensure the stability of the policy. If this can be achieved, it may be better than A little more money will help.”

"What you are saying is that Constantine is not an outsider." The queen smiled and said, "Why don't we support him?"

Theodora looked delighted, hugged her mother warmly and kissed her.

Guo Kang shook his head.

Saying this makes him seem like a villain who uses Theodora's relationship to realize his own conspiracy. However, he felt that this was obviously the truth.

People in an area often form certain habits due to historical reasons, which are difficult to change on your own. At that time, Mr. Corn of the Red Horde Khanate inspected the agricultural situation and finally found that we could only plant crops that were vigorous, easy to grow, easy to grow, and easy to harvest.

He tried to promote sugar beets on state farms. However, the crop was fragile and had to be handled with care. As a result, the sugar beets on the farm could not produce sugar. He also found that the riverbanks outside Moscow are more suitable for growing vegetables, so he hopes to promote them. However, the locals still only grow barley and wheat because these crops are relatively easy to handle. Works such as fertilizing and harvesting are done with machines on. Just turn it around. Vegetables are too troublesome for everyone to grow.

Of course, that doesn’t mean they don’t want to eat it. As living standards have improved a lot, in the stable era of the Red Horde Khanate, people no longer worried about going hungry and began to have the conditions to choose delicious vegetables. Tomatoes and zucchini are very popular.

However, even in Moscow, imported canned zucchini causes panic buying every time. Because these vegetables require careful care and regular picking, local farmers don’t have this in mind. So even at that time, it had to be imported from places like Romania.

As for the most famous corn, they can't grow it well either. Mr. Corn personally went to Ukraine, where the climate is suitable, to inspect the field conditions. He found that the fields were full of weeds and all the corn in the fields was gone. I took a peek with my binoculars and found that the farmers were all gathering together to chat, but no one was working. In the end, he could only recommend that everyone should plant vetches and oats. Because of the local people’s field management level, they can probably only grow these.

These circumstances made him very angry, and he complained repeatedly in his memoirs, thinking that this had "ruined the reputation of corn, and first of all, it ruined my reputation" (Author's note: original text). It can be seen that even the Red Horde Khanate failed to change these long-standing habits.

The agriculture of the Russians probably has its limits. Unless they completely change these customs and stop being Russians...

"Then let's do this." He thought for a while and felt that he still couldn't let it go. Since everyone had already said that, he simply took this opportunity and proposed: "How about you help me more and add a few more professional battle groups?"

"Similar to the 'Hammer of Basil'?" Theodora turned her head and asked, "Is this kind of military power needed over there?"

"Not soldiers, but hunters and engineers." Guo Kang said.

"I had imagined this problem in my previous plan. The situation of professional construction teams and engineers has been mentioned before. Later I discovered that even hunters may need to be specially equipped."

"Their villages there are too small, often with only a few families. During the land reclamation, bears and wild boars burst out of the forest, and the village can be wiped out. And I heard that deep in the forest, there are Some may be powerful beasts that have mutated under the influence of internal forces. The locals are very afraid of these strange creatures in the forest and do not dare to provoke them.”

"No matter how many percent of it is true, if we want to develop in depth and establish large settlement areas, we still need someone to be responsible for hunting these beasts and monsters, and at the same time, we have to teach everyone how to deal with basic responses. Otherwise, we have to rely on The Ross farmers themselves would probably die a lot if they took their simple wooden forks. Moreover, this is also a public service that helps the locals accept us and even take the initiative. Join us."

"On the other hand, hunting is actually a way of training soldiers. It is better to formalize it and make it militarized. I have also written some specific plans." He said: "At that time, I randomly learned from the myths of the Russians. Two names were chosen as code names. The one responsible for hunting wild beasts in the forest is called "Chernobog", which is their black god; the one responsible for construction is called "Belloberg", which is their white god. You can look through my previous plans and look for these two parts, I remember they are there.”

"This plan is good, but it has to be changed to our Roman name." The queen reminded: "If you say Black God or something, the church will probably be unhappy. Let's change the term and call it 'Black Angel'. They seem to do this often, I probably won’t say anything.”

"No problem." Guo Kang didn't have any objections to this. He thanked him and recorded it down.

(End of this chapter)

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