Chapter 142 The Silly Girl Who Made Her Home in the Trap
In the room where both of them had left precious memories, Luo Wei looked at Vermeer quietly.

It seemed that there was a long time of silence, Wei Mier slowly raised his head, with a flushed shyness on his face, and said weakly in his eyes:
"No, can't you...?"

Luo Wei reached out and stroked her cheek.

Her current appearance is so good-looking that people can't help but look at it for a while longer.

Every time I see her, I can't help feeling how there is such a beautiful girl in the world.

Her face, her demeanor, her indelible girlishness, and the tenacity contained in it, make people see her every time, just like the first time, but with a kind of familiar feeling.

"Of course," he said under the humility and uncertainty of the other party, "If you leave it to me, I'm not sure if I will let you leave this room tomorrow."

"Hmm...? Why?" Vermier blinked in doubt, "Is there anything outside that you can't go out?"

Luo Wei couldn't help but smile.

This is really, like a small animal that fell into a trap without knowing it.

If it is said that she is ignorant of the world, she has also grown a lot during this time, but when it comes to the topic of him, she will always be so defenseless.

It can only be said that because I have fallen into a trap and have not climbed out until now, I will not fall into other people's traps again.

A silly girl who makes her home in a trap.

Looking at her like this, people can't help but want to teach her to grow up, but when it comes to facing the outside world, they are unwilling to let her go through the wind and rain, and want to stand up and cover everything for her.

Because she is so defenseless against you.

Luo Wei stepped forward to hug her, and hugged her tightly into his arms, as if trying to lock her in firmly.

Vermeer blinked in confusion.

What's up, what's up, what's up?
Why does the atmosphere suddenly feel a little sensational...Could it be that there is really something dangerous outside, and he has been keeping it from us! ?
Vermeer also hugged him tightly.

"Tell me about it! No matter what is outside, I will face it with you!"

Luo Wei: "..."

She hasn't reacted until now, isn't what she should be worried about outside...

As expected of you.

Luo Wei rubbed her head, making her long dark blonde hair look like a chicken coop, and her soft fragrance filled the air and hands.

"May I kiss you before you blindfold me?" Following her humble way of asking, Luo Wei said with a smile.

Vermier bit her lip slowly.

"Yes... yes," she said with a trembling feeling flattered, "even if you don't ask me..."

Luo Wei covered her mouth with a kiss.


Until Luo Wei slowly let her go, Vermier still closed her eyes with unfinished thoughts.

"You are fooled." Luo Wei smiled bitterly.

If you don't get caught up, you won't be able to get caught up anymore.

Vermier trotted all the way to the bathroom, and when he came out soon, he was holding something he was familiar with.

doll clothes.

Luo Wei's face suddenly turned black.

You tell me it's just blindfolded?It's like covering the whole body 360 degrees without any dead angle, okay...

Forget it, let her go.

Under the shining eyes of the other party, Luo Wei walked into the bathroom, changed into the heavy doll clothes, and came out holding the round plush bear headgear several times bigger than his head.

"Can you please wear it?" Vermeer looked at him expectantly.

Luo Wei: "..."

He silently put the bear's head on his head, his eyes were pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

He wanted to complain about it before. Who designed this thing? It doesn't even open the eyes. After wearing the hood, you can't see anything. How can you distribute leaflets?
Breathable is breathable.

"As expected, I can't see it..." Vermeer said.

Luo Wei could only hear her voice now, judging from her words, she should have waved in front of him just now.

"Follow me, I won't let you fall!"

Being supported by her to walk forward clumsily, Luo Wei was helpless for a while, what could this be...?
Vermeer is smiling very happily at this moment.

This time, it is finally time for me to guide you forward in the dark.

Steadily guiding him step by step, Vermier slowly let him lie down, seeing his current appearance, couldn't help covering her mouth and secretly smiling.

Luo Wei: "..."

She really likes the little bear, and I'm afraid she won't be able to escape the death entanglement of the octopus tonight.

And at this moment, he heard the sound of a zipper.

Luo Wei: "..."

Immediately understood the other party's purpose, for a moment I didn't know what to say.

"Let me tell you," he sighed in the darkness, "how did you buy this doll costume?"

Vermeer's heart was pounding, startled by his sudden words.

"Yeah...? Is this one? I saw it in the town when I was a child. I... I pestered Bishop Monica to buy it."

Vermier felt a little embarrassed.

At that time, I was quite self-willed... It was just that when I saw the bear doll in the mobile circus, I quarreled with the bishop that I wanted it too, and cried and lingered there...

Later, Bishop Monica agreed and found the circus. They happened to have one that was almost ready, so they bought it.

