Chapter 143 Do I still need to teach what to do?
The night passed.

Early the next morning, the leader of the Netes tribe.

Saya watched the sunrise at the highest point of the valley, and looked down at the human towns in the distance of the plain.


She shook her head, preventing herself from thinking any further.

Now that he has become the fourth Lord Angel, the most urgent task is to adapt to this power and devote himself to the next exploration of the relics of God War.

In this way, the gap in strength is here, and that bastard can't tell him what to do.

It was useless to beat him, and from now on, he would never let him get any advantage from himself.

What hanging on the tree, tied in the tent, soaking in the hot spring together.

Don't even think about it!

Just thinking about it, Saya turned her head, spread her crimson wings, but staggered and almost fell.

Angel Power: 20%

When the two people in the town came back, Saya couldn't even eat breakfast, so she grabbed Luo Wei by the collar.

"Why! Why is that shit ceremony still there!!?"

"What!" Luo Wei, who enjoyed the experience last night, turned to look at her in surprise, "The ceremony will disappear by itself?"

Saya: "..."

But I've obviously been promoted.

Despite being dragged like this, Luo Wei looked at her with great interest, "You don't mean to say that because you have been promoted, the ceremony should be canceled automatically, right?"

Saya: "..."

Shouldn't that be the case?
Luo Wei smiled, and raised his left hand with the imprint of Athetana's divine power, "According to you, if I become a godhead, Athetana will have to give me the imprint again, and the additional power on my body will All disappear?"

Saya: "..."

Then what happened yesterday?

While thinking, she suddenly thought of something, her eyes froze.

When he fought the God of Bone and Blood last time, this guy had the ability to temporarily lift the seal.

That is to say...

"Did you... deliberately dismiss it when I was promoted?" She looked at him with surprise and uncertainty.

Luo Wei looked down at his pulled neckline, and sighed deeply.

"I didn't want you to know, but I didn't expect you to treat me like this."


Saya took a step back and let go of him.

Am I misunderstanding him?

Is this also one of the actions he considered for me?

How many plans does he have!

Resisting the embarrassing expression, Saya thought again, since the ceremony has not been lifted...

Luo Wei dusted himself off, and pointed in a certain direction lightly:

"See, there's a tree over there."



When the appointed time was about to come, Luo Wei forked off Saya from the tree, and the four of them returned to the Crownless City, first going to the Quiet Garden to check on Ke Luoxi's progress.

The seal is still there, but the workshop in the courtyard is well-organized, all of which she "handily" made in the process of studying the seal.

This is too easy.

Luo Wei called John over to take a look, and asked him to give some reference ideas, and by the way stimulate Ke Luoxi's fighting spirit.

Afterwards, a few people went out of the East City Gate and used the magic teleportation device to come to the Sky Wing to make music for the performance of the orc girl group.

It took three days to get the final product.

When Rovi returned to the valley and handed over the magic projection with the recorded accompaniment to Iluth, the manipulative witch gave him a slight smile.


Do not misunderstand.

That's certainly not a compliment.

Iluth asked some music theory knowledge before, but Luo Wei didn't answer any of them, and they didn't even have a score, so they naturally suspected that playing was their biggest flaw.

And now, in just three days, he handed over the finished accompaniment to the other party.

This allowed her to find the pleasure of her opponent.

——In fact, the way Luo Wei came up with the accompaniment is very simple.

First, while the three women were eating crepes, he threatened Saya with magic copper acid, started her learning mode, and sang the prepared song to her alone.

After Saya learned, Luo Wei asked her to fix her various out-of-keys little by little, so that Saya could sing the melody of the whole song standard.

And with the melody, I called the other three people over to give suggestions on the sound of the simulated instrument, and let Saya imitate all of them, combining the lyrics together and constantly adjusting until the accompaniment tune and melody of the whole song matched well.

Skillful machine girl?

Self-propelled fully automatic recorder!
"I asked them to start practicing dance moves," Iluth's expression was still mysterious and calm, "but I think you have encountered the biggest trouble since the plan."

Luo Wei looked at her calmly.


He didn't expect the whole thing to be smooth sailing, but he didn't doubt Iluth's ability, she could handle every detail with ease.

Saying this deliberately now, seems to be giving him a test question.

"The key person you fancy seems to be unable to become an idol anymore." Iluth said with deep eyes.


Luo Wei showed some doubts.

Ah Hu Lily?

It's not an exaggeration to say that the whole thing was planned around her, and it's impossible to become an idol?
"I'll go see how she's doing."

Luo Wei turned and left.

Ilus stood there, looking at his back thoughtfully.


"Don't you doubt that I did it?"


Come to the dance studio.

This building was summoned by Iluth with a ritual, and it is large enough to accommodate 200 people for dance practice. When Luo Wei entered through the side door, he saw Ahu Lili's absent-minded appearance at a glance.

Without saying anything, he withdrew and came to Athetana instead.

Find Vermeer.

Except for the three days on the magical battleship, the little boy basically stayed with Athetana during this time. In addition to learning magic in the hunting field from her, he also learned some general skills.

It's better to ask her who is close to her.

After telling the whole story, Vermeer quickly went to confirm.

The remaining two were in the tent, and Athetana sighed and said, "Lily seems to have something on her mind. When I asked her, she refused to say it, as if she suddenly became inferior."


Luo Wei never thought that the biting bitch would feel inferior.

