My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 46 The Smart Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 46 The Smart Zhu Gaoxu
"Boss is going to Beijing? He won North Korea?" Zhu Gaoxu asked lightly.

Zhu Gaosui nodded hurriedly, "It is true that we won."

"Then how does he use troops?"

"Using both kindness and power, with Sheng Yong as the vanguard, crossing the river on ice, attracting the main force of North Korea to go north, then Li Jinglong landed with a navy, cut off the return route from the middle, and tens of thousands of North Korean soldiers were surrounded by our army. At this time, the elder brother sent an envoy , asking the North Korean leader to plead guilty and admit his mistakes, and then promise to release the captives.”

Zhu Gaoxu nodded after listening, and said with a smile: "It seems that the boss can still fight, I don't have to worry about it."

Zhu Gaosui was dumbfounded, "Second brother, have you been dazed by the urine? The boss will fight, and you will have no advantage, you know?"

"Really?" Zhu Gaoxu just chuckled, "Third son, you have to feel that you are sitting in that position because of your literary skills and military strategy. You can also work hard, sharpen your minions, and do a few things beautifully. You are also the son of the eldest son, maybe you can surpass the two of us and become the crown prince."

Zhu Gaosui was taken aback again, what is this called?

"Second brother, you know, I support you as the crown prince, and it has always been like this."

Zhu Gaoxu laughed, "Third brother, why do you support me as the crown prince? Is there a reason? Do you think the second brother treats you well, or does the elder brother hate you? Or is it more comfortable to be a feudal lord under my command than the elder brother? It doesn't make sense at all, I thought about it, and there is only one possibility, that is, you want to fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman will benefit, am I right?"

Zhu Gaosui was dumbfounded, his mouth seemed to be gagged, when did the second brother become so smart?

It doesn't make sense!
"Second brother, what's the matter with you, why do you doubt the younger brother, and these days, you are busy casting fake bronzes, what's the matter with you, I think you seem to be a different person, the younger brother doesn't know you anymore .”

Zhu Gaoxu chuckled, "Third brother, actually, I'm also surprised that you explained such a simple thing, why did I just figure it out now... I'm so stupid, and there are too many idiots around me. Useless idiot, I wasted so long in vain, I really missed my success by seizing the throne, I missed the spring!"

It's over, the second child is completely crazy.

Zhu Gaosui shouted frantically in his heart.

Zhu Gaoxu looked at him and laughed instead.

"Third brother, we are still brothers after all. Let me tell you... Tell me, who is in charge of the current Ming Dynasty?"

Zhu Gaosui rolled his eyes, "You don't want to be the prince, but want to usurp power directly, right? Anyway, you happen to be the second child, why don't you make a move?"

Daming didn't have Xuanwu Gate, so it could only be placed in Zuoshun Gate, Zhu Lao Er was stunned for a moment.

"Fuck off!"

Zhu Gaoxu unceremoniously punched the third child.

"Let me ask you, the official documents of the six government offices of the Department of General Administration, which are in charge of thirteen provincial title books...communicate internally and externally, and supervise hundreds of officials. How does it compare to the old Zhongshu Province?"

Zhu Gaosui hesitated for a moment, and said in surprise: "You mean, the general envoy has the final say?"

Zhu Gaoxu shook his head again, "You're wrong again, I've been in the Secretary of General Administration for several days, and my cousin didn't come here much, and a few councilors stepped in by the father often invaded his authority, until Xie Jin went home to water the flowers and weeds , the situation is better."

"How many councilors are entitled?"

"What kind of power do they have! They are nothing more than mere Hanlin officials, with low authority and not worth mentioning."

When Zhu Gaosui heard this, he was completely stupid... He said that Zhu Di was the emperor with the greatest power, but what Zhu Di saw was handed to him by the Secretary of General Administration. If he really wanted to hide it, he could do it without anyone noticing .

However, Xu Jingchang is not the one who has the final say on the Secretary of General Administration. There are still a few councilors who hold real power... Who is the master of this country?
Zhu Gaosui felt that his head was in a mess, and said stupidly: "Second brother, I don't understand what you mean."

Zhu Gaoxu smiled and said: "I may not really understand it, but I think that all the government departments, more or less, have this problem. In fact, the seemingly prominent position and power are actually not that prominent at all. The ones who can really decide There are really not many things."

