Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 549 The interrogation of Eudocia

Chapter 549 The interrogation of Eudocia
The intervention of Tu Huan seemed to make Theodora even more dissatisfied. Seeing this, Shi Ke and Zhu Wenkui also quickly tried to persuade them to stop causing trouble. Finally, under Shi Ke's persuasion, Tuo Huan, Guo Kang and Theodora went to the interrogation room first, while he and Zhu Wenkui went to the cell to bring the person over.

After everyone separated, Zhu Wenkui couldn't help but said to Shi Ke on the way: "Princess, why have you been so impatient these days. What happened?"

"I heard from the second sister that she has fought with several people in the past few days." Shi Ke also lowered his voice and replied: "Maybe it is because of this that she is in a bad mood."

"What's going on?" Zhu Wenkui asked curiously.

"Maybe they are jealous." Shi Ke thought for a while and speculated: "Every time I fight with her, it seems to be a girl who is close to Brother Kang. I don't know the specific relationship between them, but my second sister said, Anyway, there are everyone there, including some inmates who were in jail with her..."

"It's so weird." Zhu Wenkui couldn't understand: "What kind of mess are they doing?"

"It's just like Gong Dou." Shi Ke said: "Brother Kang is the heir to the Guo family after all. There must be many people interested in such an important position."

"Tai Shigong said that all people who have registered households will treat others with a humble attitude when facing someone with ten times more wealth than themselves; face someone with a hundred times more wealth, they will be afraid of the other person; face someone with a thousand times more wealth. If you have more, you will be enslaved by the other party; if you have more than 10,000 times, you will become the slave of the other party. This is the normal course of things. What’s more, the Guo family is far more than rich. "

"So that's it." Zhu Wenkui understood immediately: "I'm afraid these women are not very simple-minded. Maybe it's because I see him complaining about lack of money every day that I don't think so much about it."

"It can't be said that it's so deadly... But this kind of thing must have an impact." Shi Ke scratched his head and commented: "Think about it, even if it is a senator or a senior official, suddenly tell him that he has the opportunity to meet Zhu They would be particularly enthusiastic about marrying someone's daughter, let alone those women. This is an opportunity that no one would let go of easily. "

"I have been thinking about it for several days, and I still can't understand why she wants to beat us. After hearing what you said, I probably understand a little bit more." He said helplessly: "They may just want to fight for these things."

"These should be common sense." Shi Ke was a little surprised: "Hasn't anyone told you this before?"

"That's right. And not to mention the Wang family, other families must also be more wary." Shi Ke said truthfully: "If the Guo family expands too fast, other Zhuguo and elders may not be relieved. So, she estimates She can only find a lower-level family to marry. But in this case, wouldn't it be a decline for her? "

"That's right. If she marries someone else, she will probably be able to control the whole family's property after getting married." Zhu Wenkui also nodded: "Who can control her..."

"No." Zhu Wenkui had to admit: "Brother Kang, this may be the first time I have seen this kind of... uh, palace fighting. I haven't heard much about it before."

"It's the same. She probably won't be able to marry with several other top pillar families." Shi Ke said: "Besides, I have been in contact with her many times and know her temper. This girl is just like a princess. "She also has a very strong personality. If she marries into another family, she will probably have to fight for the power to manage things."

"I understand if you explain it this way." Zhu Wenkui thought for a moment and nodded: "Then the others are probably the same. I remember she also had a fight with the businesswoman, right? Ah, it seems possible for a businessman to become a full-time employee. understand……"

"He is his adopted son. I suspect that his sister regards him as the son-in-law she has adopted since childhood." Shi Ke guessed: "Anyway, it is not impossible."

"Yes. That woman went crazy for no reason, causing us to lose so much." Zhu Wenkui shrugged: "The main reason is that she didn't get it herself? You see, she could have followed the expeditionary force and developed her own skills. As a result, all the French people have been given away by her, and they have lost everything. "

"That thing about your family, right..." Shi Ke nodded.

