My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 285 The Kind Zhu Gaochi

Chapter 285 The Kind Zhu Gaochi
Xu Jingchang sent Zhu Gaochi to Jiangxi. He hoped that Zhu Gaochi would experience the dangers of the place before he ascended the throne, and also exercise his abilities by the way. After all, there is only one Duke Ding.

Xu Jingchang himself had a very important matter, he invited Xia Yuanji over.

Compared with the warmness before, Xia Yuanji looked very cold at this time, even a little contemptuous.

"Mr. Dingguo, I'm just a pawn in your hand. No matter how much you slander me at will, and you still plan to take my power...Dongguo, why am I, Xia Yuanji, sorry for you? Is there anything else I have to do?"

Lao Xia was really angry, and questioned loudly, as if he was condemning a heartless man, a complete scumbag!

Facing the questioning, Xu Jingchang also felt a little bit embarrassed, as if he was really sorry for Lao Xia... It was true that he was a bit too much, but Xu Jingchang quickly cast his conscience aside.

"I said Xia Shangshu, don't worry, let's talk about a very important matter, if this matter is done, it will be famous in history, it will be of great benefit to you, I absolutely do not mean to deceive you .”

Xia Yuanji snorted coldly, "Mr. Ding, you don't need to promise. I, Xia Yuanji, am not a fool. You just talk and I just listen. If you agree, you stay. If you don't agree, I'm sorry, and I don't waste time."

All in all, people are disappointed and don't want to talk about those fake things.

Xu Jingchang had no choice but to let out a long sigh.

"Xia Shangshu, what I want to find out is how much money does the Ming Dynasty have, and can it be enough to complete the layout of industry and commerce?"

Xia Yuanji looked at Xu Jingchang with doubts on his face, "What do you want to say?"

Xu Jingchang sighed: "Since ancient times, we Chinese people, the people of the Central Plains, have been the most industrious and willing to endure hardships. After Zhang Qian traveled to the Western Regions, the merchants were far away. We relied on the merchants and exchanged countless real money. .Although the wealth has been consumed by the war, the gold and silver will not disappear for no reason. Except for those buried in the ground, most of the money still stays in the Central Plains."

Xia Yuanji nodded, "That's the thing, even if it is buried, it will be dug out. Emperor Wei Wu just like this... Duke Ding, you don't want to dig the grave, do you? "

Xu Jingchang waved his hands again and again, "I'm not so boring, and how much money can I get by digging graves? I mean, if the wealth accumulated in the Central Plains is enough, we should think about how to revitalize the wealth and force the money into Let the market circulate and make Daming truly rich."

Hearing that the country can be prosperous, Xia Yuanji cheered up. Xu Jingchang is unreliable in other things, but Xia Yuanji still admires his financial management skills.

It doesn't matter if you don't accept it, how lively Peiping is made by him!
This time, Xia Yuanji also took advantage of Xu Jingchang and picked his peaches.

Thinking of this, Lao Xia's tone softened a lot, and he started chatting with Xu Jingchang.

Xu Jingchang talked about a very important issue, that is, in the long history, the Central Plains dynasty relied on hard work and their own commodities in exchange for wealth, and the accumulation lasted for 2000 years.

This is quite an amazing property.

Xu Jingchang has always had an imagination in his mind. He hopes to establish a system centered on Daming, covering all feudal states and known regions.

Within this scope, the merchants and goods are smooth, the trade is prosperous, all use the currency of the Ming Dynasty, and respect the rules of the Ming Dynasty... At this point, it is well-deserved to say that it is a kingdom of heaven.

But with Daming's terrifying ability to make money, can he really make it out?
Didn't you say that you need a trade deficit to allow outsiders to earn your money and then trade it?

But gradually, as Xu Jingchang ascended to the position of General Manager, he discovered a huge loophole in it. Who said that you can't trade with foreign countries if you have a surplus?

Da Ming does not make money by financial tricks, but by relying on real goods... Once you get Da Ming's money, you can buy things from Da Ming.

As a production center, Daming also needs to purchase goods from outside to meet its own needs.Also purchase food, mines, meat, and timber.

Doing business with foreign countries, Daming earns more, so find a way to sell more things to Daming, or take out land, mines, forests, and various resources for Daming to invest in. In this way, The trade between the two sides is not balanced.

Currency is just a tool for pricing. Once the trade is basically balanced, the amount of currency needed is actually not that large...

After figuring this out, Xu Jingchang solved a huge myth... In fact, it is not necessary to obtain huge amounts of gold and silver, nor does it need to go fishing everywhere. Daming has a way to embark on the road to industrialization.

The great voyages of Europe and their various practices are rooted in their civilized habits and may not be the truth.

There is only one problem now, which is to revitalize Daming's wealth, let those out-of-circulation currencies reappear, and allow industry and commerce to get investment... Daming produces more commodities, and then trades with other countries to exchange for more resources.

What Xu Jingchang said was a bit general and rough, but in fact, it boiled down to the Ming Dynasty. Using its own advantages, could it develop industrial civilization?
Is it necessary to go on a big voyage and plunder everywhere?

