Chapter 145 The Girls Are Really Enthusiastic

The mainland calendar is June 1219, 3.

A breezy morning.

The five princes and daughters of the Lion Kingdom came to Baigang Town again.

"People of the kingdom, hello, the last time we met was late autumn, and now it's spring, I'm very happy to come to this town again..."

Lovely gave a speech on the square in the West District. This time there was no magic warship, but under the protection of the Knights, there was a huge board covered with a curtain behind her.

Vermier squeezed to Luo Wei's side in the crowd, and was surprised by the crowd around him.

"There are many, many more people than in the last elite competition..."

"Of course."

Luo Wei looked up at Saya in the sky, the news of this guy's promotion was too exaggerated.

In addition to Loveley's propaganda, the old place where the beast tide broke out in the past suddenly appeared a vision of the sky and the earth crimson.

And a place with a lot of people means business opportunities. When the news spreads, caravans from all over the country are heading here, driving the crowd in disguise.

"Lovely was able to speak calmly in front of so many's amazing..." Vermier sincerely expressed her admiration.

Luo Wei lowered his head and smiled, "You were afraid to salute her when you saw her for the first time, so don't you call her by her name now?"


That's because I don't want to lose to her...

Soon, Lovely finished his official speech, informing the public that he was about to give them a gift, and the knight lifted the curtain behind him.

It was a huge magic panel, four meters high and five to six meters wide.

Magic technology is far away from the lives of ordinary people. Most of the people gathered in the square have never seen such a thing. Thinking that they didn’t show it in the last elite competition, people can’t help but wonder if the five princesses are doing something big again. .

In fact, she brought it over last time.

This was removed from a magical battleship...

Accompanied by people's discussions, a picture with sound appeared on the light blue panel, and the people below were startled and let out incredible exclamations.

However, when I saw the content displayed on the screen, I became divided again.


Regardless of whether you are a native of Baigang Town or not, you have heard more or less about the territory of the orcs on the road and in the city. The massage parlor opened in the West District has also attracted many people to experience it. You can experience the services of orc mothers worth tens of Sen coins, even if you don't take them for yourself, it doesn't matter.

However, those with such expectations were slightly disappointed.

It turns out that massage parlors are really just massages...

As the flow of people surged, many malicious incidents against the orcs occurred in the city, and the Knights were too busy to suppress them.And for those who boasted of their status and deliberately made things difficult, they were placed under house arrest until Lovely's arrival today, that would be their end.

After all, most of them are miscellaneous forces on the side of Prime Minister Randall, and Lovely has long wanted to take revenge.

The sound of the magic panel quickly overwhelmed people's discussions.

"What is an idol?"

"What is an idol?"

The screen kept switching, and every different orc girl was sitting in the tent, all repeating this sentence.

"In my opinion, that should be a career."

"An identity."

"Something... that makes people happy?"

People have never heard of this word, but now, being interpreted in such a special way by the orc girls, they thought that it must be related to the fifth princess, so they listened unconsciously.

Vermeer moved closer to Luo Wei again.

"It's amazing, did you really make this? I didn't think there was anything in the daily life, but putting it together gives people a very sacred feeling!"

Forget it.

Luo Wei opened his dark circles.

Next time I won't do editing again, I'd rather go fight the Demon God than do it.

Going to edit the entire daily life of dozens of girls by himself, among which there are many harmonious scenes that appear accidentally, he only feels that he is getting thinner and weaker, and his mighty power is no longer...

"Why do you want to be an idol?"

The screens are switched, expressing the true emotions of the orc girls.

"Because I was chosen..."

"Can I really tell the truth? I was pulled over..."

"I was harvesting mushrooms underground, and suddenly I was asked to come up and record this..."

The crowd couldn't help laughing, although they still didn't understand what was going on, but in the presence of the Fifth Princess and the Knights, they had just delivered such a serious speech, and suddenly said on such an important occasion, "I I'm harvesting mushrooms", I can't help laughing.

Of course, there is also a support specially arranged by Luo Wei, how can this be missing to set off the atmosphere?

Facts have proved that his worries are a little unnecessary. When a novelty such as a magic panel appears in front of people, even if the broadcast on it is Lao Niu Plowing Land, it will make people watch it.

"My name is Ledanya."

"My name is Maurice."

"My name is Ahu Lili!"

The girls are facing the camera, introducing themselves in their best looks.People began to not understand again, why did they deliberately say the name?
Could it be that the people in the picture can still get to know them?
Afterwards, all the pictures were cut into small squares and arranged, and all the girls said together:
"For my sister."

"For recognition."

"To live in the sun."


"I——decided to debut and become an idol!"

The melodious music began to sound, the sound of violins and bagpipes was soothing, and the pictures began to show the girls' daily life.

"If this thing can be done, I want to buy a boat ticket and go to the sea to see... I don't know if people will welcome me."

"I did this for my sister, she is still young, I heard that being an idol can make money..."

"I'm for the orcs," Ahu Lili looked at the camera brightly, "We are more beautiful like this than being locked in a cage, please get to know us a little more!"

Then came the shots of training voice and dance, the complaints of the girls who were too tired to walk back to the tent, and some real feelings of being scolded with red eyes.

"I never thought it would be so difficult..."

"It's too strict, I really want to give up..."

"Am I the worst one. (sob)"

Some of them were bandaged and had to be trained. After the broken legs and feet were healed by magic, they would start moving immediately, which was even stricter than the formal assessment of the knight order.

