My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 66 Copying the King's Mansion of Han Dynasty

Chapter 66 Copying the King's Mansion of Han Dynasty

Holding the official document of the Ministry of Punishment approved by Zhu Di in his hand, Xu Jingchang is an old god, which is equivalent to two kings and four two in his hands. Why do you fight with me?
You don't have that strength, you know!
He smiled and looked at the three important ministers of the Nine Ministers who came in a hurry, especially Zheng Ci who was walking in the front. Xu Jingchang smiled and blinked... Just this one almost made Zheng Ci fall down.

He thought that by chasing taxes, he could force Zhu Gaoxu to raise interest rates, thus resolving the crisis.

But the copy of the official document was sent to Dali Temple. After Wu Zhong saw it, his head buzzed.

I've seen stupid, never seen such stupid.

If the King of Han had to pay taxes, what would the other wealthy merchants do?Those local gentry want to avoid even the land tax. When did they think about calling it interest tax?

If the imperial court really increases this type of tax, there will be endless troubles in the future... What's more, today's drastic changes, killing Yingtian, is not Zhu Yunqi's foolish fool!

Wu Zhong came to find Zheng Ci in a hurry, and then they found Guo Zi, the censor of Zuodu, and the three hurried to the palace, wanting to get back the official documents, and no matter what, they wanted to avoid holding the King of Han accountable.

It's a pity that no matter how fast they are, they are still one step behind Xu Jingchang.

Approved by Zhu Di's imperial pen, the overall situation has been settled, and you are late.

Faced with this situation, Dali Temple Secretary Wu Zhong took a step forward and bravely said: "Your Majesty, this case involves the King of Han, and the matter is of great importance. It is not enough for the Ministry of Criminal Justice to handle it. Dali Temple needs to verify it." This is also the responsibility of Dali Temple, if the King of Han is guilty, he will naturally deal with it. But it is related to the innocence of a prince, it must not be neglected, this is also the dignity of the Tian family."

Before Zhu Di could answer, Xu Jingchang laughed, "If you want to talk about other things, Dali Temple really needs to ask. But taxation is not a heinous felony, let alone it is only the first discovery. Hanwang only needs to pay taxes and pay fines honestly. You don’t even need to go to jail. This happened in Yingtian, otherwise the local government could have dealt with it, and even the Ministry of Punishment would be superfluous, let alone Dali Temple? As for the decentness of the Tianjia, it is even more nonsense. Your Majesty does not favor personal interests , The king of Han abides by the laws of the country, which is a good thing to have the best of both worlds, and let the people all over the world know that the laws of the country are important. All in all, I think Duke Wu is too worried."

Xu Jingchang really wasn't talking nonsense. He didn't know about other things. He knew exactly how to deal with tax evasion. After all, he had participated in all these laws.

At this time Wu Zhong reasoned with him, wouldn't that be crazy compared to Ka Dazuo!
Not an order of magnitude opponent at all.

Seeing that Wu Zhong was unable to hold back, Guo Zi, the censor of Zuodu, said simply: "According to what the Inspectorate knows, His Royal Highness the King of Han charges extremely low interest, which is convenient for the people, and everyone praises it. They are some people who make trouble out of nothing and frame the King of Han. , Framed the virtuous king, I ask you to punish Zheng Ci, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments! And please take back your order and rehear the case."

I had no choice but to throw my pawn in the car.

Zheng Ci trembled all over, but just lowered his head even deeper.

This matter would rather cover up the King of Han, and would rather deal with a few big gentry families than let this case go down, otherwise it would be like giving the court an extra sword to cut down the gentry, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Since I caused the trouble myself, I can't avoid it now, so why don't I take the initiative to apologize?

It's just that apologizing is easier said than done.

I am wise in this life, and I have to pay for it!

When Zheng Ci was hesitating and indecisive, Xu Jingchang suddenly stood up.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, regarding the case of the King of Han, I have also talked with Zheng Shangshu, and I know some of his thoughts."

Zheng Ci was taken aback, I told you that, but what you told me was to let Han Wang back out of difficulties and increase costs. I did this according to your wishes!

Zheng Ci wanted to say it but dared not, so he could only stare angrily.

Zhu Di asked, "How did you negotiate with him?"

"Your Majesty Qizuo, this matter is related to taxation and the prince, and it is very unusual. Therefore, this case must be done carefully, and Zheng Shangshu is also very careful, and the conclusion given can stand the test."

Xu Jingchang said loudly: "Your Majesty, I would like to ask, does borrowing money for profit belong to the category of commercial taxation?"

Zhu Di was startled for a moment, he still had to think about it.

Guo Zi immediately retorted: "Xu Tongzheng, commercial tax is for buying and selling goods. Only when there is profit, you need to pay taxes. There is no goods in borrowing, it's just money exchange. How can it be counted as commercial tax?"

