Chapter 47

Xu Jingchang’s research on duck-feeding was very successful. He bought ducks that were about a month old and put them into clay pots to fatten them up. After 20 days, a duckling could grow to a weight of six to seven kilograms, already heavier than an adult duck.

After a growth cycle of dozens of days, the meat of the stuffed duck is fat and tender, like tofu, and the bones are soft and soft, which is very suitable for charcoal grilling.For this reason, Xu Jingchang also specially built an oven and got a lot of fruit trees.

I don’t know if when mentioning roast duck in the future, it will be called Xu Gong’s name...Xu’s roast duck is authentic, and Lao Yingtian’s name is just like this, nothing else. If you don’t eat two rolls of duck, you are not considered old. God should!

In order to entertain Lao Zhu's family, Xu Jingchang roasted ten fat and tender stuffed ducks in one go. For this purpose, he also prepared lotus leaf cakes, lettuce leaves, sweet noodle sauce, garlic vinegar, cucumber strips, radish strips, and various dishes. .

Ying Tian sells a lot of roast ducks, but Xu Jingchang is the first one who can come up with so many tricks.

The Zhu family came over one after another, first of all was Zhu Zhanji who ordered the meal.

"Look for yourself, is that golden bean flower worth it? Don't say anything else, just these little butterflies, blue and white flowers from the Yuan Dynasty, are all official kiln porcelain, you kid can go and have fun."

With that said, Xu Jingchang grabbed a piece of lotus leaf cake, rolled a few slices of duck meat, and handed it to Zhu Zhanji.

"Try it."

The little guy took it in his hand, took a bite, and immediately a mellow aroma filled his mouth... The roasted duck has no fishy smell, on the contrary, it has a fruity aroma. The meat is crispy and melts in the mouth, it is simply indescribable.

"Delicious, delicious!"

Zhu Zhanji was overjoyed, dancing and dancing, the imperial food in the palace is not as good as it is, his cousin still knows how to eat it.

Xu Jingchang was in a good mood, "Forget it, I'll give you another dish of sweet and sour live fish. I've been practicing this dish for almost a month."

Xu Jingchang looked at it, and said casually, "Have your majesty and the empress set off?"

The subordinates immediately said: "Not yet, the Second Highness and the Third Highness are going down to greet you now, and the three brothers will enter the palace and come together."

Xu Jingchang nodded, "Alright then, get the oil pan ready first, as well as the seasoning."

Xu Jingchang casually picked a fat carp weighing four catties, and put it in a wooden barrel to wait.

Finally, there was news that Zhu Di was leaving, and Xu Jingchang immediately ordered to burn oil.

"Your Majesty has arrived at Royal Street."

Xu Jingchang hastened to do it himself, grabbed the carp, removed the scales, cut open the abdomen, and removed the internal organs... The whole movement was smooth and smooth, as fast as lightning, even a serious fish-killing master could not be faster than him.

Everyone has a bit of talent, and Xu Jingchang found that his talent is almost all in eating, drinking and having fun.

Let him practice archery for a few months, and he is still at the level of shooting, but killing fish, after practicing a few times, he is just like a proficient for many years.

Confucius said that you never tire of fine food, and you never tire of fine food.But in fact, judging from the fact that his old man was down and out for most of his life, he really didn't eat anything decent.

You must have spare money and spare time before you can devote energy to gourmet food.

For ordinary people, it is not bad to be able to cook the food well and eat it warmly.

Therefore, the original delicacies were created by either prominent scholar-bureaucrats or wealthy salt merchants.

The salt merchants in Yangzhou are the initiators of Huaiyang cuisine, and the salt merchants in Zigong are the source of Sichuan cuisine... Top nobles like Xu Jingchang are really suitable for studying food.

After eating, drinking, and playing for a lifetime, I finally wrote a few cookbooks, royal meals for the palace, and Xu's delicacies, which will still be famous for future generations.

Xungui's life is so simple and unpretentious, clean and hygienic.

The fish is processed, and the oil pan over there is also heated.

Zhu Di's family also arrived at the door, now it's time to see the chef's skills.

Xu Jingchang wrapped the fish head with a wet towel, cut the fish with knife marks, and put it directly into the [-]% hot oil pan, counting silently in his heart, the time should not be long, about one and a half minutes, take it out quickly.

Place on pre-prepared hot plate.

That's right, all the dishes served today have been preheated, otherwise the taste will be affected due to the temperature drop.

After the fish is fried, cook a sweet and sour sauce over there.

When Zhu Di and the others came in, Xu Jingchang poured the sweet and sour sauce, and the aroma rose immediately.

Guess what, the fish's eyes are still blinking and its mouth is moving.

"Your Majesty, the dish is ready, let's try it quickly."

Zhu Di glanced at it, and couldn't help but said, "Is this the sweet and sour live fish your kid said?"

"That's right, this freshness is what we want."

Zhu Di looked at it, then suddenly stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish tail, put it in a small dish, turned around, and handed it to a big fat man.

