Chapter 148 Ahu Lily's Happy Box
When Luo Wei walked into the tent, a big tail was dangling in front of his eyes.

Ahu Lili was lying on the ground, rummaging for something from under one side of the cabinet.

"Cough cough..."

Rowe coughed twice.

It seems that she can't notice the mark all the time, and she can't notice it when her attention is drawn away.

Ahu Lili's tail stopped immediately, her ears pricked up and she turned her head back. When she saw it was him, she quickly stood up again. Just as she was about to say something, her face was shocked again.

"I... I'm not looking for that!!"

Seeing her rich body movements and facial expressions, Luo Wei twitched the corners of his mouth and stood still.

Ahu Lili was also standing there, looking at him with a slightly red face.

her at the moment.

On the outside, it is no longer the caged little animal wrapped in coarse cloth and covered in scars. After changing into a clean dress, the beautiful atmosphere of a girl emerges as the times require.

But that irresistible look, with a hint of wariness and tentative demeanor, has never changed.

Even if she became an idol, she managed to maintain herself.

"Then what are you looking for?" Luo Wei said with a smile.

There are many gifts and bouquets behind her, many of which are red roses that symbolize warm love, presumably all given by fans.

"It's... new clothes..."

Lily put her hands behind her back and hooked her toes inward.

Luo Wei showed a little surprise. Since John made the last batch of performance costumes, the craftsman was full of inspiration and soon designed various costumes for performances.

It can be made so quickly because John has cooperated with many craftsmen in the North District in Wuguan City. This is a good opportunity when the craftsman association can no longer be trusted at all.

Although John doesn't know those things yet.

As for this guy's request to measure the size himself, Luo Wei flatly rejected it.

Don't even think about it.

"How do you feel after receiving so many gifts?" Luo Wei asked with his thoughts back.

"No... Iluth said that this is my supporters' recognition of me, but never meet them in private, just respond on stage."

Rowe breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, I owe Elus a return.

Showing their faces with a glamorous posture, and the status of the orcs in people's impressions is not high, there are definitely many people with evil intentions.

And Iluth has long been familiar with those gazes with ulterior motives. There are ten thousand ways to identify and deal with them, and she can make these people feel deflated casually.

This is also an important reason why Luo Wei invited her.

Orc girls are very attractive, but sincerity often means that they are easy to be deceived. If no one teaches this, it is easy to spread negative voices.

Ilus and Athetana, one teaches strategies, the other teaches principles, and it is guaranteed to be foolproof.


Luo Wei euphemistically asked about the situation of other girls, and the answer of the mother god was to reassure him, but she took a deep look at him, indicating that she already knew about Lily's private affairs.

At the same time that he died on the spot, Luo Wei also knew that this would definitely not work.

She got used to his smell, and if she continued in her current way, she would be discovered sooner or later.

"...I have a gift for you too."

Lowering his head in a deep voice, Luo Wei took out a delicate pink box from the cloak.

Ahu Lili: "...!"

She was slightly surprised, and her tail swung twice behind her.

It's such an easy-to-understand expression...

Luo Wei asked her to sit down in front of the chair, and opened the box in front of her. It was a small dressing box. When it was unscrewed, it was a rectangular mirror. Some basic stage makeup supplies or small object.

There is also a roulette combination lock below.

"I asked Ke Luoxi to order it specially, using the best materials," Luo Wei showed her, "You can sign a magic contract with the owner, not only can you track it remotely, but you can also directly summon it within a certain range." inside."

Ahu Lili was completely attracted by this exquisite item, thinking that it was a gift specially given to her, she looked at him with a little surprise.

"Don't interrupt," Luo Wei turned her head back, "Look at this roulette lock, what's inside is the key."

Under his guidance, Ahu Lili completed the magic contract.

"password is******."

The mechanism inside must be opened by her own magic power plus the correct six-digit number. Although there is no need to worry about losing or being stolen, it is always right to be careful.

Ahu Lili turned the roulette to the corresponding number with a dazed expression. When the magic lock was turned on, the roulette lock automatically turned to other random numbers.

After opening.

There are also a few things inside.

An empty bottle in the shape of a pentagram, some prepared powders, and...

"What is this pink stick?" Ahu Lili asked, pointing at it.

"It's called the Lily Happy Stick..." Luo Wei explained with a black hair.

Naturally, these are not the ones used by Caroline, but specially made by Ke Luoxi, with a slimmer and more girlish appearance. The craftsman of Little Wildcat reacted greatly when he heard such a request, and thought it was hope. She used this to make a flower behind him.

Luo Wei didn't have that habit.

"Why are there raised lines on it?" Lily was still confused.

"This..." Luo Wei couldn't think of how to explain this question for a while, "you will know later..."

It seems that although she has smelled it before, she also has a way to resolve it by herself, and her common sense is really at the same level as Vermeer.

Those powders were prepared by Xiaoerwuzi. Luo Wei only said that they were for Lily, but he didn't explain the whole thing in such detail.

He didn't intend for Vermeer to learn it too.

"I'll write the formula for the medicine powder for you later, other idols should also be able to use it."


This medicine powder can effectively suppress some situations in special periods, and avoid accidents happening suddenly before going on stage. I was very nervous to perform in front of so many people.

After telling her these things, Ahu Lili jumped up violently, her head almost hitting his chin.


