Chapter 287 A Brilliant Move

What are you doing in the countryside?
What is there to talk about with the people?

They don't understand anything, wasting time on them, it's better to think about how to please the boss, after all, their own future is not on the common people.

Hu Yan asked himself, if it weren't for Zhu Gaochi's reason, he would rather stay in Yingtian, work in the General Administration Department, or go to the Imperial Academy to study.

Whether it's being around Duke Ding or doing something His Majesty cares about, this is the key to promotion.

"Your Highness, the officials on behalf of the herdsmen seem to want to be close to the people and love the people, but after all, there are too few officials and there are many people. Even if we try our best, we may not be able to..."

Hu Yan wanted to continue, but he found that Zhu Gaochi's eyes were wide open, his breathing was heavy, and he was obviously angry. He hurriedly changed the topic, "Your Highness visited the people this time, chatted with the people, and became familiar with the people's conditions. It was really a good intention. Back then Emperor Taizu asked the vassal king to live in Fengyang and pay attention to the situation of the people, Your Majesty has benefited a lot from going to Fengyang."

Zhu Gaochi snorted lightly.

Of course he knew what happened to Zhu Di when he was young, but what's the use of doing this for the emperor and prince?

"Scholar Hu, you are also a well-educated person. There are many rumors, which are outrageous, but the people believe them. It is obvious that you want to attack the big gentry, but you are misunderstood by the people. You want to exploit them. Also, in Shandong, there are actually The common people believe in the White Lotus Sect, why do you think it is?"

Hu Yan was startled for a while, and said in a low voice: "The common people are stupid, there is nothing to do about it."

"That's true, but why are the people so dull?" Zhu Gaochi asked.

Hu Yan was at a loss for words again, " seems that they are not well-educated and muddle-headed, so they are easy to be deceived by treacherous people, and they are fooled without knowing it."

Zhu Gaochi nodded again, "Scholar Hu, why can't common people study?"

"..." Hu Yan rolled his eyes and was at a loss for words for a while, but couldn't answer.

It's not that he doesn't know the answer, but that the answer is hard to say directly.

Zhu Gaochi squinted at him, "If you don't want to say it, then let me say it... The common people can't read and understand. That's because all the surplus grain in their hands has been taken away, and half of the harvest is harvested in one year of cultivation. It has become a farm rent! Each of them has less than a catty of food per day. They are hungry and have a little free time. They just go up the mountain to dig wild vegetables and go down to the river to fish for loaches. If they can read and understand, they not only have nothing, but also have a lot of debts! As long as they borrow food from big households to tide over the difficulties temporarily, they will get recurring interest, which will never be paid off.”

Hu Yan was stunned, and said with a wry smile: "Your Highness is very true, but there are always some poor children who can rely on their studies and imperial examinations to become officials and serve the country. Your Highness doesn't have to be so cynical."

Zhu Gaochi said with a chuckle: "A poor family who can read, are they still ordinary people?"

Hu Yan was speechless again.

People who say they are poor and have a hard time studying have all gone to school, and even got a degree in the exam.The real poor don't even dare to think about it.

That is the reality of the vast majority of people in the world.

Hu Yan sweated on his forehead, feeling ashamed in his heart.

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. He really didn't know what Zhu Gaochi wanted to do.

"Your Highness, do you intend to start a school?"

Zhu Gaochi shook his head, "It's too difficult. To start a school, you need money, and more importantly, you need scholars who are willing to work hard. Today's Daming is far from being able to do it."

Hearing this, Hu Yan was inexplicably relieved.

But what he said next made his heart hang again.

"If you want to start a school now, even ordinary people may not be willing. They don't know what the imperial court wants to do, so how can they support it? To do something, you must win the trust of the people."

Do you really want to do it?
Hu Yan looked at Zhu Gaochi foolishly, "His Royal Highness, Jiangxi is already in chaos enough, things will be smoothed out sooner rather than later!"

Zhu Gaochi said hehe: "Who said I want to make trouble? I want to solve the problem."

Hu Yan didn't know what to say at all, and from the smile on the corner of Zhu Gaochi's mouth, he saw a trace of Xu Jingchang's shadow... It's not that Xu Jingchang was instigating behind his back, it's just that the two people are inexplicably similar.

Seeing this scene made Hu Yan feel uneasy.

"Your Highness, what are you going to do?"

Zhu Gaochi rolled his eyes, suddenly smiled and said: "Not busy yet, you go to your case, I will prepare mine, and we will go hand in hand."

Zhu Gaochi chose to keep it a secret, and Hu Yan scratched his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

He could only vent his anger on the Jiangxi gentry... Originally, he wanted to be merciful, but it was almost enough.You still dare to sacrifice to those prisoners, you are clearly slapping the court's mouth.

Arrest them all, arrest them all, and investigate them to the end!
Hu Yan set off a bloody storm here, and Chen Ying would not be soft on the other side.

With these two present, the gentry in Jiangxi were out of luck, and people kept being arrested.

Imprisonment, confiscation of property, exile, and even beheading.

Originally, Zhu Gaochi still had a high reputation among scholars, and everyone was calling for a lenient emperor, so that everyone could live a stable life.

