My wife is a passerby villain

Chapter 368 Is it the protagonist or not?

Chapter 368 Is it the protagonist or not?
The demon clan used its dark green 'spear' to outline an arc-shaped trajectory in the air in front of it, and then condensed three dark purple stingers to point at Yin Hang.

Yin Hang, who was blessed by [Baichuan] and [Enter the Sea], was thinking about where to throw away the burden he had brought with him when they started to fight. As a result, he suddenly discovered that this seemingly powerful monster was actually a mage.

Considering that he had just beaten the opponent away, this was probably the serious state of the demon clan. Yin Hang also took a few steps back slightly, his brows furrowed nervously.

After all, I am almost famous for fighting between bastards, but I really have no experience in fighting between mages.

Similarly, the demon tribe that condensed three poisonous stings was also ready to test this young man in strange clothes first.

Unless the difference in realm cultivation is too great, it is difficult to achieve results in a short period of time within the two realms. After all, the price of failure is to be 'eaten'.

In the midst of the fight, these cultivators often possess extremely powerful powers and can even use the abilities of their demon clan. However, they also have many weaknesses, such as their heads, hearts, dantian, meridians... and even their invulnerable bodies. nation.

Three dark purple stings, one between the eyebrows, one in the pubic area, and one... are the fragile girl.


As a harsh sound came from the demon clan's throat, the three poisonous stings moved at the same time!

Yin Hang initially planned to make someone handsome. After all, he couldn't be as stiff as Wang Baquan in terms of long-range skills.

For example, use [Gonggong] to gather three water spikes and directly fight them back.

But thinking of his car rollover experience, Yin Hang thought it was better not to take the risk, and then threw out a small wood chip held between his fingertips, with Suiren's [Fire] still on it.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The strength of the inheritance will differ according to Yin Hang's cognition, and if he calls out [Zhu Rong]'s true name, its power will be a little difficult for Yin Hang himself to control.

The next moment, the extremely terrifying high temperature and flame waves rushed directly towards the demon clan angrily. As for everything along the way, they were carbonized after being swept away.

When Yin Hang used inheritance this time, he had not had time to construct the form of the skill in his imagination, and this resulted in the area affected by the flames being slightly wider.

In fact, the three deep purple poisonous stings are not that simple. They can change their trajectories at will, and even continue to learn experience and change forms according to the battle process. They will not give up until they sting the target, but they have not done anything yet. , as liquids, they are completely vaporized when the flames appear.

When the demon clan realized something was wrong, it was already too late to escape. After all, the entire world around it fell into a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

“Ah hisssssss—!”

The demon clan suddenly let out a piercing cry. It seemed that Chinese was not its mother tongue. Then after a crashing sound, it tore the roof of the house directly and fled in a hurry.

'Sniffing bird! '

'Luoti! '

'Feed! '

The demon tribe continued to let out ear-piercing wails. It thought this would be a fierce battle, but the terrifying power that appeared without warning made it dare not bet on whether this was a spell released by the opponent at great cost.

And it also understands that if it is seriously injured, it will never have a chance to survive.

But what it didn't expect was that even though it ran a thousand meters away in an instant, the flames were still tearing at it, and even intensified, which caused the 'body' on it to They fell off one after another, and at the same time, its realm also began to fall!


Yin Hang looked at the fleeing demon clan and thought that this thing is not very strong.

Her own realm strength is estimated to be equivalent to the D-level realm, and this girl said that her realm is very close to the middle of the Huang-level realm. I am afraid that this 'close' is not close to a galaxy.

I guess the saying 'Being at the bottom of the camp' is true.

Then, Yin Hang frowned and asked, "Didn't you say this is the safest area in the camp?"

"Uh-huh..." The girl, whose thoughts were still in a distracted state, was forcefully pulled back from consciousness by Yin Hang, and then hesitantly explained: "I'm not very clear, there is obviously a demon-slaying formation here. , even the demons at the upper level of the Huang level can’t get in.”

