Chapter 138 The Witch Living in the Silent Night

Stepping into the fog, everything in front of you becomes white.


"I can't see anything clearly, be careful!"

"Leading with staff and spear."


The dense fog made it impossible to even see the hands placed in front of it. The magic power was blocked at the moment of stepping in, and the situation could only be confirmed by communication.

Luo Wei led the team in front, connecting the team with Vermeer's staff and Saya's spear. Vermeer couldn't see the figure in front of him, but he led the three of them to turn left and right without hesitation, without any pause, as if facing each other. The directions here are clear.


Vermeer read his name incredulously.

The phenomenon of blocking the magic power in the fog gave her a very long-standing feeling. It seemed that every time she reached a stage, she would be transported to a new location. Here, if she didn't advance in a fixed order, she might be pushed out of the maze immediately.

I don't know how long I walked like this.

The fog covering the sight suddenly disappeared, and the four of them appeared in a sparse woodland, and the blockade of magic power was also lifted.

"We have arrived?"

Ayi Ning looked back suspiciously, not knowing how she got out.

This guy……

Could it be that he had secretly communicated with the witch here for a song?
Stepping out of the sparse woods, there is a modest forest cabin in a clearing, surrounded by exquisite gardens and lit with orange lights.

Vermier raised his eyes and looked, there seemed to be facilities behind the hut that were sealed by an enchantment, and they encountered no other obstacles on the way except for the fog, which indicated that Luo Wei took them along an unknown road. shortcut.

This further confirmed her inner guess.

The witch she was about to meet was also her competitor in a sense, no matter whether she remembered Luo Wei or not.

Saya: "..."

The four of them came to the hut, and for some reason, the plain wooden door gave people a sense of closure, as if they had to bear the consequences after opening it.

Rowe put his hand on the doorknob.

Saya subconsciously prepared to say something, but choked back.

Didn't this guy say that human beings should be polite and knock on the door first! ?

Regardless of Saya staring at him, the wooden door was unscrewed by Rowe. The scene inside was completely different from the outside. Not only were there elegant decorations, but the wooden floor looked quite old, and there was even a staircase leading to the second floor.

From the outside, the house is not that big at all.

"Space changes, to some extent we are not in that hut?" Ayi Ning frowned.

"No, we're still there," Vermier sensed the magic power around him, "it should be some kind of magic that expands the space, expanding the space inside."

The witch here is very strong.

Vermeer felt that as a magic student, the other party seemed to have strength beyond her imagination, and the use of magic power was more varied.

But girls are not inferior.

Luo Wei said that she expected more than that, so it would be good to catch up later.


Luo Wei looked back at her, feeling that Vermeer's magic power produced a sense of resistance.

He reached out a hand and touched the girl's head.

"You are a priest of the Three Elements Church, don't scare the other party when you meet later."

"oh oh……"

It turns out that he didn't dislike my strength, hehe...

No, no, you still have to work hard!
Walking up to the second floor without any worries, Luo Wei came to the door of the side bedroom with ease, and put his hand on the door again.

This time he paused for a moment before unscrewing it.

The door opened, revealing a well-decorated bedroom.

Exquisite candlesticks, classic wine cabinets, supply cabinets for aromatherapy and essential oils, old-fashioned dressing tables, gorgeous suede sofas, fires, lounge chairs and red carpets.

But even with so many furnishings, it doesn't bring people the slightest sense of warmth, but rather deserted.

And in such an environment, a woman with long purple hair is lying on the bed without bedding, only covered with a piece of red brocade in the cold winter, with candles and scattered flower petals beside her, it seems to have been expected Generally speaking, he just took a leisurely look at them.

Vermeer: ​​"..."


Such a beautiful person, but...

Facing the visitor, she neither pretended to be sophisticated nor conveyed her attitude, excluding any foreshadowing and preparation, and just appeared in the bedroom so abruptly, which gave people a sense of mystery that could not guess the answer.

Those gemstone eyes without waves could not read any answers about thoughts at all, carrying a kind of ease with ease.


Luo Wei: "..."

The two stood and looked at each other, neither of them spoke first.

Ayi Ning fell into a short thought in silence.

This is the witch?
It was surprising that it just appeared, but if it was because Rowe took a shortcut, it would make sense.And judging from the performance of the other party, being looked at by four people and being able to lie there as if nothing had happened is indeed very similar to the records in those books.

Playing with people's hearts, the witch with a thousand faces.