After a while, Vermeer came back.

She shook her head.

"Lily hugged me and cried for a while. I could feel that she wanted to work hard and learned dance faster than others, but for some reason... she didn't seem like the original her."

Be energetic.

Even if one excels in technique, one has no soul without that energy.

The plan is about to start, and this is a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

"I see."

Luo Wei didn't think it was Iluth's fault. Although that witch was good at tricks, she didn't show any flaws on her side, and she wouldn't make trouble for herself.

It seems that it can only be solved in his way.


into the night.

Drenched in sweat, Ahu Lili dragged her exhausted body back to the tent.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Luo Wei sitting there, watching her recorded daily life in front of the surveillance projection.


There was a hostile roar in his throat, but it was weak and a little weak.

"Don't worry about me," Luo Wei tilted his head and glanced at her, "I'm just checking your progress."

I also heard about the detailed situation from the rat woman who took over his photography, and it almost started to become like this after taking over.


Didn't you tell her that momentum is important?

Seeing that Luo Wei didn't intend to leave, Ahu Lili snorted, walked to the bed side with a shuffling step, and lay down with her back to him.


Rowe glanced back.

Heh, this is really a strange thing. When I rescued her, I resisted taking her away, and finally bit him hard, but now I can tolerate him lying there and sleeping when he is around?

I was underestimated.

Then don't blame me.

He got up and approached behind her silently, she would definitely be able to hear it normally, but there was no movement at this moment.

Probably because he didn't want to give up the hope of saving the orcs, so even though he was depressed, he put in double effort and exhausted his physical strength.

Faced with a dog girl who is physically exhausted and unable to move, do I still need to be taught what to do?
Without the slightest hesitation, Luo Wei grabbed the big fluffy tail.


She didn't even have the strength to take a bath, and Ahu Lili, whose clothes were soaked in sweat, turned around in a jerk, and let out a low growl in her throat, holding her tail and trying to take it back.

How could Luo Wei let her succeed, and squeezed it from the root to the bottom.


Ahu Lily kicked him, but Luo Wei remained motionless.

This made her kick a few more times before Rowe grabbed her ankle one last time, immobilizing her.


The hostile grunt, Luo Wei was a little surprised for a moment.

It's all like this and you still don't bite?Obviously he has been on guard all along, and she obviously hasn't entered the special period yet.

"You... uru... let go..."

"Why, stop biting?" Luo Wei said provocatively, "Aren't you usually very fierce?"

"Roar... Hulu..."

Seeing that she really had no intention of resisting, Luo Wei grabbed the end of her tail, separated the surrounding fur, and poked the tip of her tail with his fingers.

"Hey...! Aww..."

She writhed uneasily, her face was uncomfortable and aggrieved, and there was a hint of embarrassed disgust.

"You... uru... why did you do such a thing..."

Luo Wei flicked her fingers back and forth, looking at her tirelessly, "I don't usually have such a good opportunity, so don't blame me for being rude."

Lily shrugged her eyes and trembled, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, she stretched her neck and took a hard bite.

Luo Wei got up to avoid it, secretly thinking that it was dangerous.

This guy's bite is really hard to guard against.

Facing her sitting there with her legs on one side, showing her small canine teeth, Luo Wei tentatively stretched out his hand slowly, as if trying to appease a wild animal.

"Ow!" Lily bit it symbolically and in warning.

Luo Wei shrank his hand back, and then continued to move forward slowly, using gestures to indicate that he was not hostile and would not hurt her.

Lily bit her fiercely again, and Rowe repeated the process until finally he touched her head with his hands.

Then he calmed down gently like petting a dog.


Lily's demeanor gradually settled down, she closed her eyes and shrank her neck, as if she couldn't stand such a touch, her tail subconsciously wagged twice.


It's a bit too bitter like this...

Dogwomen follow part of their animal instincts, and reproduction is their nature engraved in their bodies, and they have an extraordinary attraction to the opposite sex.

Except for special periods, it is not easy to tame a dog girl, let alone her type who would rather be beaten and injured than give in when she was caught.

It seems that she is really ashamed of herself.


"Put someone else in my place," she whispered after her expression relaxed, "For example Shirley."

"That won't work."

Luo Wei refused.

Although I don't understand why she became like this, but now is undoubtedly a good opportunity for her to rebuild her self-confidence.

"Why... because I am the princess of the tribal leader?"

"No," Luo Wei shook his head, "because you are a natural idol."

Ahu Lily was taken aback.

My... natural idol?

"I don't know what you are worrying about," Luo Wei said in a deep voice, "but if you have a noble status, you can become an idol, why don't I go to Athetana? To be honorable?"

"That's because the Mother Goddess..."

"No," Luo Wei interrupted her, "So you misunderstood from the beginning. The reason for me to pick people was never based on status considerations, but whether they are suitable."


Ahu Lili repeated these two words intermittently, and suddenly looked at him vigorously.

"But I don't have that kind of charm...! I can't be like you wrote on the paper... such a dazzling and attractive existence..."

Luo Wei frowned and looked at her seriously.

"Why are you so unattractive?"

What link went wrong, how did she come up with such an idea?
What did Elise do?No... No, although she is strict, she is also very clear about what is more important, and it will not have any positive effect to beat her like this.

Who did that?
Ahu Lili hesitated for a while, and suddenly bit him hard without any hesitation.

Luo Wei: "!!!?"

(End of this chapter)

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