"Moreover, the Demon-Slaying Formation is the foundation for our camp to settle down here. There were demon clans who used all their strength to defend the Demon-Slaying Formation."

The girl couldn't give an answer. After all, she was in a very confused state now. If it hadn't been for Yin Hang, it was hard to say whether she would have survived just now.

But Yin Hang became nervous when he thought of this. If something went wrong with the demon-slaying formation, would something happen to An Tong and the others?
"I'm going to find my wife. Where is she now?"

"Ah... oh yes," the girl who finally came to her senses was stunned, and then said hurriedly: "I will take you there, but..."

"Can you put me down first?"

"Uh, I'm sorry," Yin Hang then noticed that he had been thinking about An Tong and forgot to hold the thin girl between his arms, and then threw her directly to the ground.

The girl who never expected that she would be treated like this thought that she should be let go slowly.

As a result, she was unprepared, and as a cultivator, she was thrown to the ground face-first with a 'Ahhh' sound.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." The girl made an extremely depressed complaint. Then she suddenly remembered something and hurriedly ran back to the house that had been smashed just now.

Yin Hang was afraid that the demon clan was hiding somewhere, so he also walked in. However, the other half of the room was almost burned to ashes.

The girl immediately seemed particularly aggrieved, and then she rummaged through the wreckage, and then dug out a half-burnt red quilt from a pile of charcoal.

Because it was folded, there was still a part inside, but it was also a little yellowed by the baking. The girl held it in her arms distressedly, tears kept falling on it, and when she noticed Yin standing at the door During the flight, he hurriedly ran out holding the red quilt.

She didn't seem to have anything like a storage mirror, so she could only hold it with great effort. There were still burns on her slender arms from the jade pendant. Speaking of which, after experiencing the situation just now, she was the only one injured. Injured by accident.

Yin Hang took out a healing talisman and put it on her arm for a while, but it seemed to have no effect. Then when Yin Hang used the inherited [Green Bag Book], the wound healed at an extremely fast speed.

"Huh?" The girl was stunned immediately and stopped slightly. When she saw the injury on her arm that was gradually healing, she suddenly felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

"This is it?" the girl asked blankly.

"Healing Talisman."

The girl was dumbfounded. She had never heard of the healing charm, but she wanted to experience the feeling just now.

After driving for a while, she whispered in a low voice: "Oh... that, you?"

Yin Hang turned around, "What's wrong?"

"Well... aren't you a remnant?" The girl seemed to know something, and asked in a murmur, "Why do you use immortal magic?" "Immortal... magic?"

This was the first time Yin Hang heard this title, but he could still think of it, and it was probably the 'Fire Release: Fire Ball Technique' he used just now.

But every time Yin Hang faced this kind of problem, he didn't know how to explain it.

"Didn't you say that this place is absolutely safe and that no monsters can come in?" Yin Hang suddenly asked.

"Yes." The girl nodded slightly.

"That's right," Yin Hang said, trying to confuse the concept: "You would enter a place where the demon clan would never enter, and the remnants who definitely don't know how to use fairy magic... can also use fairy magic. Isn't it reasonable? "

Yin Hang's current environment is too dangerous, and it may be difficult to avoid some subsequent battles, but being secretive can easily arouse others' suspicion, so he is also very confused about what to say.

"Huh?" The girl felt as if she had heard it and not heard it, but because of Yin Hang's statement, her expression began to feel a little down.

The reason for the problem with the Demon-Slaying Formation may actually be that the cultivators in the camp suffered heavy casualties when they went to exterminate the demon clan, causing the fate attached to the Demon-Slaying Formation to become invalid... But this is impossible, after all, this The crusade has just begun. In addition, the eldest brother of Qingyang Clan and the senior sister of Luoxue Pavilion are both strong men in the middle of the Yellow Realm. If they want to deal with the monster just now... they will probably be able to do it easily. Loose?

"Also, why is your magic so powerful?" The girl raised her head, resting her chin on the quilt, and continued to ask curiously: "Do you have any special magic weapon?"

"Am I... powerful?"