Xu Jingchang didn't think it was necessary.

This is not what Xia Yuanji cares about. When he reads history books, he often talks about money shortage.

However, after the founding of the Yuan Dynasty and until the Ming Dynasty, trade with overseas countries was very frequent, and a large amount of gold and silver poured in. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, although the currency gap was still quite large, there was no money shortage after all.

This shows that there is still a considerable amount of gold and silver in the entire Central Plains.

But where are all the gold and silver?

Obviously, the imperial court has only a very small part... There are too many gentry and big families. They not only store food, but also hold a large number of gold and silver coins in their hands.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuanji couldn't help looking at Xu Jingchang, "I said Ding Guogong, what are you planning? Could it be that you are not addicted to robbing land, and you want to rob money directly? If you want to die, go by yourself, don't pester me, I would rather die than obey!"

Xu Jingchang said hehe, "I agree if I don't die?"

Xia Yuanji was startled, and shook his head vigorously, "Xu Jingchang, let me tell you, no matter what, I won't agree. Don't be wishful thinking. Once you do this kind of thing, I'm afraid you won't survive tonight!"

Xu Jingchang nodded, "Old Xia, you're really right this time, I wouldn't do it even if I was killed. But now there is a problem, if we block the land. If you can't make a steady profit through land and food, what do you think they will do?"

"This..." Xia Yuanji was speechless for a moment... He also understood the article.

Why do the big gentry like to annex land so much and enjoy it so much?

The land is so fragrant!

As long as you get the land, you don't do anything, just rent it out, and you get half of the land rent on average.

For a harvest of one thousand catties, I will give you five hundred catties!

And the five hundred catties of grain are hard currency, so they can be borrowed, and within a year, they can get back several hundred catties of interest.

With more food in hand, it can be used to buy land, continue to merge, and expand the land... On the premise that there are more people and less land, and the price of land keeps rising, this game is sure to pay no compensation.

After analyzing the matter to this point, it becomes clear why the suppression of mergers in the past dynasties cannot continue. This is against everyone in the world and blocking other people's money. Will there be a good end?
Thinking about Xu Jingchang's latest set of propositions now, does he suddenly feel enlightened?

Landlords who hoarded grain had to pay fines, and grains that rotted had to be fined twice as heavily.

Let alone abandoning it!
In short, all grain must be sold to the grain company and controlled by the imperial court.

Now not only is it impossible to exploit farmers, but it even loses the possibility of borrowing huge profits.

To put it more bluntly, Xu Jingchang has made a steady fortune unprofitable. Whoever continues to annex the land will not only fail to make a fortune, but will also face various methods from the court. If he fails to do so, his family will go bankrupt.

"Mr. Dingguo is really a good trick. Just doing this is more vicious than suppressing mergers in previous dynasties. I am afraid that the gentry all over the world will fight you desperately!"

Xu Jingchang nodded vigorously, "That's right, this is what I worry about. So I hope Xia Shangshu can join hands with me to encourage the development of industry and commerce while suppressing mergers, and strive to get the money from the gentry's hands from land to industry and commerce. Above. As long as the money can be put to good use, our business and industry in Daming will be alive, and the future is definitely promising."

Xia Yuanji nodded, "This statement makes sense, and I too..." Xia Yuanji suddenly closed his mouth, looked at Xu Jingchang angrily, and said nothing!
I was almost fooled by this bastard!

You are offending people, I will definitely stay away from you in the future, lest when I kill you, I will be splashed with blood!

"Mr. Ding, you spoke really well, I'm sorry, and I'm leaving!"

Xia Yuanji got up and left, but as soon as he got outside, he bumped into Hu Yan head-on.The face is ugly and unnatural.

"Hu Senyi, is there something wrong?"

Hu Yan sighed softly, "Xia Shangshu, His Royal Highness was beaten."


Xia Yuanji was taken aback, the Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty was attacked, this is going to be a big deal!
He didn't dare to leave, and followed Hu Yan in.

Xu Jingchang was shocked when he heard it, how is Zhu Gaochi?Nothing will happen, right?
If he died in Jiangxi, this matter would be troublesome.

Hu Yan said: "His Royal Highness heard that some officials were besieged by the common people, and could not check the food of the big gentry households. He decided to go and see for himself. He wanted to tell the common people that this matter is beneficial to the big guys, so don't misunderstand the court."

Xu Jingchang's face was livid, and he snorted, "Then he was attacked by ordinary people? Why didn't anyone stop him? How could such a thing be careless?"

Hu Yan said bitterly: "His Royal Highness insists on doing it, and he can't stop it! It's just that although His Highness's forehead was broken, he didn't mean to blame the people. On the contrary, he pardoned the criminals and invited the people to talk freely."

Xia Yuanji's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but marvel, "The merciful Lord!"

Xu Jingchang was even more taken aback. After pondering for a long time, he said, "What about Jiangxi now?"

Hu Yan said: "It is said that the situation is good. It is said that His Royal Highness is kind and treats the people sincerely."

(End of this chapter)

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