Chapter 97 Meltem Loves Bathing

Since Meltem did not respond, Guo Kang had no choice but to climb into the room and try to wake her up.

However, the morning sun was warm and the air was quite fresh today.Meltham obviously enjoyed the environment here, he only moved slightly, then fell silent again.

"Wake up, don't sleep!" Guo Kang poked her.

"Huh...?" Meltham lazily opened his eyes and yawned lightly: "Brother?"

"Why did you sleep on the roof of my house again?" Guo Kang asked.

"It's warmer here." Meltem looked at him innocently.

"...Aren't you an assassin? Are there any assassins who are so vigilant?" Guo Kang was very helpless by her, so he had to remind her.

"It's impossible for a person to be vigilant all the time. Only by relaxing when necessary can he become vigilant at critical moments." Meltem said naturally: "My brother's home is safe, so there is no need to be so vigilant."


Guo Kang had lost his temper a long time ago, so he had to ask her to go down again.Meltem blinked, nodded, and jumped off the roof, landing just opposite Theodora.

She was wearing a white long-sleeved blouse and a close-fitting black dress, showing her shapely figure.The cloth veil the Assassins used to cover their faces was loosely wrapped around the neck like a scarf.The black veil was messily scattered behind her head, obviously not tidied up after waking up.

"Who are you?" Theodora took a step back, pressed the dagger at his waist, and asked in surprise and anger.

"I am Meltem from the Assassin sect. May peace be with you." Meltem didn't care about her threat, bowed to her, and began to straighten his hair.

"Assassin?" Theodora looked her up and down, in disbelief: "Where did you come from a dancer? Can an assassin dress like this?"

"This will make my brother happy." Meltham looked at her strangely, and asked back: "Brother is happy, so why don't you want to go with Meltham? If we go together, the mission will be successful." Is it?"

"You, no, have no shame!" Theodora didn't expect her to say that, she couldn't react for a while, and blurted out accusations.

"Assassin, you have to do whatever you can to complete the mission." Meltham proudly puffed up his chest, still taking it for granted: "Meltem can't beat brother, so he can only seduce him and leave!"

"What did you say?" Theodora was already dumbfounded.

"What's the matter?" Guo Kang is not very good at light kungfu, and his movements are not as proficient as Meltem, so he just climbed down.When he turned around, he saw the two men confronting each other, so he hurried to ask what was going on.

"Where is this strange woman!" Theodora ordered angrily, "Guo Kang, throw her out!"

"But I'm not surprised?" Meltem protested.

"...I..." Theodora decided not to talk nonsense with her: "Go outside and find a random man to seduce, don't pester him here. Get out!"

"But my mother said that the most important goal of my life is to 'catch that man from the Guo family'." Meltham corrected the problem in her words: "The men outside have nothing to do with me."

"What kind of messed up request is this?" Theodora's head grew dizzy.

"Hey, I also think her many requests are unreasonable." Meltham smiled sheepishly: "But I like my brother, so I'll listen to her this time."

"??" Theodora was speechless.

"Okay, okay, let's go in and talk." Guo Kang quickly grabbed Meltem's cloak, pulled her into the room, and called Theodora to go in together.

Due to Guo Daxia's lack of strength, the guards of his family are already very proficient in gossip skills, so don't let them upgrade.

When she came to the house, Theodora was obviously still not satisfied, and asked Guo Kang to give an explanation.Guo Kang looked at the uneaten fruits on the table, quickly grabbed one, stuffed it into Meltem's mouth, let her eat slowly, and then called Theodora aside.

"Before, haven't you heard about my adoptive father's experience in the Ottoman court?" he asked.

"So..." Theodora calmed down a little after being asked by him, and after thinking for a while, she realized that she did have some impressions: "I seem to have heard from my mother. There are also rumors that he has a lover over there, but My mother forbids me to talk about these topics, so I don't know more about it."

"Is your mother really with my adoptive mother?" Guo Kang was a little puzzled.

"Ah? What did you say?" Theodora was also a little puzzled.

"It's nothing. Uh... it probably involves the military part, the queen and the others don't know much about it." Guo Kang thought for a while, and found another possible reason: "If you care about the history of war, the situation during that time should be will be familiar."

"At the beginning, Emperor Timur hadn't launched the jihad against Asia Minor, and the Ottoman Sultanate was the most powerful military force in western Asia Minor and Greece." He introduced it to Theodora.

"Our ability to control the Greek region was very weak at that time. On the contrary, Ottoman could not only summon the 'Ghazi' jihadists from the east, but also drive the Turks in Asia Minor, and recruit Greeks and Serbs here from the Greek-controlled area .Although we occupy most of them, outside, their power is the most powerful."

"Wait, the Ottomans also control the Greek region? Don't they only have a few bridgeheads?" Theodora asked.

"Indirect control is also control. The Greek local snakes like Ottoman very much, but they don't like us. Their power is on Ottoman's side." Guo Kang disagrees: "Fortunately, these Greeks are good at fighting, and it doesn't matter which side they stand on .The Serbs and Armenians on the Ottoman side are more difficult to deal with..."

"Oh, I understand now." Theodora thought quickly, and immediately understood: "We are all implementing the legion system on the plains of northern Thrace. They definitely don't like it."

"Yeah, the local nobles don't have any psychological pressure to convert - and Ottoman didn't ask everyone to convert in order to collect more taxes." Guo Kang said: "It was the church and ordinary residents who asked us to go south to deal with Ottoman. The nobles probably don't care. These."

"With the support of these people, Ottoman can also be regarded as a 'local force'. Their hometown is just across the sea. Later, in order to facilitate confrontation with us, they also set up two permanent universities on both sides of the Bosporus Strait, Hainan and Haibei. battalion, forming a pincer attack."

"At that time, our military pressure was very huge, because Rome's geographical location was actually not very good." He gestured to the general direction, and said: "In the northwest and north, there are barbarians such as the Alemanni, Poland, and Magyar; In the southeast, there are the Ottoman Tartars. In addition, the Ross chiefdom in the northeast and the Greek chieftains in the southwest are threats to our Rome."

(End of this chapter)

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