Chapter 286
Xu Jingchang was silent for a short time, and immediately widened his eyes, "Hu Shenyi, the crown prince is benevolent and loves the people, everyone knows it. This is the blessing of Ming Dynasty, and the luck of the people in the world. But it can't lead to no rules or bad manners." .As a courtier, we cannot allow someone to instigate the common people to assassinate the prince. If this matter is lightly exposed, will our Ming Dynasty still have right and wrong?"

When Xu Jingchang said these words, Xia Yuanji immediately came to his senses. He said angrily, "Yes, what Duke Dingguo said is very reasonable. The Ming Dynasty can't let go of right and wrong, and the court can't condone villains. Although the servant is not talented, he is willing to go to Jiangxi in person to deal with it." This matter. I will not implicate the innocent, but I will never let the villains go!"

Xia Yuanji was full of murderous intent, full of anger, as if he wanted to swallow alive the person who killed His Highness the Crown Prince behind his back.Hu Yan was slightly taken aback, and immediately shook his head.Xia Yuanji just came back from Beiping. He is a secretary of the household department, in charge of finance and taxation, and has a lot of things in his hands. What if he goes to Jiangxi and delays his business?
What's more, Hu Yan has always followed Zhu Gaochi and is the prince's man.At this moment, if he doesn't stand up for the prince, who can do this?

In other words, if someone else did it, what would Zhu Gaochi want him to do?
"Ding Guogong, Xia Shangshu, I invite you to go to Jiangxi to investigate this matter thoroughly and give an explanation to the people of the world. Severely punish the wicked and rectify the law of the country!"

Xu Jingchang smiled, and squinted at Xia Yuanji, "Xia Shangshu, you see so many things going on in the court, do you still insist on going to Jiangxi?"

What he said, it seems that Lao Xia is ignorant if he wants to go, and Xia Yuanji is not stupid, it is enough for him to express his opinion, this matter should belong to a close minister like Hu Yan, and there is no need for him to offend this promising young man.

"Since that's the case, let Hu Shenyi go! I just want to remind Hu Shenyi that you have to use the thunderbolt method to show the heart of a Bodhisattva. Jiangxi is deeply intertwined, and it cannot be reversed without great courage."

Hu Yan nodded, "Please rest assured Xia Shangshu, the next official understands."

Afterwards, he took the title of right deputy capital imperial envoy, governor of Jiangxi, and left Yingtian immediately.

As soon as Hu Yan left, Zhu Di called Xu Jingchang over.

"I heard that the boss was beaten?"

Xu Jingchang hurriedly said: "There is news. It is said that His Highness's forehead was broken. I have arranged for someone to go to Jiangxi for a thorough investigation. Please don't worry, Your Majesty."

Zhu Di was full of anger, "Is that my son? Xu Jingchang, let me ask you, are you worried that your son was beaten?"

A white and fat figure flashed in Xu Jingchang's mind, and he couldn't help but said, "Of course I won't let you go!"

"That's it, if you dare to fight the prince today, you dare to fight the emperor tomorrow, and you can take over the Ming Dynasty the day after tomorrow! What is going on in Jiangxi, who gave them such courage?"

"Your Majesty, there are many gentry in Jiangxi, and there are a lot of Jinshi, and the place is deeply rooted. Naturally, they have become more courageous and rampant."

"Hmph! What are you afraid of if there are too many entanglements! So what if there are too many Jinshi? Isn't it the territory of the Ming Dynasty, and the imperial decree won't work anymore, right?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Your Majesty, please rest easy on this matter and don't be impatient. Hu Yan has already gone to investigate, and the results will be available soon."

Zhu Di said angrily: "Hu Yan? Isn't he also from Jiangxi? Can he make up his mind?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Your Majesty, Hu Yan is the Crown Prince's confidant, if he can't be fair, I'm afraid I won't have many people available."

Zhu Di took a deep breath and snorted coldly: "If that's the case, I will send troops to Jiangxi. I want to see if even my soldiers are disobedient?"

Xu Jingchang made some assurances, and then he managed to comfort Zhu Di.

But then Empress Xu called him over again.

Empress Xu is also following Zhu Zhanji.

When she saw Xu Jingchang, she complained with red eyes.

"Boss is such a benevolent person, even if he is wronged, he doesn't want to talk about it. But if he doesn't talk about it, you can't ignore it! The crown prince of a dignified country has his forehead broken and bleeding! Is this bleeding? This is Daming face? Don’t you courtiers feel ashamed?”

Xu Jingchang became more and more flustered, and his aunt got angry, which was much scarier than Zhu Di.

"Don't worry, I've already arranged for people to investigate. Please rest assured, Empress Dowager, there will be an explanation. Those who hide behind, fan the flames, stir up trouble, and instigate conflicts will definitely not end well."

Empress Xu snorted, "These are all traitors. They don't have the imperial court in their minds. They are unscrupulous and bold. They must be severely punished to serve as an example to others."

Xu Jingchang repeatedly said yes.

Empress Xu calmed down for a while, and then said: "Nephew Jingchang, Auntie is not angry at you... It's just that the officials and gentry in Jiangxi are too hateful, and they will definitely take back some acres. Do you have any plans?"

Xu Jingchang froze for a moment, "I, I didn't understand, what do you mean?"

Empress Xu snorted, "Are you pretending to be confused? I'm just asking you, how to arrange the acres of land in Jiangxi?"

