I, the protagonist of the system stream, join the chat group

Chapter 308 In order to prevent the world from being destroyed

Chapter 308 In order to prevent the world from being destroyed

The lanterns rise slowly, reminiscing about the past and longing for the future.

On the treetops on the moon, the lights are brilliant, swaying gently with the evening wind, and the sparkling halo is rippling.Children chasing and playing with snacks in their hands, tourists occasionally stop at the stalls along the street, and the melodious and melodious operas tell long-standing stories to the beat of musical instruments.

The never-night prosperous scene in the hustle and bustle of the world makes people feel the beauty of a prosperous age.

On the top floor of the Liuli Pavilion, Su Lin was holding a round fan and gently fanning it. His white hair was tied up with an exquisite dragon-patterned jade crown, and the gorgeous purple Tianhe battle suit was worn on the body to prevent heaven from disregarding martial virtues.

The group of them are now sitting on the balcony, enjoying tea and Liyue's snacks.

Song Shuhang was not here, he and Venerable Bai were taking the invited monks from the Nine Provinces No. [-] group around Liyue.

Although it was explained to the outside world that it was the planet controlled by the lord of the Immortal Court, but in order to prevent some "three waves, three waves and three waves" monks who are so deadly from jumping around and causing trouble, the task of 24-hour personal supervision falls on Song Shuhang's head.


The wooden door was pushed open, and footsteps came from behind.

"Huayang first went to Hongmen to be popular, Sulou changed, and Longlin remained undiminished."

Su Lin picked up a cup of emerald jade tea cup and raised it towards the sky. With his back to Zhongli, Wendy, Kong, Paimon, and Dadalia who had just opened the door and walked towards the balcony, Su Lin recited the poem.

"Purple golden flute, white jade qin, palace lanterns, night lights, and tan flowers in full bloom, let's drink together for a lifetime of leisurely leisure."

When he spoke, the awe-inspiring righteousness filled the air, and the purple energy was ethereal. This was the Confucian power that he had initially absorbed from the eternal source.


Klein, who was closest to Su Lin, retched, looked at Su Lin's eyes that looked like he was about to kill someone, and said, "Sorry, maybe the goby I just bought on the roadside is not hygienic."

"Really? I thought you ate Xing's garbage bag." Su Lin put away the decorations in front of him, and persuaded him: "Do you want to stock up more, food that can affect mythical creatures can be used to poison. "

Before he swallowed the lotus cake in Xing's mouth, he stared at Klein with wide eyes, then reacted, frowned and said, "Don't poke."

"Thank you, I have a historical projection." Klein said politely, "Can I ask whose poem you stole again?"

Su Lin scolded angrily, and shouted: "Why do you defile people's innocence?!"

Xiao Yan: "Hehe."

Lu Mingfei: "Hehe."

Ye Fan put a piece of bright moon egg on the porcelain plate for the little girl whose hands were not long enough, and said, "You are a habitual offender."

Dadalia in the rear saw the faint aura emanating from the opponent as high as the peak, and he couldn't help but feel fighting. He tried his best to restrain his thoughts of challenging the opponent at this time.

"I heard that there is wine brewed by immortals tonight. It's really exciting~" Wendy said casually, not paying attention to the situation just now.

"Strange, why did Su Lin's hair turn gray after a day?" Paimon asked curiously.

Sora shook his head.

"This one?" Su Lin pointed to his hair, and said, "I thought this hair color could get the God's Eye of Rock Element, but it hasn't arrived yet."

Zhongli: "."

Where did this rumor come from?

Dadalia took a step forward.

"This is Mr. Su Lin. Hello, everyone. I am the No. 11 chief executive officer of the Fools, code-named son. You can also call me Dadalia." Dadalia raised a smile: "This kind of I don't know which immortal you are in front of me?"

When he spoke, he glanced at the crowd sitting around. The reason why he knew Su Lin was naturally because Su Lin was caught by the Qianyan Army and sent to Xinyuexuan last night when Su Lin was seen by the intelligence agents of the Fools.

As for the others, they couldn't see the depth at this time, but his intuition told him that the people here might not be simple, after all, they were guests specially invited by Moraxe.

"This is Su Lin." Zhongli introduced to Dadalia: "The God of Light."

Dadalia: "."

Su Lin nodded and introduced to Dadalia: "The one next to me is the Fool, the evil god."

Klein: "."

In a box of Xinyuexuan.

While waiting for the arrival of Hu Tao, Chong Yun and others, Dadalia maintained a stiff smile. Now he wants to go back and report the news rather than eat.

Since the last time there was a terrorist force in Liyue that affected Quantivate, the empress ordered him to keep an eye on Morax's movements, and if there was any change in Liyue.

According to the revealed information, all the residues of the demon gods have been purified, and the instigator should be the nominally "soul returned to heaven" Morax.

When he heard the news, Dadalia was still wondering why the reimbursement bills of Beiguo Bank dropped a lot during this period. It turned out that Zhongli had disappeared for a while.

