Chapter 150
Covering that mouth at any time, Luo Wei figured out the cause and effect.

The Demon God's Battlesuit was indeed made, and Ke Luoxi put it on to borrow power and use it to study the seal.

And this matter also has a clue.

"To put it simply, the seal of divine power is like a ball that is constantly spinning, and there is only one point on it that is the correct answer." Ke Luoxi explained.

"Just tell me how long it will take."

"I have penetrated quite deep now," she replied without thinking, "I believe it will not take long to pierce the membrane."

Luo Wei: "..."

Athetana: "..."

Iluth: "..."

The three were speechless together, but the other two still glanced at Luo Wei.

Why it depends on me.

Although I did do it three days ago...

"Put on your own clothes, I want to test the effect of that suit."

"oh oh……"

Chloe went to change.

Facing the gazes of the other two, Luo Wei didn't bother to explain anything. Even if he made it clear, they probably didn't think it was surprising that he was really interested in Ke Luoxi's sweat.

Destroy it.

When Ke Luoxi brought the clothes over, Luo Wei put them on without hesitation, eager to know the specific strength of this battle suit.

This is the last promotion before going down to the Ruins of the God War. In the current team, he can't beat Athetana, Ayining, Iluth and Saya who are at full strength, so he can only bully Xiao Two or five boys...

It's so tragic.

It's not that he's weak, but that all of them are either gifted, accumulated over time, or simply gods, and Vermier, who doesn't have much experience, can make him find a little warmth.

But that guy can become stronger when he sleeps...

Feeling the improvement brought by the high-level protection to the body, Luo Wei opened his eyes, pressed the hilt of the sword, and gathered the magic power around his body.

"Refining Qi and Transforming God"!
The ripples and vortexes of magic power swayed around, and the resonant buzz sounded in the courtyard. The whole space was vibrating at a certain frequency, and ripples kept swaying in circles.

Athetana immediately protected Ke Luoxi with her divine power, and Iluth's face changed slightly.

The tree wants to be calm and the wind does not stop.

Right now, the water is about to calm down, but it is shaking non-stop.

"It seems that you have found the way you want to go." Athetana expressed her relief. Compared with the battle against the God of Bone and Blood in the Beast Tide War, Rovi's growth has completely exceeded her expectations.

Luo Wei looked down at the whole body, the water-blue avatar looked messy, and it was difficult to gather with higher precision.

Originally, with the help of A Yining, the process of refining qi and transforming into gods was almost done, and there were only some finishing touches left.

Putting on the Demon God's battle clothes would have to trouble her for a while.

After dissipating the maintenance of magic power, Luo Wei said calmly:
"It seems that you have obtained your Level 2 craftsman certificate."

"Hey! Of course!" Ke Luoxi was full of confidence.

This battle suit is her masterpiece after a flash of inspiration.

Among the equipment of the group, only Saya's red and white court battle uniform is the same, but Saya is reluctant to wear it usually, probably to avoid being dressed as a Valkyrie and being done all kinds of strange things by him.

And now, finally, there is a second one.

This was also Luo Wei's initial expectation. Finally, he didn't feed so many materials in vain. In the production of top-level items, Ke Luoxi finally stabilized John's head.

"You wear this battle suit during the day, and I wear it at night." Luo Wei came to the conclusion with a calm expression, and said under the pressure of the eyes of the two.

Ke Luoxi wanted to use it to study the seal, and he wanted to practice refining Qi and turning into a god at night. Even if he didn't say it, everyone could see it.

"That's good! Take it off, take it off! It's mine now!"

"...You can wear it, don't be naked inside."

"Ah...? But if you put on underwear, it will be very wet and uncomfortable."

Luo Wei: "..."

I shouldn't have struggled.

Athetana was embarrassed, "Well, the two of us should go first..."

"Avoid it for a while," Iluth smiled slightly, "I understand."


After taking off the battle clothes to Ke Luoxi, Luo Wei didn't want to say anything, and hurriedly dragged Ilus back to the workshop.

As soon as the two returned, they heard a shocking news.

Marcus, Marshal of the Eastern Empire, is in the store.


Meanwhile, the front lobby of the Kobo.

"As you can see, we are running an independent workshop," Vermeer stood behind the counter, looking up at Marcus, "We will not agree to your request."

"Really, I just want to entrust you to make it," Marcus said calmly, "Don't you accept the order from the Hooffire Empire?"

"I'm sorry, our workshop is already full of orders," Vermier responded seriously, "I'm afraid it will take a few months or even half a year, and it will take three months to accept such a large order." God will give the answer."

On the side, Saya and Ayining received other customers in the store, but they kept paying attention to that side.

"Excuse me..." Someone asked about Saya's products.

"It's all marked on it, I don't know how to read it!" Saya responded impatiently, her hand was already on the spear.


Don't want to make the atmosphere more serious, but if Marcus has the intention to attack, the two will stop him without hesitation.

"Oh?" Marcus smiled, "But I heard that Ryan and his party on the North Street can skip the queue at your place, right?"

"It's a collaboration between workshops and workshops."

Marcus' face darkened.

"Then if I do, I must."

Under the counter, Vermeer gradually clenched her fists, and the super-level spells that had been sung silently were ready.