"Oh? Tell me in detail."

"Hey...! Hey, do you have to?"


Woo... Vermier was embarrassed to tell the story of the incident. Although he couldn't see it now, he still felt very embarrassed.

" you think I'm too capricious," she said uncomfortably, poking her fingers, "I don't know how to see it..."

"No." Rowe shook his head in the hood.

Instead, I think you are too cute.

I'm afraid it's because it hasn't been fully finished yet, so the eyes are not opened.

He couldn't help laughing, and continued: "If you want to wear it, let Ke Luoxi make it for you again when you have time."

"Really! Well... I didn't know what this zipper was for before, but now I do..."

Vermeer's eyes lit up, but when he saw the car halfway through, he became shy again.

"That... I've finished talking, can I..."

Luo Wei's head was full of black lines, "It's up to you."

Accompanied by the movement, one can only feel it with the sense of touch, and the slightly cool air gradually seeps in.

No matter how you think about it, bear dolls are too weird...

(breathing sound)

(steps back away)

(sound of restless breathing)
Then there was silence for a while.

About 3 minutes later, Wei Mier's trembling voice came:

"Why, why is it different from last time...?"

" take a closer look."

"Hey...! How do you know my location!?"

Luo Wei sighed helplessly, judging from the sound that there were no further footsteps, she might be far away and dare not approach.

"I can't see it, don't worry, it's just that I didn't hear the footsteps."

"oh oh……"

(Uneasy slow footsteps)
(sound of restless breathing)
Judging from the hearing that she was getting closer, Luo Wei knew that she was getting closer, and the sound could express anxiety.

Until the sense of touch felt her softly exhaled breath.

Vermeer: ​​"!!!"

(breathing sound)

(back off in panic)
"This, this, this is..."

Luo Wei: "..."

Now it really becomes a strange bear doll.

"...Didn't Athetana teach you?"

"Huh...huh!? So that's what it means!?"


Luo Wei didn't know what to say at the moment, this is really hard for the mother god.

Hearing the footsteps approaching again, Luo Wei originally thought that she would have to ponder and hesitate for a while.


"You are, you are greeting me." Wei Mier trembled and did not dare to look, " this a handshake?"

Rowe almost didn't come up in one breath.

But he soon understood.

I'm afraid, because she doesn't want to put his feelings aside because of her curiosity, really... There is really no one who can do better than her in thinking for others.

Obviously trying to avoid being shy in this way.

No, maybe it's because I'm too shy, so I want to avoid researching it as soon as possible...

This silly girl really made a lot of determination for today, could it be to compete with Saya... No, it's better not to think about other people's affairs now.

"is this OK?"

Luo Wei didn't respond to her with words.

Vermier tilted her head nervously, but the jumping emotion was accurately conveyed, as if it connected with him, and she felt his every minute and every second of appeal at the moment.


15 minute later.

"That... I have an idea, can I say it?" Vermeer seemed to hesitate for a long time.

Luo Wei didn't know what she was planning.

She must have evolved by herself... Last time I asked if I could eat it in a restaurant.

"Instead of saying, you might as well just do it and let me guess."

For some reason, Luo Wei suddenly had the feeling of unpacking the blind box, as if there was a turntable with various things written on it, and what Vermeer wanted to do was one of them.

He couldn't help thinking of many answers.

After Vermeer got up and was busy for a while, he ushered in the sense of touch in the darkness.

what is this……?
He heard the sound of bottles and jars, the sound of herbs grinding, and then it was a little cool, and he spread it evenly with his fingers and rubbed it little by little.

At this moment, Luo Wei suddenly realized that such a small option like her could not be accommodated on the huge turntable.

But the taste is so satisfying...

What the hell is she doing?
"I'm doing facial care for you~" Vermeer said softly, slowly spreading the skin care lotion evenly, "I think it's very comfortable to apply on my face, so I want to try... how about...?"

Still too shy to look directly at him, but in this way, everything seemed to make sense, and he wasn't so afraid anymore.

She looked up at the ceiling and kept hinting to herself in her heart.

It's just basic care.

Luo Wei: "..."

Facial maintenance?

That is, the set of skin care that girls usually use?Can this also be maintained...

His face has never been treated like this...

Vermeer usually doesn't wear makeup, but judging from her familiarity with medicinal herbs and treatments, it's normal for her to be a priest of the church and to be able to prepare various lotions, essential oils, and herbal powders.

But I'm afraid.

Her purpose is not to make herself beautiful, but to make herself comfortable.

It's really comfortable, and even makes you think...


(End of this chapter)

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