Chapter 139

Of course Ilus would think he was lying.

Even Saya would not believe this kind of thing. How could she be easily fooled by this witch who has lived through thousands of years?

Although for Iluth, art is one of her few interests, but in the face of his lies that are not lies, she also responded with the promise that they are not lies.

The consensus established by both parties is:

Regarding the matter of the vocal music teacher, Iluth will accompany them to the end and provide help as promised.

And once it is mixed with other ingredients...

'That's not what I said beforehand, so don't blame me then? '

Whether it's turning on them in combat, or setting up traps for them to fall into, she can do it for granted.

Take the psychological commanding heights and easily occupy a dominant position, which in turn tricks the deceiver around.

In the face of ignorance and disrespect, Iluth enjoys the pleasure of revenge and playing with them.

But the problem is...

Luo Wei felt a toothache at the thought.

Obviously what I said is true, why does no one believe it?
It's really hard to do art these days...

"That's fine then."

Right now, this kind of result is exactly what Luo Wei wants. Using Ahu Lili's idol development plan, let Iluth join the team as a bystander.

This witch is really hard to deal with.

As soon as they met, they confronted Vermier. Judging from Saya's attitude of holding back, if she wasn't there, she would have exchanged tea arts with her on the spot.

Leaving Silent Night Forest actually had no effect on her. With just one thought, Iluth could use the connection with the forest to teleport back in an instant, leaving them ashes.

Just let this witch stay out of the fringe relationship for the time being.

Otherwise, if you push her away, it's hard to tell who's harem is whose.

After confirming, Ilus didn't take any luggage, teleported to the Wailing Valley with a few people, and enjoyed the orc stew at Athetana's.

And just like Luo Wei's guessed bystander status.

As the protagonist who is new to tonight.

Iluth's performance throughout the night was almost like that of an air person.



Luo Wei woke up Wei Mier, together with A Yining who insisted on following, returned to Wuguan City to confirm the situation of today's earthquake disaster.

That's not an earthquake.

Instead, it was a huge pillar of veins, poking out at the gate of the craftsman's headquarters on North Craftsman Street.

After contacting Ke Luoxi and the workshop staff to confirm that they were not affected, Luo Wei saw Ryan and a large group of other forces investigating from a distance, and did not choose to go there.

"It's rare to confirm the situation on the bright side, are you just here to see?" A Yining said.

Luo Wei lowered his head and smiled.

Any redundant reminders to Ryan may have a chain reaction on the situation and cause an imbalance.

It is now known that Ryan's efforts can delay the plans of the Artisan Association and slow down the progress of other forces in destroying the Crownless City, which is enough.

Next, this vein of mineral pillar will rise again every few days, and every time it will cause an earthquake, causing chaos in the city.

The incident was initially blamed on dragons and wild elves.

With the emergence of the demon god in the Silent Night Forest, he blamed the witch who deceived people and tried to destroy the world. After Ryan went to the forest to deal with the demon god and closed the passage, the movement of the ore pillar stopped.

In the last round, Luo Wei also thought it was related to Silent Night Forest.

Now that they have learned of the conspiracy of the Craftsman Association, it is self-evident who did it.


It's a pity that it's useless to let everyone know the truth. The craftsmen's association is still hiding in the depths of the mine, and the forces are intertwined on the surface, but their hands can't go deep into the dark abyss.

Luo Wei took out the resonator, and the black lines were concentrated in the headquarters of the craftsman union, most of which were deep underground.

But there was a line, beyond the walls, pointing farther north.


Looking up in the night, the direction that the line points to and the corresponding height made Luo Wei frown for a moment.

The black robed angel.

Is it really someone from Lan Temple?
Just in case, his plan must be pushed forward more fully.


The next day.

Luo Wei came to Ahu Lili's tent early in the morning to confirm her progress.

Her voice was heard outside the tent.

"Birthday? April 4th."

"Lucky color? Yellow..."

"Favorite food is lulu fruit and beef with bones."

"Hobby is... biting people you hate!"

Luo Wei frowned, and threw out the happy ball in his hand. Lily, who was sitting in front of the monitoring projection, was shocked, and ran out to pick it up with a huff.

This is your real hobby.

He turned to look at Iluth, who was sitting on the chair and patiently flipping through the materials, "How is it? Do you think there is any room for improvement?"

Ilus raised her head slightly and fell into silence for a while.

"I learned the dance you drew last night. No genre can accommodate such a performance."

Luo Wei was not surprised by her reaction.

Now that Iluth has learned dance, she must have read the lyrics. If the combination of the two cannot be seen as an independent thing, take another look at Ahu Lili and you will understand everything.

Long light yellow hair, a pretty and lovely face, sharp little canine teeth, a youthful body, and curious eyes.

Plus dog ears and a big fluffy tail.

Vitality, vitality, ignorance, initial astringency.

The natural character design is prepared for girls of this age.

It is not the kind of stage play that is watched by elegant people who claim to be high-class, and the characters do not stay on the script and the stage, but live in reality, come to everyone, and bravely perform the most real dream in their hearts.

Everyone can see and experience dreams.

"So, why 48 people?"

