It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 135 Although I don't understand, it feels very wrong!

Chapter 135 Although I don't understand, it feels very wrong!
After calling Ke Luoxi to explain the situation, the little red-haired wild cat quickly got into a fight with the seal, and even said that it would not be a craftsman unless it was solved.

With the flags so full, Luo Wei has nothing to say, let her do her own work.

The construction area of ​​the workshop has also been discussed with her. As for the situation that Lewis's people will come in the future, that is something they need to worry about, and there is no need to arrange it.

After explaining everything, Vermeer went to the wishing tree to get enough food and water for Ke Luoxi, and then the three returned to the ground.

Ke Luoxi's workshop in Wuguancheng South Street has now been expanded. Not only is it much larger inside, but it also has many more facilities that were not there before.

Training grounds, experimental fields, material warehouses, guest rooms, restaurants...

Of course, there must be hot springs.

It's just that when A Yining heard that there was a mixed bath for men and women, she immediately sullenly forced Ke Luoxi to change into a double room for men and women, resulting in the current scene——

Luo Wei was blocked by a completely solid partition behind him, and after that were three women soaking in the hot spring, and he couldn't see anything...

Looking at the empty pool in front of him, he sighed deeply.

The younger sisters are indeed stumbling blocks.

Riding a tiger is hard to get off...

"So, we can only wait for this period of time?" A Yining's voice came from the opposite side, "Do you want to try to solve the situation on the surface?"

Luo Wei sat here and shook his head.

This younger sister now thinks that he is fishing for fish whenever she is free, so she can understand Anai Ning's feelings a little bit.

However, Luo Wei had expected that he would be stopped when he arrived at the Garden of Silence. In order to make full use of this time to maximize his preparations, he even tried fields that he was not good at in advance, and paid a lot of money for this. day and night...

If this plan is successful, not only will Saya be promoted in the safest situation, the Witch with Thousand Faces in the Silent Night Forest will be able to join the battle force, and Athetana will even be invited to the Silent Garden to take charge of the overall situation.

In the worst case, while Saya can be promoted, Ryan can't meet Iluth's people when he goes to Silent Night Forest, eliminating the influence of Shura field.


It is absolutely incomprehensible to let them see what they are doing.


Because that's something that the world doesn't have yet.


At night, the leader of the Netes tribe.

A group of people ate in Athetana's tent, and Rowe briefly explained the current situation and the obstruction of the seal.

Lovely was there too.

When the conspiracy of the Craftsman Association is likely to become the fuse that detonates the whole situation, the exploration progress of their group becomes crucial.

But Lovely is not an idiot either, she understands that the God War area below is not something that can be explored casually, even if there is no seal, she does not agree with the four of them going on like this, but she is still in the top-notch combat power alone Can't be of any help.

This made her extremely anxious, and even lost the expression on her face.

"Honestly speaking, I'm really worried about the current situation," Lovely said, haggard after being tortured by various intelligences for several days. Known actions, even if I wake up tomorrow and hear the destruction of the city without a crown, I will not be surprised."

The main reason is that Randall put a little too much pressure on her.

"I'm afraid it won't be so fast," Athetana analyzed after listening. Although the matter over there has nothing to do with the leader of the Netes tribe, after all, there are people of her own in the city. We will do our best to avoid this outcome.”

Then she looked at Luo Wei again.

"If there is someone in the quiet courtyard that I can help, please don't be stingy with your words," Athetana's gentle eyes showed determination, "With the help of you and your highness, there are nearly a thousand more people in the valley. There is nothing more comforting to me than a new member."

Luo Wei froze for a moment.

Should it be said that it is the mother god?After explaining the situation, she quickly thought of what she could do.

If there is a third-level god sitting in the Quiet Courtyard, it is undoubtedly a great support for Saya and Iluth in addition to their promotion. Even when the first-level craftsmen explored this area, they did not dare to act in front of the gods. Limit them.

I didn't expect Athetana to bring it up.