The two sighed with emotion, and then came to the end of the corridor. In front of a cubicle door, Cao Jianzheng was talking to two nuns. Seeing them coming, he turned around and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Right. That boy was beaten so hard by Miss Guo... well, he felt like a Slav." Shi Ke spread his hands and said metaphorically: "Do you think the Wang family can accept intermarriage with the Guo family?"

"Okay, everyone is here." Zhu Wenkui nodded: "Bring the prisoner out. Hey, she is another troublesome woman..."

"I asked her how to hit someone, and she said, don't you think your luck has changed now? I was stunned at the time..."

"What about marrying someone else?" Zhu Wenkui asked curiously.

"The princess and Brother Kang have known each other for a long time, and I remember talking about getting married several times. But now, when marriage is really possible, other competitors will know about it, and they will definitely come out to challenge it. You see, It was during this period that things suddenly started to get riotous.”

"But during this time, I can understand why the ancient sages didn't like women to get involved in things. It's completely inexplicable for these people to fight. Brother Kang just wants to do things and doesn't want to get involved, and I can understand that. "

"Every woman has to get married. But Guo's status is already very high. Who can she marry? It's unlikely in Taiji, especially if the princess marries Brother Kang, then in the short term , the Khan's family will definitely not have other in-laws with his family - we must prevent the two parties from suddenly getting too close, or even merging into one power, otherwise, the political situation of our Great Qin State will be turned upside down. "

"I've seen it before, and I'm quite impressed." Zhu Wenkui nodded: "He said last time that he felt that the stars were not right recently, and he wanted to ask more people to see if there had been any changes in luck in the city recently. As a result, Aunt Guo went up and punched him, knocking him to the ground, which shocked me. "

"It seems to be true..." Zhu Wenkui felt that it made sense: "But I heard that even Brother Kang's sister went to fight with her, so it's not that big of a deal..."

"Have you met Wang Ronggui before? He is the eldest grandson of Prime Minister Wang." He asked.

Cao Jian felt a little strange when he saw the two of them sighing. But after thinking about it, I seemed to understand, so I nodded.

"This should be the last prisoner. If it weren't for the trouble, he wouldn't be here until now." He said, and couldn't help but ask: "I heard that this was Mrs. Huang's suggestion that we try it first. But can we really find anything effective through interrogation?"

Zhu Wenkui didn't seem to know anything about this, so he turned to look at Shi Ke. Shi Ke himself was a little embarrassed, so he had to say: "Maybe it's because we have a good relationship with Xuanying, and we are of the same generation. There are some things that it's not convenient for elders to ask, but we can."

"We don't seem to have called Brother Xuanying here either." Zhu Wenkui suddenly remembered this problem. "The princess discussed it with Taiji and deliberately didn't scream." Shi Ke shook his head and said, "Xuanying lost his mind when he saw this woman. He is too lazy to use his brain every day and listens to others. Call him over, no. I knew something was going to happen again.”

"As for the representative of the Li family, we were originally planning to call the storyteller Mr. Luo over. Because he was also present at the time and understood the situation. He was also Xuanying's staff. I saw him handling paperwork and various matters. He is very experienced and should be able to represent the Li family and attend this interrogation. However, he is not willing and insists that it is not appropriate for him to participate in the interrogation, so we can only ask him first if necessary. Find someone else.”

"That's understandable. I heard that Uncle Li has been very angry in the past two days. Uncle Guo and his family have gone to persuade him several times. They also invited my grandparents and even Her Majesty the Queen Mother to persuade him. This is better." Cao Cao Jian also felt a little emotional: "Everyone probably didn't expect that such a sensitive thing would happen."

Shi Ke also nodded helplessly.

"Bring the prisoner out and send him directly to the interrogation room." He ordered the two nuns guarding the door. Then, he took Cao Jian and Zhu Wenkui and took two steps away.

"This time, it should have been the matter of the Li family. We were temporarily asked to take care of it, maybe because they didn't know what to do." He whispered: "It stands to reason that if something like this happens, the Li family It will definitely reduce the impact as much as possible. It is best to deal with it directly by asking others to help, but it is more subtle to avoid it. It is hard to say what to do in the end. Anyway... you should pay attention. "

Cao Jian nodded thoughtfully, while Zhu Wenkui said his thanks as if he suddenly understood.

