Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 558 Electronic Messiah Mechanism

Chapter 558 Electronic Messiah Mechanism

After Eudosia finished speaking, everyone thought for a moment.

"During this period, please recall all these specific things and write down all the key things." Guo Kang first said: "We can't explain the specific details verbally at once. I will find a way to give them to you." You take your time and write slowly.”

"Which ones should be written first?" Eudosia asked.

"Write about the people first." Guo Kang said bluntly: "Write down who you are related to, what they have done, and whether there is any abnormal behavior."

"Don't write here." He looked at the walls of the surrounding room: "The church and the Ministry of Punishment are not necessarily safe now, so I specifically asked the Queen Mother to borrow people and replaced the jailers and interrogators here, but here After all, it’s other people’s places…”

"So, my sister is training troops outside the city. Now, the new soldiers there are all Russians who have fought with us before. The instructors who train them have also been recently hired by King Wu from Alemanni. A group of swordsmanship masters. These people are newcomers from outside and have nothing to do with the local gangsters."

"Let's ask the Queen Mother to write a letter and entrust my sister to take care of it." He turned to Tuo Huan and said, "This way, it will be safer."

"No problem." Tuohuan agreed immediately.

"Look, we have to think of something." He said to everyone: "I guess what she said is just an aspect. The scale of these businesses must be much larger than what she can see alone."

"Hey, we should actually be quite rich. How did we end up like this..." Shi Ke also sighed with emotion.

"I told them that back then Ran You drove Confucius to Weiguo. Seeing the bustling people there, Confucius said with emotion: 'There are so many people here!' Ran You then asked him: 'Since there are so many people What else should we do? 'Confucius said: 'We should make them rich'. Ran You asked again: 'What should we do after we become rich?' Confucius replied: 'We should educate them'.

"We cannot ask everyone to become saints from a moral perspective, but if this kind of soil continues to exist, I am afraid it will continue to expand on its own. It will also produce pollution and poison that cannot be ignored for our society and our army." He judged: "Shangshu said, 'Playing with people loses morality, playing with things loses morale.' Ancient Rome collapsed in this atmosphere of malaise and debauchery. We cannot let this situation happen again."

"I don't know either." Guo Kang spread his hands: "Actually, I think this cannot be eliminated at all. Perhaps only the Heavenly Father himself can handle it. As long as mortals are managing mankind, these problems may be inevitable. Even if We are Rome, the kingdom of 'eternity', and there is no exception."

"It can be seen that knowledgeable people have long understood that without sufficient material conditions, it is impossible to educate. At that time, all the princes wanted to increase their population, but Confucius believed that increasing the population was not enough. He had earlier proposed , Letting people without education and training go to the battlefield is equivalent to abandoning them. Therefore, these people need to be rich and educated, and then the country will be strong.”

"It doesn't matter, the force supporting us is stronger." Guo Kang replied.

"So, to maintain social morality, the most basic thing is to enhance the power of citizens; in turn, when citizens receive benefits and gain strength, they will naturally help us maintain morality, because this is the order that is most beneficial to them. Not only bad things can Good things can be recycled. When this kind of power increases, it is normal for bad people to appear. Finding and eliminating these people is what a normal country should have. "

"But on the other hand, since this is the case in all mortal countries, it means that this is also a normal situation, so there is no need to worry too much." He said, "If there are problems, there is no need to be harsh, as long as they can be corrected. This is how everyone has developed over the years. of."

"Our population is still increasing now, and it may be faster in the future. If we don't pay attention to this, we will probably encounter the same problem." He shook his head.

"I understand. But this will definitely offend many people, and they are all people with power and wealth in society." Cao Jian reminded: "Is it worth doing so much for moral obsessiveness?"

"Yes. There are people at the top who can benefit from it, and the bottom has adapted to this method, and then these sufferings will continue to cycle." Guo Kang also agreed: "In this kind of environment, there is no way to educate."

"What we call 'morality' is actually nothing mysterious. It is the discipline that arises spontaneously in a social group. This kind of rules is formed in long-term games and represents the interests of the vast majority of people in the group. And our kind The morality produced by society is the morality of citizens,” he explained.

"I have no objection." Shi Ke expressed support: "I just don't know if it will be effective. To be honest, I always feel that there are never enough people like this to be caught. I don't know how to eliminate this phenomenon..."

"When the parish priest at Zhulinfang was investigated, he also said that the incidence of crime there has always been very high. People who go to church to confess often do it for other more serious things. They commit petty theft and even steal food and clothing. It has become a daily routine there and is not even considered something to be ashamed of.”

"I have talked with people in the local church and the results of their activities there are quite limited. They can only help a few lucky people through occasional charity, but it has no effect on the overall atmosphere."

"It depends on where the money is. Xunzi once said, a country that can dominate the world should make its people rich; a country that dominates the princes should make its scholars rich; a country that can barely survive can make its officials rich; a country that wants to perish should only make its officials rich. It will enrich the wallets of those in power. "Guo Kang said: "Compared with the simple amount of wealth, this is the most important thing to pay attention to. "

"Yes," Tuo Huan agreed: "Don't neglect doing good deeds because they are small, and don't neglect killing evil people because they are numerous. If we deal with some bad people, the situation will get better. Otherwise, why don't we wait for Heavenly Father to kill them himself? ?”

"That's probably a bit difficult. However, we can simulate it ourselves." Guo Kang thought for a while and said.

In fact, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that "human management is not good". And if mortals can't do it no matter how hard they try, they can only wait for God or God's chosen one to come in person. Therefore, in various religions, there are often such "saviors". Whether it is the God Worshiping Sect or the Tianfang Sect, they all have this setting. It becomes especially popular when everyone is facing crisis and the rulers cannot count on them.