Mysterious and unpredictable, he always maintains an impenetrable aura of composure.

Saya even thought that face was fake.

After living in this kind of place for 1000 years, that face may have already become stinkier than stone, but the expression revealed at this moment seems to be younger than himself.

"You are the Silent Night Witch herself, right?" Vermeer took the initiative to say.

He knew very well that Luo Wei came this time to take the witch away.

In other words, like Saya, she will stay in the team for a while and join in the exploration of the relics of the war of gods.

As a specialist in magic, Vermier didn't intend to be easily replaced by the other party.

"You can call me Ilus." The purple-haired woman looked at Vermeer with a slight smile, but her voice was as cold as the night, "As a gift for your visit, can I ask for something?"


Vermeer remembered the name.

Seeing that Luo Wei didn't respond, she said, "What do you want?"

Iluth turned her head slightly, her smooth purple hair slid down the back of her white hand, and then pointed to Vermeer's calf.

A few people looked down, Vermeer was wearing white ice silk stockings with the holy seal today, her soft calf curve was as healing as ever.

"You want me to use my legs as the price for meeting?" Vermier's expression became serious, trying to figure out the other party's intentions.

Ilus shook her head lightly, showing a charming smile.

"I want those socks you're wearing."

Saya and Aining: "?"

Vermeer's expression changed, and she was about to go to the small bag to take out a spare, but was stopped by the other party's voice.

"No, what I want is the pair you're wearing, just that pair."

With the ambiguous tone and confused tone, Vermier stood there a little dazed for a moment, but reacted quickly.

Can't back down here.

Unpredictable attitude, the other party is the type who can make unexpected demands casually, and he should be the one who looks the weakest to find the right way to attack.


Vermeer glanced at Luo Wei, seeing that he still didn't say anything, which meant that he had obtained permission, and with a calm face, he took off the socks from his thighs, walked forward, and put them in front of Iluth.

This kind of thing has been done similarly to Saya before. When meeting for the first time, there is no need to be intimidated by the other party's request.

After finishing all this, Vermeer did not back away, but slightly clenched his fists and said, "In exchange, the master should also give the guest a greeting gift?"

Although that soft and delicate voice doesn't sound imposing.

Without waiting for Iluth to speak, she pointed to the other person's calf.

"I want yours too."

Saya and Aining: "??"

This is……

The church priest of the light camp, and the immortal witch of the dark camp, the first thing they do when they meet is to exchange socks?

Iluth smiled lightly, maintaining that ambiguous and indifferent expression on her face, turned over with a lazy movement, and lifted her ankle to a position where it could be clearly seen, bit by bit, bit by bit. With a little click, the black stockings with lace came off, giving people the feeling of sliding down, with a soft but smooth and delicate texture.

"Here, I hope it pleases you."

Smiling again, Iluth put her socks next to Vermeer's.

One black and one white, one side symbolizes the mysterious desire, and the other side symbolizes the immaculate purity.

She stared at Vermier, hoping to find the corresponding answer from her face.

At this moment, Vermeer's focus was not on the socks at all, she paused, and realized for the first time that the act of taking off the socks could be so attractive...


But I feel like I can't do it...

If he used that kind of movement by himself, he might look clumsy... He would definitely laugh.

Shaking her head, Vermeer picked up the pair of stockings.


A color that has never been tried before, although the church does not restrict these, but Vermeer has always preferred white, after all, it is more suitable for the priest's costumes of the church.

Do you want to wear it for him to try?
I haven't had a chance to wear the backless outfit last time...and the glass slipper.

The girl's thoughts gradually drifted away, which instead caught Iluth's attention. Suddenly, she couldn't figure out what the girl was thinking.

What is she thinking?
Why do you feel like you completely ignored her?
Iluth raised her gaze to the black-haired boy in front of her, "You seem to be going the wrong way."

Luo Wei didn't avoid his eyes, and spoke to her for the first time:
"Left, Left, Front, Front, Back, Right, Back, Left, Back, Right, Front, Right."

Iluth's eyes jumped, but there were no more ripples. Instead, she supported her chin with one hand, showing a playful look.

"Oh? How do you know that?"

That was the progression sequence of her Mist Labyrinth.

Luo Wei looked at her calmly, without answering.

How else would you know? You told me yourself in the last round.

Her maze didn't have any prompts, and she couldn't see the way clearly. If she made a wrong step, she would be bounced directly to a random place in the forest.

"Then you are still on the wrong track."