"I have learned about your previous living conditions," Ayining interjected, "Now under the construction of the young generation of the orcs, even if you leave the Knights and the Queen's Craftsmen, you can develop very well, and there are even some Beastman craftsman, right?"

Some people have resources, and the current Netes tribal territory can truly be regarded as a territory.

Athetana nodded.

"But what you want to solve is not simply economic and development issues," A Yining said objectively as an outsider, "If the relationship between you and human beings cannot be changed in an opportunity, I'm afraid there will still be sparks .I don’t think that after your leather trade has become the mainstream of the market, those leather merchants who have been eliminated will not hate you. There should be many similar examples like this.”

There must be competition in development, and competition must face elimination.

When the orc tribe rose from the valley, it had already had an impact on the trade system of Baigang Town and its surrounding areas.

That's why Athetana had to guard here, a god who was truly recognized by the princess, even if the merchants took their anger out on the orcs, they would not dare to do too much.And Luo Wei also learned that, led by the businessman Albert who rescued Ahu Lily, he carried out a lot of coordination work, and even established a special orc trade association.

But in the end it's all about appeasement, and the key to it all...

Vermeer looked at Ahu Lili, who hung his head and pulled his ears, looking very out of spirits.


"I... I'm sorry, Mother Goddess, I'm sorry everyone..." Ahu Lili clenched her fists and said.

Her massage shop was supposed to be the key to dispelling the misunderstanding of the orcs. Even a massage conference was specially prepared for them. However, it has been open for so long, and it seems that it has not achieved a phased effect.

Although the business is very good, it is only to make money, and most of them are regular customers, they lack a decisive opportunity to show their faces.

In Ahu Lili's view, this is also related to her failure to win the championship in the massage conference.

Who will remember No.2...

There was a moment of silence in the tent, and even Lovely felt that it was an excellent plan for Athetana to sit in the quiet courtyard. After all, she knew how to deal with the world and had the charisma of a leader. The situation of living underground, if there was no accident in Wuguan City at that time, the impact on the ground would be far-reaching enough.

It is a pity that it is difficult for her to take care of such a distant place at present, and the Crownless City is an important passage for the people of the orcs to lament the valley. The whole situation is difficult to progress.

However, just when everyone was frowning.

Luo Wei who was sitting there suddenly laughed.

Everyone: "?"

They all raised their heads and cast their gazes with different expressions.

"That is to say," Luo Wei said with a smile, "if I can solve the problem of the status of the orcs in the hearts of humans and gain love, Athetana will follow me?"

That's exactly what he planned for.

Now there is no need for him to ask the question.

"Evil..." Lovely gave him a disgusted look, "Massage conference, New Year's Eve dinner party... You don't think of any outrageous ideas again, do you?"

Some people are concerned about how he can solve the status of the orc clan.

And some people care about the second half of the sentence.

Vermeer: ​​Has this day really come...

Ayi Ning: Does he even dare to attack God...

Saya glared at him angrily, but still ignored him.

Luo Wei didn't care what they thought now, and looked up at Athetana: "I can't guarantee that this will be successful, but if I do, would you like to go to the Garden of Silence with me?"

Saya's promotion.

Elise's influence.

The status of the orcs.

The seat of Athetana.

The four things were completed within one plan at the same time. If the relationship between the orcs and humans did not happen to be stuck at this point of inconsistency, it would be difficult to promote the overall progress.

But now, kill four birds with one stone.

It doesn't matter if you fail, as for success, it depends on someone's luck.

Athetana couldn't figure out his intentions, but nodded anyway.


From time to time, she feels an indescribable sense of dislocation. Sometimes she feels that he is simple-minded and does not hide his desires like a child, and needs someone to tolerate and remind him.

But sometimes, he goes beyond common sense and can make judgments that go far beyond the framework, making himself the party protected by him.

This sense of dislocation made Athetana occasionally unsure of her identity when facing him.

After getting an affirmative answer, Luo Wei immediately turned to Ahu Lili.