The Roman side may be fine, but the Persian side, many people are really counting on this kind of savior sent by God.

Long-term wars and foreign invasions have made people miserable. But the local rulers were either cruel and cruel, knowing how to persecute the people; or they were cowardly and incompetent, unable to resist the enemy. The bureaucracy only cares about its own self-interest and will surrender when the situation changes, not caring who comes.

In this environment, many Persians believe that only the savior "Mahdi" arranged by Hu Da can save this apocalyptic world. This idea began to sprout during the Umayyad Dynasty and became more and more popular after that. Different sects have almost all adopted this setting.

Although there are different opinions on the candidate, according to the popular saying, everyone believes that this savior was hidden by Huda and will reappear when necessary to eradicate tyranny and make Persia full of justice. There have always been people who claim to be Mahdi and launch resistance movements. It can be said that both the theory and the relevant practice are relatively mature.

But, so far, it's still a mess over there. The only order now is maintained by Timur's line, and it has nothing to do with the Persians themselves... It seems that the results are not very ideal.

However, we really have no better way. Therefore, even after this era, they still continue to continue their previous habits. Like the Ismailis who established the Safavid dynasty, they also called themselves Mahdi. However, even the Mahdi cannot defeat the Romans, so there is no way...

By the end, the Persian people were becoming anxious. According to the teachings, no one knows when the real Mahdi will come out. However, with the decline of the Persian region in modern times, not to mention the traditional Central Asian invaders, even distant Europeans and nearby Afghan mountain people came to participate in the grand event. Many people really can't bear to continue to wait passively and start trying to actively search.

Most ordinary people do not have high religious literacy. In their understanding, "hiding" means hiding in the mountains in a literal sense. Therefore, some grassroots clerics took their fellow villagers to search the mountains and seas everywhere, trying to catch Mahdi and tell him to stop waiting and get to work quickly, otherwise everyone would not be able to survive...

This trend became popular for a time, and although no one was caught in the end, it became an early attempt by grassroots clergy to intervene in politics. Later, by chance, they tried a new way. As for whether it will succeed or not... Anyway, the land of Persia at the moment is stronger than the Turkic army. Even if it succeeds, there is no way to ask for too much...

Of course, if conditions permit, it is definitely best not to use this method. Because these theories have similar problems.

This statement can all be summed up as "millennial thinking". The core is that before the end of the world, the savior will come to the world and establish a thousand-year kingdom. This ideal country that lasted for thousands of years was a time of peace and prosperity. After the kingdom of God on earth, there will be the end of the world and the final judgment.

This view was found in many religions and remained so until much later. Under the influence of a strong religious atmosphere, no matter what kind of thought, they are keen to emphasize that human society will reach a final and most perfect state and then end here. Based on this doctrine, coupled with the preference of ancient Greeks and ancient Jews to forcefully divide history into "xx era", it has become a very Mediterranean view of history.

However, he himself didn't quite believe it anyway. As a Serisian, in his opinion, the terms "end of history" and "highest stage" have too strong a religious flavor. The hard-calculated era divisions of the Jews are so rigid that they are incomprehensible. In the eyes of those who have studied the history of Seris, this idea is probably too barbaric, and it feels like "a cricket does not know the spring and autumn" - after all, their civilization does only have one cycle, and it is indeed easy to end...

To this end, Guo Kang also has some other ideas.

"I heard from the philosophers here that a long time ago, some people believed that everything in the world can be described through mathematical language. This abstract description method will also be closer to the essence of all things, and some people even think that numbers are everything. Origin." He proposed his own idea.

"In this case, many phenomena can be analyzed and studied mathematically, so that we can get closer to the source and closer to the design of Heavenly Father. We have already begun to use this method when studying natural phenomena. And Man is also a creation of the Heavenly Father, so we can also study human society in this way.”

"I don't quite understand what this idea is..." Tuo Huan admitted.

"Aren't we already using mathematical methods to assist in governing?" Guo Kang said: "Measuring land and calculating taxes are all calculations. Many other things can be quantified and analyzed in this way. Even the selection of officials , it is also a gradual transition from free recommendation to examinations and assessments with fixed standards. "

"However, the fastest calculation tool we have now is the abacus. This is far from enough. I was thinking before that we need to design some new calculation tools. Otherwise, it is estimated that we will not be able to keep up with future calculation needs. And if calculation When our abilities reach a certain level, we can do a lot of things that we can’t even consider now.”

"Popular prophecies say that a Messiah will come to preside over the country. The church believes that the Messiah is Brother Tian, ​​but no one knows whether this vague arrival refers to descending to earth or some other form. ”

"Mathematics is fairer, more straightforward, and closer to the nature of the world than people themselves. Therefore, through this calculation method, we can also manage; if it is powerful enough, we don't even need people to process and make decisions. I I always feel that this kind of calculation machine is more in line with the setting of 'the Messiah who rules the perfect country'."

"Furthermore, for Heavenly Father and Brother Heavenly Brother, no matter what form it takes, it is not a problem. The so-called advent may not mean the second coming of the body, nor does it mean leaving someone down, but letting us prepare ourselves, and when the preparations are completed , He will appear when the time comes. In this way, there will be no conflict.”

The others looked at each other in shock, still not understanding much. Tuo Huan had to ask: "Then how was this thing made?"

"Both mechanical or electrical ones will do. The upper limit of electricity is much higher, but I don't know if it can be made." Guo Kang replied: "However, we can write down this idea. When future generations have the conditions, they will naturally study it. of."

"Perhaps, this electronic messiah mechanism will have a chance to solve the problem." He finally said.

(End of this chapter)

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