Xu Jingchang said calmly: "What you get from selling goods is profit, and what you get from borrowing is interest. It can be said that profit is the interest of goods, and interest is the profit of money...the two are basically the same reason, you have to say no Similarly, unless it is intentional to help some people evade taxes, I don’t think Zuodu Yushi would do that, would he?”

Guo Zi gasped, he really couldn't say it, Xu Jingchang was simply too monstrous, I heard that he played chess with Yao Guangxiao every day, could it be that Master Yao told him all this?
Thinking of the old monk, Guo Zi also panicked.

Xu Jingchang laughed and said: "Your Majesty, since it makes sense, the King of Han really has the problem of tax evasion. But he is different from the blatant collision of Jing'an Hou, so as long as he pays the tax and pays three times the fine on time, it is no crime." It’s all gone, as long as you are careful in the future and obey the law.”

He turned his head and smiled at Sanju, and said unhurriedly: "You three, what problems do you have in this case? His Majesty has issued an order. If you want His Majesty to take back his order, you need hard evidence! Otherwise, wouldn't it be true? Hurt my emperor's sage? Are you planning to refute the imperial decree?"

As Xu Jingchang said, he shook the imperial seal in his hand at them.

The faces of these three were pale, and the emperor didn't write a pen. They argued hard, and there was still room for redemption.Now that it has been finalized, the process of overturning the imperial decree is going to be followed, which will be more than ten thousand times more troublesome!
This bastard Xu Jingchang is really bad!

Seeing that the three of them were speechless, Xu Jingchang was overjoyed, and it was time to give him a sweet date.

He laughed and said: "I think this case should be used as a typical case and told to the world so that everyone knows. Borrowing money for profit requires paying taxes, even if you are the King of Han, His Majesty's son, that's not acceptable. At the same time, we must make it clear to the big guys that the business tax has not been levied, and there are many omissions. The court will be lenient and deal with it as appropriate. It will not just catch one and kill it. The minister thought that this would reduce the panic of the people, and more Facilitate the implementation of taxation matters.”

Xu Jingchang sighed: "Your Majesty, I'm really young, and I don't know anything about criminal names. After I told Zheng Shangshu about this, I have some experience. Zheng Shangshu is really a great talent in my court. If Your Majesty wants to make great achievements, he must In order to formulate laws and regulations, you can't do whatever you want, and you should use virtuous ministers in this respect, and Zheng Shangshu is the greatest virtuous person!"

After such a long time, has Xu Jingchang ever praised anyone?
Today, the lord Shangshu has made a profit by praising Zheng Ci so much.

It's just that he's not stupid. This kid Xu Jingchang is courteous for nothing, and won't praise himself for no reason. When things get to this point, there will be a mountain of swords and flames in front of him. He is trying to push himself!

Sure enough, Zhu Di had already heard the general idea.

What really matters is not how the second child is, but that from now on, the imperial court will have another source of taxation.

Regardless of how much you can collect, something is better than nothing.

Zhu Di's heart skipped a beat, and he vaguely sensed that this matter is definitely not simple, and there will be a lot of articles in the future!
So he said decisively: "Xu Jingchang's words are very reasonable. The Minister of the Ministry of Punishments, Zheng, gave the crown prince the title of Taibao, and gave the flying fish clothes. In the future, the Ministry of Punishment must pay more attention to taxation. When encountering tax evasion, he will never forgive him lightly, even if he is a prince. , the same cannot be spared. Let alone a penny of tax money!"


The last sentence is simply a death sentence, which is tantamount to forcing myself to risk my life with the scholar-officials!
Xu Jingchang smiled at the stupid Zheng Ci and said, "Zheng Shangshu, thank you quickly, you still want to resist the order?"

Zheng Ci was at a loss and thanked the emperor for his kindness.

Zhu Di waved his hand, telling everyone to retreat.

Zheng Ci was promoted to a higher level, but he didn't feel any joy at all.

Like a corpse, dangling, came out of the golden palace, looked up, the sun was dazzling, when he thought that from then on, all the interest on loans would be taxed, and all the gentry in the world would hate him, he trembled all over, almost throw down.

A pair of arms supported him steadily.

"Zheng Shangshu, I also want to congratulate you!"

Zheng Ci looked up, Wu Zhong and Guo Zi had long since disappeared, only the disgusted Xu Jingchang was still by his side.

"You, you have hurt me!" Zheng Ci wanted to cry but had no tears.

Xu Jingchang laughed loudly, "What kind of harm is this to you? Let's go, let's carry out the will."

"Implement the will?" Zheng Ci was puzzled.

He soon realized that when he came out of the palace, Jing'an Hou Wang Zhong brought a large number of tax collectors to join him. Xu Jingchang said loudly, "Go, come with me to raid the Palace of the King of Han, and collect taxes and fines!"

Zheng Ci felt trembling all over and almost fell down. I don't want to offend King Han!
Who can help me?

 So what...continue to remind will be on the shelves next Tuesday!
(End of this chapter)

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