Chapter 144 A Hu Lily's Trouble

Being bitten on the tiger's mouth, Luo Wei pulled out his hand in surprise, and looked at Ahu Lili in front of him in astonishment.

Ask her why she is not attractive and why she bites?

This is too unpredictable!

Ahu Lili let out a deep roar, as if just biting him wasn't enough to relieve her anger.

Did I offend her?
Luo Wei was puzzled for a while, although the behavior of pulling her tail just now offended her, but the root of her inferiority complex is not from me?

Thinking of this, he was suddenly taken aback.


Is it rooted in me?

Seeing Ahu Lili baring her teeth and looking at him with hostility, Luo Wei took two steps back cautiously, and asked her as calmly as possible: "What did I do to hurt you?"

The few days when I was tutoring her with Iluth, it was obviously normal, and I didn't say anything excessive, which was much better than when I was with Vermier and Saya.

Moreover, from the perspective of redoubled training, she didn't have any resistance to the idol project, she just felt that she was not qualified.

Not angry, but low self-esteem?

"Liar!" Ahu Lili yelled, as if she had a crisis of trust in him.

Luo Wei took a step closer.

"Then tell me, where did I lie to you?"

Lily maintained a deep roar, as if she was facing Vermeer and Athetana, she seemed unable to say anything.

Seeing her like this, Luo Wei sat forward on her bed, took up her sleeping position, and began to meditate.


With a weak whimper, Ahu Lili, who was already exhausted beyond the bounds, moved away from him, bent down on the carpet on the other side of the tent, hugged her tail, curled up her limbs, closed her eyes tightly, and shrank into her small body. small corner.

Then he was bitten on the arm by Rowe from behind.

Ahu Lili: "!!!"

"Oh?!" She turned around in a jerk, shocked by his behavior.

"Do you think you're the only one with teeth?" Luo Wei grabbed her arm with both hands and carved her teeth marks, "Who can bite?"


Ahu Lili bit her head up, and Luo Wei pinched her chin with one hand, turning left and right, but he couldn't bite his fingers.

"I can continue to drag on with you, anyway, I don't need to train tomorrow, and I can sleep until the afternoon without any problem," Luo Wei said while avoiding her fangs, "And you, just be prepared to sleep without sleep from now on. , if the training goes wrong, the future of the orc clan will be ruined because of you."

Ahu Lili's face trembled, and she pushed hard on the hand that locked his chin.

"That's why I said, let Shirley and the others replace me!"

"You still don't understand!" Luo Wei raised his voice several times, "Without you, this plan would not exist at all!!"

Ahu Lili's eyes immediately became moist, "But isn't it just what you think I'm not attractive!"

"When did I say that?"

"You didn't say it, but you did it!"

Luo Wei stared at her blankly, and their movements stopped because of this.

Acting like she's unattractive?

His eyes gradually widened, and a thought suddenly popped up.

"Could it be because I was carrying the Magic Projector..."

Lily hung her head down.

This change of direction verified his guess.

In addition to the normal progress confirmation in those few days, another important thing was Saya's promotion.

In order to let the angel oppress to the lowest point and liberate his power, he deliberately ignored the agreement with her and let her stand outside like a fool. Thinking of someone who has been waiting for him with such a posture, how could Luo Wei have other thoughts.

So, under the guidance of Iluth, he moved the camera, even if he hit Ahu Lily from various angles, he didn't have the slightest wave, his face was as still as water.

So she thinks she's not attractive?

It doesn't make sense.

Why should she care so much about my opinion?I'm nothing to her...

Rowe suddenly paused.

Thinking about it carefully, I have squeezed her tail several times, and once let her fall down, it was so fierce...

She even smelled my...

Wait, remember that she also handled the boot at that time, if she was in a special period at that time...

"Why haven't you thrown away Vermeer's boots yet?"

"What!" Ahu Lily looked in a certain direction fiercely, "I obviously hid..."

Luo Wei: "..."

Ahu Lili: "..."

Luo Wei: "..."

Ahu Lili: "..."

Now I know.

Not to mention the bitch, Luo Wei's face was a little red.

It's too embarrassing to think of her humble and secretly longing for her own taste...

"...It's been so long, you used magic power to keep it fresh?"


Ahu Lili's face was as hot as a red-hot stone, and the air smelled of her sweat, like a child whose wrongdoing was exposed, she bowed her head and remained silent.

Luo Wei could begin to understand Athetana's temper.

In such a situation, what else can I do besides tolerance.

If she is the first man she smells, then it is natural to care about his opinion. From a biological point of view, this even determines whether she has the right to a spouse.

What's more, she often smells... I'm afraid it has become a part of her life.

So when she showed her shy and uneasy side, what she saw was his indifferent expression, and the guilt behind her gradually overwhelmed her.

This is not emotion, but the animal instinct in the body.

Therefore, he would rather endure in that way, and did not make any more close moves towards him in normal times.

So it's really too...

"Don't you understand why I'm doing that?" he said trying to be inclusive.

Although the reasons are different, the essence is the same.

If it wasn't for Saya standing lonely outside, how could he calm down with the Magic Projector.

Ahu Lili looked up at him timidly, that look almost melted people.

Luo Wei: "..."

calm down……

Sober... Sober... There will be opportunities in the future...

If she gave up thinking here, her training tomorrow would really go to waste, and no matter what, it would have to be after she became an idol.

Moreover, she would rather endure than get close to herself, maybe that is not the result she wanted.

But I'm afraid I won't resist being cooked by him...

This is really... too...

He stood up with a gloomy face. He couldn't forget how much she needed her in the whole plan and subsequent actions - Athetana's seat, Iluth's entry into the team, the status of the orc clan, Aining's bet...

Let everything be left until after she shines as an idol.

"I mean, I was deliberately distracted and didn't look at you. Don't you understand the reason?"

"What...what do you mean..." Ahu Lili looked at him uncertainly.

Rowe took a deep breath.

He wasn't sure if this bitch's knowledge was at the same level as Vermeer's, so in order to let her understand, he could only speak directly.

"I'm afraid I can't help but ○○ with you."

He turned his back and said, and walked out of the tent without looking back.


Ahu Lily sat there in a daze for a while.

It wasn't until Luo Wei had gone far away that the human part gradually brought her back to her senses, and then she blushed suddenly and realized that the urge to bite him to death reached its peak.

"Who, who wants to ○○ with you!!!"

She roared loudly, her big fluffy tail raised.


The next day, the leader of the Netes tribe, the Witch Dance Room.

Iluth looked at Ahu Lili's demeanor during the training, turned her head and squinted at Luo Wei.

Luo Wei could only spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

The good news is that Ahu Lili's problem has been solved.

The bad news is that Athetana came to her door this morning and said she heard Lily yell last night...

Even this gentle mother goddess was embarrassed to say that word.

And there are three tents in the depths of the tribe's collar, and Ilus, who lives in another luxurious tent, obviously heard it too.

Her eyes seemed to be saying that at the moment.

You can still solve problems this way.


As the girls progressed faster and faster, a large number of people poured into Baigang Town, and the idol project entered the formal implementation stage.

 This chapter is in, it's a rewrite... I'll go in as soon as I get to the dog girl...

(End of this chapter)

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