My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 131 Zhu Di's Gift Package

Chapter 131 Zhu Di's Gift Package
Zhu Di, his wife, one biological son, and three godsons enjoyed the royal meal together.

That's right, Xu Jingchang was already sitting in the first position on the left, and the three pigs were all behind him.There is really no other way, whoever made them too stupid to get involved in such an important matter.

The more Zhu Di looked at Xu Jingchang, the more satisfied he became.

You can't hide the look in someone's eyes when you like them. The kindness, excitement, and gleam in your eyes made Zhu Gaochi jealous... He even suspected that if Xu Jingchang said that he wanted to be a prince, his father would probably agree without hesitation. .

It's really terrible!

Zhu Di also felt the strange eyes of the three sons, and he coughed lightly.

"Since they are all from my own family, some words can naturally be made clearer... It is difficult for Zhenjing to raise an army and seize the world of Jianwen. After all, he is Huang Kao's grandson, my nephew, the Zhu family can kill each other, uncle and nephew Fighting, this matter is not easy to explain. People's words are terrifying, and the discussions are fierce. Since entering Yingtian and ascending the throne and proclaiming the emperor, although there are also ministers who have advised and helped to solve problems. But only Nephew Jingchang, every time he makes a move, They are all just right, to preserve the dignity of the royal family, and to take care of the overall situation of the moment, with far-reaching intentions and won my heart, which really makes me very gratified."

Zhu Di's words came from the bottom of his heart. Xu Jingchang saved Xu Huizu's life in the first place, and he didn't wantonly kill Jianwen's old ministers, so he stabilized the court.

Later, with the case of the Liao family, the reputation of Fang Xiaoru and others was shaken, which was tantamount to pushing them hard on the unruly emperor and treacherous ministers.

This time, the temple was checked again to eliminate the possibility of Jianwen hiding, which can be regarded as quietly cutting off future troubles.

No one in the Ming Dynasty, civil and military ministers, could do this... let alone come up with effective measures one after another, not even a decent suggestion.

People like Ji Gang only know how to track down and arrest people, and never let anyone go... But the problem is a political matter, which requires delicate techniques and a safe layout.

Some things need to be opened and closed, but some things must be done, and you must not mess around.

Vigor will not produce miracles, it will only throw the table and smash the pot, self-defeating.

Therefore, Xu Jingchang's skill is really good for being able to do things so that even Zhu Di is amazed.

It's just that what to do next is still a problem.

Zhu Di looked at Xu Jingchang with expectant eyes.

Even Empress Xu laughed and said, "Nephew, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't worry about anything."

Xu Jingchang nodded. At this time, Zhu Di trusted him unconditionally, and he might be able to say some key things.He doesn't think he's much better than those people. If he doesn't have the knowledge of future generations, he's not even as smart as Zheng Ci and others. lights.

But having said that, after all, I still have these insights, and I can see them more clearly.

"Your Majesty, I heard that someone praised Fang Xiaoru and collected his poems and articles in private... I dare to say that if this continues, there will be many people who praise and sympathize with Jianwen."

Zhu Di's face sank, "Why, I haven't done enough?"

"No!" Xu Jingchang said flatly: "Some people want to rely on Jianwen to seek benefits. The Jianwen Dynasty they talk about is just the Jianwen Dynasty in their hearts, not the real Jianwen Dynasty. They use this as an excuse, just want to get More stuff."

Zhu Di took a deep breath and slowly fell into deep thought. Empress Xu and the three pigs also put down their chopsticks, lowered their heads, and pondered slowly, but unfortunately, they couldn't figure out what was going on inside, so they could only accompany them.

After a while, Zhu Di said slowly: "I have also talked with Young Master Yao many times. The young master told me that there is a large group of sour literati gathered around Jianwen. The reformation of the Imperial Examination System... Among the many old systems of the Imperial Examination, the vassal king is the most obviously outdated one. It is only then that the spearhead is aimed at cutting down the feudal vassals, which is why I have Jing Nan! Ridiculous Jianwen, with high eyes but low abilities, and credulous slander , if he does not fail, God will not allow it!"

Xu Jingchang hurriedly nodded in agreement, but then said: "Your Majesty, with Taizu Shengrui, even if there are people who gather around Jianwen in a vain attempt to shake the tree, this group of people will not disappear, they will only change their tactics and continue to clamor, and put their minds on Calling out Jianwen's soul, questioning His Majesty's national policy... After all, His Majesty is continuing the strategy of Emperor Taizu."

Zhu Di's face suddenly changed, "I probably understand what you mean. They clearly miss Jianwen, but they are actually against my national policy. Is Xiang Zhuang's sword dancing aimed at Pei Gong?"

Xu Jingchang nodded and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Zhu Di pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled helplessly, "What sage? I am helpless now!"

Not only Zhu Di, but even Zhu Yuanzhang in his later years sighed that he had exhausted all means, but the officials were greedy for ink, and they went on and on, and they couldn't kill them all...

In fact, this matter can be seen very clearly from the perspective of future generations.

Zhu Yuanzhang implemented a set of strategies to maximize and take care of the people at the bottom... while Zhu Di adhered to the strategy of maximizing and benefiting Ming Dynasty.

This pair of father and son are not used to scholar-bureaucrats.