"Boss, you have worked hard, this is given to you by the emperor."

In front of Zhu Di, there was a chubby young man, about 25 or [-] years old, with [-] to [-] catties of flesh on his body, a very fat man.

He took it excitedly and quickly took a bite.

"Boy thanked Father, this fish is truly unique, I didn't expect my cousin to have this skill, it really surprised me."

Zhu Di snorted and said, "He, he is smart, but he doesn't like to do serious things." While talking, Zhu Di also took a piece of fish back and handed it to Xu Jingchang, "Thank you for being the host."

Xu Jingchang took it over, rolled his eyes, and probably entrusted the big fat fishtail with a heavy responsibility... The prince entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, and there is no doubt that he will sit on the reserve position.

But what does it mean to give yourself a fish back?
Say you're well prepared?
Xu Jingchang was still thinking about it, but Zhu Di said, "Boss, share the fish with your two younger brothers."

Zhu Gaochi quickly agreed, and he hurriedly picked up a piece of fat fish belly and handed it to Zhu Gaoxu.

This is heart-to-heart!
Zhu Gaoxu took it.

Zhu Gaochi took another chopstick towards the fish's excretion port, and handed it to Zhu Gaosui.

This thing also has a name, called "There will be future blessings".

That is to say, Zhu Laohui and his second younger brother will treat each other with sincerity and honesty.

It's just that the eldest son of the emperor came to Beijing to catch up with the wind and wash away the dust.

But Xu Jingchang knew that at this time, he had to be good at making balls for the superiors, so besides the roast duck, he personally made this sweet and sour live fish.

He cooks for himself, so Zhu Di can share the fish according to the trend... And this fish is not an ordinary fish.

The big guys tacitly knew it, except for the little Zhu Zhanji who was ignorant, everyone knew it.

Zhu Di let everyone sit down, and said with a smile: "There are no outsiders here, it's just a family banquet. When I came to Beijing, I used to eat and drink in this yard. At that time, I even roasted the pigeons raised by my father-in-law for meat. "

Empress Xu gave him a blank look, "And you said, it's a carrier pigeon raised by my father, and it hurts him so much."

Zhu Di laughed and said, "It's not that homing pigeons don't eat it. Homing pigeons have thick meat and are enjoyable to eat."

Zhu Laosi is also a brat who can't run away.

Following Xu Jingchang's example, Empress Xu rolled up a volume for Zhu Di and handed it to Zhu Di.

"It's delicious, it's really delicious!" Zhu Di raised his thumb high, "Xu Jingchang, is this the way you figured out how to eat it?"

Xu Jingchang smiled and said: "That's right, I'm studying other delicacies. I'm looking through ancient books to find famous dishes. I plan to set up a food column on the mansion newspaper to promote Chinese food culture. By the way, don't stare at it when your majesty is writing books. There are hundreds of schools of thought, it is best to add a gourmet one, and this will be considered complete."

Zhu Di took a deep breath, and suddenly said to Zhu Gaochi: "Boss, you said that there is a minister who spends his days thinking about eating, drinking and having fun. He insists on turning it into a cookbook. What should we do with such a thing?"

With a duck roll stuffed in his mouth, Zhu Gaochi hurriedly said: "It should be entrusted with a heavy responsibility, after all, there are not many capable ministers like this."

Zhu Di rolled his eyes angrily, "Second brother, what do you think?"

Zhu Gaoxu said: "I don't know, my son is just thinking, if half of Yingtian's people eat roast duck, how much duck will be consumed in a year, and how much profit will be made."

Zhu Di raised his brows, and said in thought: "What the second child said is interesting. He cares about the people's livelihood and the economy, and is much more sensible than before. My father asked you, this time your elder brother didn't completely destroy North Korea, but just tasted it. Even Li Chenggui couldn't save him." Come out, let alone restore Li Chenggui's position as the king, how is he doing?"

"Very good." Zhu Gaoxu said bluntly, "Father, if North Korea's vitality is seriously injured, people's livelihood is withered, and they all become poor ghosts, then I prepare those things, and who will I sell them to? If I can't sell them, wouldn't my hard work be in vain? gone."

Zhu Di was dumbfounded, "Second brother, what's the matter with you? Didn't you like fighting the most before? How has it changed now?"

Zhu Gaoxu was stunned for a while, "My child hasn't changed, but there must be something to fight for. Of course, if you don't need to fight, you can make a lot of money, which is not bad."

Zhu Di frowned even more, and he simply stared at Xu Jingchang, "Let me ask you, what should we do if there is still trouble in North Korea after a long time, and we can't settle it once and for all?"

"I don't know what His Majesty means by once and for all. In fact, I think His Majesty's tactic is quite good."

"What tactics? Did you sum it up for him?"

"That's right, it's just cutting winter melons...the winter melons on the market are huge, so the stall owner cuts them into slices and sells them to customers. We can do the same, slicing them little by little, so that the feudal kingdom's fish will die and the net will not be destroyed." Xu Jingchang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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