Chapter 134 The Beginning of Ancient God Wars
Through the transfer passage connecting the lower floor, Luo Wei walked in first.

Although the other three didn't understand, they wouldn't let him be alone and followed behind.


The blurred vision gradually became clear, and what appeared in front of the four of them was an ancient, empty and quiet scene.

The milky white stone pillars stand in the vast starry sky, supporting a large scene that is neither man-made nor natural. There is no shelter from any buildings. The ancient gray stone floor exudes a stale atmosphere, and the entire space can be seen at a glance.

There were particles of magic power floating in the air, and the four of them stood at the top of the towering stairs, as if they had come to the old place where the ancient gods had rested.

"There is no breath of monsters, but there is a kind of tranquility that escapes the world and is not disturbed..."

Vermier probed with magic power, and her eyes were unconsciously attracted by a lush blue tree at the end of the platform in front of her.

The tree, both its trunk and its leaves, glowed with holy blue fluorescence.

"Garden?" Saya looked at this scene with a slight concentration. This place gave her the feeling that it was a bit like a temple, with towering stone pillars and slate carvings, a sense of empty design, and a structure that was not considered for human habitation...

Compared with Lan Temple, the aura here is more ancient, just to come up with this answer, you don't need to think too much.

It must be related to the ancient gods.

"I always feel a sad atmosphere," Vermeer looked sadly at the broken stone platforms and the long stone benches around, "It seems that someone has worked tirelessly here for a long time, but in the end they didn't like it." And scattered."

"When people go to the empty buildings, the noise is indifferent; when people go to drink tea, the past will never be the same." Ayi Ning closed her eyes and groaned a few words, then opened her eyes with a sigh, "The magic particles floating in the air are not pure, there are divine powers in them. infestation."

She turned her head and looked at the back of Luo Wei in front of her.

"What exactly is this place?"

The place where the ancient battle of gods started, "Garden of Silence".

Luo Wei didn't say the answer. He didn't want the three of them to think that he had the same ability to predict the future, so they subconsciously thought that he could predict all the situations.

People who wear a crooked helmet are more likely to be in danger than those who don't wear a helmet, because when you don't wear it, you will keep a vigilant heart.

Rowe needed their vigilance.

After all, he is not here to repeat the future, but to change the future.

"If you look around, there should be an answer," he pointed to the front and said, "There are open-air bookshelves over there."

Walking down the steps, Vermier nervously looked at the boundless starry sky outside the aisle, in case he fell...

Uncomfortable being stared at by the other party from the side, Luo Wei shook his head and kicked a gravel on the ground.

The stone did not fall into the starry sky, but floated up as if being dragged by something, and then stopped there in a suspended posture.


Weimir let out a doubt, and Aining noticed the stone, and drove the magic power to control it to rise and fall, but even if it was changed to a different position and with [-]% of the strength, the stone was still held by some invisible force. Blocked, unable to proceed further.

It got her thinking.

"I'm afraid this space is left here alone by people, and the surroundings no longer belong to the scope of time and space. The closer to the outside, the greater the resistance."

Like a ball being continuously compressed by an external force.

To create and leave this space in the first place, I am afraid that it is not within the reach of human beings.

Coming to the bookshelf, Saya quickly found the corresponding record and learned the name "Quiet Garden".

The above description made her quite concerned.

"I will leave this land of harmony, and hope that future generations will not forget the efforts made here for peace."

Judging from the records in the book, this is the place where ancient gods, present gods, and many races on the ground held negotiations during the ancient war of gods.

But apparently they couldn't agree.

The ancient gods retreated behind the scenes, now that the gods control the world, human...humanity seems to have not changed much.

What caught her attention was that the creator of the angels also disappeared after this period.

Obviously the war is over, but...

Luo Wei accompanied Vermeer to the big holy blue tree. The lush branches and leaves are still immortal after thousands of years. The roots of the tree are buried in the spotless spring water and surrounded by a pool-like structure.

Vermeer walked to the platform in the pool, and looked up at the big glowing tree from a close distance.

"Is this...?"

"Well, it should be the "Praying Tree" recorded by the Church of Wishing. Luo Wei nodded, replying to her known guess.

As long as you pay the magic power of prayer, or pay a certain price as nourishment, you can get the gift you want from this tree.

But the power is basically only enough to exchange some water and food, and Vermeer's focus is obviously not here.

The girl blinked, feeling a little dazed.

"In other words, it was planted by the goddess herself?"

Although the church has always enshrined the statue of the goddess of water purification, but it was erected by the believers, and it was the first time that Vermier saw something related to the goddess with her own eyes.

Luo Wei didn't answer her this time.

At this moment, Vermier still doesn't know that the god she believes in has fallen, and the church of praying has been hiding it all the time, actively looking for an opportunity to resurrect the main god.

18 years ago, the Goddess of Cleansing Water, who was the present God, fell, and part of her power affected Vermier. Her special physique of awakening all elements was based on the demise of the gods. The power in her body is It would be difficult for her to accept such a thing from the corpse of the goddess she believed in.

