My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 322 Daming Peony Xu Jingchang

Chapter 322 Daming Peony Xu Jingchang

Let the common people eat better and grow stronger... This is indeed a great thing. Zhu Di also likes burly warriors, and men in the army are all like this.

If everyone in the world can grow tall and strong, it is something to be proud of.

"Xu Jingchang, you are still giving me ecstasy soup, what you said is wrong."

Xu Jingchang asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Di supported his knee with one hand, thought for a while, and said, "It can't be wrong, it's just... let's put it this way, even if the people of Ming Dynasty are tall and strong, who would believe it? Look, there are so many Those territories can be written clearly in the annals of history, how can what you said be written in the annals of history, how can people believe it?"

Xu Jingchang paused, and asked back: "Your Majesty must be praised by Qianqiu Shibi for doing things?"

Zhu Di pondered for a moment, then sighed in a low voice: "I always have to prove myself!"

Xu Jingchang smiled, "It's too easy, it's a breeze, and it's easy to grasp."

Zhu Di was surprised, "How did you do it? You can't measure the height of each person, right?"

Xu Jingchang laughed, "No need, just a random survey is enough."

Zhu Di was still puzzled, and Xu Jingchang didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he just deployed it... Fortunately, after all these years of accumulation, there are definitely a lot of talents who understand mathematics in the Ming Dynasty, at least in Yingtian City.

Soon Xu Jingchang got a result... Based on Yingtian and his surroundings, all age groups, different personnel, height, weight, and even the distribution of age groups were all figured out.

All kinds of tabular data are filled with books.

"Your Majesty, please take a look!"

Zhu Di watched silently, every item made him feel rather novel.

When he picked up a form and glanced at it for a while, his brows were frowned.

"Xu Jingchang, what do you mean by an infant mortality rate of [-]%? Could it be that one out of four children will die?"

Xu Jingchang nodded, "To be precise, the mortality rate within one year old is [-]%. In fact, less than seven out of ten children can grow up smoothly."

Zhu Di frowned, "Is it really so few?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Your Majesty might as well think about your surroundings."

Zhu Di was surprised for a moment, and said that in the royal family, children who failed to grow up smoothly and died early are everywhere. Everyone knows that children are difficult to support...including the mother of the child, giving birth once is to create a hell.

Empress Xu had given birth to several sons in a row, and her body was at the root of her illness.

In Xu Zengshou's wave, there were four brothers in total, and one was young. Only [-]% of them survived and grew up... As for Xu Jingchang's generation, some people died, and the rest of the honorable families were almost the same.

Calculated in this way, the death rate of more than [-]% is not an exaggeration at all.

"Have you ever inferred why?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Looking at it now, most of them are due to the lack of medical care and medicine, and they don't know how to take care of the mothers and babies. There are also a small number of drowning babies, especially girls."

Zhu Di took a deep breath, and gritted his teeth, "The one who was born was killed again, even if it is a parent, it can't be like this! If you really do evil, killing it is not an exaggeration!"

Xu Jingchang nodded, "What your Majesty said is that tiger poison does not eat babies, and drowning babies is not as good as tiger poison. It is only natural to kill them. However, there are still some things that cannot be ignored, that is, medical problems. It seems that you can ask King Zhou about this matter. "

Zhu Di was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile: "What is my fifth younger brother busy with, but there are results?"

Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "His Royal Highness King Zhou compiled medical books to benefit the common people. He has indeed done a lot of things. Maybe he can help, sum up some experience, and promote the world."

Zhu Di sighed, "Such an incident shows that I still have many shortcomings, and the Ming Dynasty is far from a prosperous age. I am really ashamed."

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "Your Majesty, if we can collect these materials and start to improve them, my Ming Dynasty has already far surpassed the previous dynasty. I am fully confident that the future of the Ming Dynasty can be expected, and it will only get better and better."

Zhu Di nodded, "You are still competent as an envoy. Send me more of these things in the future. I want to know more about this country."

Xu Jingchang readily agreed, just in case you don't like to watch it, since you want to watch it, I promise you will watch it enough.

Xu Jingchang returned to the General Administration Department and immediately set about making arrangements.

He believes that in today's development, how to govern the country should not depend on who is more reasonable... but on what the data say.

As the co-administrator, it is necessary for him to make the matter of governing the country scientific.

"Do you all understand? If you understand, let's implement it separately, come up with a conclusion as soon as possible, and hand it over to me."

In front of Xu Jingchang, seven bachelors, Yang Rong, Yang Shiqi, Yang Pu, Jin Youzi, Huang Huai, Hu Guang, and Hu Yan, sat down neatly.

The few of them were originally from Hanlin and were promoted to the cabinet by Zhu Di. Later, they also served as the counselor of the Secretary of General Affairs. Recently, they were promoted to the general administration of left and right.

It's just that although their ranks have risen, they really can't compete with the six nine ministers in terms of power.

Especially the Secretary of General Administration, due to the vague functions, although Xu Jingchang can intervene in all things, they can't.

But this time after Xu Jingchang assigned the task, the thinking of the seven people became clear in an instant.

Each of them stared at one and conducted a comprehensive review of the government affairs of each ministry.

