Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 551 Suppose there is no purple tent in the West, I wonder how many people would call him Imp

Chapter 551 Suppose there is no purple tent in the West, I wonder how many people would call him Imperator and how many people would call him Caesar

After she said this, everyone in the interrogation looked at each other again.

Although they explained the situation clearly, everyone's doubts did not disappear. Moreover, some things seem difficult to say directly.

Cao Jian and Shi Ke no longer dared to speak and kept watching the scene. Guo Kang said nothing and was still busy writing notes. Zhu Wenkui looked at Guo Kang for a while, and then looked at Tuo Huan for a while, as if he still hadn't decided whether it was appropriate for him to speak at the moment.

Tuo Huan and Theodora looked at each other, paused for a moment, and asked: "Who specifically do you want to deal with? Why do you think that after you tell them, we will definitely help you?"

"There are many people who want to be solved." Eudosia no longer hides her resentment: "If the Khan's court was not so corrupt and chaotic, maybe our situation would be better. If there is a chance, I really want to Eliminate them all."

"Why do you blame Rome?" Tuo Huan said displeasedly: "Without us, in this Mediterranean world, there would be countless barbarian chiefs calling themselves Imperado, and how many calling themselves Caesar. The whole world would only be worse. It’s chaotic. It’s not like the barbarians have never occupied this place, don’t you think they manage it better than us?”

"In comparison, that's true." Eudosia did not refute: "It's just that even the current environment is still not much better for people of my background. Of course, I don't I hope you can understand my feelings, but at least we have a common enemy now, right?"

"You ask me why I think I can get your help. I think it's because Mr. Guo is here." She said: "Since he took the initiative, it means that he also wants to eliminate these phenomena. I think if Tell me what I think, and even if he doesn’t support my strategies and actions, he will support my ultimate goal.”

"Moreover, when dealing with these people now, we can't just rely on brute force, but need someone's support. If Xuanying can't do this, Mr. Guo is the most suitable person."

When she said this, even Tuehuan herself was a little shaken. After all, things have developed to this point, and all the "prices" that need to be paid have been paid.

"If you were the one who did it from the beginning, then I can leave it to you now. However, I was the one who instigated this matter from the beginning, so I might as well offend them to the end." Guo Kang replied:
"My ideals conflict with the interests of these people. As we all know, although there are so many different people in the world, most of the time, we can seek common ground while reserving differences, and even pagan believers can live in harmony. Only interests Conflict is the hardest thing to compromise, and the greater the interests and the higher the status, the more so. Since we are determined to fight to the death, I don’t need to be friendly with them. "

"It will be more serious in the future." He said firmly.

"Of course I don't need him to listen to me. Moreover, now that the situation has changed, my plan may not be useful." Odosia continued: "But I have sorted out all the information. Someone will find an opportunity for him. As for the rest, let him do it according to the situation. After all, my strength is too weak, and he should be able to do better than me. "

When she said this, everyone went to see Guo Kang. Guo Kang quickly put down his pen and raised his head, not thinking of what to say.

"Did you also encounter any problems?" Shi Ke asked curiously.

"Is it that serious?" Shi Ke wanted to smooth things over.

"When I went to buy parts or something, they joined forces and refused to sell them to me. I wanted to hire a few assistants to help, but those people were threatened by them and did not dare to come to my place to work. Later, Lao Yang told me that I just I know that it is the blacksmith guild that is causing trouble, because they think that I am a foreigner and a layman, and suddenly running a blacksmith shop and studying various machines will definitely affect their interests. For the sake of the Guo family, you have given me face, otherwise, the stall would have been smashed and I would have been thrown into the sea. "

Guo Kang pondered for a moment, thinking about how to explain.

Tuo Huan shook his head, Cao Jian and Shi Ke had no objections as always. Only Theodora was a little hesitant and said, "If you are the one doing it, won't you offend too many people? Do you need my help?"

"After that, I thought, we are just doing experiments now, and the conflict has reached this point. If the machine we imagined is really made, and even Brother Steam Sky's technology is used in the workshop, they will not go crazy?" Zhu Wenkui shook his head: "You just said that sometimes the two sides fight to the death. I feel that we and these guilds must do the same."

