My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 20 Ru Shangshu's Little Hobbies

Chapter 20 Ru Shangshu's Little Hobbies

The stone was caught in the memorial and sent to the palace. Xu Jingchang silently calculated, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

"Old Wu, do you think His Majesty will come here in the morning or in the afternoon? How about we have a banquet?"

Wu Shan was still immersed in sorting out the official documents, and said aggrievedly: "The banquet is fine, why don't you bet on Qinhuai listening to the music once? To be honest, my subordinates have no intention of working."

Xu Jingchang rolled his eyes wildly, "You, you are so worthless."

Wu Shan said bitterly: "Your Excellency also knows what it is like to be an official. I really have never seen anything in the world."

Xu Jingchang snorted, "Well, just wait and see, you'll be able to see the world well soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were footsteps outside, and he rushed directly to the Secretary of General Administration. When Xu Jingchang looked up, he found that Zhu Di and Yao Guangxiao had come together.

He hurriedly got up to greet him, but he was puzzled, why did Yao Guangxiao follow him and came so fast when he gave Zhu Di the stone himself?

"Xu Jingchang, today Master Yao entered the palace. The bearer sprained his foot not far from the palace, and almost threw the master. He told me when he entered the palace, and you sent two stones into the palace. What happened? What? Please tell me clearly."

Only then did Xu Jingchang understand what was going on. It turned out that the poor quality project almost harmed Yao Guangxiao.

Zhu Di was venting his anger on Young Master Yao, probably because he was afraid that there would be too many eyes and ears in the palace, so he came here in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, let me tell you, don't be too anxious. Just use the street damage as an excuse to ask the Ministry of Industry to quickly come up with a plan, ask them where the problem is, and how much it will cost, and make a plan. Wait for the work The Ministry will come up with the results, and I will talk to His Majesty again."

"No!" Zhu Di flatly refused, "I hate charades the most, so just say it and don't talk about him."

Xu Jingchang said helplessly: "Your Majesty, this matter is a bit complicated, and I can't explain it clearly in three or two sentences. It is really better to ask the Ministry of Industry."

Zhu Di wanted to ask more questions, but Yao Guangxiao suddenly said: "Your Majesty, the old minister just listened to Xu Tongzheng once after thinking about it. Your Majesty should hurry up to deal with government affairs. This is not a big deal. The old minister stay here and have a good chat with Xu Tongzheng."

Zhu Di rolled his eyes, he really respected Yao Guangxiao, this is his teacher.

"Alright then, the young master will stay here, and I will go back."

As soon as Zhu Di left, Yao Guangxiao sat down with a smile, and then said: "Xu Tongzheng, since you ate the vegetarian food in your Xu mansion, the food in other places is too far behind, even the one in the palace. At noon today, you can give the old man a meal." Prepare a table."

Xu Jingchang had no choice but to say, "Master, that Su Zhai is not easy to do. You did me a favor last time when I treated guests, but this time I treated guests, are you going to do it out of righteousness and help me again?"

Yao Guangxiao said unhappily: "Boy, don't be a good boy. Just now, I persuaded His Majesty to leave and dug a hole for you. If you don't do it well, the Ministry of Industry will fall into it. You are really rude, I just offended you , you are going to settle accounts with Liubu, and you are holding grudges too much."

Xu Jingchang said: "Master, your old man is really insightful, I invite you for this meal."

In the afternoon, Xu Jingchang drank tea with Yao Guangxiao and ate the oil in his belly.

Xu Jingchang said casually: "Young Master, I originally handed over the stone, but now your old man has discovered the problem. Although it is a coincidence, you can say to the outside world that we both discovered it. What do you think?"

Yao Guangxiao couldn't help it anymore, "You little rascal, why didn't you just say that the old man told you to do this?"

Xu Jingchang's eyes widened, and he immediately said, "As I honor you!"

Yao Guangxiao was speechless, he was being entangled by Xu Jingchang, but the old monk is so smart, Xu Jingchang pulling himself, it means that this matter is too big for him to handle alone.

I'm afraid it's not just a matter of the Ministry of Industry.

"Can you tell me, boy, what exactly did you discover, and you can be sure to succeed? I can advise you, don't make too many enemies, unless you have a way to avoid future troubles."

Xu Jingchang chuckled, "That depends on how they deal with it, and it also depends on whether you, the old man, can help!"

As soon as these words came out, Yao Guangxiao was really stunned. Looking at the courtiers' response and his own helping hand, then he was sure that this kid was on him?

They chatted into the evening and were about to go home.

At this time Zhu Di hurried over with a memorial in his hand.

