Chapter 96

"Mr. Dingguo, it's not appropriate to go to the General Administration Department, come with us to the Ministry of Officials!"

Xu Jingchang had nothing to say, so he could only follow the ministers to the official office.

It is very interesting that Xie Jin, the new envoy, did not follow... Although he is one of the nine ministers, since the boss Xu Jingchang is here, there is no need for him to follow.

In other words, he is not qualified for this meeting of top bureaucrats.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, among the bastards that Zhu Di will eliminate next, he, the envoy and cabinet scholar, is not included.

All in all, Xu Jingchang appeared in the official department, found a chair at random, sat down, and then bowed his head in silence... After a long while, no one spoke, Xu Jingchang raised his head, and all the important officials present stared at him. with him.

Xu Jingchang was caught off guard by being so valued.

"It's inconvenient for me to be here? Then I'll leave." He just got up to leave, but was held down by Xia Yuanji.

"I said Ding Guogong, it's your idea to let Jin Yiwei and the Ministry of Households check themselves?"

Xu Jingchang nodded, "Indeed, to show my sincerity, I handed over all the rosters of Jin Yiwei, what do you want from me?"

Xia Yuanji snorted, "How is it? Let me ask you, now that His Majesty has sent down a thunderous wrath and wants us to eliminate redundant staff, what do you think we should do?"

Xu Jingchang rolled his eyes, "Why don't you lay off Zhan Shifu, anyway, I don't care!"

"But we care!" Xia Yuanji immediately turned his face, and knocked on the table loudly, "Your Majesty forced all the ministries to issue military orders. The government affairs are complicated, and all the ministries are eager to increase the number of officials, but His Majesty wants to reduce redundant staff... If the horse runs and doesn't give the horse grass, we are also clever women who can't live without rice."

Liu Jun, Zheng Ci, and the other important ministers nodded their heads in agreement.

Even Jian Yi said: "I just went through the Beijing inspection, and all the officials have passed the assessment. If we eliminate the officials again, what name will we use? Dismissing officials casually, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public!"

Is it unconvincing?Or is it that the heavenly officials of your bureaucracy can't explain?
Xu Jingchang snorted, "Everyone passed the Beijing inspection, but I was dismissed as the general governor... Well, since I am the worst courtier, why do you bother to ask me? Farewell!"

He was about to leave again, this time it was Liu Jun and Zheng Ci who held Xu Jingchang down together.

Zheng Ci hehe said: "Mr. Ding, you misunderstood. In fact, you are too powerful. We people are not as good as you. If you stay in the position of Tongzheng envoy, you will really wronged Dingguo."

Xu Jingchang gave him a big roll of his eyes. There is some truth in what he said. You insects don't have a single good thing!

Jian Yi looked at it, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Ding, at this point, if you have any good ideas, just tell them the truth. Let's discuss it and see how we can pass this level."

Xu Jingchang looked around, "Jian Tianguan, are these guys reliable now?"

Jian Yi said without hesitation: "They are all from our own family, Duke Ding can speak freely."

This "one's own people" refers to standing together on the elimination of officials, not really forming cronies.

Xu Jingchang looked at it again and again, thinking: "Now there are only three strategies... Which one do you want to hear?"

Liu Jun coughed and said, "Mr. Ding, there are three strategies."

Xu Jingchang snorted, "It turns out that Liu Shangshu still has the first volume, so tell me, I don't need to waste my time."

In a word, Liu Jun's mouth was blocked. If he had a good plan, why would he ask Xu Jingchang for advice?

"Speak!" Jian Yi said, "No matter what you do, speak up."

Xu Jingchang pondered for a moment, and then said: "My worst strategy is to select a group of officials and study carefully, which officials can be dismissed... After all, as Xia Shangshu said, the government is complicated, and dismissing officials casually will affect the implementation of government affairs. So we can Who to lay off and how much to lay off must be carefully weighed.”

Xia Yuanji asked rhetorically, "If the balance is clear, can we lay off staff?"

"Of course not. After the balance is clear, a few months will pass. At that time, the transferred officials will be returned. The big guys will beat drums and sell sugar, and each will do his own thing."

When Zheng Ci heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed, "This is a good idea. It's the best policy. How could it be considered the worst policy? Duke Ding, you were always very wise when we held a ten-day meeting. Looking at it today, it's really not bad. Finally, I can make business with His Majesty."

He was relieved, but Xu Jingchang lowered his eyelids and didn't say anything at all. Looking around, he found that the rest of the people were also looking at him like idiots.

Liu Jun said directly: "Your Majesty is wise and wise. You can't deceive Your Majesty with this little trick, and it might even trick us into it. Absolutely not."

Xu Jingchang said: "Then I have no choice but to make a bad move... Can we think of a way to deal with Yang Rong and others, saying that their reduction of redundant staff is fake, and it is deceitful talk. As long as these people are dealt with, we will It will be safe."

If you can't solve the problem, then solve the person who raised the problem.

This idea is also commonly used.

