My uncle's name is Zhu Di

Chapter 95 The Angry Zhu Di

Chapter 95 The Angry Zhu Di
One fish and three meals. After dinner, Xu Jingchang had a good night's sleep before getting up and heading to the Meridian Gate.

By the time Xu Jingchang arrived, most of the courtiers had also arrived.

Being among the officials, one can feel a strong gap... As the commander of Jinyiwei, Ji Gang has a strong reputation, but he was unable to participate in the early court.

After all, his job as a commander is too low, unless it is a New Year's Eve, when civil and military officials come together, he is qualified to follow behind, bathe in the emperor's favor, and feel the majesty of the heavenly family.

But the problem is that kind of big dynasty, the princes and princes are all there, and there is nothing to talk about, so it is useless to come.

I can't participate in the early court, so I can only see you alone, but the problem is that the emperor is so busy, why do you have time to see you?Therefore, although the commander of Jinyiwei directly obeys the emperor, but in many cases, he has to be controlled by the inner court and become an appendage of the East Factory. This is the reason.

Xu Jingchang is different. As a super-ranking Duke, as long as he is in Beijing, he can usually participate in the court. He also holds the title of Zhan Shifu Zhan Shi, and he is also eligible to go to court.

Xu Jingchang could meddle in everything he talked about, no matter whether it was literature or martial arts, and no one could try to throw him aside.

What is power?

This is!
After all, only those who are qualified to participate are eligible to bargain.

So when Xu Jingchang came, the courtiers were busy greeting him.

Xie Jin even took the initiative to come over, Xu Jingchang smiled at him, and things were done well.

Then Xu Jingchang and Xia Yuanji greeted each other, and Lao Xia took the initiative to take two steps forward.

"It's hard for me to address Xu Tongzheng, Duke Ding, do you think it's better to stay out of the matter?"

Xu Jingchang smiled, "I said Xia Shangshu, we are also old friends, you do me a favor, sweep the snow in front of the door, and clean up the house separately, what do you think?"

Xia Yuanji frowned, and said with a meaningful smile: "It stands to reason that I should give the Duke this face, but Jin Yiwei is too greedy and plundered, and his crimes are serious. Everyone in the court is trembling with fear, and people of insight have stepped forward one after another. , I can't control some things!"

Xu Jingchang smiled slightly, "Xia Shangshu, the Jinyiwei is a real bullshit. I have thought about it too. I plan to submit all the rosters of the Jinyiwei to the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army, and then transfer them to the Ministry of War for verification and review, just like the three major battalions of the Imperial Guard."

As Xu Jingchang said, he glanced at Liu Jun, Minister of the Ministry of War not far away. He was listening with his ears upright, his heart beating wildly, and he was overjoyed.

In the fight between the household department and Jinyiwei, the military department can still get a big deal, which is really unexpected, no one can think of it!
Including Jian Yi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, they were also taken aback. The truth of this plan is a bit soul-stirring.

Their rank is much higher than that of Ji Gang, and they understood Xu Jingchang's intentions almost instantly... As long as this is done, the so-called emperor's pro-army, Jin Yiwei will be brought under the control of the courtiers, and the harm will be reduced by at least Ninety percent.

That is to say, from now on, the treasured sword of the Son of Heaven will no longer be sharp.

Ji Gang ran to kowtow to Xu Jingchang to admit his mistake, begged bitterly, even showed his loyalty, and obeyed... These are all false and cannot be grasped.

Even if he is called Xu Jingchang's godfather, if he has the opportunity, he will become a father-worshipper, come to a foster father, and be stabbed by the child.

His loyalty will not be more than that of Lu Bu.

So Xu Jingchang told him that the imperial court is not Liangshanbo, that's what he meant.

The imperial court is based on rules, not on personal character, prestige, or kindness and faith... Li Kui's loyalty to Song Jiang only exists in the rivers and lakes, and the court is not talking about this.

