Chapter 149 Why Are You Wearing Rowe's Clothes

Crownless City, South Craftsman Street.

Crosie's workshop.

"Welcome Light..."

Early in the morning, the Catwoman clerk heard the wind chime ringing at the door, and said the welcome words skillfully, but saw Luo Wei and the others coming in.

"Are you going to see the situation today?" Catwoman glanced at A Yining who was present, and chose rationally not to call Brother Luo Wei.

During this period of time, Luo Wei and the others just came here and left in a hurry, staying for less than 10 minutes each time. Although the business in the store was still very good, I heard that John's side was more popular. As the cat girl who trained the clerk there, Naturally, I feel a little reconciled.

Think of a way!

However, she soon discovered that besides the four of them, there were two more people this time. One of them was purple-haired and purple-eyed, so beautiful that people thought he had walked out of a painting.

And another...

It's so high, this's almost the same as my own mother god...


The catwoman showed doubts, and then saw the tall woman take off her hood, revealing her light blue skin.

"Mother God...!" Catwoman almost exclaimed, quickly blocked her mouth, and looked around in horror.

"Bai Lier, it's good to see you so energetic." Athetana said with a smile.

The clerk Bai Lier still couldn't recover from her shock.

My own mother god has come to Wuguan City! ?

"Could it something wrong with the tribe leader?" She asked with wide eyes.

"No," Athetana lowered her head and smiled, "About the experience of these days, you will know it after watching the magic projection."

Afterwards, all the orc employees who heard the news rushed over, including those who worked in John's Workshop, and watched Ahu Lili and the others' performance in front of the magic projection.


Belle was a little mad.

"I thought our life was happy enough, damn it...why didn't you choose me!"

She looked at Luo Wei enviously, and the latter spread his hands helplessly.

"The workshop needs you."

"Ah! I'm going to be absent from work tomorrow, absent from work!"

"Calm down, Senior Bailier..."

"Haha... It's not that I can't understand this kind of mood, Bai Lier is very suitable for this kind of occasion."

Faced with their thoughts, Luo Wei sighed and said: "Maybe there will be opportunities in the future. After all, idols don't have an advantage if they debut first. Whether they can be active until the end depends on their ability."

"Really!" Bai Lier said in surprise.

"That's right," Luo Wei squinted his eyes, "But if you mention absenteeism again, I'll let you become a miner in the mine."

Bai Lier's face froze instantly.

"...I-I was just joking, Brother Luo Wei will definitely not mind, right?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the temperature in the air suddenly dropped.

No one dared to look back.

You don't need to look to be sure that someone has appeared there.

"Bai, Li, Er!!" Ayi Ning stood at the door with a murderous look, "I think you are looking for death on purpose!"

"Master Goddess, save me >.<!"

Athetana watched them fight together with a smile, with sincere relief on her face.

After confirming it with my own eyes, I realized that my people are living really well here, and once again cast a thankful look to Luo Wei.

Then in order to protect their peace and stability here, I should also perform my duty.

After a little confirmation of the situation in the store, Rowe took Athetana and Ilus to the courtyard of silence.

Athetana: "..."

Iluth: "..."

When the two stood in this old place of ancient gods, they coincidentally fell silent for a while.

Luo Wei is not sure which of the two of them is older, but one thing is certain - the era when they were first born was not far from the battle of gods.

"There are many breaths above me left here."

As a third-level god, Athetana opened her eyes, expressing some concern about this.

"Even if it has fallen, there may be a gathering power hidden in a certain node or gap, you must be careful."

Then she looked at the wishing tree in the distance. Luo Wei knew that Athetana had a relationship with the goddess of water purification for a few times, but she could not be called an acquaintance. .

Illus remained silent the whole time.

As she said.

Only fight, not express opinions.

" is it?" Athetana looked at the platform that looked like a complex of buildings, obviously it had just been built.

"Closey's handwriting."