Several ministers looked at each other, they were sincerely moved, but in the end Jian Yi shook his head, "No way! Yang Rong and others are outstanding civil servants with a deep foundation, and there are many friends of the same discipline in the court. Let's start in a hurry, once we have a handle , These few people are not easy to deal with, let alone His Majesty is here, and we are not allowed to deal with these few people."

Jian Yi had another reason, which he didn't mention.

In officialdom, it is better to offend the old than the young...Yang Rong and the others are all young talents, and there are many fellow villagers, Jiangxi scholars, who emerge in endlessly. Offending them will harm the children and grandchildren.

Maybe even the whole family is involved, which is not worthwhile.

Now there is only the last resort.

"Ding Guogong, tell me again, what else can you do?"

Xu Jingchang said helplessly: "Then there is only one last solution left, can we disclose all the expenses of the inner court, as well as the salary of the vassal king... If His Majesty wants us to cut down the redundant staff, then His Majesty must first lay off the people in the palace Or starting from their Zhu family, if His Majesty can't lead by example, we don't need to really lay off staff, what do you think?"

No, the idea stinks!

Xu, if you want to kill, you can't bother so much, just use the knife.

We dare not mess with juniors in the officialdom, let's mess with His Majesty!

He also forced His Majesty to lead by example, starting from the people around him, and taking the knife from the Zhu family... Wouldn't it be good to live well?Why do you have to choose such an exciting way to die?
Seeing that these people were silent, Xu Jingchang was helpless, "I only have these ideas, or you should be honest, according to His Majesty's will, seriously cut down redundant staff, and then use the remaining officials to get things done... ...Actually, I am quite grateful to you now, I have stepped down from the position of envoy, and now I am that Wollongong...scattered person..."

Xu Jingchang hummed a little song, stood up and cupped his fists at several people, "I've finished talking, I'm going home to listen to the song."

After finishing speaking, Xu Jingchang really walked away, leaving only a few Shangshu adults who looked at each other in blank dismay.

For a moment, they also wanted to be like Xu Jingchang, just resign from office, what a happy life.

It's a pity that they don't have a grandfather who was a founding hero, nor an aunt who is a queen... There is no mine in the family, so what poetry and distant places are they talking about?
It's better to stay in the court and be a social animal honestly!
It's just that the problem posed by the emperor is really terrible.

Xu Jingchang slipped away, and Zheng Ci and others also left... Only Xia Yuanji was left. He got up to leave, but when he reached the door, he turned around and came back.

Jian Yi looked at him, tacit understanding, took out a bag of the best tea, and entertained Xia Yuanji.

"It's a waste for them, especially Xu Jingchang, his face is really annoying!"

Xia Yuanji immediately echoed: "That's right, I'm thinking over and over now, maybe he leaked this incident to Jin Yiwei. In the past, Jin Yiwei's gang couldn't find anyone in the household department. We are very careful in doing things. It’s not easy to leave a handle.”

Jian Yi took a deep breath, "I just thought about it. Your Majesty asked us to abolish redundant staff, but our Ming Dynasty is different from Song Dynasty. How can there be so many redundant officials? It has always been a carrot and a hole. If we insist on abolishing, it will definitely affect When it comes to government affairs, I don't believe His Majesty doesn't know."

Xia Yuanji drank the top-quality tea and nodded, "I also thought of this... Do you think His Majesty would really want to attack the people around him? Eunuchs, court ladies, nobles, vassals? Maybe Xu Jingchang's worst plan, Can it really touch His Majesty's mind?"

Jian Yi thought about it carefully, and said after a long time: "If we guess wrong, we will offend His Majesty and the people around His Majesty, and neither you nor I will end well."

Xia Yuanji said helplessly: "But if we really eliminate the officials, the end will definitely be even worse, and we are guaranteed to lose our reputation."

After thinking about it, Jian Yi said slowly: "So we must find something that can be abolished and will not arouse His Majesty's disgust. Especially if it can be seen immediately."

Xia Yuanji thought for a while, "I seem to know."

Jian Yi smiled and said, "Don't say it, let's write it on the table."

The two people dipped their tea, each wrote three on the table, and then looked at each other, knowing each other, and laughed.

Just wait for the court meeting to play to His Majesty.

Xu Jingchang returned to the mansion and found Ji Gang waiting here.

In his hand, he held the roster of Jin Yiwei.

This is the key to his control of Jin Yiwei, and it will be handed over to Xu Jingchang at this time.

From now on, Jin Yiwei has the final say, and there will be no more disputes.

Xu Jingchang looked at him, and said lightly: "Let's put it down, I'll take a look first, and I'll come to you when I have something to do."

Ji Gang's heart trembled for a while, he hesitated for a while, and then reluctantly placed it next to Xu Jingchang, then bowed back, every step he took, the power was farther away... He stared at the roster, for a moment, Ji Gang I really want to pounce on it and grab it back in my hand.

Unfortunately, this is just a dream.

Ji Gang lost his mind and turned to leave.

At this moment, Xu Jingchang seemed to be casually saying: "Go back and select a few elite soldiers, there are still big cases to be dealt with, don't insult the prestige of Jin Yiwei."

Ji Gang was shocked, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with his ears, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "I obey my orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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