Ji Gang is fierce, but why is he so fierce?Is it just that he is strong?

No, because Jinyiwei can monitor all officials and arrest lawbreakers, which is their power.

At the same time, Jinyiwei also has its own prison.

Jin Yiwei can handle the entire process of marking, arresting, arresting, interrogating, without having to go through the three courts.

Moreover, the Commander of Jin Yiwei can directly face the emperor and ask for an order to judge, without any other yamen nodding, he can complete everything by himself.

It was precisely this that gave Jin Yiwei its reputation.

Just looking at the individual, ignoring the whole system, or thinking that as the emperor's pro-army, it should be taken for granted that he is powerful, but he only sees the trees and does not see the forest.

Of course Xu Jingchang didn't expect Ji Gang to kneel down once, and he would become his dog's leg completely, wouldn't that be a dream!
He wanted the roster of Jin Yiwei, and he wanted to hand this roster to the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, and then submit it to the Ministry of War... In terms of personnel, he strangled Jin Yiwei's neck.

In terms of budget, restrict Jinyiwei's activities.

No matter how powerful the yamen is, the budget is always the key.

Civil officials hate Jinyiwei. Apart from the emperor's minions and secret agencies, the deeper reason is that Jinyiwei is not under the control of civil officials.

In this court, any power that is not under control will be ostracized and hostile.

This is the reason why the Ministry of Officials even dared to use Jingcha to remove Xu Jingchang from the post of Tongzheng Envoy.

At this time, Xu Jingchang handed over the key to controlling Jinyiwei. The Minister of the Household Department Xia Yuanji, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials Jian Yi, the Minister of the Ministry of War Liu Jun, and other important officials of the court quickly reached a consensus.

Don't make trouble, the opportunity is rare, after passing this village, there will be no such shop.

A conflict of swords, lights, swords and shadows was resolved invisible like this.

Xu Jingchang talked and laughed happily with several ministers, like friends for many years.

Only Xie Jin, he listened patiently, pondered carefully... Gradually he also gained some experience,

Xu Jingchang became the governor of Jinyiwei, surpassing Ji Gang. In fact, he only needs to beat Ji Gang, or change to a more obedient one, and he can control Jinyiwei.

And with Xu Jingchang's status and authority, Jinyiwei can be turned into a powerful yamen to compete with the six ministries, and even all kinds of authority are all-encompassing.

It is unimaginable what the consequences will be for a person who can play the Secretary of the General Administration well and master the Jinyiwei!
Perhaps His Majesty also wanted to see Xu Jingchang's ability, so he arranged this way!
However, unexpectedly, not only did Xu Jingchang not accept the move, but he voluntarily gave up part of Jinyiwei's control power and incorporated it into the court system, allowing the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households to indirectly control Jinyiwei... It is full of wisdom to be willing.

Xie Jin sighed, besides admiration, he still admired it.

Although Xu Jingchang is hated by people, he is able to flourish in the court, occupy a high position, and hold great power. Isn't it worth studying hard for himself!
Soon the officials entered the court to meet the emperor.

Xia Yuanji stood up first, "Qizou Your Majesty, Jinyiwei has reported a lot of crimes in the past few months, seized more than a hundred families of officials and gentry, but only tens of thousands of silver taels have been confiscated into the treasury... I implore Jinyiwei to investigate thoroughly, trace the whereabouts, and report to the court." An explanation."

Zhu Di nodded, "I know about this matter, how are you going to investigate?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Xu Jingchang, the former envoy in charge of the administration, is shrewd and capable, and is familiar with government affairs. Now he has been promoted to the governor of Jinyiwei. He is in charge of Jinyiwei's affairs and traces the whereabouts of the silver. It is most appropriate and convincing."

Let the chief inspector of Jinyiwei go to investigate Jinyiwei, thanks to you, Lao Xia, who can speak out!

Who doesn't know that the so-called internal investigation is not to find out anything, but to find out nothing.

