My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 19 Revenge Is Not Overnight

Chapter 19 Revenge Is Not Overnight

"Yesterday I put my hands in my pockets and didn't know what an opponent was."

Xu Jingchang laughed and said: "Six important ministers, so many people besieged, I killed them all. That is a majestic Zhao Zilong who is better than Sanying against Lu Bu and does not let Chang Banpo."

Wu Shan has heard this person say three times, "Master Tongzheng, you are very prestigious, but His Majesty has decreed to select ministers from the Imperial Academy as advisors. Our Tongzheng Secretary did not get any benefits, but offended so Duo Yamen, how will you live in the future?"

Xu Jingchang's face darkened in an instant, "Can you stop talking about discouragement? Isn't this matter still caused by Jian Yi, Xia Yuanji, and those insects like Ru Yu! Especially that Chen Ying, who is the scum of the world , He insisted on bringing up the chancellor again, thinking he could bring me down with the help of Emperor Taizu, he didn’t even think about it, now that the emperor has changed, does His Majesty really not want to restore the chancellor in his heart? It’s really stupid.”

Xu Jingchang scolded for a while, and then said: "Forget it, anyway, the affairs of the court have nothing to do with me. I have been in the General Administration Department for a long time, and we are also considered colleagues. We should have a dinner or something. You go Have you crossed the Qinhuai River? Have you experienced the scenery there?"

Old Wu Shan blushed, "My lord, you mean to lead the subordinates to the Qinhuai River?"

"Yes, wouldn't it be nice to go to listen to music, eat something good, and go boating?"

Wu Shan was even more embarrassed, "Then just go to listen to the song and go boating? Nothing else?"

Xu Jingchang said in a bad mood: "In the past, the uncle had the final say in our family and was strictly controlled. If you know something interesting, tell me about it."

It was only then that Wu Shan figured out that this person who dared to love was still a young child.

"To tell you the truth, my old wife is also very strict, that is, I went there twice with my colleagues, and I have to carry the brocade guards on my back, so as not to let them stare at me. But speaking of it, on the painting boat, the fragrant wind is wafting, and the piano is melodious. , the talented woman from Yangzhou is really unique in the world."

Xu Jingchang became even more angry, "I asked you what to eat, look, why do you only talk about beautiful women? It's just a vulgar thing!"

Wu Shan said helplessly: "My lord, I'm telling you the truth, I haven't had time to look at other things. If you lead your subordinates down a few more times, you will probably know."

Xu Jingchang said helplessly: "Okay, you prepare the car, let's go to the dragon's pool and tiger's lair today, and meet the ghosts and ghosts for a while."

Wu Shan chuckled, "My lord is talking about a female monster, a female devil, right?"

"What are you talking about, hurry up and do it."

Wu Shan agreed to go down immediately, and when the sun was westward, the two of them got into the carriage, came out from the Yamen of the General Administration Department, and rushed towards the Qinhuai River.

Xu Jingchang was curious all the way, and looked outside. There were people coming and going on the road, and there was some vitality. The Jingnan had just ended, and it was already very good to be able to return to this state.

"I'm talking about Old Wu, how is Qin Huai now?"

Wu Shan thought to himself, you are not tacky anymore.

"These days, the investigation against the party has degraded many girls from official families to happy people, and they are engaged in cheap careers. If you guessed correctly, it is naturally much better than before."

Xu Jingchang was slightly moved. He was doing as the Romans did, but it wasn't that he had become depraved.

A noble son, a dude in the capital, if he hadn't had any romantic affairs, maybe he would have suspected that he had ulterior motives!

You pretend to be a Taoist, who are you showing it to?

Do you want to learn from Wang Mang?
By the way, it seems that Wang Mang's aunt is also a queen, and she is in a similar situation as myself.

Thinking of this, Xu Jingchang became more confident. Even for the sake of the Xu family, we should come to Qinhuai for consumption from time to time to stimulate domestic demand.

He kept calculating along the way, and seeing that Qinhuai was not far away, Xu Jingchang suddenly found something wrong, "Old Wu, isn't this the car I usually take?"

Wu Shan hurriedly said: "This is the car of the lower official. Your Excellency's car has the logo of the Secretary of General Administration, which is inconvenient."

"No, it stands to reason that my car should be better than yours, but I've been riding this way, and your car doesn't bump at all. My car, when I go to the palace, still bumps my butt...Old Wu, tell me Honestly, don’t you keep the good ones to yourself?”

