Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 548 Vinland produces potatoes, which Aristotle also recorded

Chapter 548 Vinland produces potatoes, which Aristotle also recorded
To the west of the city, in an underground palace, Tuo Huan and others gathered together, waiting for the next interrogation.

This is one of the secret prisons of the Purple Horde Khanate, used to hold prisoners with sensitive identities. It's winter now, and a large amount of ice has been made and transported by boat from the Ross area, and then moved into the underground warehouse here.

Because of its large scale and high transportation needs, staff here will drive special vehicles to and from the facility no matter winter or summer, transporting tightly packed ice cubes, providing good cover for escorting prisoners. Therefore, most prisoners who need to be held secretly are sent here through this "refrigerator truck".

I don’t know who came up with this idea first, but the effect is really good. It is said that Jin Yiwei thinks it is quite creative. Moreover, there is no shortage of this kind of underground space in the metropolis, which can be said to be very suitable.

In the lounge, Tuo Huan and Shi Ke were sitting next to each other chatting, while Guo Kang was lying on the low table next to him, writing and doing calculations.

"Aren't you uncomfortable when you write like this?" After chatting for a while, Shi Ke couldn't help but said when he saw that Guo Kang was still struggling.

"It doesn't matter." Guo Kang replied nonchalantly: "The main reason is that I am a little pressed for time today. I have to write this list today and show it to the people in the Ministry of Revenue."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Tuo Huan was a little surprised: "Do you have to squeeze in all this time?"

"Hey, there are too many things." Guo Kang said helplessly: "Besides, I will definitely have to go to Egypt together to deal with things there. It will be inconvenient to contact us by then. Therefore, many things have to be arranged in advance Okay, so as not to delay, after all, the sooner you start this kind of thing, the better. Time is tight and there are many things, so it will happen naturally."

"Then what are you thinking about now? Do you need our help?" Tuo Huan asked.

"Yeah, it's so outrageous." Guo Kang shrugged: "In the Russian society, violence is almost everywhere. There is no way, this is the most primitive and direct order."

"This bad habit is difficult to change, because in the previous environment, this may have been a 'good habit'. For them, hoarding food is meaningless. Anyway, it will definitely be robbed by the lord, so it is better to enjoy it in time and get more How many meals have you had?”

"Do you still understand this?" Shi Ke said in surprise.

Although they were still confused, Tuo Huan and Shi Ke still wrote it down and planned to study it when they have time.

"Wenlan is very long, just go south along the coast." Guo Kang said.

"If the grain and seeds we distribute are not strictly controlled, they may eat them directly. Because according to their habit, they will only keep the seeds that are barely enough for the next year, and they will hide the rest for eating. You must finish the portion quickly or drink it secretly.”

"Then you study the ship carefully and see if you can sail to Vinland." Guo Kang raised his head and said: "I heard that there are some special crops over there, called potatoes, called corn... In short, They are all very suitable for the land of Ross. If we can get them, we can feel more relaxed."

"Then I guess I really can't help." Shi Ke gave up the treatment directly: "I can sail a boat, but I can't do anything else..."

"Is it so outrageous?" Shi Ke muttered.

"Really?" Seeing how serious he was, Shi Ke didn't know if he was joking or if he really had a clue.

"Moreover, after eating, they will most likely not go to work. Instead, they will rob other people while they have some strength. If everyone thinks so, they will fight each other and make a mess. If there is no strong force, Management probably won’t be able to suppress them.”

"Really, Wenlan has a lot of output." Guo Kang said casually: "This matter is also recorded in The Complete Works of Aristotle."


"Aristotle even studied this..."

"Then let's go look for it later when we have time." Tuo Huan scratched his head: "Maybe it really exists? Anyway, it's worth exploring. But isn't Vinland in a very cold place in the north? There are so many magical things there. Something.”

Tuo Huan and Shi Ke were both a little surprised. However, Guo Kang often talks about some very unpopular knowledge, and most of them do make sense and can even be verified by himself. As time went by, everyone got used to it and didn't care much.