Seeing that he didn't answer, Iluth squeezed her shoulder with one hand, her lazy and indifferent temperament was charming and unaffected, as if she was born with such amorous feelings.

"Whether you are here to close the alien vortex or to investigate erosion, you should not come to me."

"Really," Luo Wei looked at her with a gloomy expression, "but we didn't come here for those."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground suddenly began to shake.

rumbling rumbling—

The whole house began to shake, and the sea of ​​trees outside the window was also trembling.

The shock lasted for dozens of seconds before subsiding. Everyone stood still slowly, surprised by what happened just now.

Luo Wei still stood there, and the demon sword he pulled out was deeply inserted into the floor. Iluth stared at the blade, and the divine core in her body subconsciously felt the threat.

"So, you are here for this situation?"

"No." Luo Wei still shook his head.

Just now, something should have happened in Wuguancheng, and the time point was much later than the previous round, which should be the result of Ryan's hard work.

As a result, the problems in the city could not be solved, and there were frequent situations in the Silent Night Forest. Ryan estimated that he would arrive here within a week, and began to try to close the gates of those alien worlds.

For Luo Wei, this timing was not right, and he had to find a way to hold Iluth back for at least half a month.

Fight hard, Ahu Lily...

"Then why did you come here?" Even after the earthquake, Iluth still lay unmoved on that bed, and all the objects in the room were also attached by her magic power without causing any damage.

"We are here for you." Luo Wei said without blushing.

Saya looked at him contemptuously from behind.

Why us, you came here for this witch! !

For some reason, she was always upset at the witch in front of her. She looked like an evil spirit, and the desire for tea in her body was almost uncontrollable.

But thinking that the tea art was taught by that guy himself, it made her feel annoyed, so she had to give up.

"Oh?" Iluth smiled softly, "I've seen many people with desire in their eyes, and it's rare to see people as direct as you."

She scanned the three behind Saul Wei.

"Aren't these cuties enough for you?"

Little...cute! ?
Feeling that Saya beside her was trembling with anger, A Yining hurriedly used her hands to comfort her, but she could only sigh helplessly.

"You may have misunderstood something," Luo Wei stared at the witch in front of him, and said seriously, "We are not here to get you, but to hire you."


This word surprised Ilus a little.

"Then you can go back," she said.

No matter what the reason, hiring a witch is not a good thing, and the disputes in the outside world will never end.

"Oh? Yeah, I thought you'd be a great vocal and dance teacher."

Iluth condensed her expression, with an unpredictable expression on her face, and looked at him deeply.

Seeing her frowning, Luo Wei smiled and said: "To put it simply, we plan to carry out an unprecedented cultural project, and we need a very professional master to guide vocal music, dance, manners and other projects, and I think You perfectly meet all the above requirements, so I specially come to Silent Night Forest to hire you."

Iluth: "..."

After that, Luo Wei didn't have any burden, and described the story of an orc girl who was discriminated against and longed to be recognized as an idol, and the corners of Wei Mier's eyes turned sour.

It turned out to be like this...

Ahu Lili, she turned out to be an idol with such a dream...

I didn't even know there was such an inside story...

Ayi Ning looked at her from the side and the corners of her mouth trembled. With Wei Mier like this, she couldn't really believe it.

At the same time, Ayining was a little puzzled. Luo Wei deliberately stated this ridiculous plan in a serious manner, and even added a lot of embellishments. It is impossible for that witch to believe it. Why did he deliberately do this?

She looked towards Iluth, who was always listening silently, making it impossible to guess what she was thinking, and it seemed that she couldn't confirm whether she understood what Ro Wei said.

Sure enough, there is still no play.

How could anyone take such a thing seriously.

That witch has lived for so many years, and it is definitely not the first time someone has made absurd demands, but most of them should be just a cover-up to cover up the real purpose.

And the group of them went deep into the Silent Night Forest and found her, the witch that the world avoids, through the maze of mist, just to hire her as a vocal teacher?

No one in their right mind would think so.

Ayi Ning lowered her head and shook her head, but at this moment she saw that witch opened her jewel-like eyes.

"Okay, I can promise you." Iluth said with a faint smile, eyes hazy.

"But what I need to emphasize is," she looked at them, "I'm only in charge of the idol's training. If you run into any trouble, I won't participate in anything related to the battle."

"No problem." Luo Wei nodded in response, and at the same time knew why Iluth agreed in his heart.


Because she's playing with them.

(End of this chapter)

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