"Yeah, I think you're at least close to the middle of the Huang level, right?" The girl seemed a little unconvinced. In fact, the senior brother of Qingyang Clan couldn't use the magic just now casually.

"Actually, I'm almost at the D-level level." Yin Hang shrugged helplessly.

"D-level realm?" The girl was a little unfamiliar with this title.

"Well," Yin Hang said slightly melancholy, "Actually, I also want to become stronger. Unfortunately, the situation is a bit complicated, so you better not ask."

Yin Hang can understand the girl's psychology. After all, she is also a cultivator, and she looked down on herself very much at the beginning. Now the enemy she lost to was defeated by herself, so she wanted to show how powerful she was, so that she could It seems that she is not that weak.

But that monster clan, Yin Hang really thought was pretty good. After all, he just waved the poisonous needle twice and ran away at light speed without even completing the second stage that Yin Hang was most familiar with.


The safe area for girls was not next door. We even walked through several streets before arriving. But just before we arrived, an anxious figure flashed across the distance, and then pounced on Yin Hang with a cry.

"Husband, are you alright?"

An Tong suddenly had a strong premonition half an hour ago, and then she rushed here no matter what. As for the weak girl, she stopped her at first, but she couldn't stop him at all.

After the girl finished telling the story, the other party also fell into panic.

"There may be something wrong with the demon-slaying array. I have to ask the commander who is staying in the camp first. Please wait a moment..."

Seeing the weak girl leaving in a hurry, An Tong hurriedly took Yin Hang's hand and ran to the corner.

"They seem to have a problem," An Tong said nervously, "We obviously have a black chess piece, but what they said... is a white chess piece."

"White chess...?" Yin Hang was stunned, "Isn't white chess a chess master?"

"I don't think he's a chess master, and I'm not sure yet," An Tong said with some doubts: "But there seem to be many contradictions between their descriptions and what we experienced."

"For example, the time between the move of our black chess and the move of their white chess took us about a month... but it took them 17 years."

"As for the remnants they refer to, they correspond to our survivors, and there were also cases of... hunger."

"Many things are highly overlapped."

Yin Hang pondered for a moment and told the other party what he had guessed.

"There are many forms of weirdness in the secret realm... Even for practitioners, it is probably possible."

An Tong was stunned, "You mean?"

"Well, I think they are actually the weird ones from the 'camp realm'," Yin Hang said solemnly: "However, for now, they have no intention of harming us, so we just need to be careful, don't worry. "

An Tong blinked, then patted her little hand, "I also heard them say that the cultivators in the camp are preparing to exterminate the 11-9 monster clan, and those monster clan seem to be the beast tide we are facing. .”

"Tell me, should we use them and let them help us..."

"Shh-" Yin Hang immediately held down An Tong's hand, "Let's just find a way to get out of here and try not to do anything dangerous."

An Tong suddenly pouted in displeasure, "Don't you boys just like the kind of 'helping a building collapse, turning the tide before it falls'?"

"If we solve the beast tide..."

"Don't be stupid..." Yin Hang gently touched An Tong's soft lips with his fingers, "If I were alone, I might give it a try, but now that I have you, I really don't want you to risk it with me. This kind of risk."

"Well... then I'll try it myself."


An Tong's cheeks suddenly bulged with anger, "I said, I will be the boss from now on!",

She knew Yin Hang was doing it for herself, but she also wanted to help Yin Hang get better resources and opportunities.

Moreover, she also particularly wanted Yin Hang to be with her all the time while studying in Daoyuan's class.

"Then what should we do if something happens?" Yin Hang sighed, "Have you ever thought that the difference between black and white is not about winning or losing, but about life and death."

"The losing side will never be able to leave the secret realm again if they fail to conquer the secret realm."

"The more things we do here, the more likely we are to be exposed, and if we are discovered, we will most likely be regarded as our mortal enemy."

"And even if we are determined to die... we may not be able to succeed."

"After all, we are not the protagonists in some movie... It is better than anything else to be able to return to the Sword Tomb at 12-9 safely and join the main force."

(End of this chapter)

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