Tuo Huan looked at Guo Kang and found that he was also obviously excited. The two looked at each other, and Guo Kang took the initiative to say: "Then let someone send it over directly, and I will check what's going on. These days, I have a bad reputation. I took people to the dock to check the accounts. No one dares to stop me. Just use my remaining power to see if there is anything left. "

"I thought at first that although my family had a false name, a false name was also a name. With this important relationship and Mr. Guo helping to protect it, we should not be in trouble. However, the result was unexpected. Even if I gave them the exact details Having said this, several guilds in the city are still inexplicably hostile to me."

Although it has caused great economic losses and led to emergencies, those are things of the past and will neither increase nor decrease due to current actions. On the contrary, in the current accountability stage, killing any more bad guys will be in vain. These people no longer have the ability to cause any more problems.

"Yes." Zhu Wenkui said: "My family originally had nothing to do with the political situation in the city. But during this time, Brother Kang needed help, so I set up a workshop specifically to help him make Various experimental equipment and instruments.”

"Then why don't you ask him if he wants to get rid of these corrupt officials and local gangsters?" Eudosia asked in return.

"It stands to reason that our workshop is purely experimental in nature. The current output is very low, and even supplying it to the monastery for experiments is relatively reluctant. There is almost no excess output, and it will not participate in commercial competition. However, even so, The guild still comes to trouble us every day."

But at this time, Zhu Wenkui, who seemed irrelevant, shook his head and seemed to understand this kind of thing.

"What do you say, what do people listen to?" Tuohuan shook his head and said.

"It should be much better now." Guo Kang said: "I remember that several guilds were involved in this case. At least in the short term, they will not dare to mess with you again."

"These are not the only people we will offend in the future." Zhu Wenkui disagreed: "If the textile machines and sewing machines you mentioned last time are completed, the biggest problem will not be the design itself, or even how to give those machines Women are encouraged to use it, but we definitely can’t produce it in Dadu. Otherwise, the textile guilds in the city will definitely collude with other craftsmen and mess things up.”

"I think it's better to let the Ministry of War's workshops produce it as military equipment, and then find those nuns to promote it. Otherwise, I won't be surprised if someone comes to attack my house again one day and wants to kill me." This involves a lot." Tuohuan had a headache: "Before, we didn't care much about the business and handicrafts in the city, as long as they paid taxes. Moreover, these people did pay a lot of money and kept paying us. We can't clean up all the guilds in the city, right?"

"It's not too many." Zhu Wenkui said unexpectedly: "My great-grandfather never handled more cases than this. How many people have we arrested just now?"

"Uh..." Tuo Huan thought about it and found that he was right. He didn't know how to answer for a while.

"I don't have any objections to you." Now that he had spoken, Zhu Wenkui decided to speak directly and said to Odosia: "It seems that we have never met before, and your plan has nothing to do with me. If it goes according to your plan , Those French people are probably going to fight the Greeks, so my family will have less trouble, so I will tell the truth."

"Brother Kang has not thought about what you are thinking, and it is not that we cannot accept it. Your problem is not even about various troublemaking plans."

"To be honest, even a peripheral person like me knows how many rumors and how many conspiracies the Greek ladies inside and outside the palace would create every day. We are already used to it." He curled his lips: "However, after the Anda War, , these Greek nobles have lost their power and can only say weird things - but if the Greeks don't say weird things, they will be choked to death, so just ignore them. "

"Your real problem is that you can't tell who is yours." He said bluntly: "Brother Li has hid it from the family for so many years for you. How could he not know that there is no hope in this matter? If he is discovered, not only If you want to be beaten, you will be embarrassed, and it will even affect the reputation of their family. "

"Even so, he still wants to get along well with you under so much pressure for so many years. To be honest, I don't think I have such a good psychological quality anyway." Zhu Wenkui shook his head: "He didn't just Did you recruit an old master who is good at story telling? If you are so infatuated with it, I think it can be used as a storybook and passed on to future generations. "

"But think about it, how did you treat him? Do you really regard him as one of your own? I don't think so."

