Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 552: Caused by the lack of Kong Lao 2

Chapter 552 Caused by the lack of Kong Laoer

After hearing these words, Tuo Huan and others were actually a little confused. However, Guo Kang became somewhat interested.

"I think it's meaningless to ask now." He closed the book in his hand and said bluntly: "To be honest, Rome was not built in a day, and I don't believe that these ideas of yours were formed in a day. Compared to What do you plan to do? I’m now more interested in how you came up with these ideas and why you did them.”

"Well, tell me how you came up with this idea." He said, "Just think of it as my own interest and just want to ask."

"I've had this idea for about three or four years," Eudocia said after thinking about it.

"If you do a little research, you should know my origin. My father passed away very early, and my mother hoped that I could play a role as soon as possible. Of course, you should also know what the women in the troupe are like. Living condition."

"Do you know anything about prostitutes?" She asked bluntly without covering up: "The lower-level actresses are actually slightly higher-end prostitutes. Even this 'high-end' may be just a gimmick. If you have come into contact with those women , you can directly understand their living conditions.”

However, Guo Kang and others looked at each other and shook their heads.

"That's not something a serious person would do." Zhu Wenkui said bluntly: "In fact, according to the rules of my family, people with official status should not touch such things. It's a pity that everyone can't control themselves..."

"You will get sick." Cao Jian pointed out: "I think many gang thugs like to take advantage of their little power to charge and find prostitutes to vent their anger. As a result, basically everyone is sick. Often after a few years, even if If he doesn’t die in the fire, his lower body will be ulcerated and he will die of pain. To be honest, I don’t think it’s better to risk my life.”

"After Confucius opened his private school, the monopoly of traditional blood aristocrats on knowledge ended. Before, bloodline determined aristocratic status and knowledge, but after that, knowledge can also determine aristocratic status and aristocratic bloodline."

"Hey, it's already a relatively mild period, and the serious ones haven't come yet." Guo Kang thought of syphilis that had not yet appeared, and sighed: "I heard that gonorrhea was enough to severely damage an English army. God knows what these people will come up with in the future.”

"Go on, what happens next? These stories inspired you, didn't they?" he continued to ask.

"This guy..." I heard that Li Xuanying was so ungrateful that he couldn't help but have sex: "He will enjoy happiness. He has to have a girl to accompany him when he studies. I will definitely teach him a lesson when I get back."

"Hey, this is a good thing. It shows that Rome still has hope." Eudosia sighed: "Besides, what they said is right."

"I understand. Because the environment is too bad and the situation is too difficult, you are resentful and want to do something." Tuohuan thought of something and asked: "Are you still teaching other children to recite Huang Chao's poems? When we were patrolling, we met a group of slum children who knew how to read Huang Chao's poems. Although they didn't directly say who taught them, based on the description, it felt like they were you. "

"Where did you see it from?" Guo Kang asked.

"Because there was no such soil before." Guo Kang said without hesitation: "In this regard, the historical laws of Seris are very straightforward and can be seen at a glance."

"The city and the dock are definitely more chaotic, but the military camp is much better." Tuo Huan also said: "If we ban it directly, many people will feel it is too rough and dissatisfied, and we will definitely not be able to completely control it. So, our The rule is to strictly check the physical condition.”

"People who engage in this kind of profession do not live very long. Disease can only be one of the reasons." She thought for a while and said.

"I did learn a lot," Eudocia said, "but the historical laws and common sense I learned made me even more desperate."

"By the way, have you ever thought about why Huang Chao didn't appear until the Tang Dynasty?" She asked everyone in turn.

"Have you taken the topic too far?" Theodora reminded.

"I taught you." Eudocia seemed to have lost her temper. Instead, she didn't care about etiquette and taboos, and said directly: "I was in a desperate situation for a while, and I didn't even know what I should do. I don’t know. There are very few stories like this in the history of the Mediterranean world, especially in Greece, but there are many in the history of Seris. So, I especially liked reading these stories during that time.”