Xu Jingchang's heart beat suddenly.

Why does my aunt care about this?

Could it be that she also wants to get a share?

Or, is she using this as an excuse?

Xu Jingchang had a hundred minds, so naturally he would not be fooled, and said with a smile: "Auntie, how to use the land must be tailored to local conditions... To ensure the food rations of the local people, to maintain national security, and to promote development to obtain the greatest economic benefits Interests. Also, Poyang Lake in Jiangxi is a very important place. Our Great Ming Nenglongxing relied on Poyang Lake to fight! Emperor Taizu fought so beautifully, the weak defeated the strong, and the few Shengduo is enough to shine in the annals of history. Auntie, look, do you want to set up a temple for sacrifices in Hongdu?"

Empress Xu thought for a while and said, "It seems possible, but this time, isn't it going to reverse Zhu Wenzheng's case?"

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "Your Majesty can forgive Lan Yu, and the matter of Zhu Wenzheng is nothing. I happen to have a list of famous generals who founded the country, and a biography of heroes of the Ming Dynasty to write."

Empress Xu immediately said: "This is an urgent matter, where is your grandfather?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Naturally it is the first one, it was appointed by Emperor Taizu."

Xu Jingchang laughed and said: "It's been quite a few years. We've edited books, edited history, and re-interpreted the orthodoxy. We've produced considerable results one after another. I plan to publish them one after another. Remove the old and make new ones. There are more things to do later. Auntie, Would you like to send you a copy in the future?"

"Okay!" Empress Xu nodded again and again, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is busy with things, he can't sit still, if you have something, show me, and I'll talk to him later, I can't take away your credit. "

Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether you deserve credit or not. In this position, I just serve the country wholeheartedly and relieve you and Your Majesty's worries. This is what I take for granted."

Empress Xu was quite satisfied, "That's a good statement. After all, it's my family... I said at the beginning that your co-administrator should not be dismissed. If you are kept in power, it will be much better than now."

Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "Don't worry, aunt. We see the problem and try to solve it. As long as my nephew is here, everything will be fine."

Empress Xu was overjoyed and wanted to stay with Xu Jingchang for dinner, but Xu Jingchang said that he was busy with affairs at hand, so he left in a hurry.

Seeing him go, Empress Xu sighed: "See? This is a good minister of Ming Dynasty! When you become emperor in the future, you will have to rely on your cousin."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, but then asked: "Grandmother, do you know how the court plans to use the land in Jiangxi?"

"How to use it? Didn't your cousin say that it has many uses, he..."

Empress Xu suddenly realized the problem.

"Okay, he avoided the key point."

Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but let out a long sigh, "Grandmother, my father was beaten for nothing."

Empress Xu was stunned. The daughter-in-law sent her grandson over to tell her about it. She must have hope, but she forgot!
"Your cousin definitely didn't mean it. I guess he forgot it for a while. You go to his house and have a look. Just say I asked you to ask."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, but shook his head again, "I see, my cousin probably won't say it...he is a good minister, but he is definitely a good minister who is difficult to deal with."

With that said, Zhu Zhanji sighed and went to find Xu Jingchang.

Fortunately, when he arrived, Xu Jingchang was on his way to see Yao Guangxiao.

Perfect miss!

Xu Jingchang tried his best to maintain it in the capital, but he didn't dare to neglect in Jiangxi. After Hu Yan arrived, he immediately tracked down.

Jin Yiwei, the supervisory censor, the procuratorate, the local yamen...all the forces that can be mobilized are mobilized to conduct a thorough investigation.

This investigation is not a serious matter, and the result was quickly obtained. They are the servants of the Xu family.

Chen Ying took down the Xu family, but there were still some people who were not reconciled and ran to His Highness the Crown Prince to make trouble and demanded the release of the Xu family.Some people hid among the people and threw stones, wounding His Royal Highness the Prince.

Faced with this result, Hu Yan also let out a long sigh, feeling quite helpless.

Some people seek death, but there is really no other way.

Hu Yan immediately ordered that those who participated in the attack on His Royal Highness be beheaded and executed on the spot.

A total of five people were all beheaded.

But a strange thing happened that night, the five heads hanging on the city wall disappeared strangely.

Then Hu Yan got the news that someone offered a reward of a thousand gold just for the heads of these five people, saying that they were loyal people who died for the Lord and should not be separated, so they took the leaders away and sewed them together with the corpses , leave a whole body.

Hearing the news, Hu Yan was so angry that he laughed.

It's quite outrageous!

People like the Xu family actually have someone to speak for them?

Really interesting.

"Investigate, once you investigate to the end, whoever offered a reward will definitely be caught by me."

Just when Hu Yan gave the order, Zhu Gaochi also dragged his exhausted body back from the countryside.

"Scholar Hu, I walked around and saw more than [-] villages. It really opened my eyes and benefited a lot!"

Hu Yan looked at the wound on Zhu Gaochi's forehead, there was only a shallow scar left, it was really nothing serious.

Zhu Gaochi's mind was not here, but said: "Some people say that the imperial court does not allow big households to sell grain, but it actually charges [-]% of the land rent."

Hu Yan was startled, "Your Highness, will ordinary people believe this?"

Zhu Gaochi frowned, "Why don't you believe it? When did the court officials go to the village? And when did they chat with the people?"

(End of this chapter)

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