You, Xia Yuanji, are so aggressive that you thought you would attack Jin Yiwei, but who would have thought that it would be thunderous and rainy, and you deceived the big guy's feelings, do you know that?

Zhu Di was also slightly taken aback, and then said, "Xu Jingchang, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei is the emperor's pro-army. They are loyal to their duties and do things for His Majesty. I think that Jin Yiwei should be demanded as a warrior. You must pay attention to martial arts, be loyal to the emperor, and have strict military discipline! I plan to immediately check the personnel and make a detailed list. Handle the case The proceeds are deemed to be seized by the army and must be handed over to the state treasury. Within ten days, the minister will hand over the results to the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Punishment. Please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

Xu Jingchang's words can be described as impassioned and impeccable, making it impossible to refute, even if you want to find out.

Who dares to say that Jin Yiwei can not talk about martial arts?
Is it possible to cheat or sneak attack?
But Zhu Di was not stupid, he soon realized that half of the handle of the knife in his hand was going to be handed over to the courtiers?
What does it mean?
Want to weaken the wings of the emperor?
Zhu Di looked at several ministers again, and then at Xu Jingchang... At this time, Zhu Di already had a premonition.

OK, the gang has colluded!
Play tricks with me!
Zhu Di frowned again and again, and after a while, he finally thought of a way.

"Xu Jingchang said that there is some truth to it, and it can be done in this way. However, I also heard that the Ministry of Households has opened several more warehouses, which are empty, but has arranged more than 20 civil servants, and there are clerks, servants, waste The reckless squandering of state funds and people's wealth is very abominable. What should Jin Yiwei do?"

Xu Jingchang said: "Your Majesty, from the standpoint of Jin Yiwei, I naturally advocate a thorough investigation... But after all, I have been in charge of taxation, so I have some experience. Your Majesty wants to enrich the treasury, and the Ministry of Finance is also doing its best to increase The number of warehouses can never be collected, and there is no place to store them. As for the addition of officials, after all, managing warehouses is also a very complicated matter. It involves how to warehouse, how to prevent theft, and dealing with pests and rats... All these must be rehearsed in advance, minister I don’t know if Xia Shangshu intends to reserve talents in advance, if it is indeed the case, the Ministry of Household Affairs needs to submit a thorough investigation conclusion, if there are any more problems, His Majesty can arrange for a detailed investigation by the Three Law Departments.”

Xu Jingchang has already found out the reason, and then asked the Ministry of Accounts to conduct a self-inspection. After the Ministry of Accounts has completed the investigation, it will arrange for the Three Law Departments... At this time, the autumn grain has been harvested, and those warehouses will naturally be filled, and they will become outstanding performers. warehouse.

High, it is high!

Even Xia Yuanji's fine hairs can't be hurt by doing things like this.

Reciprocate, exchange each other, even if the emperor has the heart, so what?
Everything is going smoothly, but Zhu Di is not an ordinary emperor after all, if you want to fool me, I have ways to deal with you!

"It stands to reason that I shouldn't have any doubts... But the officials are redundant and overstaffed. Not long ago, Yang Rong, the prefect of Suzhou, Yang Shiqi, the prefect of Changzhou, Hu Guang, the prefect of Songjiang, and Jin Youzi, the prefect of Zhenjiang, they rectified the place and abolished hundreds of people. Officials, save 5 taels of salary... If officials all over the world can learn from them, how can they waste so much salary? Especially the Ministry of Officials, this year is only in August, and the allowance expenditure is more than last year, which is simply abominable .”

Zhu Di glared at several important ministers, "You should follow the method of these four governments and carefully examine yourself to see how many redundant officials can be laid off and how much expenses can be left over! If you can't come up with a conclusion, it's nothing special, and I will start from A few of you are starting to weed out... that's all, let's retreat!"

Zhu Di left angrily, leaving behind a group of stunned courtiers.

It's broken, something big happened again.

(End of this chapter)

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