Zhongli, the guest of the past life hall, disappeared for many days. When he came back, he actually brought a group of immortals back to Liyue, and then even hosted two gods whose names he had never heard of.

"The Fool? The God of Light?" Paimeng asked suspiciously, "Is it Zhongli's friend from the time of the Demon God War? Singers, you are also the God of Wind, do you know them?"

"Hey, what do you mean is Fengshen anyway?" Wendy shook her head, her face full of curiosity: "I saw them for the first time only yesterday."

"Zhongli asked us to wait a little while, he should explain to us." Kong was actually very concerned about this matter, he didn't know if the two gods had any news about his sister.

"Excuse me." Dadalia twitched his eyes and said, "Could this be the one from Mond?"

"Don't you know?" Kong asked, "Didn't the lady tell you?"

"I can't deal with her very well. I only care about whether the task can be completed, and I don't care about the rest of the details." Dadalia suddenly felt a little headache, smiled awkwardly, and said meaningfully: "One There are four gods at a banquet, it feels a little bad."

"Who knows~" Wendy said with some expectation:
"It seems that our tables are separated. Maybe the old man wants to come out of the rivers and lakes to dominate Tivat. Well, I will be the first to surrender later, and I will help persuade Mond."

"I still have something to do." Dadalia was about to get up when he heard the words, but at this time Zhongli pushed the door open and entered.

"I'm sorry." Zhong Li glanced at the people in the box and said, "I've kept you waiting for a long time, let my avatar accompany you all before the other side is ready."

Kong and Paimeng said in surprise: "Clone?!"

"Is there any important topic that we can't participate in?" Wendy said jokingly, "Don't worry, I'm very strict with my mouth."

With a smile on the corner of Zhongli's mouth, he said:
"Firstly, it is to take care of Master Hu, Xingqiu and others. Second, it is for your safety. Various sealing spells and mechanism techniques are being consolidated there. Once you go, I am afraid that you will not be able to leave easily tonight. It could even be life-threatening."

"Seal...seal?!" Paimon exclaimed, "Zhongli! Could it be that you want to deal with them?!"

Dadalia's eyes froze, could it be that this was a game played by Morax against other demon gods?

"That's not the case." Zhong Li shook his head and said solemnly:

"I'm just afraid when they get drunk later."

"I'm afraid I can't stop them."

"It should be enough to add the pattern pattern." Seeing the portrayal of Heihuang and Duan De, Ye Fan said with lingering fear: "This time, the problem of running out last time should not occur."

"What should Su Lin do later?" Xiao Yan asked worriedly, "I don't think our enchantment is more resistant to beating than the Fallen Mother Goddess."

"Then you can only bully the young man into being poor." Ye Fan replied, "Why do you care so much? If something goes wrong, Su Lin will be solely responsible."

"Why do you still have to do these things for the celebration banquet?" Mr. Xing felt that something was wrong, these people had to do all kinds of preparations before eating.

"To prevent the world from being destroyed, and to maintain the peace of the universe." Lu Mingfei led Old Tang to bury the alchemy matrix. The highest level of alchemy can open up space: "Please make room, here is construction."

"The resurrection spell is ready, do you want to add another confinement spell?" Su Lin let the Kingdom of God unfold in this created space, achieving the effect of a small world:

"It seems to be enough. In fact, I think you are worrying unnecessarily. If you drink a few more drinks, you will all lie down. How can you make trouble?"

Today is different from the past, the current Su Lin is not only realizing the financial freedom of the system, but at least the freedom of snacks. Under the limit of a certain number of people, his current purchasing power is quite considerable.

What's more, after spending 100 million grandly, he is now in the "proud" stage.

"Who do you look down on?" Ye Fan took out the mother of all things, and said with brilliance in his eyes: "Can you fill it up for me this time."

Su Lin: "Zawba."

Needless to say, [Drunken Immortal Noodles] and [Holy See Cake] that several people are thinking about, these two will naturally be arranged. This time he added some technology and hard work.

The selling price is 10000 points:
[Drunken Life, Dreams and Death (50 catties)]: The cell enhancement stock solution produced by Douglas Industrial Group, in order to meet the increasingly complex and changeable market environment, combined with Maoxiang technology, grinds and integrates the crystal nucleus of meteor-level Thunder Star Beast, which is available in the market of high-level superpowers. There is no price. (Although it's all about technology and hard work, Sheng can strengthen his physical body.)
The selling price is 777 points:
[Five-generation hybrid flat peach (one piece)]: The five-generation hybrid variety of flat peach and Diyuan peach solves the long cycle of blooming every 3000 years, fruiting every 3000 years, and ripening every 3000 years. It can't make people fly immediately, but it retains the original taste of flat peach. (Side effects: Due to the retention of 100% of the taste experience and the extremely rare residual spirit, mortals will feel that they have become immortals after eating it.)
Realizing the freedom of flat peaches scientifically——Sun Wukong, who was suspected of disrupting the Jiutian Market and was sentenced to 500 years for resisting the law

There are also some bits and pieces of snacks, this time the banquet is not without richness.