But obviously, Zhu Gaochi is not that kind of person.

In an instant, Shihlin scolded, and Zhu Gaochi was also scolded to the point of disgust.

He was almost reduced to the same status as Xu Jingchang, or even worse.

Xu Jingchang is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. From the beginning, he was not on the civil servant side. No matter how much he did, it was only natural.

But Zhu Gaochi is different, you have hurt the heart of the big guy and failed your hope.

Among other things, the number of literati running to Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui suddenly increased.

Your Highnesses, stand up quickly and call out, we will all listen to you.Let's work together to snatch the crown prince's throne!
This is not unusual at all. Isn't that how the so-called battle for the crown prince came about.

With this group of people constantly instigating, fanning the flames, coupled with the temptation of power and position, even brothers, turning against each other and killing each other is reasonable, without a doubt.

The only thing to be thankful for now is that Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui don't like these scholars either.

"Boss is still too honest, he was beaten and didn't show any real skills, Hu Yan is also a waste, and Chen Ying, who dare not kill people, what kind of cruel official?"

Zhu Gaoxu scolded unceremoniously: "They are all a bunch of trash, why don't you let me go to Jiangxi!"

Zhu Gaoxu looked at Xu Jingchang, smiled and said, "My dear brother, how are you doing? Give me this errand?"

Xu Jingchang chuckled, "I want to hand it over to someone, but some people's methods are too bad, so I can't rest assured."

Zhu Gaoxu regained his spirits, "After I passed by, I immediately arrested people. Those who have more than [-] mu of fertile land in their families were all registered and checked thoroughly. I don't believe it, and I can't make the gentry in Jiangxi bow their heads!"

Xu Jingchang smiled slightly, "Look, it's still the same thing. It's not that Chen Ying and Hu Yan don't want to arrest people, but there are so many things, and there are so many things to do, so someone has to do it. Thoroughly investigate the property, what if someone hides? Just find someone to take the blame for yourself, so what should you do? The current imperial court doesn’t know the situation of the people at all, and blindly acts recklessly, which will cause endless troubles.”

Zhu Gaoxu rolled his eyelids, and snorted: "My cousin said so, then don't do anything! If you want to achieve great things, you can't worry about slander, even if there are some reckless omissions, but as long as the overall situation is still there, it's nothing So scary."

Xu Jingchang smiled unabated, "Perhaps someone who cares about you will like to hear what you said, but I can only say that you want to be simple."

Zhu Gaoxu was dissatisfied, but it was not good to continue arguing with Xu Jingchang, but said: "You don't like my methods, so I want to see if there are any powerful methods that make my eyes shine and I really admire them? "

Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "Why not, I have a copy at hand."

"What?" Zhu Gaoxu asked curiously.

"Look, it's what your elder brother asked for. He wants to be a student again!"


Zhu Gaoxu didn't seem to understand, Xu Jingchang threw the official document to him and asked him to read it carefully.

Zhu Gaoxu quickly unfolded it and looked carefully.

After watching it for a while, Zhu Gaoxu was startled. If it were someone else, he would even be overwhelmed!

Didn't Zhu Gaochi dismiss Ying Tian Guo Zijian earlier?

He also drove the Tai students back home. He was very satisfied, but Xu Jingchang said that Zhu Gaochi had only done half of the work, and there was no follow-up method, which cut the effect of the reform in half.

This time, Zhu Gaochi came up with a solution. Jiangxi's affairs were complicated and the local government was very complicated. There was an urgent need for enough scholars to help check the land and implement the government orders.

Otherwise, even if a group of big households are eliminated, new big households will emerge later.

Back then, Zhu Yuanzhang kept suppressing wealthy families and brought them to Fengyang. Everyone knows the effect.

Zhu Gaochi hopes that a group of people can work hard to solve this matter.

But although there are many scholars in the world, it is not ordinary to let them go to Jiangxi to suppress the rich and powerful for the court.Why do people listen to you?

Where can I find so many scholars who have nothing to do?

For a seemingly unsolvable matter, Zhu Gaochi suddenly thought of the Imperial College Student who had been driven home by him earlier.

When it comes to learning, they are absolutely fine.

In terms of the number of people, there are several thousand.

The previous incidents almost cut off their path to official career, and they have no hope for the rest of their lives.

But if there is a chance to turn salty fish over, they will naturally risk their lives.

Moreover, Tai students are different from those Jinshi. There are also conflicts between them and the rich and powerful.

For their future and for their families, it is the best choice to stand up and fight against the rich.

"King of Han, what do you think of the prince's move?"

Zhu Gaoxu pondered for a while, then sighed helplessly: "Boss has always been scheming and not an honest person. If he really becomes the emperor, you will not have a good life. Otherwise, you can help me forget it."

Xu Jingchang gave this man a huge white eye, "Dreams are the most beautiful. When you die, I will burn paper for you."

Zhu Gaoxu was so angry that he shook his sleeves and left angrily.

Xu Jingchang immediately issued an official document, requesting that the news be passed around.

Tai students, His Royal Highness needs you!
(End of this chapter)

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