"I'm not sorry for him!" Eudosia became excited and interrupted his questioning: "I know very well what he paid, but I also know very well what kind of person I am. This is my last There is nothing I can do for him..."

"You know everything, but you are still so crazy?" Zhu Wenkui accused: "You said it as if you did it because you didn't want to live. But Tai Shigong said that wanting to die is a simple matter, but completing the mission is not. It’s much harder. It’s easy for you to die, but what about Brother Li?”

"In the final analysis, you are still too selfish. You only think about what to do with yourself, and you don't consider others. You don't care how hard others will be, how sad and despair they will be, you just moved yourself."

"This is true even for your plan. It seems that you have considered so much, but in fact you have ignored the biggest help. God has given you such a good opportunity, but you are blinded by your own emotions and indulge in personal grudges. , entangled in the trivial matters around her. This is a woman's opinion after all, not a man's strategy, so even if the plan fails in the end, it may be a punishment from God. "

"Well, she must be a woman..." Shi Ke muttered.

"What kind of help are you talking about?" Odosia did not dwell on this question, but was very unconvinced by the previous statement: "There are so many people colluding with each other, what kind of help can I find except Xuanying? Even him , I must also consider safety issues and not put him in too much risk. I need to face other real crises myself.”

"Heavenly Father did not appear to answer our prayers and destroy those bad guys. The Roman government was just their tool and had no way to oppose itself. What do you mean by God's help?"

"Aren't you lucky enough to meet Brother Li by chance? This is not God's help, so what is it?" Zhu Wenkui explained: "I just asked you if you really regard him as one of your own. If you really If you think about it, then aren’t his friends your friends?”

"If we want to do big things, we definitely can't do it on our own. Even if you are so poor that you can't beg for food, you can't do it yourself. You have to find a group of people to help each other, right?" He asked in return: "I think Da Qin can develop to The reason why we are like this today is because we are united as one. Ask Taiji and Brother Kang if they are like this."

"That's true." Tuohuan nodded in agreement, and then admitted: "We have also been negligent in this regard. I was a little cautious before and knew that Xuanying seemed to be obsessed with you. But at that time, I really didn't take it as a big deal. I think that when he is older and more mature, he should be able to solve it on his own. I have never thought of these ideas of yours."

"If we had noticed it earlier, there might have been a better way. With you and Guo Kanganda helping each other, even if it still triggers a powerful counterattack and rebellion, it should be much easier and more effective for us to deal with it."

"I have always respected Mr. Guo's wisdom. Xuanying couldn't help it later and wanted to ask him for advice and help, and I agreed." Odosia replied: "But even Mr. Guo didn't have any good ideas at the time. "

"Our identities are very different, and I know it very well. This kind of thing cannot be solved by everyone uniting. From the beginning, I actually didn't have too much hope that this relationship would work out," she said. , asked Zhu Wenkui: "His Royal Highness, do you have any solution?"

Zhu Wenkui thought for a while, but he really didn't think of it. He looked at Guo Kang for help again, but Guo Kang had never thought of any good solution since the day Li Xuanying came to him.

"Aren't we talking about how to deal with those powerful people and scum?" Zhu Wenkui had no choice but to argue: "They insist on falling in love... This, this... To crack down on powerful people, if they insist on falling in love, that would be too dishonest. ?”

"These are two things, let's discuss them separately." Guo Kang said quickly.

"It must be to attack powerful people, which is much more important than falling in love." Zhu Wenkui analyzed: "Look, if she didn't distract herself from falling in love with Brother Li and concentrated on assisting him in dealing with business, wouldn't she have so many things to do? ?”

"Although saying this seems a bit bragging, among the people I know, the one who is best at managing the country is my great-grandfather. If there are so many corrupt officials and local cowards in the capital, so close to him, let alone falling in love. I guess I don’t have time to sleep anymore. We still need to learn from positive cases like this.”

"Okay, stop talking." Theodora quickly stopped him from continuing: "This example is too extreme..."

"What he said is not wrong." Eudocia shook her head and admitted: "I did think narrowly, and I do not have the ability. I hope you can do better."

(End of this chapter)

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