The initial budget is about three times the previous budget. Although Zui Sheng Meng Shi is not as strong as Zui Xian Nian's increase in cultivation, it is better than a large amount.

"Let's do this for now." Su Lin nodded on his own body, and asked his Light God avatar to pick up the drunken wine and other things to take out the fog of history.

And Zhong Li's avatar also said to Kong, Hu Tao and the others who had just arrived in the private room: "After you take your seats, I suggest you eat the food first."

Why eat vegetables first?
Of course it's because

Xingqiu and others and some monks fell down after drinking two or three cups.

"Generally speaking, I would not suggest that you drink alcohol, which will hurt your health." Zhongli said to the sky: "But the essence of this kind of drunken fairy wine is not alcohol, but the fairy power to make people drunk. Drinking it will be harmful to your body It's all good."

"I feel it." Sora said with a blushing face, the strength in his body was growing, but his physical body made him want to sleep.

As for Paimon, his belly swelled after he was full, fell asleep after drinking a little wine, lay on the empty plate, picked up a lettuce leaf and covered his body as a quilt, and slept soundly.

"Is this what you said about power? Mr. Zhongli really kept his word, very good!" After eating the peaches, Dadalia drank another glass of wine, feeling that he was omnipotent now: "Partner, let's fight for a while." Let's play!"


"You can't even hold your chopsticks steadily." Sora felt a double image of Dadalia in front of him.

"No problem!" Dadalia gritted his teeth and insisted: "Don't underestimate the huge amount of Zhidong!"

At this time, Su Lin came over and said, "Come on, let me offer another cup to all Liyue people."

Su Lin touched Dadalia with the wine glass.

"." Dadalia glanced at Liyue people like Hutao and Chongyun who had already fallen, and then looked at each other and clinked glasses with him: "I am a person from Zhidong."

"Didn't you say goodbye to Dongdu forever?" Su Lin smiled heartily, smelling of alcohol, patted Dadalia and said, "Come on, let's do it!"

Dadalia thought with some not sober mind: The fools are also diplomatic envoys, the gods personally toast, and they must drink.


Another one lay down.

"It's quite strong." Su Lin looked at Kong and said, "How many layers of your previous strength have you recovered?"

Hearing what the other party said, Kong hurriedly asked: "You know me and my sister, right!?"

Su Lin glanced at some people lying down on the table, and released a sound insulation spell with a smile.

"I know." Su Lin smiled, and replied, "But we met in other worlds."

"Other worlds?!" Sora felt his vague consciousness become a little clearer.

"They are just like you, they don't belong to this world." Zhongli went to Wendy's side, glanced at the seemingly drunk Meng Fengshen, and said, "I invited you from a place outside this world."

"So that's the case, then do you know the news about her?" Kong shocked the world with so many descendants, it seems that Zhongli is hiding deeper than he imagined.

"I don't know much about your sister." Su Lin picked up the empty cup, injected pure holy light power into it, and handed it to the other party again: "But at the end of the journey, you will meet again, There's no need to rush."

There was a crisp collision sound, and Su Lin picked up his wine glass and said, "As long as you don't lose your nobility, the whole world will be open to you."

The light of the wine glass in his hand was rippling like blue waves, and Kong was stunned. Under the guidance of his intuition, he raised his head and drank it without hesitation.

"I want to ask one more question"

Before he finished speaking, a warm feeling came from his body, as if returning to the bright afternoon, Kong saw a blond girl flying in the sky with him in a trance.


Kong poured out a warm glow on the table, and when he woke up, there would be a new elemental power in his body.

It's all here, let's add some trivial variables to this world.

Su Lin smiled, picked up the half-bottle of Zuixianniang left on the table and shook it, and said, "One Holy Light seed saved at least 300ml of Zuixianniang, which is a profit."

"Actually, you don't say the last sentence, you have the demeanor of an expert preacher." Zhang Chulan gnawed on a peach that was bigger than her head, and complained.

"I will do business at a loss?" Su Lin was about to leave with the jade bottle, but found that the bottle was a bit heavy: "Baba Tusi, aren't you drunk?"

"I'm the god of wine!" Wendy stared at the jade bottle in Su Lin's hand greedily, and said, "They are all drunk, and I am the only one at this table! This is worse than Grandpa Di Luke's wine collection." It's delicious!"

"Aren't you Fengshen?" Su Lin shook his head, picked up the jade bottle and Barbatos, and returned to the table of the group of friends.

The clear brilliance is everywhere, the bright moon is in the sky, and the night is breezy, it is the time to get together.

This beautiful scenery can be enjoyed by all friends.

When Song Shuhang woke up, there was a gust of wind whistling in his ears, the sky was full of stars above his head, and a plane flew by not far away.


The cold wind blew, and the air waves hit him violently.

"Why do I."

Above, a faint blue portal opened.

"it's here"

He hurriedly touched his storage bag, only to find that he was only wearing a pair of underpants.

"I can't fly!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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