"Now these are enough anyway." Guo Kang is open-minded: "The worse the foundation, the faster the improvement. With a little correction, it will be much better. Of course, the people we send to guide must also undergo sufficient training. That’s it.”

"I'm counting grain distribution and seed distribution." Guo Kang said: "People over there can't count on how well they plant from the beginning. We have to help them plan their fields and tell them when to plant which crops and when. Harvest. It is impossible to plant only one variety in the field, so the timing and sequence of crop rotation must also be arranged.”

"I don't understand either, but there are many people in the church who understand this." Guo Kang said: "There are many people in the monastery who study these things every day. I collected them from them before coming to the Kiev church. Although the file is a bit rough, after thinking about it, it can be roughly handled. "

"What are you practicing?" Shi Ke asked.

"Management is also a skill, especially managing Slavs." Guo Kang said: "If management is not strict, it will create bigger problems."

"They also tend to be indifferent to laws and disciplines. Because these regulations are of almost no benefit to them, they are worse than the village rules in the village community and the church's canons."

"People who cannot bear the rule often choose to flee. Sometimes, even entire villages and towns flee. These people call themselves Cossacks, which is 'free people' in Turkic language. Their history may be as long as the Rus' countries. And at the latest when the Golden Horde collapsed, the various Khans who fought against each other began to hire them as soldiers. "

"Other village communities are actually similar. Many of these settlements are half-people and half-bandits. As long as they have the opportunity, they will not refuse to rob others. The only difference between them and the Cossack gangs is probably in name. Whether to submit to the management of various principalities and boyars. Of course, I think this kind of management is similar to no one, because the so-called nobles are actually bandit leaders with official titles, isn't this still the same..."

"Maybe, they only have this kind of management method." Tuohuan said helplessly.

"That's probably it." Guo Kang nodded: "Management through violence has become a part of the local scene..."

In fact, even among the "civilized people" at the top of Ross, the situation is similar. In Serris, if a senior official hits someone personally, he will be regarded as unsteady and too rough very early on. History books say that Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty had a resolute and harsh temperament. He liked to be narrow-minded and observant and distrustful of others. He often used his ears and eyes to secretly inquire into the privacy of his ministers. Therefore, the ministers and ministers were slandered many times, and even the ministers below were dragged by him.

Once, Emperor Ming was angry with Lang Guan Yaosong because of something and beat him with a stick. Yaosong ran away quickly and got under the bed. Emperor Ming was very angry and shouted hurriedly: "Lang Guan, come out! Lang Guan, come out!" Yao Song recited under the bed, saying: "The emperor Mu Mu, the princes are brilliant. I have not heard of it. "The king of men has always been a good man." Emperor Ming noticed that he had lost his temper and pardoned him. But this story has been passed down, and "Chong Lang" has become an allusion.

However, in the Ross area, the situation is exactly the opposite. Their most famous emperor, Peter I, was famous for beating ministers in public in court.

Peter is over two meters tall and very muscular. Sometimes, if the nobles failed to complete the tasks he assigned in time, he would take action and beat them up personally. The strange thing is that ministers seem to accept this trick. It is said that some work that has not progressed for several months can be completed in a few days after the minister in charge is beaten by him.

Anywhere else, this kind of thing might be outrageous. But in the land of Ross, leaders may indeed need to be a little stronger. People here may really think that bigger and stronger means higher leadership...

Of course, in the initial stage, this may not be purely a bad thing for the Purple Horde Khanate.

"Having said that, according to our experience, it's not too difficult." Guo Kang thought for a while and then explained: "Although these people have many bad habits, they have low requirements and are easier to manage. When they want to die, Just give them a beating. It’s actually a good thing to just recognize the fists, after all, we are the ones with the biggest fists.”

"Although the Russians appear to be fierce, their combat effectiveness is actually very poor. After all, the real combat effectiveness depends on the organization, and when the organization develops to a certain level, it can no longer be supported by pure violence. Therefore, even the most ferocious Cossacks, Their reputation in the mercenary market is based on their cheapness, not their ability to fight, so there will be no problem if we beat them."