At this time, the iron door at the back opened, and the nuns walked out with the shackled Eudocia. The three of them waited for a while, and then went to the interrogation room together.

In the room, several other people were already seated.

According to Mrs. Huang's suggestion, Theodora would theoretically preside over this interrogation. She was now sitting in the middle seat, with Tou Huan next to her. Guo Kang was diagonally opposite, on the clerical table, still holding a pen in his hand, but the documents in front of him were replaced with blank manuscript paper, and he seemed to be preparing for recording.

Zhu Wenkui and others sat side by side opposite Guo Kang. The nuns said nothing all the way as they escorted Eudocia in, made her sit on a chair, fixed her shackles on the ground, and then left silently, closing the door behind them.

Theodora looked around at everyone and nodded when she saw that they were all ready.

"Okay, let's get started." She said, looking at Eudocia: "You should all know us, or at least have heard of us, so I won't waste time introducing you. Similarly, we also understand your basics. There are just some things that need to be confirmed with you personally.”

"According to multiple witnesses, you have contacts with the French Princess Jeannette. Some people present said that she attacked Prince Wu's Mansion just after you went to see her. This matter involves the diplomacy of three countries. It’s very important to us. I want to know how you met her and why you were looking for her at that time?”

"It's my job to get acquainted with nobles and high-ranking officials from all walks of life." Eudocia raised her head expressionlessly and replied: "That day, several rich people wanted to find her, wanting her to go to the arena and participate in the competition. I was the one who informed them of their plan.”

"Are they those who claim to establish the Song Dynasty?" Tuo Huan asked from the side.

"Yes, that's them." Eudocia nodded.

"We have interrogated several participants. They insisted that they did not want to make such a big fuss. According to the original plan, they just wanted to use the name of the Egyptian Crusaders to raise money from the enthusiastic audience and then recruit Some people use it as their own servants to expand their interests on the business road." Tuo Huan looked at the information in front of him and asked, "But the actual development is not what they said."

"Understood." Eudosia said: "What they said is true. These people really just want to gain some benefits. Directly establishing a country to rebel will not benefit them."

"Then how did they conflict with Princess Jeanne?" Tuohuan continued to ask.

"They also have internal conflicts. Some people want to kidnap Princess Jeanne to control the French knights under her, and even hope to use her as a banner to recruit more people in the future." Eudosia said: "As for the princess , She had the same idea. But she wanted to hold the Wu Palace hostage and control this bigger banner. Naturally, she would not let herself be held hostage, so she couldn't get along with those rich people and started a fight. "

"That's not a fight." Guo Kang said, "We inspected the scene, and it was almost a massacre."

"That can only be blamed on them being too weak." Eudosia shrugged: "Most of the powerful thugs in the city have bad character and like to brag about themselves, but have no abilities. Their masters actually have similar personalities. This People like this can only bully honest citizens. If they encounter the murderous Frank knights, they will be destroyed immediately. "

"Beforehand, the princess told me her plan. According to her original plan, the plan would only involve forcing the rich to donate money and sponsor the Crusade." She said: "As for the rich's servants, she originally had nothing to do with it. Interested. I wonder if it was because Prince Wu refused to negotiate and the first raid failed, that she hurriedly drove these people over to be used as cannon fodder."

"Everyone is thinking about asking these rich people to 'donate'..." Guo Kang muttered and wrote it down.

"What about the situation in the arena? There are people over there who don't want to directly conflict with Princess Jeanne. If that's the case, why do they suddenly want to rebel on their own?" He asked while writing: "Aren't these people quite educated? ? Why don’t you know the ending yet?”

"They didn't do it themselves." Eudosia shook her head.

"Oh?" Guo Kang raised his head.

"Aren't you already aware of the problem? The person who shouted was arranged by me." Odosia smiled and said, "How do they know about the Song Dynasty?"

"Ah?" Tuohuan didn't respond, "Then, those words they shouted..."

"I wrote just for fun," Eudosia said.

Theodora seemed to understand something and glanced at her thoughtfully. Tuo Huan and others looked at each other in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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