Zhu Gaoxu stretched out his hand and pulled Zhu Gaosui to sit down. The two brothers stood shoulder to shoulder. Zhu Gaoxu smiled and said, "Third brother, you said that the boss won this time and made great achievements. It is very glorious, right? But the king of North Korea imprisoned his father because his cousin stabbed him." It’s broken. They collected his father’s official and unofficial history and slandered his father. It was also discovered by his cousin. The use of troops against North Korea also meant to pave the way for the voyage to the West, to train troops in advance, and to open up business routes. Master Yao also said this in the Golden Palace. Now the boss has come back in a good way and has enjoyed the admiration of countless people, but the problem is that he has opened up the business route, but he has made the things in my hands sellable. I am the one who makes the profit in the end. One person helps you to charge hard , to make money for you, why do you think I hate him, am I out of my mind?"

"This..." Zhu Gaosui was dumbfounded. He reasoned for a long time. In the matter of using soldiers, Zhu Gaochi definitely played the role of a toolman.

Of course, he has also gained some reputation, but the real benefits have all fallen into the hands of the upper and lower ranks. It belongs to hard work for others and sweetness for others. The little bee belongs to yes.

But this may not be true.

"Second brother, life and death can only be achieved by the emperor. If you don't become the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, you will be trampled under your feet. The father can change the governor at any time, and he can also kill the important ministers of the nine ministers at any time."

Zhu Gaoxu laughed again, "You are right, because only superiors can choose their own subordinates, the father is the one who has the greatest authority. But why did you go under the butcher's knife? Could it be that the father can really be like Like the Emperor Taizu, you can kill whoever you want?"

Zhu Gaosui was stunned for a while again, he only felt that the second elder brother was unpredictable now, and he was already a bit nagging.What the hell has he learned these days?

Could it be that cheating in the General Administration Department also increases IQ?

But speaking of Xu Jingchang, that kid is indeed a ghost, and Yao Guangxiao often haunts the Secretary of General Administration... Maybe he is really a bit evil?

"Second brother, the younger brother also wants to work with you, so you can accept the younger brother."

Zhu Gaoxu was stunned for a moment, "The most you come here is as an apprentice, you don't make money."

Zhu Gaosui was in a hurry, "What kind of salary do I want? I'll accept all the offers."

A smile appeared on Zhu Gaoxu's face. After taking down the boss, the third child also became his toolman, and it was still very low-level.

Now he really understands a little bit. In fact, the so-called authority is not only based on how high your position is, but how much authority you actually hold.

Otherwise, even if you are the son of heaven, your behavior will be controlled by the eunuchs and courtiers around you, or even worse, like Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Gaogui Xianggong, who directly become a puppet, you can only lament that you were unfortunately born in the emperor's family up.

The same is true for Zhu Gaoxu, if he is only surrounded by those nobles, even if he becomes the crown prince or the emperor, he will be nothing more than a noble emperor.

During this time of cheating, Zhu Gaoxu understood one thing.

A real ritual vessel has three legs, and my ritual vessel also has three legs, so my ritual vessel is real.

Don't think it sounds like a joke, but that's not what the court played.

Xie Jin wanted to directly recruit soldiers, but everyone opposed it, even Zhu Di did not support it.

But Xu Jingchang changed his words and made some tricks to bring the emperor's grandson in, and everyone supported him.It is also a challenge to the ancestral system, but the result is completely different.

The knowledge here is too great.

Zhu Gaoxu was really beaten so badly that he learned the Tao without a teacher, and Longchang realized the Tao.

Then I saw Zhu Gaosui became his coolie, helping him to make fakes.

Zhu Zhanji also occasionally came to the Secretary of the General Administration, but was caught by Zhu Gaoxu, and went to the corner to contribute a little boy's urine.

"My eldest nephew has urinated, the price of this bronze vessel has at least doubled."

Zhu Zhanji rolled his eyelids, "Second Uncle, can you give me the money?"

"Yes, Second Uncle is different from those who lie to children." Then, he took out a golden bean and stuffed it to Zhu Zhanji.

The little guy weighed it, it was true.

Zhu Zhanji immediately smiled, "Second Uncle, this time I come to pee every day."

A golden bean is soaked in urine, who said that there is a golden house in the book, and there is also in the urine!
Zhu Zhanji found the wealth code... By the way, with this golden bean, he can go to his cousin to buy a stuffed duck. It just so happens that his father is going to Beijing to clean up the dust for him. If his father is happy to eat, maybe he can still eat it. Reward yourself with something more.

By the way, why don't you just invite the emperor's grandfather and emperor's grandmother, they are generous... Zhu Zhanji feels that he is simply the book boy of Lord Yama, a clever little ghost!

 I recommend a new book by a female writer, "Jingming", it's very well written~


(End of this chapter)

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