"Isn't that very troublesome?" Tuohuan said strangely: "I see what you said before, our pioneering action means fighting with bears, wild boars, disobedient villagers, Cossacks, and forests every day. Fighting with monsters... this is not a reclamation, this has become a colosseum."

"There's nothing you can do about it. In the beginning, you must have been beating all kinds of things every day." Guo Kang was already mentally prepared: "Of course, these are only temporary solutions, not the root cause."

"It's hard to change people's tempers. It's no problem for us to select a group of relatively qualified people. But for most people, we probably can only control them. If we really want to change customs, we probably have to gather children together. Educate from an early age. Then when this generation grows up, there will be hope.”

"Then let's let the church adopt a group of children. In their environment, there will probably be many orphans." Tuohuan thought for a while and said, "Only these people can be completely separated from their original environment. I feel that the future of the land of Ross may It’s all up to them.”

"Furthermore, those Russians who don't listen to advice... It may sound a bit unpleasant to say this, but I think their natural lifespan will not be long. Once they are gone, the atmosphere will probably be much better."

"That's right." Guo Kang nodded: "Let me write this down as well. In the future, when organizing people and distributing supplies, we must also pay attention to it."

"You are really worried." Shi Ke sighed with emotion: "Look, you first have to give them things and feed them when they can't feed themselves; then, you have to educate them step by step so that they can farm. , work and support themselves; if they are educated, they will be given land and tools to find good jobs; if someone is disobedient, they must be educated, or even beaten until they behave. "

"How can you be a leader?" He shook his head: "You are a biological father, right? No wonder you have to work so hard."

"Uh..." Guo Kang didn't know how to answer.

There is nothing that can be done about it. He couldn't help with the settling of accounts, so he could only stare from the side. After chatting for a few more words, Tuo Huan and Shi Ke decided to urge them, while Guo Kang continued to immerse himself in calculations.

After a while, Theodora walked in quickly, looked around, and found that only Guo Kang was here. She stepped forward and looked over to see what he was doing.

However, this room is underground, and the only light source is a large oil lamp. Guo Kang suddenly noticed that there was darkness above his head. He raised his head subconsciously and found that most of the lights were blocked. He waved his hand to drive him away: "Don't block it, give way..."

Theodora had no choice but to take a step back, picked up a piece of paper from Guo Kang's table, and found a very novel picture drawn on it. The graphic is in the shape of a round pie, divided into several segments of different sizes, with a lot of data and notes written next to it.

"What is this?" she asked curiously.

But Guo Kangzheng was so absorbed that he didn't want to pay attention to her at all. He raised his head and glanced, scolding dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing! Don't touch my circle!"

"You guy." Seeing that his attitude was getting worse and worse, Theodora was not happy and stretched out her hand to pull him up...

After a while, Tuo Huan and Shi Ke brought Zhu Wenkui to the door and were surprised to find Theodora pressing Guo Kang on the table, not knowing what he was doing.

"You're too anxious!" Tuohuan was shocked: "We have to interrogate the prisoner later. What are you two doing? This is..."

Hearing someone coming outside, Theodora hurriedly let go of Guo Kang. He turned around and looked at them, looking a little embarrassed. Guo Kang hurriedly went to pack up his drafts and notes.

"What's going on?" Zhu Wenkui asked curiously, realizing that they might be at odds.

"It's nothing." Theodora responded quickly, and then said to Tuohuan: "You tell your family, I won't go back tonight. I'm going to the Guo family to talk to them about things."

"What can we talk about all night..." Tuohuan said speechlessly.

"Xiao Kang has been disobedient again these days." Theodora explained forcefully: "No matter how you say it, I am his sister, so I should teach him a lesson."

"He has a sister himself." Tuohuan retorted: "And he is not a Slavic. Why should he teach him a lesson if he disobeys..."

However, Theodora was unwilling to change her mind. After Tuo Huan hesitated for a moment, he could only tell her to forget about it and go deal with business.

(End of this chapter)

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