This kind of review is not just the kind of examination, but a thorough investigation from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.

The seven people gladly accepted the order and went down to implement it.

Xu Jingchang crossed his legs and was in an unusually good mood.

Xu Jingchang will never refuse things that can quietly increase his power... Then it depends on who is going to be unlucky.

Soon the results came out, and Yang Rong went to see Zhu Di with a detailed report.

This time it was not Xu Jingchang who did it, but Yang Rong who suggested it.

"Your Majesty, looking at the past dynasties, the salaries of officials have been so high, which is unprecedented. If you don't restrain it, I'm afraid that the foundation of the country will be shaken and the foundation of Ming Dynasty will be damaged."

Zhu Di frowned slightly, "Let's just let it go, I know that the salaries of officials in the Ming Dynasty are far worse than those in the Tang and Song Dynasties, especially in the Song Dynasty, the difference is even greater."

Yang Rong shook his head immediately, "Your Majesty, according to my investigation, it doesn't seem to be the case."

Zhu Di was curious for a moment, so he simply asked Yang Rong to sit across from him and have a good chat.

"Your Majesty, take the Zaizhi in the Song Dynasty as an example. Their salary is indeed higher than that of officials of the same level in the Ming Dynasty, and it is more than 01:30 points higher. But if you count the seventh-rank officials, my salary in the Ming Dynasty is not compared to that of the Song Dynasty. Low, and considering...the Ministry of Officials has repeatedly increased allowances, our salaries will be even higher."

Zhu Di was surprised, what do you mean?
The high salary recognized in the Song Dynasty was actually higher in the Ming Dynasty than in the Song Dynasty. Is this too subversive?

"Is there any evidence?"

"Please look, Your Majesty, this has been verified by many officials. We are a seventh-rank Beijing official, and the monthly salary plus allowance, converted, is equivalent to fifteen times that of an ordinary craftsman!" Yang Rong said again: " The problem of Beijing officials is still just the tip of the iceberg, not worth mentioning. The local vassals’ salaries have been taken away, but several provinces continue to withhold money and food from the imperial court. Besides, after the introduction of treasure notes, the fire consumption that should have disappeared , the local government is still expropriating, and it is unscrupulous, without stopping. If you count it seriously, my Ming Dynasty spent a lot more money on the salaries of officials than Song Dynasty!"

While talking, Yang Rong sent the results of his investigation to Zhu Di.

The more Zhu Di looked at it, the more he frowned, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he was, this is too nonsense!
"Scholar Yang, what's going on? These people are so greedy, don't they know how to restrain themselves?" Zhu Di clenched his fists, "It's really forcing me to kill!"

Yang Rong's heart twitched slightly, he had the intention to set up a big prison, if His Majesty didn't act, how would he break the stagnant court situation?

It's just how to reform and how to adjust it, he has no idea for a while.


"Mr. Ding, I heard that Zuo Tongzheng and Yang Rong wrote a letter, proposing the disadvantages of the salary of hundreds of officials, you should be clear about it?" Jian Yi said indifferently.

Xu Jingchang immediately shook his head, "I don't know, what they submitted was just a personal report, not the opinion of the Secretary of General Administration... It's just that after so many years, can't your methods be better? Make the salary seem to be less expensive."

Jian Yi snorted and said, "We have been using the method you used back then, which is to include local income...but the problem now is that local officials are giving themselves more and more benefits, and I have no other way!"

Xu Jingchang smiled faintly, "Is there really no other way?"

Jian Yi was stunned, "Mr. Ding, the place is as high as the sky and the emperor is far away. I am really powerless. No matter what, you shouldn't doubt me."

Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "I'm not doubting Jian Tianguan. What I'm saying is that reducing the expenditure of the local yamen will threaten the safety of the officials in Beijing... After all, the methods that are applicable in the local area are also applicable in the court."

Jian Yi's face changed slightly, and Xu Jingchang continued: "I mean, if, if I become a heavenly official in the Ministry of Officials, I will find a way to maintain the place, let them mess up, and continue."

"It's like, although the local yamen are rotten, they are like a pile of dung, nourishing the gorgeous flowers of the imperial court." Xu Jingchang smiled and pointed at Jian Yi, and then pointed at himself.

"If you count it, you and I should be the peony among the thousands of flowers in the court?"

Jian Yi's face suddenly changed, Xu Jingchang had already made it clear that the officials in the court deliberately encouraged the local government and allowed them to rot without restraint and rectification.

If this charge is confirmed, it is the worst crime of dereliction of duty.

Jian Yi couldn't help but be afraid, "Duke Ding's words just now are really exaggerated. If Ding Guogong is the peony of the court, I can only be regarded as peony or hibiscus."

Xu Jingchang paused, and said with a smile: "The words of the Tianguan reminded me of two poems: Shaoyao and the king are close servants, where can Furong avoid the dust?"

Yes, with your peony Ding Guogong, we can only surround you, willingly, as a foil for you.

Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "Since that's the case, I will come down. I hope the heavenly officials can cooperate with me on how to rectify the place."

Jian Yi nodded hastily, "Dare not to follow orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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