Chapter 65

Zhu Gaochi listened for a while, and suddenly felt that the second brother was not so angry, and even said that he was doing a good deed, and he should be rewarded heavily.

"If everyone is like the second brother, who only charges [-]% of the interest, the common people will not sell their sons and daughters, and how many tragedies of separation of flesh and blood will be reduced! He has done a beautiful job, and he has done a lot of good deeds. I want to meet my father. Your Majesty, please give credit to him!"

"and many more."

Xu Jingchang stopped Zhu Gaochi, "Don't make any noise, at least you can't play your majesty for the time being, so let me suppress it first."

Fatty Zhu was stunned, "For meritorious deeds, one must be rewarded, and for demerits, one must be punished. Even if the second younger brother did something good, I can't hide it from my father. I still understand the principle that state affairs are the most important thing."

Xu Jingchang gave him a blank look, "What do you know? You have to wait anyway, but it won't take a few days. I'll tell His Majesty when the time comes. I'll take care of whatever happens anyway, and you don't need to take responsibility." But I can remind Your Highness, if you can't control yourself and cause me trouble, not only will the King of Han not appreciate you, His Majesty will also blame you, then I will see how you end up?"

Fatty Zhu was taken aback, and he could tell that what Xu Jingchang did didn't seem to be for him to seize the heir apparent, to suppress the King of Han... and he was acting affectionate.

At this moment Yao Guangxiao coughed softly: "Your Highness, you just listen to Xu Tongzheng and wait and see what happens. There is an old monk here, so I will deal with your Majesty."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaochi breathed a sigh of relief, but he began to wonder, what exactly is Xu Jingchang going to do, and what results can he expect after a few days?

But Xu Jingchang kept his mouth shut, and Fatty Zhu could only wait. Fortunately, the General Secretary was the center of government affairs, and various memorials were continuously sent up, among which more and more people impeached the King of Han.

What is it about competing with the people for profit, exploiting the people, being insane, and even saying that the king of Han bought people's hearts and conspired to rebel... Zhu Gaochi became more and more frightened as he watched it. He even had an idea that his second brother really wanted to rebel. Waiting for evidence?

In this way, after another seven days, the number of memorials to impeach Zhu Gaoxu reached [-], and it caught up with the Jiuqing Xunhui of the Secretary of General Administration.

Zheng Ci, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, looked at Xu Jingchang, and then said: "Xu Tongzheng, you have seen so many memorials to impeach the King of Han, can we remain indifferent? Would you like to ask Your Majesty to make a decision?"

Xu Jingchang had a smile on his face, "I said Zheng Shangshu, the matter of Hanwang's lending has been rumored for several days. I thought it was time to understand the situation, and they all know. If you want to impeach the Ministry of Punishment, I will definitely not join hands with the Secretary of the General Administration. It's up to you."

Xia Yuanji chuckled, "Well said, our household department is not interested either."

As for Song Li, Luo Qi and others, they simply bowed their heads and said nothing, it has nothing to do with us.

Even if the impeachment of a prince succeeds, there will be vengeance, not to mention that this matter is likely to fail... They are not ordinary speech officials, and they need to fight for a future.

The creature sitting firmly at the top of the court thinks that more things are worse than less things, especially the less extravagant things, the better.

Zheng Ci frowned, "Xu Tongzheng, it's really not that I'm meddling. More and more people are impeaching. If the Criminal Ministry doesn't have an attitude, it will definitely say that we are dereliction of duty. Next time, I will be impeached together."

Jian Yi said sullenly, "There's no need to do it next time."

Zheng Ci was taken aback.

Jian Yi added: "Someone has come to the Ministry of Officials to report."

Zheng Ci's old face collapsed in an instant, "So you guys hurry up and think of a way, I want to pass!"

Xia Yuanji chuckled lightly and said, "How do you pass the test? You said Hanwang's [-]% interest is wrong? Can you deceive Your Majesty by telling nonsense with your eyes open?"

Zheng Ci said bitterly: "Xia Shangshu, you don't know that such a low interest rate of the King of Han will really breed idlers. I heard that some people get something for nothing, and they even borrowed at [-]% interest, and then changed hands for [-]%. Loaning to the people in the countryside and taking half of the profit out of thin air is really too much."

Xia Yuanji snorted, "That's because someone is too greedy, even [-]% of the profit is considered a conscience, let alone [-]%!"

Zheng Ci was in a hurry, "Xia Shangshu, why do you always speak for the King of Han? What do you think?"

Xia Yuanji snorted and said, "What do I think? Are you going to accuse me of being a Hanwang party? I might as well explain the matter clearly. Hanwang borrowed money from the Baochao Bureau, and he exchanged real gold and silver for the treasure notes." , and then go to lend money, the household department has no reason to object. I can clearly tell Zheng Shangshu that if you dare to impeach your Majesty, I will tell the truth."

It turned out that the person surnamed Xia was already full, and it was really difficult to have him escort him.

Everyone discussed for a long time, but there was no conclusion.

Jian Yi directly announced that the ten-day meeting was over, he patted his ass and left, Xia Yuanji and others also left one after another.

Only Zheng Ci stayed at the end.