Wu Shan is wronged, "Sir, your car is naturally the best in the Secretary of the General Administration, and the officer even specially added two layers of wolf skins for you... We will be there soon, it is important to enjoy the scenery as soon as possible, the carriage is just a trivial matter. pieces."

"No." Xu Jingchang lost his temper, "With my status, I don't even have a good carriage. What do I look like? It makes the Xu family look like a poor ghost. I have to figure out what's going on."

Xu Jingchang jumped down from the carriage, and Wu Shan could only follow, "My lord, don't fight too hard. It's getting dark and you're wasting money, aren't you?"

Xu Jingchang ignored him and circled the carriage twice. Then he looked at the road under his feet. It was paved with bluestone and neat.Looking back and forth, it's all like this.

"I said, Old Wu, how is the road leading to Qinhuai better than the Paradise Street in front of the palace?"

Wu Shan shook his head and said, "No way, the entire Yingtian City was built under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry, and the best materials were used around the palace."

Xu Jingchang frowned slightly, "Old Wu, let's go to the restaurant next door, find a seat, and stare at the street with me."

When Wu Shan heard this, his eyeballs almost fell out, "My lord, you are already on the bank of the Qinhuai River. You don't want to go inside, but find a teahouse here. What do you mean? Are you afraid of being spanked by the elders in the family?"

"You fart, who in the Xu family dares to control me now?" Xu Jingchang said impatiently, "If you tell me to do it, just do it, don't talk nonsense to me."

Then Xu Jingchang took Wu Shan, leaned against the side of the street, found a tea house on the third floor, and even picked a seat near the window, and the two ordered a pot of bird's tongue.

"Guest officer, this tea is very good. It was picked by the big girl Huanghua early in the morning. Every piece has been sucked under her tongue, so it is called sparrow tongue. It is exactly the same for one tael of silver and one tael of tea."

Wu Shan is about to cry, I don't want to drink what the big girl with yellow flowers has swallowed, I just want to meet the big girl herself...

Xu Jingchang ignored him, but stared at the road through the window.

"Look, is that the carriage of the Ministry of War?"

Wu Shan leaned forward, took a look, nodded and said, "It's from the Ministry of War, and other yamen don't have such magnificent horses. It's because they are brave enough to use the vehicles of the Ministry of War directly. The officials should learn from them."

Xu Jingchang gave him a big roll of his eyes, and continued to look down. Within half an hour, there were twenty or thirty carriages and sedan chairs passing by one after another. Although none of them were wearing official uniforms, they still looked official.

The entourages around him were all arrogant and looked at people with their nostrils.

Wu Shan leaned forward and identified them one by one. He has been in Beijing for many years, and he can basically recognize them.

"The Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Rites, the Inspectorate, the Ministry of Industry, the Imperial Academy, and the Imperial Academy!"

Xu Jingchang slapped the table angrily, "It was not so neat in the previous dynasty. I said how the road leading to Qinhuai is better than Tianjie! So the problem lies here."

Wu Shan still said stupidly: "My lord, why don't you understand me, my lord?"

"You pig, the court meeting only happens once every three days, and people come here every day on this road, if it bumps and knocks the adults off, it will be a serious crime."

Wu Shan was dumbfounded, what else is there to say?
"Why doesn't the officer know?"

Xu Jingchang looked at him, "Are you a Jinshi?"


"Is your family rich?"


"Do you have the right?"

"Before Your Excellency came, the Secretary of the General Administration was not so powerful, and the lower officials were mere counselors, which is nothing."

"That's right, I won't take you to play!" Xu Jingchang snorted.

Wu Shan suddenly realized, and said through gritted teeth, "They're all a bunch of snobbish eyes, but if you follow your lord, you'll have fun in the future. Let's hurry over now, otherwise so many officials will come and snatch away the good ones. "

Xu Jingchang squinted his eyes, looked at the busy street, and hummed, "Have you forgotten my motto?"

Wu Shan subconsciously said: "If you are poor, you will hold grudges, and if you are rich, you will counterattack. My lord, what are you going to do?"

"Don't do anything, if they dare to sue me, I dare to overthrow their comfort zone!"

Xu Jingchang gritted his teeth, he didn't have the heart to listen to the music now, so he hurried back to the mansion, called Xu Yi over, told him a few words, and asked him to investigate.

Another day passed, and Xu Jingchang had two more stones in his hand.

"My lord, you guessed right, the stones on Qinhuai Road are better."

Xu Jingchang nodded, "Okay, you wrap up these two stones, and I'll put them under the memorial of the Secretary of General Administration and send them to Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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