But there is also persistence.

As the music changed from melodious to passionate, images of the girls concentrating on training were played. Their faces were sweating, their bodies were wrapped in bandages. people's emotions.

At the same time there is hope.

"I really did, woo!"

"Come on, I can do it!"

"I'm finally recognized, that's great...I thought I couldn't keep going, many people were eliminated..."

The entire record lasted more than 30 minutes. After the broadcast, Lovely announced: "Five days later, they will bring an unprecedented performance, which will subvert the art form of the entire era, and my people, you not only This will be seen first hand, and everyone will be able to participate in deciding their fate with your vote."

"I will let the Knights post the detailed content on the bulletin boards in various taverns and urban areas. This will be a wave that will spread across the continent, and you who are in this small town will be the first witnesses."

After talking about the scene, Lovely left the field with the knights, and the magic panel left on the square began to play the three 10-minute content in a loop.

Luo Wei was summoned soon.

"You better not screw me up, you bastard," Lovely said while sitting on the chair with legs crossed, "Since I finished recording the music for you, Saya is still talking and moving from time to time!"

"Boom, da! Boom, da!"

Luo Wei: "..."

Lovely: "..."

Saya appeared from the side, and said dejectedly, "I'm sorry, my lord... I couldn't hold back when I heard you say it."

Luo Wei shrugged and looked at Lovely, "What are you worried about, don't you like that song too?"

She even contributes her miscellaneous voice in the harmony part.

The same goes for Vermier, Aining, and Saya.

At first, I heard that Luo Wei sang the original version to Saya alone, and the little boy's eyes lit up immediately, and he wanted to hear him sing it again, and he was shocked.

Saya looked at the fallen Vermeer and said: "Let him call himself beautiful, cute, girl, just thinking about it is a disaster."

However, after being coerced by Luo Wei and having to record harmony with several other women, the angel immediately lost face and has been avoiding him ever since.

Heh, obviously he sang well.

"Don't worry," Luo Wei retracted his thoughts and said, "Nothing can stop them."

In addition to the west square, magic panels were also placed in the shopping street plaza in the town and at the entrance to the west city where Saya was promoted. More than 30 small magic projections would also be played in various taverns in a loop.

Brainwashing propaganda.

In addition, there are 48 orc girl posters posted everywhere in the city, which can be seen anywhere in the city, so that the girls' characters can be truly reflected.

At the same time, votes are used to give people the illusion that they can decide their own destiny, making idols real.

After resigning from Lovely, Luo Wei returned to the Wailing Valley, and the singing costumes made by John were also delivered. The girls were very happy to wear new clothes, and they changed directly in the dance studio.

Luo Wei: "..."

The girls are really passionate...

Then he, the only male on the field, was pushed out by Ayi Ning with a sullen expression.

But this still couldn't stop their enthusiasm, and after the replacement, they all came up, hoping to let him comment.

Luo Wei was suddenly surrounded by a bright light, and he couldn't tell what was what. He just felt like he was in heaven.

And at this moment, Ahu Lili, who had changed from the dressing room, came out and came among the crowd, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

Her face was made up by Iluth, and her hair and clothing were treated with magic oil paint, which was gorgeous and colorful, with an extreme sense of color, but retained that part of real vitality.

True icon.

No matter how much whitewashing, it still shows the original intention.

"What, how...?" She said with uncertainty.

"I said my vision was right." Luo Wei said with his eyes slightly closed.

Released from the scarred and hostile cage at the beginning, the dog girl princess has gone through hardships, and finally came to this point with her love and responsibility for the ethnic group.

But she was still that Ahu Lily.

Will be wary, will be cautiously probing with hostility, and will suddenly bite fiercely. Her own charm has condensed into the state at this moment, rather than playing other roles.

The rehearsal has also been confirmed, and it can be said that nothing goes wrong.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at Athetana, who was quietly observing outside the window. The latter dodged slightly before standing back up again, and cast a helpless but thankful look at him.

Coming out of the dance studio, Luo Wei found the mother goddess.

"Why don't you go in and have a look?" He said with a smile, "If you didn't want to go to the Garden of Silence with us, I would rather see you become an idol."

"No..." Athetana smiled wryly, "I still know myself, that's their stage."

Then she took a breath, and said slowly: "I think they will succeed, so please let me contribute my strength next. If possible, I don't want you to go down to that area of ​​God's War."

"I have a reason to go," Luo Wei said.

"I know," Athetana looked at him deeply, "I am afraid that what you are looking for is not only important to yourself, but also to the world, so I never thought of blocking it, only worrying about what I can help." not much."

Rowe closed his eyes.

"Well, how about a hug?"

Instead, he was worried that the mother god had helped too much.

Athetana glanced at him reproachfully, "You... I almost have no room to sit in my tent."

With the soft rubbing sound of the cloth, a warm embrace enveloped him.

"Then I hope that every time I go back to the rear, I can be greeted with such a hug."

Athetana: "!"

Knowing what he meant, Athetana looked at him helplessly.

This in turn made him worry.

"It's not that dark period anymore, I will protect you from the rear, not only you, but also Vermier, Saya, Ayi and the others."

"That way I'm relieved."

Luo Wei opened his eyes with a smile, and stretched out his hand to hug her in the same way.

Then, he saw Ahu Lili standing there with a look of astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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