She let out a low growl, her face turned redder than before with shame, and she waved back and forth on whether to bite him or not, baring her teeth.

"Who, who can't help but need this kind of thing!"

Then she reacted again.


That happy stick is also for...


She bit Luo Wei hard, this time Luo Wei didn't even hide, just let her bite.


The little tiger teeth pierced the exterior, but Luo Wei still didn't respond, didn't even look at it.

This made Ahu Lili a little sluggish for a while, and her fierce expression gradually relaxed.


The red eyes looked eagerly, but Luo Wei still didn't look at her.

Ahu Lili shrugged her ears, thinking about it carefully, he specially prepared these for himself, just like the methods taught to him by the Mother Goddess.

Have you failed him?

This made her loosen her teeth slowly, feeling as if she had done something wrong, she bowed her head and backed away.

Then, he raised his head timidly, looking at the blood spilling from Luo Wei's palm, his eyes were full of guilt.


Hesitating again and again, she stretched out her head, gently licked his wound with her tongue, and stopped the bleeding for him.

Luo Wei looked down in silence, he naturally had his reasons for not hiding.


How can she lick her wound like this...

"Are you finished biting?" Seeing that the blood had stopped, Luo Wei curled his lips and said, "Let's continue after biting."

Ahu Lili shrank to the side with some self-blame.

After raising his head tremblingly, he pointed to the bottle and asked, "What is that empty bottle for?"

Luo Wei picked up the five-pointed star bottle.

"You said this..."

He looked at the dog girl who was lowered there, and closed his eyes.

"There are two options, you fill it up for me, or I fill it up for you."

Ahu Lili: "?"

"Filled? Filled with what?"

Luo Wei responded without thinking: "Of course it's the smell you have to smell from time to time. Throw away the previous one quickly."


The chief culprit of this matter is him. After such a long time, it is impossible to just say a word and let it go.

Then satisfy her.

Ahu Lili thought for a moment, she would know how to use the happy stick he said just now, maybe...


When she lowered her head, Luo Wei supported her chin with his hand and lifted it up slightly.

Then, stroking her lips with the other hand, let her open her mouth, brushing her fingers lightly over her small fangs.

Ahu Lili: "..."

Her heart was about to jump into her throat, but her body couldn't resist it. In front of her was the familiar scent mark, the only smell that could make her lose her resistance when she smelled it.

I don't know how many nights I have fallen in that smell.


He let out a groan of grievance, his body unconsciously exuded a smell that could attract the opposite sex, and his brain gradually became blurred.

Luo Wei gently picked her up.

Ahu Lili gave him a weak look, and that look was completely irresistible.

She shrank back and asked timidly:

" can't help but want to ○○ with me?"

"You can refuse." Luo Wei maintained his last shred of reason.




She acquiesced.

There are not so many twists and turns in the relationship between the orcs, and there is no need for customs and etiquette. Luo Wei kissed her lips, and the warmth flowed through her hot body temperature, which was the comfort that came after months of longing.

A line of tears flashed from the corner of the dog girl's eyes, I don't know if it was happiness or fear, or a mixture of various complex emotions.

Rowe laid her flat.

Stare into her tender eyes that are about to melt.

"Miss Idol, I want to ○○ with you."

Anticipating what was about to happen, the blush spread across her face, Ahu Lili opened her eyes and looked at the current scene, as if she wanted to keep this scene in her heart forever.

Not simply following instinct.

It's the thoughts, which have long been taken away by desires in those countless days and nights.

I am imagining the scenes with him, longing for the feeling of being treated like this by him, but I can't express it in normal times.

"……it is good."

What was never dreamed of came true.




Two days later.

Rowe got dressed in the middle of the tent.

The smell in the air is irritating, but it still hasn't subsided.

"Are you... hu... hu... are you leaving?"

Luo Wei sat on his back, fearing that he could not help himself when he turned around, and said with a wry smile: "You only have two days off, there are still idol activities today."

The bottle of the five-pointed star was filled to the brim, and it was carefully held by Ahu Lili in her arms, and the happy stick was left aside.

"...Come to me when you run out, remember to save it with magic power."



Coming out of the tent, Luo Wei slowly took a breath of the air outside, and saw a familiar figure standing at the entrance of the valley.

Mother Goddess of Beasts, Athetana.

She turned around gently and said: "Vermier knows that Lily is not a competitor, Saya and Ayi only think that you are in special training."


Luo Wei felt embarrassed for a moment.

It's not because Athetana waited here on purpose, but Lily kept asking "Do you and the Mother Goddess do the same?", "Does the Mother Goddess make a sound?" Are you more active?"...

Even if the misunderstanding is solved, Ahu Lili will still think wildly.

It can only be said that she has also grown from the experience of being an idol, and knows how to adjust her mentality and distinguish priorities.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't care.

This made Luo Wei, for a moment, at a loss as to how to face Athetana.

"It's me who should thank you," Athetana leaned slightly towards him, "you helped the tribal leader again and solved Lily's troubles."

"……you are welcome."

Luo Wei shook his head awkwardly.

This feeling is like thanking him for solving the incident with his lower body.

He withdrew his thoughts about "what about the mother god" and brought the topic back to the business.

"Have you finished dealing with your affairs here?"

Athetana looked up and nodded.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the Garden of Silence with you."

Then she smiled softly, and responded to his mischievous joke with tolerance.

"As you wish, take me away."

 There are three pictures

(End of this chapter)

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