Chapter 98 Meltem Loves Bathing

"At that time, not long after the Queen Mother Helena fell from power, there were still some nobles in the country who wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble. At that time, the Great Khan Basil III spent all day to quell the civil strife, and then kept fighting with the Magyars. On the southern front, there was indeed no Enough energy."

"That's why Osman was very confident at the time and maintained the momentum of taking the initiative to attack." Guo Kang shook his head and said: "At that time, this place was said to be the capital, but it was not safe at all."

"Later, Grand Master Maimatinikus, who was active in the northern part of Asia Minor and contained the Ottoman flank, also returned to the north to support Timur's crusade against Tutuo lost. Ottoman had no worries, so he planned to use the religious war In the name of the "Ghazi" from all over the world, we once again called on the 'Ghazis' from all over the world to gather in Hainan and Haibei camps, threatening to attack Dadu in one fell swoop and eliminate our God-worshiping religion."

"At that time, everyone was pessimistic about the situation, so the adoptive father, as an envoy, went to the Ottoman court to see if he could try to slow down the troops. But the Ottomans detained him when they arrived, and did not suspend their military operations."

"They're not stupid." Theodora pointed out, "Going to negotiate at this time, they can obviously see what we mean."

"This is also one aspect." Guo Kang scratched his head: "The main reason is that I think there is also a problem with the candidate. Osman did not have other enemies. At that time, the Turks in Asia Minor were rebelling daily to fight against them."

"If he is an emissary who can speak, maybe it can last for a while, but the eloquence level of his foster father..." Guo Kang couldn't help grinning, and took a long breath: "I don't know what Han Ting thought at the time. Go be a lobbyist..."

"Okay..." Theodora didn't know how to answer: "Then what happened next?"

"Later, although the diplomatic efforts completely failed, Ottoman's assembly operation was indeed obstructed by the Turks, and the progress was far from smooth as expected. The attitude of the Sultan's court has also wavered, and I want to talk about it." Guo Kang said. .

"In addition, although his eloquence is not good, his adoptive father has a good personality, is generous and simple, and can drink very well. He is very popular with many nobles in the Ottoman court. Even Sultan Murad I admired him very much, and later inherited Ottoman's Baba Yazid is also very familiar with him."

"It was during that time that he developed a friendship with Isser, Murad's youngest daughter and Bayezid's sister."

"Are you sure it's just friendship?" Theodora sharply asked the question.

"Then I...Of course I have to say that." Guo Kang was not happy: "If I use other words, can you guarantee that you will not leak it at all after you go back? If it spreads out and my mother finds out, my mother will definitely You want to train me. Will you come and beat me up then?"

"Okay, okay, I won't tell the public. Then you can continue." Theodora had no choice but to give in.

"After that, I thought it was a bloody thing." Guo Kang shook his head and said, "The two sides ceased fighting, and the foster father could come back. But the two of them...have a friendship, you know?"

"I know, I know, it's friendship." Theodora nodded helplessly.

"Well." Guo Kang said with confidence: "And, at this time, Bayezid, who was in charge of the affairs, put forward a condition. He told his adoptive father that he recognized his courage and considered him a hero. And I firmly believe that he will be a strong opponent for Osman in the future."

"So, Bayezid proposed that he either marry Iser and stay in Ottoman as a guarantee for the long-term friendship between the two countries in the future; In his compensation, Iser must obey orders and marry another Turkmen prince to win a new ally."

"So there is such a thing." Theodora opened her eyes wide and said with some surprise: "Your adoptive father has indeed returned. Then... how did he arrange for that Ottoman girl?"

"My father is a true Roman." Guo Kang had a noble expression on his face: "He always took the interests of Rome as the highest criterion, and always put the country at the forefront of consideration..."

"That's why I don't care about others..." Theodora understood.


"Go ahead, what happened?" Theodora urged.

"I came back later." Guo Kang spread his hands: "The adoptive father should still be very heartbroken, but not long after he came back, he met the adoptive mother, and then..."

He thought for a while, but didn't know how to describe it, so he gestured and said, "It's 'tied to death', that's it. You know what it means."

"I know, I know." Theodora nodded thinking of Madam's performance.

"As for over there... Aunt Iser seemed quite normal at the time, and even said that as long as he was let go, she would do anything, because marriage is her responsibility as the Sudan's daughter." Guo Kang continued.

"She married a Turkmen prince who was active in the northwest of Persia, near Asia Minor. Osman wanted to win over these people, expand and stabilize the sphere of influence in the east, and at the same time deal with the competition from the Black Sheep Dynasty."

"But not long after that, maybe a few years." After a little calculation, he said, "Uncle Timur is calling."

"You should know about this battle. Uncle Timur defeated Ottoman and captured Bayezid alive."

"Aunt Iser's marriage diplomacy was relatively successful. Her husband did not join Timur collectively like several other Turkmen tribes, but fought with Ottoman. However, in this battle, the prince also died in the rebellion. , leaving only one daughter.”

"It's her?" Theodora probably understood the situation, and confirmed with Guo Kang in a declarative tone.

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded: "After that, Aunt Isser felt like..."

He pointed to his head: "Probably suffered too many tragedies, it's a bit crazy."

"At that time, Osman almost collapsed, and her husband's tribe was also smashed to pieces, and Aunt Iser lost her support."

"After Timur withdrew, some Turkmens were going to join us. When they heard that she knew her father-in-law, they wanted to support her as the leader so that they could lead everyone to contact the Zizhang. But she was unwilling and said that she was miserable. Destiny begins with getting to know the adoptive father, and now I just want to take revenge, and I would rather die than go to him. The others have no choice but to leave."

"But I don't think she has any intention of not taking refuge in her at all." Theodora pointed to Meltem.

"Uh, Meltham isn't her." Guo Kang explained, "Meltham is actually a good boy, you'll know if you get in touch with him a few times."

"You have been in contact with him many times." Theodora looked at him.

Before Guo Kang could answer, Meltem stood up next to him.

"Brother, I'm done eating." She reported, "Can I take a shower?"

"What are you going to do?" Theodora was taken aback, almost unable to react.

"Taking a bath." Meltham tilted his head suspiciously: "Don't you take a bath, sister? It's very comfortable to take a bath. I like taking a bath very much."

"I didn't ask you this!" Theodora was almost mad at her: "How could you go to someone's house to take a bath?"

"Uncle and brother are finished washing." Meltem pointed out: "I saw them come out of the bathhouse just now, there should be no one there now."

"After they have washed it, you can wash it on your own?" Theodora couldn't stand it anymore, and continued to question.

"Hey—?" Meltham looked at her in surprise, then lowered his head shyly, blushing slightly: "Then... Brother, come to take a bath together? This elder sister doesn't seem to allow me to wash alone..."


Theodora was almost dying.

(End of this chapter)

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