My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 132 The Buddhist Exam

Chapter 132 The Buddhist Exam
Xu Jingchang enjoyed a royal banquet and got the power to control personnel. He was in a good mood. At least he had planted a seed in Zhu Di's heart. Maybe Zhu Di would not favor the scholar-bureaucrats, but wanted to share the rain and dew evenly, and even More business-oriented.

In the Ming Dynasty, no matter what you do, getting the support of the emperor is the greatest guarantee of success.

Next, let's see how the two pigs help their father achieve prosperity.

Xu Jingchang returned home and slept until the sun was high, got up and fished for a while, then went to Qinhuai, listened to a piece of Kunshan dialect, and then returned to the mansion with satisfaction.

This is life!

The days passed day by day, and on the third day...Zhu Laoer and Zhu Laosan came again, blocking Xu Jingchang in the mansion.

Xu Jingchang was really angry, "You are all in your 20s, not children of a certain age...Even if it is Zhu Zhanji, I don't need to watch him every day! On the days when you are listening to music and watching plays, you have to come here to make trouble, It's so pissing off!"

Zhu Gaosui said bitterly: "Cousin, can you stop complaining... If we can solve it, we won't bother you anymore."

Zhu Gaoxu snorted: "Anyway, I have your part in my business, you don't want to lose money, do you?"

These two brothers perfectly interpreted what it means to act both hard and soft, coercion and temptation.

Xu Jingchang had no choice but to say: "Tell me quickly, let me see if there is anything I can't solve."

Zhu Gaoxu pulled up the chair and sat opposite Xu Jingchang. Zhu Gaojiu stood beside his brother, and the two of them faced Xu Jingchang. Zhu Gaoxu said first: "We checked the situation... There are many servants from various houses, especially the big ones. Capable people. Especially those maids and embroiderers. They have exquisite craftsmanship, and some are even masters of embroidery. These people are very precious. Snatching them out of high-ranking families and bringing them into the workshop can provide me with great help. Absolutely invaluable talent."

Xu Jingchang nodded, "It's cheap for you. I already knew that these people are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Let the rich and powerful families train talents for you. Isn't it good to pick up a bargain now?"

Zhu Gaoxu said helplessly: "It's just that compared with these embroiderers, there are still some real talents. I can't get them, so I'm not reconciled!"

"What real talent?" Xu Jingchang asked curiously.

Zhu Gaoxu leaned forward and told Xu Jingchang, "Of course they are people from those temples... You know, dear brother, since ancient times, temples have been running some businesses concurrently. For example, in the Daxiangguo Temple in the Northern Song Dynasty, they did lending, and they also brokered deals. Make money. Our temple in Daming is not as famous as Daxiangguo Temple, but it does a lot of business. There are so many masters in money lending and financial management in the temple. If we get them out, my bank can go to a higher level Building!"

Xu Jingchang frowned slightly, "That's not bad, the temple is indeed hiding dragons and crouching tigers. After all, Shaoshi Yao was born as a monk...Didn't I let the temple release him this time, and set an exam? Isn't it enough?"

This time Zhu Gaosui said, "Cousin, we are keeping an eye on these people, and the temple knows what they are capable of! How could they let them go so easily? What's more, they are talented and profound in Buddhism, and they want to pass the exam. It's not difficult at all."

Xu Jingchang blinked, "It makes sense...then what do you want me to do?"

After Zhu Gaosui pondered, he lowered his voice and said, "We want you to advise Father, to order all monks to return to lay life..."

"Fart!" Xu Jingchang scolded directly: "You are trying to destroy Buddha, so I won't do it!"

Zhu Gaoxu said in a deep voice, "I'll give you one million taels, okay?"

Here comes this set again!
Xu Jingchang snorted: "I will not be easily knocked down by money now... What's more, I have become a teacher of Master Puqia. Temples can be restricted, but they can't be eradicated. I will not give myself what my predecessors could not do." Looking for trouble. You miscalculated."

Zhu Lao Er and Zhu Lao San were at a loss for words, they didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Zhu Gaochi wandered in from outside, holding two swans in his hand.

"I guessed it a long time ago. You must be here, and I will bring you extra meals."

Zhu Lao Er and Zhu Lao San all had a bitter face. It was such a big piece of fat, but they couldn't eat it in their mouths. How could they have any appetite!
"Boss, the first year of Yongle is over, and the fleet at Liujiagang is almost ready. It's about to sail to the west, and we don't have time to train talents here... Boss, you still have Mind ran out to shoot arrows, you want to piss us off!"

Zhu Gaochi asked a few words before he figured out the matter.

He couldn't help but said: "Cousin, think of a way, I really believe in your idea... There are no good ideas, but there are always bad ideas. Tell us, and we will discuss it."

Xu Jingchang rolled his eyes, he was really thinking about this just now.

"It just so happens that the Crown Prince is here, can you write a letter to His Majesty to spare Master Yao's Zuo Shanshi?"

Zhu Gaochi was taken aback, Zuo Shanshi was an official of the Senglu Department, and was in charge of the monks in the world.After Yao Guangxiao assisted Zhu Di to enter Yingtian, he took the position of Zuo Shanshi as a matter of course and became the head of monks in the world.

Zhu Gaochi was puzzled and said, "Why do you want to dismiss Master Yao? Is there anyone in the world who understands Buddhism better than him and is more respected?"

Xu Jingchang snorted, "It is precisely because of his high morals that we must take him down."

Zhu Dazhuang thought for a while, and asked curiously: "My dear brother, plan to make sure?"