"...don't care about this number," Luo Wei waved his hand, "I chose more than 48 people, and I don't need to determine the number in the end. They also face competition and elimination. Only those who cherish opportunities and dreams more, Only then can I stand on the stage.”

Then Iluth asked a lot of sharp questions.

"Why didn't I see the sheet music?"

"How to present the recorded daily life to the public?"

"Where is the stage placed and how is it designed and arranged?"

"How do you achieve 'all the attention' in a small town of thousands of people?"


Luo Wei answered one by one, knowing that Iluth took this matter seriously in order to do her best on the surface, and the more she put her heart into it, the more anxiously they could reveal their true purpose.

Ke Luowei didn't panic at all.

Isn't that what you came here for?

Iluth is not some old-fashioned witch. From her look younger than Saya, it can be seen that her ability to accept and adapt to new things is unimaginable.

Soon the two began to confirm Ahu Lili's daily records, and Iluth made many constructive requests for this.

For example, since it is the theme of showing youthful vitality and dreams, when introducing yourself, you should not hesitate and show momentum.

For another example, the recording method of putting the surveillance projection aside was not dynamic enough, so Luo Wei kept zooming in and out with the device, and suggested that other girls also arrange special personnel of this kind.

Isn't this a photographer...

Luo Wei pulled back from a distance with the surveillance projection on his shoulders, faced Ahu Lili's face from above, and then slowly descended under the guidance of Iluth, fixed frame overlooking the full chest.

Ahu Lili: "Hey..."

Luo Wei: "..."

Elise understands all too well.

Ahu Lili's face turned red, and she grunted anxiously. She opened her small canine teeth and wanted to bite him, but she also thought that this was for the orcs, so she showed a hesitant look, and was pointed at by Luo Wei with the surveillance projection on her shoulder. with.

From this distance, you can hear her bulging heartbeat.


The dog girl unconsciously exuded a scent that could stimulate men, and the soft gully moved gently with her breathing, but Luo Wei's thoughts were not on it.

He turned his head and glanced outside, knowing that someone was waiting for him.


But he can't go out and won't explain.

It is related to the whole plan, that person must condense the most perfect god core, whether it is for herself, or how many people will come to see the performance of the orcs at that time, it is very important.

"What's the matter? Why are you so dazed all of a sudden?"

"It's okay." Luo Wei shook his head to restore his expression, "Let's continue."

It's only been a few days, and I'll make a good apology later.

If you want to hate, just hate me.

Ahu Lili stared blankly at the expression on his face, suddenly a little at a loss.

So cold and calm.

Does he... think I'm not attractive?You chose me as an idol just because you're the princess of the orc tribe?
Lily shrunk her head, feeling an involuntary sense of inferiority in her heart.

time flies.

Under the suggestion and discussion of Iluth, all the details were strived to be perfect. Naturally, Luo Wei would not shirk, and everything was moving towards the finished product he wanted.

outside the tent.

Saya was wearing a maid's uniform, holding a golden spear in her hand, and looked up at the sun that was about to sink into the west.


The training that had never been interrupted even when exploring the mine was quietly let go on this day.

Looking at the tent where he and the witch were, Saya suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. She had never been so powerless as today.

After only a day of acquaintance, she was bound by the witch in a tent, surpassing the promise of helping her find the Lieyang gun and everything accumulated in the past.

Not even a word of explanation.

It was just forgotten.

His fingers gradually clenched the spear, making it rattling.

Witches are indeed evil spirits.

Thinking of my willingness to give him arms, and the anxiety of almost jumping into the abyss of doom, it seemed so ridiculous at this moment.

No wonder they say that love in the world always hurts.

Saya thought that she hadn't lost to anyone, but he was too disappointing.

And she couldn't help it.

Standing there miserably and laughing, she put away her fragile and defenseless posture, and armed her heart with a heart that was harder than a stone.

Then, turn all these emotions into anger.


The next day, she still waited there, watching them spend the whole day in the same tent.

On the third day, she still waited there, watching them stay in the same tent all day.

On the fourth day, she didn't wait any longer.

On the fifth day, A Yining approached her, conveyed the meaning of that person, and asked her to go to the western suburbs of Baigang Town to make a settlement.


Is this the result of being charmed by a witch?

Saya found herself having little trouble with the word, but if that was what that person wanted, then she didn't mind it ending that way.

Putting on the maid uniform for the last time, she grabbed the spear and followed Aining to the western suburb of Baigang Town.

The ruins of the beast tide war.

The ground remained the traces of the magic cannon bombardment, and the blood of the creators gave birth to strong weeds, and she once left a shame here.

Did you choose this place on purpose to humiliate me a second time?

Shaye was expressionless, watching Ayning go to meet up with Vermeer who had been waiting there for a long time.

She didn't know what that silly girl was thinking, and how she couldn't care less, but it didn't matter now.

Because she doesn't care anymore.

"Today is the last training."

The person standing in the distance opposite him said so, and drew out the sword that could kill a god.

Saya closed her eyes slightly, and held the spear obliquely, without distracting thoughts.

It seems.

This time he was going to really kill himself.

(End of this chapter)

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