It's not the protagonist, what does it matter if you are trapped in the Shura field

Chapter 147 The Influence of the Witch and the Astrologer

Chapter 147 The Influence of the Witch and the Astrologer

Three days after the show.

The crowds in Baigang Town remained unabated, and the tavern played a magic projection recording the performance scene, which was played in a loop along with the previous promotional advertisements.

"Exchange yourself and you, and create a proud girl together"

The uncle who was drinking was humming. Now everyone can hum a few words of this song, and it has become a real popular song.

Saya turned her head in disgust and looked at Luo Wei.

"It's probably the same feeling for you to sing."

After the performance, Shaye finally began to talk to him, although it was just a matter of talking back.

Luo Wei drank the wort noncommittally, and Vermeer just smiled at the side, secretly imagining it.

Think about it, you won't be electrocuted~

Ayining and Yilusi were also sitting at the same table, they drank drinks and wine, but did not speak.

Although there are many controversies in ACB48's performance, such as not being noble enough, not elegant enough, orcs can't get on the stage and so on.

But who cares.

Most people accept to listen to it once or twice in normal times, and are willing to go to free performances. This is the popular audience.

"I heard that many theater troupes have come to your door?" A Yining asked.

Iluth glanced at Luo Wei, she was in charge of the training part, and those troupes were all about inspiration and creativity, so naturally all of them were pushed to Luo Wei.

And Luo Wei pushed it to Lovely.

The result of the final discussion is that ACB48 will perform in Baigang Town and surrounding towns in the next three months. After all, the key is to make the surrounding people no longer reject the orcs led by the Netes tribe, and to make up for the absence of Athetana. this time.

After that, it was the cities that Lovely visited with the warships, which gradually expanded to the entire territory of Lion Garden, and finally accepted foreign invitations to conduct a continent-wide tour.

This of course comes at a price.

The ultimate goal is to let the oppressed orcs come to the Netes tribal territory from all over the world. As for whether those big troupes will accept it, how to do it, and how to solve the slave status of the orcs are things they need to worry about.

As for Lovely, the price that needs to be paid is not only the touring performance, but also asking other theater companies to copy the video for research, and letting Luo Wei write songs.

This is not a problem. After all, it is impossible for ACB48 to sing a song for a lifetime. He only provides the original melody, and the rest is for Loveley and other troupes. .

"Hey...Betsy, the more you like me, the cuter I am..."

"Bona, why are you here?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing, just a drink."

"What's hiding behind your back?"

"Nothing, nothing, just sit down and order some wine."

Wei Mier stretched her neck slightly, and looked sideways at the table next door.

She remembered the name, wasn't it the guy who made people angry on the day of the show, and said that Betsy's softness made people laugh or something.

And what was carried from that person's hand was Becky's promotional poster, and he was very careful not to break it.


"What's the matter, Wei Mier?" Ayi Ning glanced at her, followed the line of sight, and soon recognized the fat and unpleasant guy.

Thinking of what they vaguely heard just now, the two looked at Luo Wei in astonishment.

Rowe shrugged.

Facing resistance from ignorance.

This is the so-called, use the performance to conquer the audience.

With the great success of the show, promotional items such as idol posters and clay dolls also came into being. Those who have voted can receive one for free. If you want more, you can only buy from limited channels.

Hunger marketing.

Some people began to work hard to collect the complete set of 48 people, whether they collected it themselves or saw the business opportunity of reselling it.

And Luo Wei also provided suggestions, let the peripherals be released in different editions, each time with different pictures and themes, this will not only maintain the popularity and desire to buy, but also make the previous editions out of print, becoming more and more rare and valuable. Higher and higher.

This matter was handed over to Albert, a businessman who had an intersection with Luo Wei and was also the first batch of peripheral manufacturers.

Albert once rescued Ahu Lily, and he was also the chief of the "Orc Trade Association". After Luo Wei went to his place for a drink and told these thoughts, the potbellied businessman immediately sensed the business opportunity. That's right.