"What about you, would you like to?"

Lily froze for a moment, raised her head to look left and right, and finally pointed at herself uncertainly.

"I... Me...? If it's for the tribal leader, of course I would!"

"Very good," Luo Wei nodded with a smile, "Remember this aura, it's very important."

Ahu Lili: "?"

Momentum is key?What's the meaning?
Can you save the tribal leader and improve the relationship with humans by relying on arrogance?
"Don't look at me like that," Luo Wei held back a smile and looked at her, "You are the center of the whole plan."

Ahu Lili: "???"

Lily didn't understand how her worries about the massage shop could affect the situation in Wuguan City?

Is he planning to open my shop in Wuguan City, and let those forces who don't remember their names fall in love with each other in the massage? ?

No... no matter what, it's impossible to be so outrageous.

No matter what she was thinking about, Luo Wei couldn't guess it anyway, so she looked at Lovely and said, "I need to borrow a few things from you, is Saya here? Come out, don't peep."

"You're just peeping! Perverted human!"

Saya appeared, and Lovely didn't understand, so she replied: "Are you planning to do something that normal people wouldn't consider? You shouldn't... Forget it, just ask for something."

"Magic projection," Luo Wei said simply, "the more the better, maybe twenty or thirty of them will come out."

"What..." Saya paused.

Twenty or thirty! ?
What does he need so many magic projections to supervise the whole process of the massage parlor [-]/[-]?
Lovely frowned, looking at him more and more strangely, I don't know why there is always a feeling of being unable to guess him, from the first time we met, no... from the time Siya mentioned it That's it.

"I'll lend it to you, except for what Saya is carrying now. I will send someone to John's Workshop in the Uncrowned City tomorrow, and hand it in through the portal over there."

After she finished speaking, she stopped again.

"But first you have to tell me, what are you going to use them to spy on?"

If she really monitors the massage shop, she will definitely criticize this guy severely. After all, Ahu Lili's shop is very formal, and she will not end it herself. It's too whimsical.

Luo Wei frowned when he heard that, "Surveillance? No, no, no, I just plan to use them to take pictures of some simple daily life."

Lovely: "?"

What an answer.

Use the precious magic projector to shoot daily life?Whose routine?The bitch?
Listening to their conversation, the others couldn't help but look at Ahu Lili, who also blinked in bewilderment.

my routine?

And Luo Wei looked at her and said: "Just record your most authentic side. In some cases, I will give you the corresponding script. You can write it down and read it according to your own feelings. I believe you must not questionable."

Ahu Lili: "..."

Why do I feel that there is a problem everywhere.

According to him, taking pictures of my daily life can save the orcs and even big cities far away abroad?

"Oh, that's right," Luo Wei quickly added, "Don't include restricted-rated scenes, it's not good to teach children badly."

"Hey..." Ahu Lili made a deep guttural voice, "What does it mean to be restricted!!"

Although I don't understand it, it feels very wrong!
"The ones without clothes." Luo Wei said as a matter of course, and took out the prepared script from the cloak, "You can preview it according to this."


No one in the room understood, Lovely unconsciously cast a look for help to Athetana, who could only respond with a cramped smile.

Ahu Lili feels like biting someone now.

She couldn't understand what this guy said at all. She raised her head and looked around, everyone's faces were completely out of shape, and Ayining's brows were the deepest.

Forget it.

Let's see what he wants to do, if my daily life can really save the orcs...

No, no, how is this possible!

With a depressed mood, she lowered her head and opened the so-called script.

"The stage is for those who have pride and dreams."

"I believe real girls are the cutest."


Frowning, Ahu Lili moved her ears, and the more she looked at it, the more awkward she felt.

Seeing the back, she unconsciously recited:

"Every dream should have a place for her."

"For everyone who lives together in the valley."

"I, Ahu Lili, the orc princess of the Netes tribal leader—decided to debut and become an idol!"

Athetana: "?????"

(End of this chapter)

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