My wife is a passerby villain

Chapter 367 The cultivator said

Chapter 367 The cultivator said
The next moment, a cold light suddenly appeared, and the gloomy beast's claws came out, as if the air was about to be cut, and the girl's rusty sword also pierced a dense rain of swords in the chant, and each sword rain fell on the demon. When attacking the clan, they will spread out again, and at the same time, the offensive will become more and more intensive, and even have a tendency of unlimited growth.

However, the body of the demon clan was carried casually like this, and the demon eyes kept scanning elsewhere, as if it was afraid of something, and when it was sure of something, it stopped fighting.

The girl's moves were a bit too formulaic. The demon clan changed her moves slightly, and a tail appeared out of nowhere and whipped her away.

Yin Hangren was dumbfounded. He was also suffering from his inheritance ability, and he could only rely on his own exploration for the future. After all, the current head of [Gonggong] seemed to have committed treason and now ran to Japan. As a result, besides watching the battle, he could not do anything for the time being. There is no better way to fight.

As for my ability adapted from the hot-blooded anime...the actual combat effect is really poor.

And just when Yin Hang was observing the girl's moves and was about to secretly learn some skills, the demon clan flicked its unpretentious tail. Yin Hang felt that the girl should be able to resist such ordinary skills easily, so he had better not make trouble. It was good, but she... was actually whipped out?
Then, the girl stood up with a rusty sword, her teeth clenched and her eyes full of hatred, "My red quilt and red coat were smashed by you... How can I get married in the future?"

"I must kill you today!"

Immediately, the girl took out a square wooden box wrapped in yellow cloth from her arms. After she opened the box, there was a blue jade pendant with very complicated patterns engraved on it.

Yin Hang thought it looked familiar, and it was very similar to the hanging style of the boy's fan.

The girl stretched out her hand to take it out, and then a blue flame burned along her fingers and onto her arm. It hurt so much that she shed tears. This thing seemed to be hurting the girl as well.

The demon squinted its eyes slightly, sensing the threat posed by the stone. Then, its figure disappeared instantly, and the next moment, the stone fell to the ground.

The strong animal legs directly trampled a deep pit into the building and the ground, but the burning sensation brought by the jade pendant... was still not enough.

It still couldn't find the existence that broke the tongue on its abdomen. The sharp claws scratched its rough and hard skin, and it looked a little dissatisfied with the broken tongue sticking out of its abdomen.

"My jade pendant..." The girl burst into tears and stretched out her hands to snatch back the jade pendant that had been stepped on. This was what she planned to use as a dowry. However, after the demon clan's ankle twisted slightly, a burst of There was a clicking sound, which completely plunged her into despair.

After all, the distance between her and the demon clan is at least three meters.

Yin Hang is also numb. When you release your skills, do you have an invincible frame?
Take out your trump card in front of the demon clan and wait for you to read a note?
If Yin Hang hadn't realized that this girl might have zero actual combat experience and hurriedly jumped over and dragged her away, it would probably be more than just the jade pendant that was broken now.

"Stop crying. If you can't beat me, why don't you run away? What are you thinking about?"

"But, I, I, I..."

She was in a fighting state that she had just used the Heart Technique to forcefully maintain, but now as the last trump card was shattered, she was crying and unable to even stand up.

Yin Hang was completely speechless. He picked her up with one arm and tucked her under his arm. She had a particularly thin figure, and she looked like a boudoir girl in ancient times. She was petite and greener than today's children. Above the circle, the weight was even much lighter than he imagined.

However, the cold chill still made Yin Hang feel a little uncomfortable.

"You, you, you, let me go, I haven't left the government yet, how can I let a man touch me casually..." The girl who was suddenly picked up was not that "feudal" and stubborn, but just like this, the first Being hugged by a man for the first time, she had to struggle no matter what, otherwise she would look too frivolous.

But the next moment, when she saw the monster walking towards her, she was so frightened that she hugged Yin Hang's waist, "Ahhhhh, run quickly!"

The beast eyes of the demon clan looked at the backs of the two people fleeing, and their cold eyes were revealed.Those things...can't be trusted easily.

Let me enter the formation and have a feast... It turns out that a killing formation has been set up.

It seems that only by killing these two juniors can we force them to take action?

The pace of the demon clan was not fast, but they were about to catch up in an instant, which made Yin Hang even wonder if he was dazzled.


As the demon clan swung a heavy punch, Yin Hang turned around at the same time and prepared to catch it forcefully.

He originally planned to use the force to be knocked out directly. Relying on the defense of [Entering the Sea], they would not be seriously injured.

However, a piece of silver blood-stained scales spread out like petals, and then with a bang, a deep pit was created in the far wall directly by the monster's body.

The girl covered her eyes in fear, but after a moment of silence, she slowly let go and found that she had not fallen apart yet.


The girl looked a little confused, but she was also a little stupid when she was hung by one arm.

But soon, with the sound of sawdust being crushed, the monster's body stood up in the pit, and at the same time, the torn scales on its chest also grew back among the squirming tissue.


The demon clan made an extremely eerie sound, because of this familiar pain and the unaware smelling bird, it finally found its vigilant existence.

It didn't consider this young man running around with his head in his arms at first. After all, the Immortals who could hurt me are all profound attainers. How could he be so embarrassed and still hide behind the woman?
But now it seems that I still have too little to eat... and there is such a strange and powerful person.

Although it was an unintentional blow from me just now, to be able to hurt yourself to such an still have to be more serious.

At this time, the girl was so frightened that she started to stutter, "He, he, he, he, he, he, is actually...a talking monster!"

Yin Hang frowned. This was also the first time he saw a talking beast. Although the voice was a bit blurry, it was indeed Chinese that he could understand.

Then, the demon tribe stretched out a thick arm forward, and as the hair on its arm stood up one after another, a dark green spear actually condensed out of his hand.

Is that... a spirit weapon?
"Your power is... delicious."

"Let me taste it, more!"

(End of this chapter)

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