And 200 years ago, the goddess of water purification was nothing more than a small local god. The wishing tree was probably planted to provide convenience to the creatures on the ground at that time.

"Goddess, thank you for your gift and protection." Vermeer prayed sincerely.

The light on the tree became brighter, and with the light spots falling down, there was more clean drinking water and hearty food at the girl's feet.

"Hey...well, let's go enjoy it with the two of them~"

Seeing her smiling so happily, Luo Wei couldn't help but reach out and stroke her hair.

"Hey, oh, well, don't do this kind of thing in front of the goddess..."

"Yes, yes, my little priest."

Before leaving, Luo Wei glanced back.

The light of the tree trembled slightly, as if it was crying for Vermeer's return.


The four gathered in the central square and sat down on two adjacent benches, surrounded by quite a few benches forming a large circle. It is conceivable that many people sat here in the past, and the speaker walked to The center expresses opinions.

Looking at the front again, it does give people a sense of desolation that is right and wrong.

"We figured out what this place is," said Ayining and Saya. "If it is said that this place was the beginning of all the battles among the gods, and if we explore further, it must be the battlefield where the gods fought in the past."

"And the teleportation point here is different," Vermeer said, looking at the divine power stone pillar towering above, "it seems to be a place similar to a fixed teleportation point, that is to say, we can bring people in."

Not bad.

Rowe nodded.

Their ability to discover and sort out information doesn't need him to worry about it anymore.

"In a sense, this place will become our new base for exploration," he said. "As long as we are well prepared, even if the Crownless City is destroyed, it will not affect our continued exploration."

The level 1 craftsman level is not limited here.

And the conspiracy of the Fallen Angels and the Artisan Association is still hidden in a deeper place.

When on earth did they start planning all this?Relying solely on the strength of the great craftsmen, it may be difficult to pass the next part of the journey.

"So, you..." A Yining seemed to want to ask something, but she gave up in the end, "So, we are going to the God War Ruins starting tomorrow?"

Vermier shook her head.

"I don't think it can be done at the moment." She looked up at the door at the end of the opposite direction. "There is a strong space seal imposed there. If there is no way to lift it, we will not be able to go to deeper areas."

The road is blocked?
Saya was stunned for a moment, since she had already arrived at such a place, the clues of Lieyang Shenlance and her mentor might be behind there.

But if this is really an independent space, it would be really difficult to escape from the shackles of boundaries.

"Don't forget that we still have another member," Luo Wei said, spreading his hands. "Isn't it useful for her to be promoted so quickly?"

The three women looked at each other.

Crosie? ?

"You... plan to ask Ke Luoxi to remove the seal at the end?" Ayining said uncertainly, "Even if she can knock out the order, it's too..."

"Don't underestimate the potential of craftsmen," Luo Wei said with a non-worried expression, "Isn't it what they boast about every day that they can do anything?"

In the last round, it was John who broke the seal.

Now that Ke Luoxi has reached this level, it doesn't matter to let her try it. Anyway, Luo Wei also supported John's workshop, and the purpose of letting them drive each other is also here. If one doesn't work, there is another.

John's workshop is now being overcrowded every day, and a yellow star will soon rise in the city without a crown.

"Besides, it's not very convenient here," Luo Wei continued. "Just in case, let her build a workshop here. It's always right to have logistical support."

Only then did a few people suddenly understand.

If the situation is completely irreversible and the cities on the ground are destroyed, this place will become their new secret stronghold, replacing the workshops in the city and providing assistance for subsequent exploration.

Did he even think of that step?

"Then she might have a lot to build," Shaye complained. "There are neither beds nor living facilities here. Considering that the orcs and people from East Street "Su Ying" may also come in, she may have to build a block. The house can only come out. "

Both Wei Mier and A Yining silently glanced at her.

Why mention the bed in particular...

Saya obviously didn't understand what their eyes meant, and only Luo Wei was left sighing.

In the past half a month, he and his sister-in-law have been "respecting each other as guests", and Wei Mier was caught when she sneaked in in the middle of the night several times, and even if Luo Wei got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, A Yining would follow behind.

It can be seen that she is the type who is easily disturbed while sleeping. If Vermeer really slipped in, the sound on the bed could wake her up...

"Go back and let Ke Luoxi come over," Luo Wei shook his head and said, "I still have something to communicate with her about the location."

In order to step into the corner of the ancient gods, the strength of the few people needs to be upgraded by high-level materials. Otherwise, if they enter the realm of gods, even if they are gods that have fallen, the legacy of the gods will make them pay for their arrogance.

There are two things that must be done during this time.

Saya's god core promotion.

Eliminate the influence of Iluth in the Silent Night Forest.

If Saya can't become the fourth angel, even if they have a certain degree of equipment to resist divine power, it will be difficult for them to walk on the next journey.

Luo Wei couldn't help looking at her.

A proud angel who has been abused all the way.

It's time for her to bloom her true red wings.

(End of this chapter)

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