Xu Jingchang said: "As long as Young Master Yao is here, he must have the final say on the evaluation of monks. This makes it very difficult for us."

Only then did Zhu Gaochi understand, "My dear brother, you are planning to change to someone who is obedient, right?"

"No!" Xu Jingchang said decisively, "I just recommend those who can better understand the mysteries of Buddhism."


"Your Majesty, Young Master Yao is getting old, and he is in charge of teaching the crown prince and counseling the maintenance staff. There are so many things to do, and it takes a lot of work. Just as the temple is being reorganized, the official duties have suddenly increased by dozens of times. In order to take care of Young Master Yao's health, I ask Your Majesty to temporarily dismiss Yao Shaoshi as a monk." The location of Zuo Shanshi, the recording director."

Xie Jin bowed and remonstrated.

Zhu Di pondered for a while, then nodded, "Well, I can't bear the hard work of the young master, so I accepted your advice... It's just that this position is so important, besides young master Yao, who else can take over?"

Xie Jin hurriedly said: "Returning to Your Majesty, I have two candidates here, one is for Wang Heng in the matter, and the other is Han Daoyuan, the Secretary of the Imperial College."

Zhu Di asked: "How about their character and knowledge? Maybe they will take on important responsibilities?"

Xie Jindao: "Wang Heng has solid knowledge and good character. He is quite insightful in the way of Confucius and Mencius. His articles have Han Changli's legacy. He is a great talent."

Zhu Di nodded, "What about Han Daoyuan? What about him?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Han Daoyuan was originally an official in Jiangxi, but he was transferred to the capital because of his outstanding achievements in government. This man lives in peace and happiness, and is free and easy, even though an ancient gentleman cannot match him!"

When Zhu Di heard this, he laughed loudly, "According to what you said, wouldn't both of them be competent?"

Xie Jin hurriedly said, "Your Majesty has to decide everything."

Zhu Di looked at it for a while, and finally decided on Wang Heng, "Let's choose him. I have also made a note of Han Daoyuan. If there is a more suitable position in the future, I will leave it to him."

Xie Jin thanked the emperor for his kindness, and then went down.

When Wang Heng's appointment was announced, those who knew a little bit about his situation were all dumbfounded. Is the court crazy?How did you appoint this person to be in charge of the Senglu Division?
Even if you want to prank people, you don't play like this.

Wang Heng's knowledge is very good, but strictly speaking, he belongs to the partial sect of Confucianism... He doesn't agree with Zhu Zi's learning, and he doesn't even agree with the Han Confucian knowledge of the relationship between heaven and man.

The Heng in his name was changed by himself, and it was taken from "Lunheng". Moreover, he admired Han Yu's writing style very much, and by the way, he also agreed with Han Yu's proposition. He was not interested in Buddhism or Taoism.

Denounce it as an evil theory, and especially hate monks for not giving birth and enjoying their success.He even wrote letters many times, requesting to limit the land property of temples, and to collect land taxes as a whole...

This person treats Buddhists like a family, and they are also inseparable.

Let him preside over the Senglu Division, the result can be imagined.

The next exam became unprecedentedly brutal, Yao Guangxiao's two disciples in the temple, and Puqia's more than a dozen disciples and grandchildren all failed the exam.

But the little monk Wu Xin who was guarding the door actually passed the assessment...

Wu Xin was dumbfounded, "Master, I want to return to vulgarity. Everyone in the family has told me about a daughter-in-law, and they are waiting for me to go home and get married... I don't want to be a monk anymore!"

He was so wronged that those senior brothers wanted to strangle him to death.

Monk Wuyu kowtowed repeatedly, "Master, I have been studying Buddhism for more than [-] years, and I am very familiar with the scriptures. Ask yourself, no matter what, you shouldn't fail the ranking. What is the standard this time, and why did you fail the ranking? Disciple I am very puzzled, let the disciple return to vulgarity, it is better to kill the disciple."

The rest of the monks were also full of sorrow and wept.

Monk Wucheng simply said: "Master, and Uncle Daoyan... The disciples have already inquired, and it is clear that it is Wang Heng who intends to take revenge on Buddhist disciples, so it is so unfair."

Wu Cheng knelt and climbed for half a step, looked at Yao Guangxiao, and said in grief and indignation: "Master, you have to make decisions for your disciples!"

Yao Guangxiao's face was very dark. At this moment, Xu Jingchang and the prince Zhu Gaochi came.

"Master, how is the test here? Have you passed?" Xu Jingchang asked with a smile.

Puqia kept a sullen face and didn't speak, only Wu said bitterly, "Mr. Ding, I passed the exam...but I wrote it all indiscriminately. I still want to go home and marry a wife!"

Xu Jingchang was amused when he heard it, "It's simple, you turn around and jump out from the wall secretly, become a wall-jumping monk, go back to Shangyuan County, register and register, and you will bid farewell to Buddhism."

Wu Xin was overjoyed, "It's so easy! That's great!"

When he turned around, he saw gloomy faces and quickly lowered his head, not daring to speak anymore.

At this time, Monk Wuyu gritted his teeth and said, "The exam is unfair, and the poor monk wants to sue corrupt officials!"

"Complain?" Xu Jingchang smiled, "What are you suing? Do you want the court to replace Zuo Shanshi?"

Wu Yu subconsciously nodded, but Zhu Gaochi smiled and said: "Master, you should give up! The one who replaced Wang Heng is also Han Daoyuan... He is from Jiangxi."


A few people still don't understand.

Xu Jingchang added: "He believes in the way of heavenly masters."

Heavenly Master Road?
That's not as good as Wang Heng!
(End of this chapter)

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