But it is the gentry and officials, who control the scholars to discuss and influence people's thinking.Moreover, they are intertwined, highly united, and super capable of action, and they will not miss any opportunity to counterattack.

So whether it is about the indiscriminate killing of innocent people by the Hongwu Dynasty, or about Uncle Zhu Di seizing the nephew's position... In the end, they all put the emperor in the wrong position first, and then tried to overthrow the old system and re-establish a national policy that is more beneficial to the scholar-bureaucrats .

Throughout the 300-year history of the Ming Dynasty, it has to be said that the gentry and officials had the last laugh and successfully sent away the Ming Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, I'm here, let me say something boldly, Your Majesty, don't try to change the minds of these people, they won't repent because of how well your Majesty has done. They will only lament that they have lost their superior status and cannot ask for anything. ...Your Majesty has only one way to deal with these people!"

"What way?" Zhu Di asked.

"Just replace them completely!"

"How to replace it?" Zhu Di asked again.

Xu Jingchang glanced at Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui, the two brothers subconsciously straightened their backs, bowed their heads and listened quietly.

"Your Majesty has already decided on the strategy of going to the cultivate workshops, let textiles prosper, and business development. Merchants benefit from it, and they will naturally oppose the gentry's rhetoric. And they will regard Your Majesty as the start of industry and commerce. The Holy Lord of the Ming Dynasty, desperately defending His Majesty's reputation."

"Furthermore, if you set up a school and use the mansion newspaper to influence the thoughts of the people in the city, these people will also stand on His Majesty's side. Only in this way can we get rid of the bottom line and dismantle the scholar-official system. Please think again, Your Majesty."

Zhu Di thought for a while, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "Businessmen are greedy for money and profit, I'm afraid it's not a good thing!"

As soon as his words fell, Zhu's second child quit, "Father, my son thinks that merchants are only greedy for money and profit, and literati are rich in fame and wealth, which is far more hateful than merchants!"

Zhu Di was stunned, and Zhu Laosan followed suit: "Father, look at those scholar-bureaucrats, they don't talk about profit, and they don't want to do things at all. They just want to be supported by others, eat and drink for free, and even point fingers. The boy's workshop wants If you find some craftsmen, you have to hire new people from your cousin. People who come out of the school, they don’t have the stink of those scholar-officials, as long as they are paid enough wages, they are willing to work hard. They are really rare talents.”

The two brothers spoke in unison. Obviously, they have found their own position.

Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the gentry and landlord just seized the land and rented out the property. They did nothing but collect the rent. I really can't figure it out. How can such a person have the face to boast of benevolence and righteousness?"

Xu Jingchang looked at the two brothers Zhu Gaoxu again, and said seriously: "Your Majesty, please think about it. The King of Han and the King of Zhao rely on their craftsmen to make money. Naturally, we should treat them better, at least to feed the workers. And they also need to be opened by the court. Sailing, voyages, and earning wealth. That’s why they are willing to pay taxes to the court, enrich the country and support soldiers. But when it comes to the gentry, what they live on is the land in their hands, which is their foundation. Tenants die when they die Well, there are new ones anyway, so they will be changed when the court changes, as long as the new master still recognizes their land, they will be satisfied..."

"say no more!"

Zhu Di spoke suddenly and interrupted Xu Jingchang's words.

According to the views of Xu Jingchang and his two sons, the gentry and officials are heinous.

But if you want to ask Jian Yi, Xia Yuanji and others, they still think that merchants are the source of chaos, and they must emphasize agriculture and suppress business, and merchants are not allowed to become bigger.

This is a matter of talking to yourself, it all depends on which side you want to stand on?
If it is according to the patriarchal rules, the Taiping emperor will naturally succeed to the throne, there is really no need to cause trouble for himself.

Coincidentally, Zhu Di started his career by relying on Jing Nan, and he has a strong urge to change everything... Xu Jingchang has opened a new door for him, and his two sons have stepped in, so there is no need for him to linger outside .

It's just that everything can't be messed up. After all, the power of merchants is still too weak. Once they act too hastily and cause chaos in the world, the gains will outweigh the losses.

After all, the mistakes Zhu Yunqi made cannot be repeated.

"I have written down what you said... How many servants were found in the investigation of the servants in Beijing this time?" Zhu Di said casually.

Xu Jingchang said: "According to Shangyuan County's estimate, there are at least [-]. If we can release all the people hiding in the temples, there will be as many as [-]."

Zhu Di took a deep breath, his face was very ugly.

With a population of one million in the capital city, there are only so many hidden households, how many are there in the entire Ming Dynasty?

Xu Jingchang said that the gentry don't do production, but sit back and enjoy what they get, which is really reasonable.

"In this way, all the servants and hermits found, including the monks in the temple, will be handed over to you. I want them to do things for the country. Do you understand?"

Xu Jingchang nodded vigorously, "I understand... I will arrange for them to be sent to school for training, and then handed over to workshops in batches to be workers."

When Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui heard this, they were overjoyed, and they said together: "Father is wise, in this way, the children's industries will definitely develop rapidly, and they will also be able to contribute more money and taxes to the father, enrich the treasury, and help the father achieve eternal happiness and prosperity!"

(End of this chapter)

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