After that, Albert will be appointed as the chief of Lovely's newly established "Libra Chamber of Commerce", working for the five princesses, and the income from idols will also be shared with the Netes tribe leader.

"How come you have so many unconstrained ideas." Iluth asked as she put down her glass.

"You should say why he has so many outrageous ideas." Saya propped her chin impatiently, without looking at Iluth. "Before there were massage conferences and New Year's Eve dinners."

"Oh?" The witch raised her eyes, "Can you talk to me?"

The army of New Year's Eve dinner...

Thinking of this, Ayi Ning's expression became a little more helpless.

I was able to let the dwarves make dumplings before, I should have thought of it...

According to the bet, this time...

There was a moment of silence on the field, Ayning was contemplating, Vermeer seemed unwilling to answer, and Saya was even too lazy to answer.


Silence is a form of expression in the Shura field.

Saya should have hated Iluth so far, and Vermier didn't intend to tell the past experience of the few people frankly.

According to the principle of accidents between three people, confronting Vermeer when they met, made Saya furious. It is not surprising that there is such a situation.

"Just some unspeakable old things."

Luo Wei managed to smooth things over, after all, Iluth's entry into the team was something he wanted to fight for.

The witch didn't show embarrassment on her face, nor did she show sadness or joy, but the conversation suddenly changed.

"So, do you know Mena?"

Vermeer: ​​"!!!"

Saya: "?"

Ayi Ning: "..."

Iluth looked at Luo Wei calmly, "She said I was the fourth, but if you count the astrologer, there are five people here."

Rowe had expected this.

He didn't let go of the movement of Wuguan City. Ryan had already gone to Silent Night Forest to deal with the demon god. The two who were supposed to meet failed to meet. Although Mena hadn't appeared for a while, after finding out that the star position was abnormal, she approached Yi Ruth is inevitable.

But Iluth is not a person who likes to be bound by fate.

So in this matter, he is not worried.

"Actually, you are the third." He said in a deep voice.

Saya frowned.

What four and three.

Five people sat at a table, counting that annoying astrologer, not six people?
Vermeer on the side was stunned.

Sure enough, it was because of A Yining, right? And Luo Wei said the third one was because Mena shouldn't have appeared in the first place?
"Then I know the reward I want," Iluth said, looking at the four of them, "tell me in detail what you are going to do next."

"What!" Saya glared at her fiercely, almost hitting the table directly.

She even dared to take pictures of Urs' table.

To this day, Saya still hates this witch very much. If it weren't for the training of the orcs, she would have settled with her a long time ago.

Luo Wei closed his eyes slightly.

Iluth can understand Mena's words. The astrologer will obviously mention that this is to avoid the destruction of the world. If the witch is to join the team, the matter of the fallen angel and the blazing gun must not be hidden .

But the difference from Luo Wei's plan is that before, she planned to join the team and then told her, but now she listened to it first, and then considered whether to join the team.

Astrologers are shit sticks.

But on the other hand, Luo Wei doesn't need to seduce her with some information that Iluth cares about, so it can't be considered a loss.

"If I'm not mistaken, you also have a god core?" Luo Wei asked staringly.


A few people were slightly surprised, but thinking about it carefully, if it is a long-lived witch, it is not difficult to condense or obtain it from other places.

After all, in the depths of the mine, they also defeated the two demon gods.

"The place we are going to has something to do with the gods, and we need the protection of the god's core," Luo Wei glanced at Saya, "so..."

Saya looked away dissatisfied.

Luo Wei planned to explain to her slowly in the future, looked at Iluth and said, "I can tell you, but there is a request."


"If you choose to refuse, you must not tell anyone about this, and you must stay in Wailing Valley for another month before returning to Silent Night Forest."

"Yes." She replied without hesitation.

Rowe narrowed his eyes.

"I want you to guarantee this with the witch's oath."


Ilus looked at him with interest, as if she didn't expect him to know such a thing.

"What do you want me to guarantee?"

"Your appearance." Luo Wei replied without hesitation.