"Xuanying has many such books." Eudosia said: "But he doesn't like to read serious books. Instead, he likes messy knowledge. Sometimes, when he has to memorize books and deal with teachers and parents, I can only advise him He even read it by himself, and then took him to read and recite it. Over time, I memorized a lot of it myself.”

"Flower disease will seriously affect combat effectiveness, and there is also a risk of infection, so once detected, they will be expelled from the legion and deprived of all rights they enjoy - and, with the intensity of training in the legion, these people cannot fake it. For this According to the regulations, there are far fewer people who oppose it, because no one wants to lose the battle because someone is holding back. Therefore, the current management of this aspect is pretty good, but in the metropolis, we really can't control it. "

"It's even worse at sea." Shi Ke also said with deep feeling: "Life at sea is boring and tiring. Many crew members can't help it. When they go ashore, they have sex with prostitutes, and then contract all kinds of weird diseases. When they go to sea, they feel unexplained. The land is dead. Hey, it would be great if there was some alternative way of entertainment..."

"From the Warring States Period to the Han Dynasty, a large number of 'family schools' emerged. Through blood relatives and disciple relationships, the scribes re-established a network to impart knowledge and governance techniques. Those old nobles whose bloodline can be traced back to ancient times , gradually withdrew from the stage of history, and from this moment on, the powerful ones who could monopolize education replaced them. "

"However, starting from Confucius, the spread of knowledge has become a habit and cannot be stopped. This monopoly is only temporary. Starting from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, poor families began to repeatedly try to attack the family's monopoly on power. By the Tang Dynasty, The traditional aristocratic family has actually changed many times, and it is far less exaggerated than in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Especially after the advent of printing, learning knowledge has become much cheaper. The aristocratic family still wants to monopolize power, and the opposition they face is getting stronger and stronger. ”

"Huang Chao was not a poor man. His family was a salt merchant and they would not be short of money. But at that time, even with these things, he could not climb up. So, after failing the imperial examination, Huang Chao went to rebel. At this time, Although the old clan still looks glorious, it is actually crumbling, and even its local foundation has basically been lost. However, there are many people in a similar situation to Huang Chao, so that each feudal town has no problem recruiting such talents. "Unlike other places, the most important thing in Seris is talents. I guess there are people like Huang Chao in all time periods," Guo Kang finally analyzed: "It's just that. Times make heroes, and this is the time to make him famous.”

"Yes." Eudosia sighed: "You see, resistance only makes sense when the time is right."

Guo Kang didn't understand what she meant for a moment, but Tuohuan asked him in surprise: "You studied it so clearly?"

"We are an aristocratic family ourselves, so of course we have to study it clearly." Guo Kang was more surprised than him: "If you don't even understand this, I'm afraid you won't know how it will end in the future, right?"

"Then, what else have you researched?" Shi Ke also asked quickly: "Why is it that there are no aristocratic families in the Central Plains, but we feel quite normal here?"

"The people here are not good, they are far behind." Guo Kang waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Not to mention the aristocratic families, they are still in the era of blood aristocrats. How will these people get Huang Chao? What they lack It’s Confucius.”

"Don't you understand it when you look at the previous Greek dynasties? Their higher education was actually very developed. Before it was occupied and destroyed by the Europeans themselves, the cultural center of the entire Mediterranean had been Constantinople. This place was a veritable civilization. Lighthouse. Even after the Crusades, the University of Constantine and the Church University were still open to this day, because although the Europeans themselves were imitating them and wanted to establish their own institutions of higher learning, There is still nothing that can replace them.”

"However, contrary to the situation at the top, they have done a poor job in popularizing education. The basic education in the entire country is still at a very primitive stage. Rich people still rely on hiring tutors for education just like in the classical era. Among the other groups of people, only church education is still holding on.”

"In this way, even if higher education is developed, it will not produce qualitative changes or promote society." He gave an example: "You see, the Greeks actually have no shortage of bureaucrats. Talents from universities can always govern the country. But , because there is no popularization of education, so the people who can receive higher education are actually the children of various wealthy families. "

"After these people became officials, they also prioritized serving their family interests. Various wealthy families actually monopolized military power and political power, so they were also able to compete for central power and plunge the country into a state like the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The state of the country also depends entirely on the monarch. Individual ability."