"Master, this is the repair plan handed over by the Ministry of Industry. In fact, they have known it for a long time. This is all a mistake left by Jianwen. Me. In the end, I didn’t even finish the project under my nose. It’s really shameful. With such ability, how can I be my opponent? Hahaha!”

Obviously, Zhu Di was very satisfied with the Ministry of Industry's explanation.

Xu Jingchang blinked, "Your Majesty, how much did the Ministry of Industry ask for this time?"

"18 taels." Zhu Di laughed and said, "I brought their budget memorandum, which was written very clearly. I was supposed to hand it over in a few days. After the reprimand, the officials still did their best. Compared with before, It's made a big difference."

Xu Jingchang rolled his eyes at the memorial, and handed it to Yao Guangxiao. The old monk also looked at it, and then said: "It seems that there are no loopholes. Your Majesty should agree with the statement of the Ministry of Industry. The next step is to ask the Ministry of Households to allocate money, recruit civilian husbands, collect Stone."

Zhu Di frowned slightly, "What do you mean, is there a story in it? Young master, you talked all day, what exactly did you talk about?"

Yao Guangxiao glanced at Xu Jingchang, and said in his heart that it's time for you to solve the mystery.

Xu Jingchang looked at the time, "It's almost time, Your Majesty, you bring some guards, and I will lead you to a place."

Seeing Xu Jingchang's mysterious appearance, Zhu Di became curious, so he told Jin Yiwei Ji Gang to take a few people, together with Xu Jingchang, Yao Guangxiao, and Wu Shan, to the teahouse.

The second time he came, Xu Jingchang was already familiar with the road, so he directly took them up to the third floor, covered the entire floor, and looked down at the street in front of him.

At the beginning of the festivities, the lights were feasting, and officials from various yamen were soon seen coming in droves.

Wu Shan was pointing at the window, his heart was beating wildly. It wasn't he and Xu Jingchang. His Majesty is here, and Young Master Yao is here too. Can't these people restrain themselves?
Courting death is not the way!

But soon Wu Shan was in despair, because he saw several familiar faces among the crowd.

I saw you last time, and this time there is you!
Are you courting on the Qinhuai River?
The more Wu Shan thought about it, the more angry he became. He is also a courtier, but he can come every day, so what is wrong with him?

With the mentality of getting wet in the rain and tearing down other people's umbrellas with all his might, Wu Shan stared like copper bells, not letting any unlucky ones who threw themselves into the trap be spared.

After almost half an hour, I have already written down more than thirty names...

Just look at it, Zhu Di's face is getting darker and darker, and it looks like the bottom of a black pot. The monstrous anger almost makes him explode.

Leaving aside the matter of road construction, Zhu Di was furious just because so many officials came to the Qinhuai River to drink flowers and wine.

He remembered that when Zhu Yuanzhang was here, the courtiers were so exhausted every day that they dared not come to such a place.

Jianwen, this great nephew, really corrupted the national code, indulged the civil servants, and turned the world into a mess. The appearance of the capital city is really irritating.

"Ji Gang, go find these people and put them in jail." Zhu Di shouted angrily.

Ji Gang has a tall stature, a straight nose, and deep-set eyes. He seems to be staring at wolves. He immediately agrees and wants to go down.

Xu Jingchang didn't say a word, it's good to catch him.

Yao Guangxiao stopped him, "You can't put yourself in danger, you go and check first to see how many officials there are, and you can deal with it when you go to court tomorrow."

Ji Gang glanced at Zhu Di, and Zhu Di suppressed his anger. He knew that Yao Guangxiao was worried that the remnants of Jianwen's party would be unfavorable to him, so he nodded, "Well, listen to the young master."

Ji Gang went, and Zhu Di was already planning to return to the palace, when suddenly a sedan chair passed by below.

Wu Shan's complexion changed.

"Whose is it?" Zhu Di asked.

Wu Shan glanced at Xu Jingchang, Xu Jingchang could see that the funeral was not too big, "Just say it, can you still deceive the king?"

"It belongs to Ru Shangshu."

"Ru Yu? He also comes to this kind of place?" Zhu Di was very surprised. He didn't expect that this Taoist gentleman had quite a wide range of hobbies.

After a while, Ji Gang came back.

"Your Majesty, the minister has already checked clearly. There are as many as 50 people, and almost all of them are among the yamen."

Zhu Di gritted his teeth, "Don't talk about it, what about Ru Yu? He also came here to have fun?"

"Yes, he also found..."

"Who did you find?" Zhu Di asked.

"I found a concubine of Qi Tai." Ji Gang's voice was not high, but everyone's expressions changed, even Xu Jingchang was amazed. Unexpectedly, Shangshu Ru would also take on Prime Minister Cao's little hobby.

(End of this chapter)

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