"Xu Tongzheng, now things are like this, if the King of Han is really allowed to continue, the people of Yingtian only know the King of Han, but not His Majesty, and something will happen."

Xu Jingchang smiled, "Zheng Shangshu, I understand what you mean, but Xia Shangshu also understands what he means. If you want to criticize and compete for profits with the people, or say that the interest is inappropriate, he will not agree. If it is like What those people said, to frame the King of Han on the charge of conspiracy, I can’t agree here. You know what the crime is to frame the prince. Don’t forget, there is still the empress, and it’s not the way to find death.”

Zheng Ci put on a bitter face, feeling more and more embarrassed.

Xu Jingchang looked at him, and said in a low voice: "Zheng Shangshu, tell me the truth, is it because your family lends money and let Han Wang steal the business, so you are so anxious?"

Zheng Ci couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Xu Tongzheng, this matter really has nothing to do with me. It's just that His Highness the King of Han offended Yingtian's powerful gentry. I really don't know how many people will be involved in this. There will be more in the future." Impeachment cannot be suppressed, and it will definitely be brought to His Majesty. At that time, the Tribunal of Justice will have a joint trial, and the Ministry of Punishment will take the lead. Whatever I do is wrong. I hope Xu Tongzheng will learn from me!"

Xu Jingchang rolled his eyelids, and pondered, "Zheng Shangshu, I might as well be clear about what I said. If I really want to impeach and attack the King of Han, I will stand up and help him. After all, the King of Han did nothing wrong. The only way right now is to Let him back out of difficulties, give up the business voluntarily, or provide more than [-]% interest, just like the big guys."

Zheng Ci was stunned for a moment, "Then, what should he do if he disagrees?"

Xu Jingchang laughed angrily, "Haven't you heard the saying of the common people that there are people in the business of beheading, but no one in the business of losing money. You just need to increase his cost and force him to add interest. That's it."

Zheng Ci still frowned, "Xu Tongzheng, can you make your words clearer, I still don't understand."

"You don't understand? I don't understand either!" Xu Jingchang turned his head and left, not bothering to say another word.

I also want to play chess with the old thief. Talking too much with this idiot will affect my IQ.

Zheng Ci scratched his head, returned to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and kept thinking about what Xu Jingchang said, how to increase the cost?There is no doubt that it is to make Han Wang spend more money, how to make him spend more money?
Looking at the piles of case files on the table, Zheng Ci suddenly had an idea.

Since the commercial tax was levied, tax evasion has emerged in an endless stream.

Although Hanwang borrowed money at only [-]% interest, he still made money. Since he made money, he had to pay taxes.

If you evade taxes, you can be punished by three times, so that the cost will go up!
Moreover, the king of Han defaulted in paying taxes, and he punished him three times, which is justified, and the prince committed the same crime as the common people when he broke the law.Moreover, Xu Jingchang, who was in charge of tax collection, could not refute it, and even supported himself.

Xia Yuanji manages money, but also enriches the national treasury.

Pulling these two people together, even if it makes sense, if you get it to His Majesty, you may not be able to escape.

The more Zheng Ci thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense, and that boy Xu Jingchang hinted to himself that it was the same thing.

That kid is really a genius.

Three days later, in the Department of General Administration, Xu Jingchang was drinking tea and fishing, when news suddenly came that Wang Zhong, the Marquis of Jing'an, had arrived.

Xu Jingchang invited him in, and asked with a smile, "Are the soldiers and horses ready?"

Wang Zhong immediately said: "Xu Tongzheng, don't worry, as long as you give an order, I will definitely charge forward, and I will not hesitate to do so."

Xu Jingchang smiled, "It's not that serious, just sit down and drink tea first."

After waiting for a while, the six memorials came one after another, and Xu Jingchang called for those from the Ministry of Punishment.

From a pile of memorials, he dug out a book that punished Zhu Gaoxu, king of the Han Dynasty.

"Okay, you guys take care of the rest, I'm going into the palace."

After finishing speaking, Xu Jingchang went straight into the palace without looking back, and met Zhu Di.

"Your Majesty, hurry up and use the seal to approve the request of the Ministry of Punishment."

Zhu Di frowned, "I haven't seen it clearly yet, this seems to impeach the second child, you understand."

Xu Jingchang said: "I don't have time, Your Majesty, hurry up and approve it. I will immediately tell the private residence newspaper to vigorously report this matter. The prince's crime is the same as that of the common people... Do the common people commit the same crime as the prince when they break the law?"

Zhu Di was still frowning, when suddenly Hou Xian ran in.

"Qizou Your Majesty, Minister of Criminal Affairs Zheng Ci, Minister of Dali Temple Wu Zhong, and Zuodu Censor Guo Zi are asking for an audience together."

Zhu Di was stunned for a moment, and the Sanfa Division came.

He raised his eyelids, glanced at Xu Jingchang, and immediately picked up the imperial brush and put on red, without hesitation.

Xu Jingchang was relieved, and if he wanted to change now, he had to force Zhu Di to take back his life.

That is impossible!

 Recommend a new book of the same period, "Han Chef" takes the world as the pot and outstanding people as the dish, frying a big Han Empire.


(End of this chapter)

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