Chapter 99 Kongbu Elements
Faced with Meltem's request, Guo Kang had no choice but to point out the location of the bathhouse to her.Fortunately, Meltem was already satisfied with being able to take a bath, so he didn't continue to pester him, and left happily.

After sending her away, Guo Kang was relieved.He looked at Theodora, and found that she was lying on the seat exhausted, with a look of lovelessness on her face.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked quickly.

"I figured it out, this guy didn't mean to make trouble at all!" Theodora said weakly, "She's just short-hearted!"

"Uh...then why are you angry?" Guo Kang asked tentatively.

"Can I not be angry? If she is a normal person, I can drive her away. But with her appearance, does it make me argue with a mentally retarded little girl?" Theodora complained.

"You have to understand her. She grew up in a different environment." Guo Kang persuaded.

"Back then, relying on the gold and silver that Aunt Iser brought out, and the help of several old ministries, she found a secret assassin organization called 'Assassin', and let Meltem train there since he was a child. Probably, too I want her to help me avenge myself."

"Isn't the Assassin sect very famous? How did you teach this kind of person..." Theodora said speechlessly: "Don't they only teach light skills, and don't even teach common sense of society? If this kind of assassin enters If you are looking for a target in the city, you have to reveal your secrets that day."

"They are not the Assassins of the past." Guo Kang shook his head and said: "The Assassins of the past have been wiped out by the Mongols because of their plot to assassinate the Great Khan. Our ancestors of the Guo family also participated in that battle. He designed the ropeway that carried the trebuchet up the Eagle's Nest."

"After the destruction of the Assassin sect, several small sects emerged that claimed to be their successors and imitated their behavior. The one that Meltem went to was one of them. These people claimed that their mentors came from the A disciple who goes out to work."

"Of course, it's hard to say how true it is." He thought for a while, and said metaphorically: "Even if it is true, their inheritance orthodoxy is at most at the level of Zhu Yunqi's 'Government of King Wu of Ming Dynasty'."

"Oh, it's easy to understand." Theodora nodded: "So it's such a grassy platform."

"Yeah." Although I feel sorry for Zhu Wenkui, Guo Kang thinks this example is really tried and tested: "I even suspect that they are a fan association imitating the Assassins."

"Although I don't know where the Kungfu inheritance came from, the training system has completely collapsed, and it all depends on the current masters to think about teaching themselves. There is no way to teach such children."

"It's not easy to send her here." Theodora said helplessly, "Where does this guy live every day? He can still survive in Dadu."

"She lives in a hotel." Guo Kang said.

"Huh? I thought the assassins would live and sleep in the open. Why did the conditions suddenly improve?" Theodora said in surprise.

"She is different from other people. Someone sponsored her." Guo Kang said, "You know the Knights Templar."

"I know." Theodora nodded, and was a little surprised: "Don't tell me that the Templars have also come out. Aren't they already wiped out by the King of France? Are they also a group of role-playing fans?"

"They're not." Guo Kang waved his hand: "The Knights Templar was an internationally renowned financial institution back then, and the King of France could only arrest some of them, so how could it be so easy to arrest them all. After the main part of the Knights was destroyed by France, the rest Most of the trees fell and the monkeys scattered, but some people persisted."

"The Templar Knights were in the port of Asia Minor, and there were some remnants of them. They happened to meet them. Just in time, they heard that France and Rome were in an alliance, and they thought they could get the necessary information from here to plan revenge against France. Therefore, The Knights recruited Meltem to join them, gave her a lot of money, and asked her to help find news from the French ambassador when she was not in action."

"So, don't look at her as a fool, she has quite a reputation." Guo Kang said dumbfoundedly: "She is a Templar and Assassin Assassin."

"What a mess..." Theodora was speechless: "She looks like this, can she really get any information?"

"Yes. She is usually naive, but she can do business." Guo Kang said: "And it is not difficult to inquire about French intelligence."

"How did she do it?" Theodora asked, "I really haven't asked about the details of this kind of thing."

"She stalked the mistresses of the French ambassador and frightened them into telling the news. When the Greek women heard that she was Assassin, they were very frightened. They asked her what to say, and even helped her set the tone." Guo Kang said: "Ask My family can also get a copy of the news that came out, so everyone let her move around."

"Is that so..." Theodora subconsciously sighed before realizing the problem: "So, she has known you for a long time?"

"It's not too long." Guo Kang said, "It wasn't her at first, it was Aunt Isser who came in person and insisted on taking away foster father to confront her."

"I have not seen her," said Theodora.

"She is still recovering from her injuries. Every time she comes, the foster mother will stop her." Guo Kang lowered his voice with some fear: "And let me tell you, it may not be just the two of them..."


"My God, you haven't seen how fierce they fight." Guo Kang shook his head again and again: "The gladiators in ancient Rome are not as terrible as the jealous female heroes. I think they should go to the big arena to fight in public. That would scare all the Greeks into Socratic philosophers..."

"That's enough, that's enough for you." Seeing that he couldn't hold back his complaints, Theodora quickly stopped him.

"Okay... Anyway, after a few encounters, they seem to have changed venues." Guo Kang had no choice but to continue: "After that, it was Meltem who came to attack the adoptive father."

"In the beginning, the adoptive father didn't really want to embarrass her. But Meltem was also very capable of killing at that time, so the adoptive father couldn't bear it and decided to teach her a few words."

"What did he say?" asked Theodora.

"Meltem took advantage of his practice to rest in the yard with his eyes closed, climbed over the wall, and tried to tie him with a rope. The adoptive father ignored her, and only opened his eyes after she tied him up, telling her it was okay. use."

"He smiled and told Meltem that this kind of rope is too weak to bind the muscles that have been strictly trained." Guo Kang put on a chest-high posture: "Then he just struggled like this, using his chest and back muscles to pull The thin rope broke right away."

"Meltham was scared stupid at the time. After that, he never went to him again, and instead came to arrest me..." Guo Kang concluded helplessly: "She told me these things later."

"..." It took a long time for Theodora to come back to her senses: "Then her psychological quality is not bad."

"However, there is still a problem." She asked Guo Kang: "Since life here is not easy, why don't they go back and repair it? This new Assassin faction is also the same. It is so difficult to be active here, why don't they go back and develop first?" Woolen cloth?"

"Because their hometown is gone." Guo Kang said: "Meltham told me that the terrible forces from the east have invaded their original territory."

"Why does it feel like an old script again?" Theodora frowned: "Who is it this time?"

"According to her, it was a group of extreme Confucian scholars called 'Kumbu elements'." Guo Kang explained.

(End of this chapter)

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