"If someone like Basil II, who can suppress the lawless nobles, is in power for a long time, the country can be strong. On the contrary, if Basileus is weak and incompetent, he will cause chaos and even start a daily civil war - the civil war of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Quite a few, I guess that’s the reason too.”

"It is very simple and very difficult to solve this problem. The reason why we say it is simple is because, in the final analysis, the whole country and so many problems are nothing more than a lack of education; we say it is difficult because the promotion of basic education is not a simple matter. The matter of words.”

"There are so many civilizations in the world, many of them ancient, but so far, only the Chinese have succeeded. Look at Persia next door, which is actually more cultured than the Greeks. Even the bureaucracy was learned from them. However, The Persians did not solve the problem of basic education. In the end, their bureaucracy really became a 'civilian group' with a hereditary monopoly. This shows how difficult this matter is."

"We are just making up lessons for them now." Guo Kang spread his hands: "The situation among the European people is worse than even the Warring States Period. The foundation of Rome lies in the army, but according to their situation, even the organization of the army is probably not improved. not good."

"After the founding of our dynasty, we began to implement basic education in Rome. The reason is also very direct, because we were actually building dams and farming for people in the first place. Without simple education, the local people would not even know how to farm well. Yes, we couldn't even understand the construction drawings and various indicators. Later, when the scale became larger, almost all of the educational work was completed by us with the help of the corps. Otherwise, no one would be able to do the paperwork, or even the corps. I don’t know the military order.”

"Until now, in Romanian farms, we have been using administrative means to forcefully promote education and send retired military officials to teach. To put it bluntly, they lack a Confucius, and no one has been able to fill it. In the end, we can only teach them the lessons they missed in the classical era.”

"The reason why our families can survive is not because of separatism and monopoly of official positions, but because people here are absent from school too much. In this environment, if you join us, you can get better resources. In fact, we, like those aristocratic families in the Han Dynasty, rely on mastering a certain classics to maintain their status, but our "classics" are more complex, including knowledge in military, engineering, etc., and these disciples and old officials are focused on it. As we carry out national management, both parties are mutually beneficial - in fact, there is no other way. The ordinary people here are really lacking too much. It has been decades, and our basic education level in Rome is still at this level. What's Huhu's state..."

"In comparison, the foundation in the Central Plains is really good." He sighed: "I heard the ancients lament that 'if heaven did not give birth to Zhongni, eternity would be like a long night', and I thought it was overexaggerated. But After understanding Taixi’s situation, I realized that such people are really rare.”

"That's right. I've never thought about this problem before. It always feels like a natural thing." Shi Ke admitted.

"It's always right to learn more from history." Guo Kang commented.

"When Confucius went to Chengzhou to study, he copied a number of works from the library of Emperor Zhou. Logically speaking, this itself was against etiquette, but he knew it and somehow persuaded the library manager to take it. These classics were introduced to the people. Later, during the rebellion of the princes, the classics of the Zhou royal family were scattered, and the parts brought out were circulated and became later teaching materials. "

"Many of the hundreds of schools of thought that followed received Confucian education. The documents they adopted were also classics from the Zhou royal family. So even in the era when a hundred schools of thought contended, everyone's basic ideas were the same, and they were all pursuing etiquette. As the poet said, "the cars follow the same track, the books follow the same text, and the actions follow the same thread." The development of later history is also in this direction, but so many sages and philosophers in Greece have never achieved the same goal as Prometheus. Mythology, but there is no such group of cultural ‘fire thieves’.”

"Both Confucius and Socrates failed to realize their political ideals. One fled and the other died. But Xunzi's disciples created a more profound impact than Aristotle's disciples. I'm thinking, it's That’s not the reason.”

He turned to Eudocia and said: "If you can think of the problems that arise in Huang Chao, you should have thought deeply about history. In this case, why do you still have so many strange ideas?"

"What if historical experience cannot solve the problem, and neither Confucius nor Socrates taught it?" Eudosia asked.

"Then you study it yourself. Aren't I also studying it myself?" Guo Kang replied.

(End of this chapter)

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