Saya sneered, "What kind of guarantee is this?"

As if her looks were worth a fortune.

Vermeer took a closer look, and found that Iluth was indeed a very beautiful person, the light in her eyes couldn't see traces of age, instead she had an air of her own age.

Then Vermeer noticed that after Rowe said this, Iluth's pupils shrank slightly.

Does she care about this?

Rowe also noticed Iluth's reaction.

This is what she cares about most.

Although that face has not been tampered with, in order to maintain its beauty, she has spent a lot of thought on it, even at the expense of sealing part of her own strength.

Designing oil paint-style outfits for the orcs is also because she can change her hair color at will.

Sometimes deep and sometimes light, but there is always purple.

It took Ilus a while to make up her mind this time.

"Okay." She said softly.

The conditions to be observed are not difficult.

In a long life, there are enough secrets to keep, and there is no shortage of these two.

The oath was completed on the spot with magic power, Luo Wei confirmed that it was correct, asked Vermeer to build a sound barrier, and told about the fallen angels and the artisan association.

Iluth: "..."

After she finished listening this time, the silence became a little longer.

After thinking about it, she opened her eyes and looked at them with a calm expression.

"So, this is your 'extra purpose', let me help you explore the ruins of the battle of the gods."

"Yes." Luo Wei did not deny it.

Iluth smiled softly, "If there is no Mena, what are you going to use in exchange?"

She obviously saw that Luo Wei still had a back hand, and that would be something she cared about.

Otherwise, how could you be willing to follow them.

Luo Wei just shook his head.

"I don't intend to force you. If you must know, I can take this as a reward and tell you after I finish."

A chain of information.

Now that she gave the early warning, Luo Wei also put the answer at the end, and the overall situation remained the same.

"I'll join."

She said with deep eyes.




The other three expressed their attitudes one after another, and Saya was about to jump up to settle accounts with Rovi, while Iluth glanced at her, as if she enjoyed the angel's frantic look.

Luo Wei just squinted his eyes and thought.

This witch can often make some unexpected decisions.

But there is definitely a purpose for her in it.

The easiest thing to think about is to find out the truth of fate by exploring the ruins.

After all, it is not always possible to find a team exploring unknown areas, and even if she has a divine core, it is impossible for her to go down alone.

"However, the contract will be changed."

Iris smiled at him.

"This time I only participate in the battle, and I don't care about the rest."

Is it the other way around?

In the idol project, he is only responsible for peacetime, not for battle.

She is only responsible for fighting on the exploration ruins, and has nothing to do with her.

This made Luo Wei understand a little bit.

I am afraid that he is avoiding intertwining with him at the same time, neither following the original trajectory nor accepting the new destiny.

Although Luo Wei is very suspicious, Mena will have something to do with her mentioning the truth of destruction and love-after all, it will cause Mena's status to fall further.

The Witch and the Astrologer.

As a result of the meeting between the two, Mena is obsessed with issues of status, while Ilus is repelled by people who see through their fate.

To a certain extent, it is another kind of inconsistency.

"No problem." Luo Wei replied.

This is just in line with his request, even if she doesn't mention it, he will snub her.

outsider status.

How much has this dangerous witch seen through?


Return to Wailing Valley. According to the agreement, after the affairs here are almost handled, Athetana will follow a few people to the city without a crown.

When the seal of the Quiet Garden is lifted, the mother goddess may not be able to return to the tribal leader for a while.

Looking at it now, almost all of the five things planned by Rowe have been completed.

Saya's promotion.

The entry of Ilus.

The seat of Athetana.

Ayi Ning's bet.

As for the status of the orc clan, we still need to see the follow-up development. At least for now, there is no need to worry about racial conflicts breaking out. It is enough for Ahu Lili, who is at the peak of popularity, to be in charge. What the idol says sincerely will not be just one-sided words.


Now there is a sixth thing to deal with.

Rowe stood at the deepest part of the valley and glanced at the tent on the left.

just now.

It's time to address some of the idol's personal issues.

(End of this chapter)

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