Luo Wei shook his head helplessly, and saw that little wild cat was still squatting in front of the seal, wearing an ill-fitting black coat, so focused that no one appeared at all.

The three of them gradually approached, and the seal preventing them from going to the God War area was close at hand, no matter how powerful the magic power was, it could not be shaken.

"How's it going?"

Luo Wei suddenly made a noise, which startled Ke Luoxi who was holding the hammer, and it was he who calmed down.

She was wearing a completely ill-fitting black long dress, covering her body like a large raincoat, with the buttons casually draped, and the collar drooping down, like an off-the-shoulder dress, revealing a large area of ​​dark skin from her chest to her neck .

"Why is the Mother God here, who is this?"


The two made a brief introduction, and Athetana looked at her ill-fitting attire and asked:
"Closy, is this on you?"

"Oh, I'm wearing Rowe's clothes."

Ke Luoxi answered as a matter of course.

Luo Wei: "?"

As soon as he showed doubts, the two women beside him cast their gazes over at the same time, one side was tolerant and reproachful, the other side was frivolous and playful, sandwiching him in the middle with black lines on his face.

what's the situation……

Why am I taking the blame again?

Just like Ahu Lily, what would Athetana and Irus think.

"No, wait," Luo Wei asked quickly, frowning, "Why do you have my clothes?"

"Huh?" Ke Luoxi looked at him as a matter of course, "I have carefully measured the size of every part of your body, isn't it normal to have your clothes?"

Athetana: "..."

Iluth: "..."

Rowe's face trembled.

How come the more you say it, the more exaggerated it is...

Iluth also said a very meaningful "Oh?", as if to express that he is not only suitable for all ages, but also for all races, and he even caters for different skin colors.

This made his scalp tingle, and he quickly pulled Ke Luoxi's arm.

"It's about to take off."

"Eh? Is it here?" Ke Luoxi glanced at the two women uncertainly, "I'm not wearing anything underneath."

Athetana: "..."

Iluth: "..."

Luo Wei patted his forehead again.

I really can't explain it now.

Why are you wearing my clothes in a vacuum!
Ke Luoxi also happens to have a sweaty physique. After she had been busy at this moment, the sweat flowed down her dark skin into her chest, soaked in her clothes, and inhaled the wild scent on her body.

"Heh..." Iluth laughed frivolously, "I've heard that I like girls' sweat, but this is the first time I've seen this kind of gameplay."

Luo Wei: "..."

This society's death came too suddenly.

But he still felt something was wrong.

"Wait, I remember that I didn't ask you to help me make the order on the clothing recently, you..."

"That's right!" Ke Luoxi saw that he seemed to have guessed it, her eyes lit up sharply, "This is your ultimate request, although it is a bit embarrassing to say that, but I hope you can continue to support me in the future, after all, including me Everything in the studio is yours."

Luo Wei almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

While this is true in a way, please stop saying misleading things.

Forget about Iluth, the image in front of Athetana may be completely irreparable...


The ultimate request?
Luo Wei was taken aback after thinking about it for a moment.

"What you are wearing now..." He frowned deeply and looked at Ke Luoxi, "Could it be the first order I entrusted to you?"

Ke Luoxi was also taken aback.

"Huh? So you didn't guess it? Then what order did you think it was just now? It refers to the pink one..."

Luo Wei quickly covered her mouth, and if she continued to talk like this, the matter of ordering a happy box for Ahu Lily would also be exposed.

If he guessed correctly, he knew what Ke Luoxi was wearing now.

High-ranking Demon God Battle Clothes! !
This guy actually made it while he was away. Could it be that this was also made "simply"?

"No no no no..."

The two struggled while covering each other, while the other two just watched them silently.


After Luo Wei noticed it, he stopped with a black face, and Ke Luoxi turned around and said to him: "Don't worry, you don't really want to stab yourself with that one..."

Athetana: "..."

Iluth: "..."

Do not know why.

Luo Wei suddenly had an urge to silence.

 Happy Lantern Festival~

(End of this chapter)

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