"Then I can only refuse you."

The air gradually became solemn, and Vermier didn't give in at all when facing Marcus who was much taller than her.

And at this moment, Marcus suddenly smiled lowly, and his expression relaxed.

"Hehe... It seems that I made an unreasonable request."

Wei Mier's eyes tightened, and she didn't take it lightly because the other party showed slack, but took a step back.

In case it's just a superficial disguise, deliberately tricking me into slack and revealing flaws...

Just thinking about this, she bumped into the person behind her, turned her head, and Luo Wei stood there at some point.

Hey, hey...

when did he come...

Vermier glanced in panic, then turned around to be wary of Marcus, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

Woo, you actually stood behind me and didn't make a sound...

"What's your business?" Rowe looked at Marcus coldly, "I've already stated my position."

"Oh, I just want to entrust you to make some standard equipment for the army."


Luo Wei refused very simply. It is impossible for this guy not to know that Crocy's workshop is a high-end order, and it is just a deliberate test at the moment.

I didn't expect Vermeer to be able to handle it. It would be better if I could not squeeze my fists nervously... No, it would be like her instead.

Stupid, probably scared to death.

Marcus was not surprised by Luo Wei's rejection. This third-level god who killed thousands of people without blinking an eye smiled and looked at him with gray eyes.

"So many things happened during this period, but you are just indifferent, and you are not even in the city most of the time, don't you find it very curious?"

"Really?" Luo Wei folded his arms indifferently, "Knowing that the city is in chaos, it's normal to go to another place to avoid it."

These days, there have been many small conflicts between different forces and countries. The mine pillars were poked out in the city, the demon god of the Silent Night Forest appeared, the road built by the Hooffire Empire was blown up, and the withdrawal route of the Prime Minister of the Lion Garden was cut off. , the demon country occupied half of the land of the elves on the lake, and the wild elves took part of the forest land of the demon country along the mountain road...

Weakening each other, forming alliances and checking and balancing each other, this result is obviously not what the empire wants.

Ryan played a key role.

The most puzzling thing among them is the attitude of Lovely, the fifth princess of the Lion Garden, who is completely out of all kinds of disputes. Marcus is not so much asking about Luo Wei, but rather asking about Lovely. mean.

"Idol Project," Marcus said the word and shook his head, "I didn't expect that the fifth princess would have time to return to China to do these things."

Presumably, I heard about it from the theater troupe of the empire.

"Who knows," Luo Wei naturally couldn't tell the other party his plan, "Maybe the fifth princess is a peace-loving person and intends to influence the world with love."

"Ha ha……"

Marcus laughed a little while listening.

"Since this is the case, how about letting the warship that will destroy the peace leave for a while?"

Lovely naturally did not intend to influence the world with love.

The Wing of the Sky is like a nail embedded in the Fortress of Remnant Fire, and it has important strategic significance for both the Hooffire Empire and Prime Minister Randall of the Lion Garden.

What Marcus said was almost like a joke, and Rowe naturally responded with a joke.

"Okay, as long as you destroy the design and then withdraw your troops from the west of Wuguan City, the five princesses will naturally go back."

The two looked at each other.

Marcus clearly knew that Lovely wanted to bring Randall down, but that was no motivation for him to let the Liongarden army come under attack.

That's why we need to talk.

As for what Luo Wei meant, there is no need to talk about it.

Lovely did not agree to such a request in the last round, but the meeting between the two parties did aggravate the changes in the situation, which may be what Marcus wanted.

So this time, Luo Wei will not let them contact.

"Honestly, you surprised me."

Marcus still stood there, unafraid of the eyes cast on him around him.

"In the face of such a chaotic situation, with power in hand, how can we turn a blind eye?"

Luo Wei smiled, and glanced at the other women in the store, "I'm just a workshop owner who lives in peace, saving the world is up to people like you."

After hearing this, Marcus expressed emotion.

He left without saying a word.

The few people left in the shop looked at him helplessly.

An Sheng's workshop boss?

Du Ansheng went to the ruins of the ancient battle of gods...

Luo Wei didn't care whether Marcus believed it or not. Originally, the more outrageous he said, the more he could express his attitude. Instead, he stepped forward and gently pressed the back of his hand to Vermeer's ass, which was still in a daze.


Vermeer blushed and looked back at him.

Ah, Ayi Ning is still there.

Moreover, such an oppressive thing happened just now, and now I really relax, I feel my legs are shaking a little...

Luo Wei couldn't help laughing at her cute appearance.

Trying to do well.

The matter of Ahu Lili, even though she is still gentle on the surface, she must have some grudges in her heart.

Then she should be rewarded anyway.

"Would you like to go out with me?"

"Eh?" Vermeer didn't react for a while.

go out?

where to go?
Luo Wei looked at her with a smile, and whispered in her ear, "Just the two of us."

Vermeer's face immediately turned red.


Should he...

Luo Wei looked at her reaction and smiled.

Bullying her was really fun.

"Why, it's rare that I'm willing to go shopping with you. I need to confirm some things in the city. If you don't go, I'll find Saya."

Vermeer: ​​"!!!"

He was about to leave to walk towards Saya, when Vermeer suddenly hugged him from behind.

"Don't, don't...let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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